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Thread: Zeus' competition entry 17 April 2017

  1. #201
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    Yes i have a big bag daily blended. What's taste got to do with it anyway?
    ^correct. Forgot my mindset... I ploughed through it last night but it was like eating snot. Would have much preferred broccoli

  2. #202
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    ^correct. Forgot my mindset... I ploughed through it last night but it was like eating snot. Would have much preferred broccoli
    Your a machine, food is just a fuel for you to keep going.

  3. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    Your a machine, food is just a fuel for you to keep going.
    I am a machine. Heading into the gym right now to make you proud

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I could easily talk and motivate you into a mindset that will make the next few workouts be tremendous but its keeping that mindset and being consistent with it which reaps amazing results. If it was easy we all would be walking around like freaks but its not easy and it takes a life time to learn and understand. My mindset was my strongest part of my body I even sacrificed many important things in my life to try and become the best I could. The cost was dearly but I was so driven nothing would change the way I felt.

    Have you ever gone into the gym and just started training doing a certain number of reps certain number of sets, looking at your phone between sets, talking to your friends and picking machines what are easier to train on and not as tasking as other movements? I bet the answer is YES because I have and I am sure everybody as. I see it daily and even seen the same guys over the last 10-15 yrs who I know who have stuck it out in the gym still there yr after yr not changing and training the same but coming up to me saying wooow man how do you do it lol.

    Its simple but hard to put in practise but let me go over a few things what might make you think a bit different. Food - you have to consistently feed the body to achieve your goal and once you reach this you have to consistently increase the food intake to maintain the desired goal, this alone is hard work the mindset of this is a whole new level of dedication trust me. Eating to feed the body because every few lbs you put on you have to increase your food intake, and I know you may say you can eat for England but think about eating more and more to support another 40-50lbs. Food becomes a source to maintain and grow and it becomes a vicious circle, you want it you got it eat your way to the top.

    I am sure you know I train HIT so my training is intense and takes one hell of a mindset and motivation to get through one of my training sessions. I truly believe I am gifted with my mindset and drive. I will NOT go into a gym and waste sets and reps going through the motions, I try not to but obviously at certain times I do I'm lying if I say I don't but overall I wont waste that session. I dig deep inside myself and talk to my inner self, this starts before the gym and throughout the session. I talk to myself, I talk and dig so deep into the darkest parts of my mind to release the inner demon what is waiting to be released. I do have certain things I do which I will repost in another post for you which will help but for me any session starts within my mind. I can release my adrenalin within seconds because I am so use to doing it, I have my pre sets rituals I go through to ignite the fire within me and I make that set which doesn't last long the best I possibly can. I am there for one reason only - to grow bigger and stronger and become a freak so I make fucking heads turn. That was my mindset and fuck everybody else I will be that monster I will go to failure and beyond and I will train harder than anyone I know to become the best I can. I dig deep into my life events what ignite terror, what make me so angry I cant even talk about it, I will think of things what make me shiver what ive been through, seen and what make me want to go insane - I use all this and channel it into that set, that tiny little fucking set of a few reps to failure and beyond to force my body into growth to make it have no alternative but to grow because its under serious stress and overload. It all starts within your mind learn this and you will be different than anyone else. I get so channelled into a set I go deaf, I hear a muffled sound and everything around me goes in slow motion, I am in my space and I at one with my body, I know and it knows there is going to be an attack which I need to be ready for.

    You want gains you find that inner self and talk to it, you find those demons and play with them because once you release the power of the mind doing a set is a release of that energy. Think about what ive just said for one min............... You dig so deep into your inner self and find that demon, that fire, that adrenalin and that spirit of fight or flight and you will feel an unbelievable build up inside yourself and the only release is that set in front of you, that weight, that tiny fucking set of weights in front of you what is your answer for the release of that built up energy you have made inside yourself.

    I believe the mind is a wonderful thing and you can use the good and bad parts of your life experience to fuel your goals for the future. I know what fuels me and there are many ways to achieve this all you got to do is find yours. Find your training style, be consistent in everything you do and never waste a set or reps make them count that's the reason why your in the gym to make a difference to yourself, no on else is going to hand it over to you its all down to you and its a fucking long road ahead but you need to take the first step along that road to reach your goal and dig deep inside of yourself and make it count. Make heads turn
    First off...props to you Zues for your commitment to putting yourself out there & crushing this contest!!! I am following your progress.

