We are the stong tough guys here and most of us are well off. Remember those that aren't. Just reminding you all to swing by your local school with a wrapped present for a kid who won't get much if anything otherwise.
You will find most commonly it is teenage kids in need more often than not. Check the list at your school to find out what they need. They are still kids and still need to know someone in the world cares. My girlfriend had to get her kids's presents from school donations in the past and chistmas was lean when I was a kid. We are both very fortunate now. I am very thankful for our incomes and lives in general.
Tbh our kids get spoiled this time of year and sometimes I feel they aren't grateful because they don't know how it can be. The commercialism of Christmas in general gets me cranky at times.
Every now and then I get to stop and realize how thankful I am that my kids don't know just how good they have it.
Anyway, go to your school and adopt a kid for Christmas. Do something worth a damn besides slinging iron. I promise you, you won't regret it. Takes a little cash and 30 minutes. It also might put you in a mood to help and care you wouldn't have otherwise been in.