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Thread: precious metals

  1. #1
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    precious metals

    Who here buys precious metals? The actual physical kind not a number on a screen?. I just bought 6kg of silver and 0.2kg of gold a few weeks ago.

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    Silver is so cheap at the moment. It is the most undervalued mineral at the moment. Gold and silver are being manipulated by the banks so people keep buying US dollars but the dollar will crash eventually it is done with as a storage of wealth. The true value of gold should be well over 5000$ USD an ounce and silver as throughout history has always been pegged at 20:1 with a ounce of gold but at the moment they are trying to keep it down.

    By 2022-2024 the USD as it stands currently will stop being the worlds reserve currency. And people will revert back to gold standard. Fiat based monetary systems have a 100% failure rate in history.

    Take your dollars out of the banks and Buy silver and gold and even platinum because it is better to be a few years early then a day late because when she drops she will drop hard. The purchasing power of these metals will go through the roof in future.

    Please watch this series lads

    Happy buying

    Love you Mr trump

  2. #2
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    Mike Maloney has personal interests in this though what he has said is pretty much irrefutable.

    Problem with silver is storing it. A monster box with 500 coins is a damn good deal IMO.

  3. #3
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    Nov 2016
    How come you didn't get smaller units? Tiny difference in markup but much easier to sell/trade later on.

  4. #4
    What makes this metal so precious? Push comes to shove it's just as worthless as a paper dollar, even less actually, you can use a paper dollar to help start a fire.

    Gold/Silver have no intrinsic value, if the dollar crashes you should more concerned about how much lead you have.....

    (Most ammunition uses lead)

  5. #5
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    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0tsf1red View Post
    What makes this metal so precious? Push comes to shove it's just as worthless as a paper dollar, even less actually, you can use a paper dollar to help start a fire.

    Gold/Silver have no intrinsic value, if the dollar crashes you should more concerned about how much lead you have....
    (Most ammunition uses lead)
    This logic only applies in those moments of total chaos. During those moments a farm is useless too because for every second you try working and not defending yourself someone is going to blow your brains out. For every other scenario the same mechanics that have been in effect since ancient times, the "intrinsic" value in gold is that it is much more scarce than nickel and has many more uses. Gold has properties other metals don't and is used in electronics (Google the stats, the usage is huge) and many other things, and it doesn't perish. For the same reasons it has been highly values since the first civilizations. If there is an economy and there is trade, every type of good gets its own value. As a bonus gold is the most sought after type of jewelry. It's not a fad if it has been going on for millenniums.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0tsf1red View Post
    What makes this metal so precious? Push comes to shove it's just as worthless as a paper dollar, even less actually, you can use a paper dollar to help start a fire.

    Gold/Silver have no intrinsic value, if the dollar crashes you should more concerned about how much lead you have.....

    (Most ammunition uses lead)
    And brass/copper.

    Guys ever see the video of the gold Garvin the glass cadecwith an 84mm opening?

  7. #7
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    I want to get into gold as well. I should have done it 20 years ago but I was more interested in pussy and cars.
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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I want to get into gold as well. I should have done it 20 years ago but I was more interested in pussy and cars.
    Monetary policies have it that it will always be a safe investment, no worries there

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    Mike Maloney has personal interests in this though what he has said is pretty much irrefutable.

    Problem with silver is storing it. A monster box with 500 coins is a damn good deal IMO.

    I feally like greg mannarino. He knows his shit.

    I like the 1kg bars. Easy to store. And if I need to sell them I will just take them back to the mint.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    This logic only applies in those moments of total chaos. During those moments a farm is useless too because for every second you try working and not defending yourself someone is going to blow your brains out. For every other scenario the same mechanics that have been in effect since ancient times, the "intrinsic" value in gold is that it is much more scarce than nickel and has many more uses. Gold has properties other metals don't and is used in electronics (Google the stats, the usage is huge) and many other things, and it doesn't perish. For the same reasons it has been highly values since the first civilizations. If there is an economy and there is trade, every type of good gets its own value. As a bonus gold is the most sought after type of jewelry. It's not a fad if it has been going on for millenniums.