    And second...After reading this and several other of your posts on HIT training. I have been not only inspired but have changed my approach to my workouts. I have for many years done one warm up set and then moved into 4 sets each one adding weight till I got to approx. 85% max on my final set. BUT...all were counted as sets of 10 and done. Usually the last set was to failure anyways but the other three were just stopped at the "magic" number of 10.
    Since reading your posts to Zues I have now changed my routine. I now do one warm up set and 2-3 working sets at pretty much my max. Each set is done to failure. Which usually consists of 15-18 reps. Mind you these sets are near my PB.
    It just goes to show how much I have been wasting in the gym all these years only completing 10 reps and stopping and how my mental approach was limiting my growth by telling myself." I just need to be able to get 10 reps and I did good" I am pushing past mental barriers on how much weight I can push by not putting a "number" on the set. I just keep going till I can't!!
    The last week in the gym has been amazing(ly) painful and have literally crawled out of the gym everyday!!!
    Thanks for waking me up!!!
    Anyways... Rock on Zues!!!
    Thanks for the Inspirational mind check Marcus!!!

  5. #205
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    Oct 2016
    Thank You! I will certainly continue doing the best I can! I've been changing to this workout style too and o can tell you it's knackering and I've still got more left in me.

    I used to count to 8 or 10 also then put the bar down. Even on my last set. Seems kind of pointless doing that now eh?

  6. #206
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    First off...props to you Zues for your commitment to putting yourself out there & crushing this contest!!! I am following your progress.

    And second...After reading this and several other of your posts on HIT training. I have been not only inspired but have changed my approach to my workouts. I have for many years done one warm up set and then moved into 4 sets each one adding weight till I got to approx. 85% max on my final set. BUT...all were counted as sets of 10 and done. Usually the last set was to failure anyways but the other three were just stopped at the "magic" number of 10.
    Since reading your posts to Zues I have now changed my routine. I now do one warm up set and 2-3 working sets at pretty much my max. Each set is done to failure. Which usually consists of 15-18 reps. Mind you these sets are near my PB.
    It just goes to show how much I have been wasting in the gym all these years only completing 10 reps and stopping and how my mental approach was limiting my growth by telling myself." I just need to be able to get 10 reps and I did good" I am pushing past mental barriers on how much weight I can push by not putting a "number" on the set. I just keep going till I can't!!
    The last week in the gym has been amazing(ly) painful and have literally crawled out of the gym everyday!!!
    Thanks for waking me up!!!
    Anyways... Rock on Zues!!!
    Thanks for the Inspirational mind check Marcus!!!
    Thanks, glad your enjoyed it if you require anymore information on how to learn and teach your mind and body to go to failure pop down to the dungeon and i'll go over a few things, its extremely hard work and takes some time to be mastered. In the mean time for yourself and zeus take a read of this post a made regarding mind set and are you training hard enough ( hit style)

    The mental training zone

    Getting into the training zone mentally is hard work, I've been approached many times via pm on this subject and ive talked a lot about it within this thread but it is hard and probably has hard to learn as learning how to train how I've described throughout this thread. So lets talk about and see your thoughts and feeling on the subject but first let me try and get this across about the mental side of training. When you see Dorian speak or train you can see he is mentally as well as physically strong. Many of the top Pro's seem to have this ability to have this mental focus to train to the level what is required to stimulate those fibers what seem to grow the biggest. I really do think its something what can be learnt and by perseverance we can get this mental focus and use it to its fullest. I've always had the motivation to train and get big and nothing in my life would stop me but I did have to learn how to release those feelings to train to a level were i wanted to get to. Over time I got the mental edge to train to true positive failure I don't know why but its something over the years what came naturally to me and I've mentioned many times within this thread how I try and get into this zone. For me we all have our little things we do to prepare ourselves before one of those working sets what is going to test us mentally as well as physically, I feel this is an individual thing what you have to find what works for you.

