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Thread: President Hillary Rodham Clinton

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    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Angry President Hillary Rodham Clinton

    That is a worst case scenario for tomorrows front page news. Now then can anyone here please tell me why so many American people want to vote for her? Especially after she has already told the American public what she plans to do once in office. For instance she is going to raise taxes on the middle class by 25%. she will slowly phase out all gasoline engines with all gasoline powered autos and trucks and all other gas powered engines to be removed from all public roads and thoroughfares with 20 years and destroyed. Replacing them with newer technology vehicles like electric and solar powered and hydrogen engine powered vehicles. She also is phasing out all coal which is what most electric power plant use to give us our electric grid and she is immediately raising taxes and fees on our electric bills by 4 fold which over a short time will quadruple our bills per month.Also she is bringing in millions more people from countries like Syria at such a pace that very few if any will be checked to see if they are radicalized or not. she is continuing Obamacare which is raising our costs over 100 percent in copays. And these are all just for starters. add to this her first term in office will be smeared while she is tied up in legal issues all 4 years of her term, while she tries to explain how they can have a tax free foudation that makes them millions tax free while giving nothing back to the people it is supposed to help. The world is all laughing at America as we have lost all respect worldwide due to both her and her Husband Lying Bill as his administration went through the I did not have sexual relations with that woman Monica Whorisky! Add to the fact that the FBI is so corrupt as well as our other above reproach agencies up there in Washington and we have a recipe for disaster. So how can everyday American people honestly vote for a communist, lying, cheating, stealing, murdering, skank, and hold their heads up high bragging about how proud they are to be Americans? Ladies and Gents of the board, I'm so disgusted and sickened by all of this mess and if she wins tomorrow it will the the final nail in America's Coffin IMO. there is so much out there to keep her from being elected from wiki leaks alone, but it's like no one wants to hear the truth and they all want to put her in at any cost. If America isn't run by communists its damn close to it! To me it's like Hillary could kill her own Daughter and it would not matter because Americans would still vote her in. So much damage is being done to Amerca by Americans that no matter what happens it may be too late for America to recover from this and at that point it's every man woman and child for themselves and what the hell just go ahead and steal everything you can and sell it all the the Chinese and Russians, all of our technology and secrets and priceless artifacts before the next guy does. it's called treason but Hillary and her gang have been doing it for years without consequence so why not everyone else? I don't know how others on here feel about the Biaitch, but I for one can't stand her and will never trust her nor will I ever acknowledge her as President and if this were the 1940's she would be arrested for high treason just like Julius and Ethyl Rosenberg. Haven't they created enough turmoil to this great country without reelecting them to the same place where all the scandal started? Do we really need revolving doors placed in the rear of the White House to accomadate all of Bill Clintons' sluts to come through to satisfy his needs all while charging it all To the American Taxpayers? How much and how long must we all be duped before Americans finally awaken from this Clinton slumber? let's hope for all our sakes it is not too late to stop the madness! Good Night all and go vote!
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  2. #2
    Marsoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    That is a worst case scenario for tomorrows front page news. Now then can anyone here please tell me why so many American people want to vote for her? Especially after she has already told the American public what she plans to do once in office. For instance she is going to raise taxes on the middle class by 25%. she will slowly phase out all gasoline engines with all gasoline powered autos and trucks and all other gas powered engines to be removed from all public roads and thoroughfares with 20 years and destroyed. Replacing them with newer technology vehicles like electric and solar powered and hydrogen engine powered vehicles. She also is phasing out all coal which is what most electric power plant use to give us our electric grid and she is immediately raising taxes and fees on our electric bills by 4 fold which over a short time will quadruple our bills per month.Also she is bringing in millions more people from countries like Syria at such a pace that very few if any will be checked to see if they are radicalized or not. she is continuing Obamacare which is raising our costs over 100 percent in copays. And these are all just for starters. add to this her first term in office will be smeared while she is tied up in legal issues all 4 years of her term, while she tries to explain how they can have a tax free foudation that makes them millions tax free while giving nothing back to the people it is supposed to help. The world is all laughing at America as we have lost all respect worldwide due to both her and her Husband Lying Bill as his administration went through the I did not have sexual relations with that woman Monica Whorisky! Add to the fact that the FBI is so corrupt as well as our other above reproach agencies up there in Washington and we have a recipe for disaster. So how can everyday American people honestly vote for a communist, lying, cheating, stealing, murdering, skank, and hold their heads up high bragging about how proud they are to be Americans? Ladies and Gents of the board, I'm so disgusted and sickened by all of this mess and if she wins tomorrow it will the the final nail in America's Coffin IMO. there is so much out there to keep her from being elected from wiki leaks alone, but it's like no one wants to hear the truth and they all want to put her in at any cost. If America isn't run by communists its damn close to it! To me it's like Hillary could kill her own Daughter and it would not matter because Americans would still vote her in. So much damage is being done to Amerca by Americans that no matter what happens it may be too late for America to recover from this and at that point it's every man woman and child for themselves and what the hell just go ahead and steal everything you can and sell it all the the Chinese and Russians, all of our technology and secrets and priceless artifacts before the next guy does. it's called treason but Hillary and her gang have been doing it for years without consequence so why not everyone else? I don't know how others on here feel about the Biaitch, but I for one can't stand her and will never trust her nor will I ever acknowledge her as President and if this were the 1940's she would be arrested for high treason just like Julius and Ethyl Rosenberg. Haven't they created enough turmoil to this great country without reelecting them to the same place where all the scandal started? Do we really need revolving doors placed in the rear of the White House to accomadate all of Bill Clintons' sluts to come through to satisfy his needs all while charging it all To the American Taxpayers? How much and how long must we all be duped before Americans finally awaken from this Clinton slumber? let's hope for all our sakes it is not too late to stop the madness! Good Night all and go vote!
    Literally everyone I tak to or anything I see is against Hillary. Have no idea how if at all he is leading in polls. Unless trump supporters simply aren't taking a part in the polls. I really believe that if she wins it's totally rigged vote becuase I hardly know or see anyone on Facebook that supports her maybe like 4 in about 300 lol .
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  3. #3
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    But, who instead?!