    This a good video that explains the difference between money and currency. Gold and silver are money because they are storage of wealth over long peroids of time where a fiat currency IE the USD is not a good storage of wealth because it loses value overtime. The British pound is worth 99% less then when it first come out all those years ago. That is not a good storage of wealth. Where gold and silver throughout time have always had wealth and value to it. There is only a certain amount of it in existence. We dont have it all. We can mine more of it but as we mine more and the supply increases the demand will drop off driving the price down and then it becomes to expensive to mine so the market will stabilise it self.

    When the USD left the gold standard that was the beginning of the end for the dollar. And the average lifespan for a fiat currency is 40 years. Which is over due for a crash and a market correction. At the moment the only thing backing the USD is the ability of the US military to fvck shit up if you dont buy it. Thats it. For every dollar the federal reserve prints it takes a tiny fraction of value off of all The dollars in existence. And the federal reserve is not even federal. It is owned by shareholders of the worlds banks. So that dollar that is printed has to be paid back with debt but because it is now worth less you need to print another 2 dollars to pay back that dollar. And it just never ends until the system crashes
    Last edited by Euroholic; 09-13-2017 at 07:49 PM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    This logic only applies in those moments of total chaos. During those moments a farm is useless too because for every second you try working and not defending yourself someone is going to blow your brains out. For every other scenario the same mechanics that have been in effect since ancient times, the "intrinsic" value in gold is that it is much more scarce than nickel and has many more uses. Gold has properties other metals don't and is used in electronics (Google the stats, the usage is huge) and many other things, and it doesn't perish. For the same reasons it has been highly values since the first civilizations. If there is an economy and there is trade, every type of good gets its own value. As a bonus gold is the most sought after type of jewelry. It's not a fad if it has been going on for millenniums.
    If the dollar crashes it will be total chaos. You going to be sung your gold to make electronics when society is crumbling all around you?

    The reason ancient civilizations put such high value on it is because that's what their masters needed them to mine, the same people that gave them thier gods and religion.

    Gold is a semiconductor and we live in an electric universe, your body is literally a battery. Read up on some of the ancients who used to eat gold.

  12. #12
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    A world without islam!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0tsf1red View Post
    If the dollar crashes it will be total chaos. You going to be sung your gold to make electronics when society is crumbling all around you?

    The reason ancient civilizations put such high value on it is because that's what their masters needed them to mine, the same people that gave them thier gods and religion.

    Gold is a semiconductor and we live in an electric universe, your body is literally a battery. Read up on some of the ancients who used to eat gold.

    What you have described is the absolute worst case scenario. But I dont believe it will go that far. There will be some struggle but the world will stabilise and gold will become the worlds reserve currency again. The dollar will die as all fiat based currencies have a 100% failure rate so it will happen its just a matter of when. Go to the federal reserve website there is only 1.5 trillion$ in circulation the rest being numbers on a screen. It does not take a genius to figure out that the debt can never be paid back and once the federal reserve credit card runs out the dollar will go and people will revert back to a gold standard. Its hard to predict what will fukl happen but its highly likely it will start with hyper inflation as the currency velocity picks up.

    There will be a massive transfer of wealth that is what we do know.

    Look into your own research steroid lovers. I highly recommend storing your wealth in silver and gold. Cone 2022-2024 it should be going nuts.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0tsf1red View Post
    If the dollar crashes it will be total chaos. You going to be sung your gold to make electronics when society is crumbling all around you?

    The reason ancient civilizations put such high value on it is because that's what their masters needed them to mine, the same people that gave them thier gods and religion.

    Gold is a semiconductor and we live in an electric universe, your body is literally a battery. Read up on some of the ancients who used to eat gold.
    Alright bro

  14. #14
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    Hey Euro, don't you owe me some gold for sending you those Louisiana strawberry seeds?

    All future earnings from those shall be paid in gold bouillons

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Who here buys precious metals? The actual physical kind not a number on a screen?. I just bought 6kg of silver and 0.2kg of gold a few weeks ago.