    For me I think about certain things what have happened to me in my past what ignites my adrenalin and releases an inner aggression what I can only state as unstoppable. I talk to my inner self and take away everything around me, I am alone and only can hear my inner voice speaking and I drift to a time and relive an event in my mind like I am there again, the feelings what I felt at the time I feel again, the atmosphere I feel around me exactly like it was, I relive the exact circumstances at that moment and how I felt after and this completely isolates me from the outside world and I am stuck in the past reliving an event. At a moments notice I can come straight out into this rage and channel these emotions into the working set with the adrenalin flowing and my inner voice shouting at me. I also use another method which works for me also, I can also concentrate and watch myself doing the working and yet again take myself out of the situation I am in and go through in my head what is about to happen and I can trigger the inner aggression. I know I want it so much, I know I have to take myself to places were my body has not been before, I know its going to hurt but I kind of like that knowing I am about to inflict pain onto myself, this again ignites all these feelings inside of me that make me feel unstoppable and no one could out lift or train with the same intensity as me. That's what I feel when I am in this zone I know no one can come close I truly believe this and with that positive thinking I can take myself to failure and beyond. That's the two ways what do it for me.

    I know guys who listen to music and crank it up and get into the zone, I know guys who walk up and down thinking about the set and getting into the zone, I know guys who want to be slapped which I've done in the past which instantly releases the fighting instinct which allows you to lift more than you would if you weren't in the zone. The problem is with some guys is learning how to get into this zone, its all about mind control and taking yourself away from where you are and talking to your inner self and produce these feelings. Some people can't do this and it needs to be learnt over weeks/months just like training to true positive failure like we do with HIT. Ever watch Branch pre working set how he gets himself into the zone, you can actually see his eyes change and his whole demeanour into this animal what looks unstoppable, same with Dorian and many others they all have the ability to get into this zone and recruit those tough fibers what only get activated when your at failure and beyond.

    I do watch Youtube videos many times before I go training because this for me motivates myself and helps me prepare for what I am about to do in the gym. I know some of you feed of this thread before working out because I can tell with what you say before and after you train, its all about motivation, dedication and having the mental focus to keep positive and have that inner drive. We all have been under a BB with some serious weight on thinking to yourself I am going to fail this, you even say to your partner watch me I think I am going to struggle with this one and guess what happens???? you struggle and the set is a waste of time. We all have been there and ive been there many times in the past thinking this way trying to break into new areas without having the positive mind set or approach what it takes do accomplish this.

    Learn how to train your mind and you will develop further not only mentally but physically aswell. I've read a lot of mind control, self help books and I am trained in areas to help direct and open peoples minds. I really enjoy NLP which helped me when I was going through times of trouble in my mind and I couldn't focus on anything. You have to learn this behaviour if it doesn't come naturally, but simple steps and trying what works for you will point you in the right direction were you to can get into the zone what will help you develop further in your training.


    I've had a few PM's about training and cycles and one thing what shines through to me is that a lot are not training hard enough they dont fully understand how to train correctly. We spend so much time designing cycles and eliminating sides we think we have the perfect environment to grow into something what looks like it was carved out of stone but after 15 weeks of these super cycles most are pming me asking how can they stop the gains sliding away. We assume members are training hard enough and intense enough but in reality they aren't. I see alot of members just coasting through their training sessions and doing a set number of reps and sets and think the diet and AAS will transform them into a living god but all what happens is the gains slide away and they end up going back on gear to get some kind of size back.

    I can't emphasize enough how important it is to find the right training protocol for your body to grow. You have to try many training routines and find which one you respond best to. We also need to get in the right mind set when we walk in that gym, you going there for one purpose and if you don't push your body beyond what its capable of doing your not going to grow bigger. You want to be leaving that gym feeling like you just done 10 rounds with Tyson in his hay day. You have to go through the pain, you have to push and pull the hardest you have ever done before, you have to push your body to places where its never been before and push past the pain every single time you go in the gym.

    Overload your body to a state were its screaming for you to stop and no matter what, you couldn't do one more rep even if your life depended on it. If you don't train in this fashion your not training hard enough. Do you want to be bigger than anyone else, do you want to turn heads and do you want to have that monster size what no one else has got then if this is the case stop FUKING around in the gym and stop going through the motions and push past your limits and use methods what take you to hell and back.