    I really see a doomsday upon us(U.S.) shortly

    Shit is so just volatile right now. IMO Hillary can still drag everything out longer - Trump damn near equals a economic crash as soon as he steps into office.

    I don't know - this election has my side of the land worried a bit. Some still seem to be in denial still saying shit won't change and it makes no dif on who gets into the White House.

    I never really follow politics - but, I started when the non politician candidate actually got somewhere
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  4. #4
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    I think Trump will do good for this country.I believe he will run it like a business.He just needs too learn somethings.But so did O Bummer and many others.I like many others are tired of seeing the good ole boyz in office.

  5. #5
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Why do your elections go for ages?

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    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Trump and putin for world safety

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    RaginCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic
    Why do your elections go for ages?
    They don't

    It's the campaigns that seem to go on forever

    I sure hope Hitlary doesn't win and just hard for me to fathom that someone can vote for someone who hasn't done shit in 30 years in office. That is the problem, need to stop life long politicians and but shorter terms to keep the corruption down to a minimum

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  9. #9
    -Ender-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post

    Now then can anyone here please tell me why so many American people want to vote for her? Especially after she has already told the American public what she plans to do once in office.

    her first term in office will be smeared while she is tied up in legal issues all 4 years of her term

    So how can everyday American people honestly vote for a communist, lying, cheating, stealing, murdering, skank,

    Ladies and Gents of the board, I'm so disgusted and sickened by all of this If America isn't run by communists its damn close to it!
    To me it's like Hillary could kill her own Daughter and it would not matter because Americans would still vote her in.

    it's called treason but Hillary and her gang have been doing it for years without consequence so why not everyone else?
    I don't know how others on here feel about the Biaitch, but I for one can't stand her .

    Haven't they created enough turmoil to this great country

    How much and how long must we all be duped

    stop the madness! Good Night all and go vote!

    I just condensed the post to the highlights for those with a little A.D.D.

    you're welcome.

    Lying Commie skank Biaitch... I like it!
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  10. #10
    diesel101's Avatar
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    I agree 100% sholva
    Every time I see the polls I wonder who in their right mind could vote for a person like that.
    All of the illegal crap that woman has pulled it is amazing people would vote for her.
    But on the other hand trump has said mean things and hurt people's feelings

  11. #11
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    How's going?

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    Totally agree with you Shol'va, but I respectfully request the following for your next rant:



    • 1.
      arrange (a piece of writing) in paragraphs.

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  13. #13
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    Sad thing for me is that I have always been a democrat but they have gone off the rails so far that I can no longer associate myself with them. There is no longer any sense of fair play in them. it's win at all costs! Lie, cheat, steal, People ask why doesn't anyone with good common sense run for President? And I say in today's America why would they? Think about it, if you don't have any dirt on you, if they cannot find anything to use against you then they make it all up and report it as the absolute truth! this is what it has come to in American politics today. Not only that but think about this...It now costs 1 Billion dollars to get elected to the office of President. A job that pays 4 hundred thousand dollars a year. What is wrong with this picture???