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ID:	170518

    Silver is so cheap at the moment. It is the most undervalued mineral at the moment. Gold and silver are being manipulated by the banks so people keep buying US dollars but the dollar will crash eventually it is done with as a storage of wealth. The true value of gold should be well over 5000$ USD an ounce and silver as throughout history has always been pegged at 20:1 with a ounce of gold but at the moment they are trying to keep it down.

    By 2022-2024 the USD as it stands currently will stop being the worlds reserve currency. And people will revert back to gold standard. Fiat based monetary systems have a 100% failure rate in history.

    Take your dollars out of the banks and Buy silver and gold and even platinum because it is better to be a few years early then a day late because when she drops she will drop hard. The purchasing power of these metals will go through the roof in future.

    Please watch this series lads

    Happy buying

    Love you Mr trump
    I am what you'd consider a "stacker" myself. What is your goal in this investing? Long term, short, or prepping? I think it is a wise investment. I recommend small pieces in the 1-10 troy ounce range to anyone starting out. That's also my personal preference. I think silver has a lot more potential than gold long term, and I like silver better as well. Having both is better than having one over the other, and having a gold to silver ratio of 1 gold: 20-30 silver is a really solid investment for your portfolio.

    I'm a total geek when it comes to precious metals. I actually bought 1/10th ounce platinum round yesterday, and that's the first, and last, platinum buy for me. It's actually lower than gold for the first time in a while, and i just wanted a piece, lol. I don't think it's a good investment when comparing to gold or silver. I use all the loss change I accumulate at the end of the month to buy silver bullion, and I very rarely ever buy anything other than genetic bullion. I'll buy a few silver eagles a year, but I'd much rather buy generic stuff. I try to buy 3-5 ounces a week of silver, and I usually have enough loose change every month to buy an extra 5 ounces or so.

    As far as gold, I typically buy junk and not rounds or bullion. I'd rather buy broken necklaces, rings, etc from friends and family than I would buying bullion. It's much cheaper that way. Don't get me wrong, I have gold rounds too, but you'll pay a pretty high premium that way. Dang I love this topic!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post
    I am what you'd consider a "stacker" myself. What is your goal in this investing? Long term, short, or prepping? I think it is a wise investment. I recommend small pieces in the 1-10 troy ounce range to anyone starting out. That's also my personal preference. I think silver has a lot more potential than gold long term, and I like silver better as well. Having both is better than having one over the other, and having a gold to silver ratio of 1 gold: 20-30 silver is a really solid investment for your portfolio.

    I'm a total geek when it comes to precious metals. I actually bought 1/10th ounce platinum round yesterday, and that's the first, and last, platinum buy for me. It's actually lower than gold for the first time in a while, and i just wanted a piece, lol. I don't think it's a good investment when comparing to gold or silver. I use all the loss change I accumulate at the end of the month to buy silver bullion, and I very rarely ever buy anything other than genetic bullion. I'll buy a few silver eagles a year, but I'd much rather buy generic stuff. I try to buy 3-5 ounces a week of silver, and I usually have enough loose change every month to buy an extra 5 ounces or so.

    As far as gold, I typically buy junk and not rounds or bullion. I'd rather buy broken necklaces, rings, etc from friends and family than I would buying bullion. It's much cheaper that way. Don't get me wrong, I have gold rounds too, but you'll pay a pretty high premium that way. Dang I love this topic!
    I like this talk too. Not so experienced in this but isn't it best to buy gold in sealed packs with serial numbers? Easier to sell, no need to melt.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0tsf1red View Post
    What makes this metal so precious? Push comes to shove it's just as worthless as a paper dollar, even less actually, you can use a paper dollar to help start a fire.

    Gold/Silver have no intrinsic value, if the dollar crashes you should more concerned about how much lead you have.....