    I train that hard my eye balls shake and I find it hard to focus, I mentally prepare myself and think of things what make me angry and I push that last rep out no matter what. I kind of like the pain in certain bodyparts and I can push past it into a world of total hell, I feel like I am on fire and I swear I can feel the blood surging through my veins into the muscle what I am working. When I've done my last working set I know I cant perform another rep even if someone had a gun to my head and said you'll die if you don't do another rep, I know I've come to my limit and the sick thing about this is I actually enjoy it., I dream about it, I think about it and I cant wait to get back in the gym to do it again. Its like I'm self harming because the torture I go through is extremely painful but I know this is what I have to do to maintain what I've got and to build those extra few lbs of tissue. This is what separates the normal guys who look like they go to the gym to the fuking monsters what walk this earth

    Now are you training hard enough? ask yourself can you train harder because if the answer is yes your restricting your gains and wasting money and time. Why spend all that money on gear, gh and food when your not attacking your body like you should be. Think about it and make your next workout like your going to war with yourself.

  7. #207
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    DAY 16
    Finished my prescription of vitamin D last week so went in to get retested today. The nurse was super nice I really liked her. Managed to convince her to pull my free and total test again. This time no keto or anything so it should be a real value. Still think it will come back kind of low... I don't feel normal testosterone levels at all. Last test was 16nmol or 480ng/dl total and 286pmol/l free.

    Tried some squats but my body absolutely rejects squats. Done around 70kg and I just kind of went nope. Wasn't in the mood to evaluate my posture and stuff. But moral of the story I struggle to squat. Despite not having small legs.

    Leg press
    130kgish working sets

    Leg extension
    100kg working sets

    240g oats
    550g chicken
    2 banana
    500g brown rice
    Protein powder
    400ml milk
    50g peanut buttee
    3200ish calories

    3000mg fish oil
    Msm glucosamine

  8. #208
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    DAY 16
    Finished my prescription of vitamin D last week so went in to get retested today. The nurse was super nice I really liked her. Managed to convince her to pull my free and total test again. This time no keto or anything so it should be a real value. Still think it will come back kind of low... I don't feel normal testosterone levels at all. Last test was 16nmol or 480ng/dl total and 286pmol/l free.

    Tried some squats but my body absolutely rejects squats. Done around 70kg and I just kind of went nope. Wasn't in the mood to evaluate my posture and stuff. But moral of the story I struggle to squat. Despite not having small legs.

    Leg press
    130kgish working sets

    Leg extension
    100kg working sets

    240g oats
    550g chicken
    2 banana
    500g brown rice
    Protein powder
    400ml milk
    50g peanut buttee
    3200ish calories

    3000mg fish oil
    Msm glucosamine
    You need to understand how to squat properly first , check out my thread on it


    Over the last few months I've started to get stronger and feel a lot more stable in my lifts to start pushing more weight. After 30yrs of training its extremely hard to progressively lift heavier weight each week and you have to start implementing other methods like increasing intensity etc. The reason why I have got stronger is because I've gone back to some of my old power lifting techniques what I was taught in the first years of lifting. What's happened is I've got a lot stronger and injuries feel better and I'm far more stable in my lifts which bounced me into new growth.

    Bracing and breathing properly is an elite procedure but I am going to write a bit about it for those who don't know anything about it and how to do it so you explode in size and power. Bracing is a procedure what makes an extremely strong trunk and by bracing your core your lifts will be more powerful, stronger and you'll be less likely for injury.

    What happened to me was bracing and breathing was ingrained into how I lifted but over the years and my transition from power lifting to bodybuilding I slowly started to lose the proper bracing and breathing technique and I relied on my sheer strength and power what I had. Many bodybuilders breath and lock in a pre lift differently than power lifters and for me I've gone back to my old power lifting days to help me and I can't express enough what this as done for me.