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Think about it, if you don't have any dirt on you, if they cannot find anything to use against you then they make it all up and report it as the absolute truth!

    Case in point, Harry Reid! Thank god that asshat is on his way out of congress....lies on the Senate floor and doesn't care as nothing can be done about it.
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    I was wondering when someone would comment on my one very long paragraph writing form. lol It's funny because I was thinking the same thing when I posted that rant. That it needed clarity and breaks between subjects that are being written about. Not only that but when one writes like that in a one very long paragraph without breaks, many of our forum members just open the post and feel overwhelmed with the post and just close it out without reading it. So they miss out on what the post is about. After all these years one would think I would post my statements properly, especially since I am College edumacatered. Yep I are smart. Or is it Smart-elek?
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    Both candidates would be under the control of the military industrial complex along with the banks . Its about who's going to throw our rights down the toilet the fastest , and with hillary that's most likely what you'll get .. I do believe that hillary will make things worse then trump . Especially when you see the tyrants in office staging all of the ndaa propaganda to gain outcome . Not to mention Hillary and the Dnc's blatant corruption , clinton cash , clinton body count , podesta emails from wikileaks , project veritas etc .

  17. #17
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    Just voted now. TRUMP BABY.
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    I've been seeing reports of massive voter fraud. Oh and guess what, it all seems to be favoring the democrats. I saw an article on Vox about the black church that was burned and had vote trump painted on it. Claiming this as evidence that trump supporters were racist. Um, no supporter in their right mind would do that unless they were supporting Hilary. People actually can't think for themselves:-(
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 11-08-2016 at 03:29 PM.
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    About to go vote for mr. Trump.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sehdee View Post
    Both candidates would be under the control of the military industrial complex along with the banks . Its about who's going to throw our rights down the toilet the fastest , and with hillary that's most likely what you'll get .. I do believe that hillary will make things worse then trump . Especially when you see the tyrants in office staging all of the ndaa propaganda to gain outcome . Not to mention Hillary and the Dnc's blatant corruption , clinton cash , clinton body count , podesta emails from wikileaks , project veritas etc .
    Normally I would agree with you. However, the establishment of both parties
    Fought so hard to keep him out. It makes me think that he is actually doing this because he thinks it's all a giant shit show and wants us to remain strong as a nation.
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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  21. #21
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    Here in the U.K. Trump looks like the worst thing to happen. Ever.

    He'll pretty much isolate you as a country, it'll raise a lot of doubt about the security of your country and as such the dollar will weaken.

    On top of that, bookies here have Clinton as the clear winner.

    Imho, better the devil you know. It seems to me almost everything is out with Clinton. With trump he wants to turn your country into a white supremacist country.

    At least, that's how it looks from this side of the pond. I haven't spoken to a single person that thinks he is good for president.

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    Can't phase out petroleum vehicles. That places a trillion dollar bounty on your head. Hope she tries though. Make for a short presidency.

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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Here in the U.K. Trump looks like the worst thing to happen. Ever.

    He'll pretty much isolate you as a country, it'll raise a lot of doubt about the security of your country and as such the dollar will weaken.

    On top of that, bookies here have Clinton as the clear winner.

    Imho, better the devil you know. It seems to me almost everything is out with Clinton. With trump he wants to turn your country into a white supremacist country.

    At least, that's how it looks from this side of the pond. I haven't spoken to a single person that thinks he is good for president.

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    trump does not want to turn our country into a white supremacist country, where the hell is that coming from? that is the dumbest one i have heard yet

  24. #24
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    Most vehicles today are equipped with egr emissions of some sort for "the good of the enviornment" what a coincidence that engines choking on their own exhaust would make their fuel economy fall in half. Why it's almost as if all of the global warming propoganda was started for the sole purpose of more fuel consumption! Lol! Trillions made per year solely because of emissions sanctions!

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun
    trump does not want to turn our country into a white supremacist country, where the hell is that coming from? that is the dumbest one i have heard yet
    maybe it's a twist by the media.

    All we see of him is that he's a racist bigot.
    "Let's build a wall and get the Mexicans to pay for it"
    "Let's deport all Muslim"

    And the recent sexual abuse claims.

    As I said, just how it looks from this side of the pond

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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    maybe it's a twist by the media.

    All we see of him is that he's a racist bigot.
    "Let's build a wall and get the Mexicans to pay for it"
    "Let's deport all Muslim"

    And the recent sexual abuse claims.