    (Most ammunition uses lead)
    Lol. I like your style, but it's more valuable than paper. Historically, it's always had value. You can't eat it, but I would rather have 1000 bucks worth of silver stashed away over 1000 bucks. If the dollar ever collapsed (and I'm not thinking it will, or anything of the sort), it would still retain value. And if it didn't, you could go to any other country and have a store of wealth. Gold and silver will trade in any country for any goods. That's why I do use metals to diversify. I trust it more than stocks or mutual funds, both of which I also have in my portfolio. I also keep a months supply of food in stock and 20 cases of bottled water

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    I like this talk too. Not so experienced in this but isn't it best to buy gold in sealed packs with serial numbers? Easier to sell, no need to melt.
    I wouldn't say best.. That's personal preference. As long as it's stamped 999.9 on gold and .999 on silver, it'll sell just as easy as anything. You do need to trust your source if you're buying online though. But any silver or gold you buy, always make sure it is stamped just as I described. If you buy silver bars 10oz or more, they'll usually come sealed. But that's not an issue at all. Many times when I buy 10oz bars, I'll break the seal in order to stack them as tight as possible to fit in my hiding spot(s). I would much rather have 1oz goods over anything else though.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    What you have described is the absolute worst case scenario. But I dont believe it will go that far. There will be some struggle but the world will stabilise and gold will become the worlds reserve currency again. The dollar will die as all fiat based currencies have a 100% failure rate so it will happen its just a matter of when. Go to the federal reserve website there is only 1.5 trillion$ in circulation the rest being numbers on a screen. It does not take a genius to figure out that the debt can never be paid back and once the federal reserve credit card runs out the dollar will go and people will revert back to a gold standard. Its hard to predict what will fukl happen but its highly likely it will start with hyper inflation as the currency velocity picks up.

    There will be a massive transfer of wealth that is what we do know.

    Look into your own research steroid lovers. I highly recommend storing your wealth in silver and gold. Cone 2022-2024 it should be going nuts.
    That's the scenario that people who don't invest assume we are preparing for. It is not. Buying PMs as an investment is no different than buying stocks or bonds. Silver has already had a 12% increase since February. What stock's have done that? Not many. It's not about doom and gloom, but about financial security in investing. They make fun of us because we invest in precious metals while simultaneously adding to their 401k. Make sense?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post
    I am what you'd consider a "stacker" myself. What is your goal in this investing? Long term, short, or prepping? I think it is a wise investment. I recommend small pieces in the 1-10 troy ounce range to anyone starting out. That's also my personal preference. I think silver has a lot more potential than gold long term, and I like silver better as well. Having both is better than having one over the other, and having a gold to silver ratio of 1 gold: 20-30 silver is a really solid investment for your portfolio.

    I'm a total geek when it comes to precious metals. I actually bought 1/10th ounce platinum round yesterday, and that's the first, and last, platinum buy for me. It's actually lower than gold for the first time in a while, and i just wanted a piece, lol. I don't think it's a good investment when comparing to gold or silver. I use all the loss change I accumulate at the end of the month to buy silver bullion, and I very rarely ever buy anything other than genetic bullion. I'll buy a few silver eagles a year, but I'd much rather buy generic stuff. I try to buy 3-5 ounces a week of silver, and I usually have enough loose change every month to buy an extra 5 ounces or so.

    As far as gold, I typically buy junk and not rounds or bullion. I'd rather buy broken necklaces, rings, etc from friends and family than I would buying bullion. It's much cheaper that way. Don't get me wrong, I have gold rounds too, but you'll pay a pretty high premium that way. Dang I love this topic!
    Im going long so I'm this for the long haul. I really like the 1kg silver bars just for storage. At the moment I have 6kg(212ounces) of silver and 0.2kg(7ounces) of gold. But I will buy more. I like to have the physical metal I dont trust it in a bank. There is nothing to stip people from taking it off you. You know it was illegal to own gold in the usa from 1933-1974? Im not American but in times of crisis this could happen anywhere. So I will hide mine and become my own central bank.

    Its all about storing your wealth and increasing your purchasing power mate. The purchasing power of 1USD gets less and less every year so it makes no sense to keep money in a bank. While the purchasing power of 1 ounch of gold/silver stays steady if not increases.

    And dont get me started on fractional reserve lending. Your 100$ that you have in the bank. The bank only has to hold 10% for you. So 90$ of that 100$ they just "create" and lend to someone else. So now they have added an extra 90$ into the system that is not even real. A debt based monetary system is a ponzi scheme. It will fail.

    Everyone needs to become their own central bank.