    Bracing is simply tensing the core and the secondary muscles to create stiffness in the area so your trunk can withstand a lot of pressure and force which relates to a lot more power, but you have to learn to use the diaphragm to engage the core properly this is very important otherwise you wont be able to breath and brace which is the key to the whole process. Lowering and pushing the diaphragm down to activate the core comes naturally to me I can do it anytime anywhere but if your not use to doing this the best way to feel this happen is to push as much air out of your lungs as possible. While your doing this you will feel the core stiffen up and if you carry on pushing all the air out you will feel a pain and pressure just under your rib cage and this is your diaphragm pushing down to create this pressure so your trunk is full tensed. Once you experience this and learn how to activate this procedure you will be able to do it instantly and wont need to breath out and go though this to make sure your in the right position to lift, infact its very dangerous to breath out pre lift so don't use this method I've just explain above before a lift its a way for you to understand how to activate the diaphragm to get into the right position so you can breath while your lock into the brace. I do have an excellent video to show how to do this and goes through what I've explained above.

    Once you learn how to activate your diaphragm and make your trunk ridged you can start to learn how to breath properly through bracing. The last thing you want is to be tensed and not being able to breath during a heavy lift especially exhaling during the effort. Now to breath while bracing you have to breath through your stomach and not your chest. If you take a deep breath in and your chest expands and lifts up your not doing it right and the activated core will not be ridged anymore. You learn to push the stomach sideways and breath with the stomach and push the oblique's out, so they go sideways and outwards and lock into place , if you have a belt on you will be able to breath against this to help engage the secondary muscles for the brace and make sure your core is still engaged.

    So any overhead lift or power movement engage the core by bracing using the diaphragm then take deep breaths in through the stomach by pushing the stomach sidways and oblique's instead of the chest. I can do this within seconds and be ready for any kind of lift. To help me with my bracing and trunk stabilization ive trained my core, oblique's ( I know Kel will hate that one because it may thicken the waist but doesn't bother me if it helps me in other areas), spinal erectors, rectus abdominals and glutes.

    If you have never used bracing by lowering the diaphragm and breathing through the stomach it wont come easy, its something what you have to learn to do but once you master it and can implemented it at a seconds notice you will get far more better lifts, get stronger and be overall more stable. I've done this for the last 3 months and I've started to grow again and my lifts have gone through the roof, not just in the squat but anything such as shoulder press, incline press rows etc. When you brace properly your posture will be in a better position to handle more overhead weight, your spine will be more braced and the power what just flows is remarkable.

    I was talking to Almostgone via email one night and I was explaining to him about what I've been doing and I sent him a few videos to help get him started and from the feedback he's given me it looks like things are improving for him aswell, I am sure Almostgoine will update you all in the following few weeks how things are going but this is a must especially with HIT. I know we all lock and tense into lifts and then exhale on the effort but try bracing and creating that pressure in your core via your diaphragm and while your in it breath and get ready for your lift. All I can say is this is a remarkable tool to have and I feel so indestructible and powerful its showing in my thickness and size

    The videos are from another one of my hero's Chris Duffin

    First one more or less tells you the B & B for squatting but will also explain how to start learning how to get into this position, its not just for squats.

  9. #209
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    Oh my that's a hard concept to understand breathing into your obliques. I'll need to dive back into that video and dissect it fully with a fresh head in the morning.

    You've hit the nail in the head again. I will need to improve as I've read countless times that squatting is the most fundamental movement and great mass gainer. So I guess I need to pay my dues and get it done by working on it.

    I used to half squat 180kg and thought I was a king when I was 15/16.

    Thanks again for your continued help

  10. #210
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    dont ask for a source thx
    keep it up Zeus your results will be a tough act to follow brother...

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    keep it up Zeus your results will be a tough act to follow brother...
    Thanks man appreciate it still waiting on my results coming tho... postie must be late

  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    Oh my that's a hard concept to understand breathing into your obliques. I'll need to dive back into that video and dissect it fully with a fresh head in the morning.

    You've hit the nail in the head again. I will need to improve as I've read countless times that squatting is the most fundamental movement and great mass gainer. So I guess I need to pay my dues and get it done by working on it.

    I used to half squat 180kg and thought I was a king when I was 15/16.

    Thanks again for your continued help
    Its not hard its practise. You can't squat with sloppy form your just asking for trouble. Create a solid column and squatting will be alot easier

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    Its not hard its practise. You can't squat with sloppy form your just asking for trouble. Create a solid column and squatting will be alot easier
    Would you recommend using a belt to brace against? Or should this be something to learn without equipment first perhaps ..?

