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I am what you'd consider a "stacker" myself. What is your goal in this investing? Long term, short, or prepping? I think it is a wise investment. I recommend small pieces in the 1-10 troy ounce range to anyone starting out. That's also my personal preference. I think silver has a lot more potential than gold long term, and I like silver better as well. Having both is better than having one over the other, and having a gold to silver ratio of 1 gold: 20-30 silver is a really solid investment for your portfolio.
I'm a total geek when it comes to precious metals. I actually bought 1/10th ounce platinum round yesterday, and that's the first, and last, platinum buy for me. It's actually lower than gold for the first time in a while, and i just wanted a piece, lol. I don't think it's a good investment when comparing to gold or silver. I use all the loss change I accumulate at the end of the month to buy silver bullion, and I very rarely ever buy anything other than genetic bullion. I'll buy a few silver eagles a year, but I'd much rather buy generic stuff. I try to buy 3-5 ounces a week of silver, and I usually have enough loose change every month to buy an extra 5 ounces or so.
As far as gold, I typically buy junk and not rounds or bullion. I'd rather buy broken necklaces, rings, etc from friends and family than I would buying bullion. It's much cheaper that way. Don't get me wrong, I have gold rounds too, but you'll pay a pretty high premium that way. Dang I love this topic!