I haven't had a cold or sniffle all winter other then a little sinus infection which was before and why I started taking this. An old man (and I do mean old like 75 ish) at work has had a upper respiratory cough for months. He is Chinese decent and said thieves has same Chinese medicine herbs that his ancestors used when he was a young lad.
I wouldn't suggest anything that would harm you. Trust me hon.
Google 100 uses of coconut oil. Then go out and buy in bulk. i use for many purpose. For you I would suggest sugar glow rubs.

Mix coconut oil with raw brown sugar till paste like. Lay some old sheets and towels in front of a lit fireplace. Find someone to exfoliate your body with mixture. Use towel to brush off and wrap another old sheet around your body while in route to shower (its a mess to clean up if naked ) Rinse off. Don't use soap. Return to fireplace and have body cream applied. Your skin will be sooooo

Just for fun, return the favor to the person who scrubbed you. add a little wine to the evening and voile :P