  14. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    Would you recommend using a belt to brace against? Or should this be something to learn without equipment first perhaps ..?
    You need to read my post and watch Chris explain it on his video mate. Its the basic pre lift ritual for all power movements. Watch the video pls

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    You need to read my post and watch Chris explain it on his video mate. Its the basic pre lift ritual for all power movements. Watch the video pls
    Never went all the way through IT last night. Just finished watching it there. Incredibly detailed. I'll give it a go next time at the gym. It's great that's it's broken into definite parts to focus on pre lift. I am now watching his deadlift video. Very informational

  16. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    Never went all the way through IT last night. Just finished watching it there. Incredibly detailed. I'll give it a go next time at the gym. It's great that's it's broken into definite parts to focus on pre lift. I am now watching his deadlift video. Very informational
    He's one of the best IMHO. I use bracing for all my power lifts what need my body to be a solid column, infact it just comes naturally with everything I do I can brace and breath within 2 seconds at any time. I use to practise this driving my car or walking around in my early days lol

  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    He's one of the best IMHO. I use bracing for all my power lifts what need my body to be a solid column, infact it just comes naturally with everything I do I can brace and breath within 2 seconds at any time. I use to practise this driving my car or walking around in my early days lol

    Love the transferablity between the sports and being able to take things from powerlifting.

    I guess I'll gets to practising also

  18. #218
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    Oct 2016
    DAY 17
    Had a bit of a lazy day today. Chilled at home. Was a lovely day here in Scotland around 17 degrees so chilled out the back with my dogs. Had an absolutely phenomenal training session today. Really enjoyed it. However there was a loudmouth prick in the gym chatting to every young girl that came through the door and was laughing obnoxiously very loud the entire time. I feel that this sex pest drovemy aggression the entire workout.

    Straight bar triceps pushdown
    2 working sets 83kg. 1 with half reps other negatives
    Supinated grip pushdown
    60ishkg working set. Negatives

    French press (first time)
    Working set 25kg to 'failure'

    Straight bar curl
    Warm up
    2 working set 40kg negatives

    Bicep curl dumbbell
    16kg working with partials

    Hammer curl dumbells
    16kg working with drop to 14kg

    240g oats
    550g chicken
    2 banana
    500g brown rice
    Protein powder
    400ml milk
    50g peanut buttee
    3200ish calories

    3000mg fish oil
    Msm glucosamine

  19. #219
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    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    DAY 17
    Had a bit of a lazy day today. Chilled at home. Was a lovely day here in Scotland around 17 degrees so chilled out the back with my dogs. Had an absolutely phenomenal training session today. Really enjoyed it. However there was a loudmouth prick in the gym chatting to every young girl that came through the door and was laughing obnoxiously very loud the entire time. I feel that this sex pest drovemy aggression the entire workout.

    Straight bar triceps pushdown
    2 working sets 83kg. 1 with half reps other negatives
    Supinated grip pushdown
    60ishkg working set. Negatives

    French press (first time)
    Working set 25kg to 'failure'

    Straight bar curl
    Warm up
    2 working set 40kg negatives

    Bicep curl dumbbell
    16kg working with partials

    Hammer curl dumbells
    16kg working with drop to 14kg

    240g oats
    550g chicken
    2 banana
    500g brown rice
    Protein powder
    400ml milk
    50g peanut buttee
    3200ish calories

    3000mg fish oil
    Msm glucosamine
    Adding an extra bowl of oats. 200ish calories done some cardio tonight

  20. #220
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    Oct 2016
    Just completely ruined a gym session for me and my partner there. Go me

  21. #221
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    Oct 2016
    Sorry about the no post yesterday. Kind of had a write off of a day. I'm stressing about something I have to do next week and I was acting like a wank yesterday because I keep thinking about it so I ruined mine and other people's day.

    I didn't break my diet which I am proud not to have done. I did however add in a couple of slices of wholemeal bread to put my peanut butter on. Don't really count that as breaking my diet

    On better form today... going to get a good gym session in tonight. Then meet up with friends and watch them drink milkshakes... all in good fun. I'm not a social guy but I need out to clear my head.