    As I said, just how it looks from this side of the pond

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    he definitely said that and the media is all about Hillary. they are all in cahoots!
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  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun
    he definitely said that and the media is all about Hillary. they are all in cahoots!
    Either way o home the US prospers. Gotta say though Obama was the people's champ over here. Very likeable!

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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Either way o home the US prospers. Gotta say though Obama was the people's champ over here. Very likeable!

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    crazy that yall think that over there

    he has been the worse ever, not to say bush was any better. my health insurance has tripled under him and all the dumb ass sanctions for the energy industry has sucked for the US.
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post

    Either way o home the US prospers. Gotta say though Obama was the people's champ over here. Very likeable!

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    I don't even know how to respond to that.

    I always ask people that like Obama to tell me three things that he's done that were good for the USA.
    I've yet to get 3 good answers

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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    maybe it's a twist by the media.

    All we see of him is that he's a racist bigot.
    "Let's build a wall and get the Mexicans to pay for it"
    "Let's deport all Muslim"

    And the recent sexual abuse claims.

    As I said, just how it looks from this side of the pond

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    You are getting a very skewed presentation of reality. The reason Western European nations do not want him, is Trump doesn't want to keep paying for everyone else's national defense. While all of NATO cuts military spending. He wants a fair exchange, which when you have had something for free, why would you pay for it?

    First he never said anything about deporting all or any Muslims. He simply said that we should temporarily halt all refugees from Syria until they could be screened properly. Secondly, he would only deport those here that spew hate speech, commit crimes or aid terrorist. I would think from The English perspective you guys would want a ban on continued Muslim immigration, but I guess you guys don't want to be English

    Bill Clinton was impeached over sexual misconduct allegations. Additionally It is know that Hilary has made threats and took it upon herself to silence other Bill Clinton accusers.

    One of the trump accusers is on written record praising Trump for everything he had done for her, mere weeks before the story broke.

    Mexico has a wall on its Southern border to keep unchecked migrants from South America from coming in. Here's a factoid that the media leaves out, guess who paid for it? Yep good old US of A.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 11-08-2016 at 04:48 PM.

  31. #31
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    Krugger was very brave to do that post, it is true what he posted, it is how media here are presenting Trump.

    IMO one of the problems of todays democracy is that ppl cant see beyond their political parties/beliefs, it becomes almost a religion. Instead of debating ideas and politics, its only personal attacks and marketing.
    I dont get it why ppl cheer for a political partie or candidate!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Krugger was very brave to do that post, it is true what he posted, it is how media here are presenting Trump.

    IMO one of the problems of todays democracy is that ppl cant see beyond their political parties/beliefs, it becomes almost a religion. Instead of debating ideas and politics, its only personal attacks and marketing.
    I dont get it why ppl cheer for a political partie or candidate!
    I second that, Kruggerr thanks for posting. Open debate is becoming extinct in western society now, we need freedom of speech to be exercised as much as it can.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Here in the U.K. Trump looks like the worst thing to happen. Ever.

    He'll pretty much isolate you as a country, it'll raise a lot of doubt about the security of your country and as such the dollar will weaken.

    On top of that, bookies here have Clinton as the clear winner.

    Imho, better the devil you know. It seems to me almost everything is out with Clinton. With trump he wants to turn your country into a white supremacist country.

    At least, that's how it looks from this side of the pond. I haven't spoken to a single person that thinks he is good for president.

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    Same thing over here.

  34. #34
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Trump is not a white supremacist.nothing wrong with defending your lands.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    nothing wrong with defending your lands.
    In Europe that makes you a nationalist, a right-wing extremist and a war-monger, ie. a nazi.

  36. #36
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    A wall is a bad idea waste of resources and time. Surely with the worlds most powerful military you can secure your border with troops alone.

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    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    In Europe that makes you a nationalist, a right-wing extremist and a war-monger, ie. a nazi.
    Well in my eyes that makes you a soft cock.
    Europe will realise soon enough that open borders are futile. The people you are letting in are not compatible with western standard of living. You will learn the hard way as crime goes up etc etc etc not to mention the demographic change that will occur in the future. These cvnts breed like no tomorrow.
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    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    The basic fundamental right of any nation is self defence and self preservation of its land, people, culture

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    Rumor has it that the carpenters have already arrived at the white House in preparation for Bill Clinton's revolving back doors. they will help facilitate his ladies of the night while Hillary is in the oval office on late night work.

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    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Rumor has it that the carpenters have already arrived at the white House in preparation for Bill Clinton's revolving back doors. they will help facilitate his ladies of the night while Hillary is in the oval office on late night work.

    I thought JFK had tunnels for his whores?
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