Originally Posted by
I'll hit on one point, IF there is already arterial damage and a clot is formed, - cervical manipulation can dislodge it and cause some sort of ischemic event if it goes to the right tissue. However If know, this is a direct contraindication to manipulation and should not be done.
Agreed, but you really cannot evaluate the degree of hardening or plaque development, so that does produce an unknown variable.
In and otherwise healthy individual unless someone is intentionally trying to harm someone there is very little evidence that a cervical manipulation as done by a well trained practitioner (DO/DC/DPT) and profound evidence to the contrary could cause anytype of damage to the artery.
DPT came far after my license 30 years ago, but my friends and fellow P.T.'s manipulate as well so I'm on your side on this issue - I'm just saying the possibility is more than plausible.
The only cases I have seen where it was a factor were in people with undiagnosed connective tissue disorders, blood clotting disorders, or those on heavy blood thinners. Most of those case studies that looked at CVA's where manipulations done by none licensed practitioners, one was caused by a boyfriend on his girlfriend after watching the chiropractor do it once. Another was an native medicine man that performed a "chiropractic like," manipulation
To an elderly women.
If a person is PROPERLY evaluated by a PROPERLY TRAINED, practitioner there is a Extremely small risk, according to all the best evidence to date. I myself have probably delivered 20k or more cervical maniputions on my physio clinic. And never once had an adverse outcome. I have taught proper evaluation and manipulative techniques to almost every type of practitioner from Other DO's to DC' DPT' MD's and Physios. If done right, spinal manipulative therapy is one the if not the single most safe AND effective medical therapies there are for management of musculoskeletal conditions.