  22. #222
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    DAY 19
    Good day today. Better mood than yesterday. Training felt awesome really pushed it. Sex pest was back in the gym tonight pretty annoying. Needs knocked the fuck out i think. Absolute annoyance to everyone. Nonetheless excellent session really pushed it
    Also we are having a rather beautiful week here in rainy Scotland hope everyone else is enjoying nice weather also.

    Chest and calves
    Chest press dumbbells
    2 Working sets 44kg 40kg

    Fly machine
    2 Working sets 113kg 105kg

    High to low pulley
    2 working sets 32kg each side

    Calf raise
    2 working sets 175kg

    240g oats
    550g chicken
    2 banana
    500g brown rice
    Protein powder
    400ml milk
    50g peanut buttee
    3200ish calories

    3000mg fish oil
    Msm glucosamine

  23. #223
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Another lovely beautiful sunny day. Really lifts the mood

  24. #224
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    DAY 21
    I'm really enjoying the summer weather here in Scotland. Spending alot of time outside trying to tan up for the first time ever. Usually a winter guy but was really feeling summer this winter. Defiantly can feel a little fat coming back on.
    Had a chest workout the other day and could feel a little cranking in my shoulder during the workout. Hope everything is alright. Gonna hit up shoulders tomorrow after the docs. Can't wait.

    Hopefully get my test results back while I'm at the docs too... got my total and free test pulled. I think it will come back a little higher that what it used to be but I still don't feel normal... I guess I've put up with it for a few years already. Can put up with it for a few more.

    Hope all other contestants in the comp are doing awesome and keeping up the good work.

    240g oats
    550g chicken
    2 banana
    500g brown rice
    Protein powder
    400ml milk
    50g peanut buttee
    3200ish calories

    3000mg fish oil
    Msm glucosamine

  25. #225
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Also... to show a little shot of my willpower... got this photo off bossman...

    Tucking into my prepped meal

  26. #226
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Shoulders is on the agenda in an hour or so. Favourite body part

  27. #227
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    How much does eating oats 20 minutes before a blood test effect the results? Test was first thing in the morning but was sprung on me so I wasn't technically fasted but I don't feel it had enough time to enter my system. Had shitty results for test last time and they are even worse this time.... will post up my blood work later

  28. #228
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Here is my blood work... they may not be 100%. Going to start going for my own blood work unbelievable the amount of hassle the nhs are giving me. Was at the docs this morning for something that is hopefully unrelated to low test.... but I mentioned the blood work and she went off at me and gave me scolding for wasting nhs money and that I'm fine...

  29. #229
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    Stay strong.
    Couldn't read the BW results on the phone now,
    Wish you luck.

    You're really killing it Zeus. I'm getting worried.
    Maybe u could start your day with a 6pack of beers from now on.
    Beer makes u strong u know.

  30. #230
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Stay strong.
    Couldn't read the BW results on the phone now,
    Wish you luck.

    You're really killing it Zeus. I'm getting worried.
    Maybe u could start your day with a 6pack of beers from now on.
    Beer makes u strong u know.
    Thanks doc. How have you been keeping? Saw you post that you had a cheeky pizza I'm not so sure if you should be worried. 9.4nmol/l or 310ng/dl total test 226pmol/l free test.

    Shooting blanks in the gains front I had my cheat day today. Smashed some basmati rice instead of brown rice post workout:0 I'm getting fat don't you worry. Practising sucking in my gut for the final photos

  31. #231
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    watch out for doc man hes just pulling our leg with being all slack with his diet and shit...he using old Arnold's reverse psychology on us so we relax and then BOOM his result pics will be of magazine quality the on to you Doc...

  32. #232
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    watch out for doc man hes just pulling our leg with being all slack with his diet and shit...he using old Arnold's reverse psychology on us so we relax and then BOOM his result pics will be of magazine quality the on to you Doc...
    I'm on to him need to get up pretty early to fool me...

    I've got a new strategy. Gonna buy a poster of a hot girl and stare at it for 35 minutes each and every morning to drive my test up. But don't tell anyone, this is my secret to winning this comp

  33. #233
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Forgot to mention yesterday but after the doctor told me there was nothing wrong with me despite symptoms (she knows me best right? Despite never having met me before).... she looked at my blood work... asked who on earth asked for the blood tests. I said me. She asked who wanted these individual tests. I said me.

