well it certainly is convenient for u to say "honesty is the best policy" considering there was no problem with ur honesty. the real tester would have been if she freaked out and gave u some sort of guilt trip or ultimatum. my guess then is u would be singing a different tune.
also just because shes willing to give u a shot of steroids in ur butt does not mean she loves u..
im sure ur happy that ur woman doesnt give a crap about something u thought u may have conflict from, but that doesnt mean that u have discovered any enlightening wisdom. to say conclusively because ur woman responded a certain way that all men should adopt ur philosophy would only make logical sense if every man was dating your woman..
in conclusion i would like to say i believe honesty is the best policy, but not because my wife doesnt give me conflict due to my honesty, but more so because thats what solid relationships are built on. lying, IMO, is like having ur woman think u are someone u are not.. who wants to be with a woman they cant be themselves around?? not me.. i may hear a fair share of bitching but at least i know im being true to myself and our relationship..