    Here is a good photo of the purchasing power of the USD

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  21. #21
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    A world without islam!!!!
    And platinum is a funny on. Its rarer then gold and is normally more expensive but is cheaper at the moment. I might just buy some to have a bit of skin in the game

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    And platinum is a funny on. Its rarer then gold and is normally more expensive but is cheaper at the moment. I might just buy some to have a bit of skin in the game
    Platinum just don't do it for me. It's industrial uses are being replaced my less expensive materials for one. And for 2, I just don't think it's a pretty metal, lol. I'm working towards having 1 ounce of gold to every 20 ounces of silver, which is the historic ratio. And I don't think we're far from getting back to that ratio, which is why I'm bullish on silver at the moment. When it breaks 40 am ounce I'm dumping it all and buy back in when it goes back. I do think that if it does break the 50 dollar mark one more time in thr next few years, we will never see it for these prices again. I remeber an uncle of mine in 2001 buying gold for 325 bucks an ounce and I thought he was nuts. He ended up retiring from him gamble because he had stored over 10,000 physical ounces between 2000-2005 and had averaged about 450 per ounce. Sold it for over 1200 an ounce.

  23. #23
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    So true mate the banks are manipulating the price of silver and gold. Silver has always been pegged at 20:1 of gold. But at 17usd silver is so fucking cheap so fucking cheap. I reckon the true price of silver should be around 600usd a ounce. And gold nearly 5000$. It wont be undervalued for ever. I reckon by 2020 we will start to see big rises. And even if its later you no as well as I do its better to be a years early then a day late.

    Forget about stocks forget about real estate they are all inflated bubbles. Gold and silver are the true measure of wealth.

    All this new technology coming out silver is going to be needed more and more. Your right platinum is ugly. My girlfriend has it in her head that silver and gold need to be shiny(ie minted) but for investment purposes who gives a fuck what it looks like so long as the weight and purity is their. So many people have no clue mate. Have you seen these videos?

  24. #24
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    I have seen those videos! Mark Dice does the best social experiments. I cannot believe the people in the videos. And I'm with you on the industrial side of silver. Silver was hardly ever mined specifically. It was usually a byproduct of copper and gold in some cases. Nearly all the gold ever mined is still available, physically, and is never used up in any industrial type of setting. Any gold used in electronics are always recycled and therefore put back into production. But silver, it gets used up. Once it's gone, it is no more. I don't know how true it is, but I have seen charts with scientific data to back up the evidence that there is actually more tangible gold than silver. I cannot verify this with confidence, but just thinking that if it's even close makes me want to buy. I do believe it is dirt cheap and for those interested in investing and diversifying, now is the time! I bought in at 7 bucks an ounce and have been steadily buying since. I'm at a 13.50ish per ounce average at the moment, but that number continues to get higher. And I'm ok with that. I'll be bullish until it hits 22-25 an ounce and then I will start to back off drastically. I dont want my average over 25, but if I feel the market can compensate for the rise, I will stay semi bullish. At 30, I'll be out and just see where my stack takes me.
    But as I had mentioned if silver hits 50 an ounce again pretty soon, 25 an ounce will be "cheap" then because we won't see silver under 20 again. And if that correction with the 20:1 gold to silver happens, it wont be because gold drops to even it out. It will be because silver will rise to make the ratio 20:1. We could see 2k gold and $50 silver come quickly, and I believe when it gets there, it'll stay. Sure it will have its ups and downs like everything else. But it won't be drastic like it has been the last 5 years. 2% here, 3% there.
    If I can get to 1000 ounces of silver to 50 ounces of gold, I feel that my nest egg will be as solid as any 401k or mutual fund. And I'll physically hold my wealth. Not a bank, corporation, or trust. I'm close on the silver part, but I'm way behind on the gold. I just can't bring myself to buy much gold while the silver prices are where they're at.
    I don't have an end goal, but I would be very happy with 10,000 ounces of silver and 500 ounces of gold. But I suspect I'll meet the silver mark eventually. Gold, I just don't know. Maybe if we get to a 10:1 ratio.
    Last edited by PT1982; 09-17-2017 at 01:16 AM.

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