    After she grilled me on wasting nhs money... proceeded to prescribe me 800iu of vitamin d3 per day...

    From what I've read I should be supplementing with 5x this dose...

  34. #234
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    I'm on to him need to get up pretty early to fool me...

    I've got a new strategy. Gonna buy a poster of a hot girl and stare at it for 35 minutes each and every morning to drive my test up. But don't tell anyone, this is my secret to winning this comp
    Just "stare" hunh...sounds to me like you'll end up losing some "testosterone" if you stare at a poster of a hot chick in the morning...ehehehhhehh...

  35. #235
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    Forgot to mention yesterday but after the doctor told me there was nothing wrong with me despite symptoms (she knows me best right? Despite never having met me before).... she looked at my blood work... asked who on earth asked for the blood tests. I said me. She asked who wanted these individual tests. I said me.

    After she grilled me on wasting nhs money... proceeded to prescribe me 800iu of vitamin d3 per day...

    From what I've read I should be supplementing with 5x this dose...
    What does a chic know about how a man feels with low T anyways unless she is actually a Endo who is sympathetic to the cause!
    Find another Doc.
    And yeah she is not that bright as 10,000iu would be the daily minimum requirement.
    Last edited by Sicko; 05-09-2017 at 12:01 PM.

  36. #236
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Hah! You know me!

    Yeah I'm gonna ride it out for a while and stick to non nhs bloodwork so I can get exactly what I want.

    I don't know if I qualify as low t but it's not making me miserable. I still enjoy my life each day usually. Just like everybody else I guess.

    Only symptoms are tiredness and sexual dysfunction I guess you call it.
    No drive and problematic issues before...

    But hey I'm still young. Endocrine system developed till you're 25. That's been fair hammered into me on this forum haha

    Edit- I also sweat excessively when I have to interact with people or be in public for some reason. Been like this for s few years
    Last edited by hollowedzeus; 05-09-2017 at 12:39 PM.

  37. #237
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Day 23

    So today was alright. Got my food, my training and my daily reading on here done.

    However I feel very foggy and fatigued today. Training could have gone better but it wasn't a washout. My legs feel worked but I wouldn't call it hit. I could feel myself stopping each and every time.
    Something that I have learned today is that I require lots more shoulder mobility. Had to cut the squats short today because I could feel my tendons and ligaments stretching holding the bar in the low squat position. But hey something to work on.

    Also added a new supplement today that's making me feel pretty boke. Added a greens powder into my menagerie of powders in my bottle. Just for some extra vitamins and minerals.

    Looking at myself in the mirror. I am demotivating myself. I expect too much too soon. Only day 14 or so of my bulk and I can feel myself getting pissy that my weights haven't skyrocketed.

    My bodyweight is around 186lbs so I am definitely eating enough calories.

    Just my thoughts... was due a little rant.

    Also going to be organising regular blood work from now on.. keep my eye on my health.

    Lots of stretching

    50kg - working on form

    Leg press
    2 working sets - 130kg 140kg

    Prone leg curl
    2 working sets 60kg drop set

    Leg extension
    2 working aets 90ish kg

    550g chicken
    750g rice
    160g oats
    1 banana
    50g peanut butter
    3100ish calories

    3000mg fish oil
    Msm glucosamine
    Greens supplement
    Vit D3 800iu

  38. #238
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    keep at it brother your doing great just remember its a marathon not a sprint...I would be using the mirror more than the scale for progress feedback as long as your seeing changes weekly then you are going in the right direction...good luck

  39. #239
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    keep at it brother your doing great just remember its a marathon not a sprint...I would be using the mirror more than the scale for progress feedback as long as your seeing changes weekly then you are going in the right direction...good luck
    Thanks man..been dragging myself away from the scales but it's a temptation o can't always resist lol

  40. #240
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    Keep on going Zeus.
    Sorry bout the low T issues, see how it plays out.
    But switch doc if she doesn't help you and you feel you need it.

    See your new avi.
    Hope it isn't on empty all the time brother.

    Hmm, what am I gonna eat now I wonder?

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