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Thread: HPV WARTS and AAS??

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Ralem of Eternal Night

    HPV WARTS and AAS??

    Hi there, I found out that I have hpv warts on my penis very small ones and got them burned. My concern is Im on the mid of Steroid cycle Im taking 400mg of Test PROP AND 400mg of EQ, dose any one here know if Anabolic streroid will have any affect on the wrats treatments, I really dont want to tell my Doc that Im taking steroid?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    highly doubt it bro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Ralem of Eternal Night
    Quote Originally Posted by daos
    you have warts on your penis?
    Yap this is what do u get when u play with too many girls, I really regret it know and Im going to get married and settel down.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by guts
    Yap this is what do u get when u play with too many girls, I really regret it know and Im going to get married and settel down.
    um you realize that it is a good possibility you can give that **** to you fiance right?? not a good scenerio! besides you have herpes i dont think telling the doc you are on the juice is going to surprise him..imo

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Ralem of Eternal Night
    well its not herpes its hpv its totally different and I told my finance about it. Drs always bashing AAS

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by guts
    well its not herpes its hpv its totally different and I told my finance about it. Drs always bashing ASS.
    well what did she say about the genital warts?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I don't think there are any of us that can answer this question unless they the share the same condition.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    what is hpv then if its not what the others said? i cant imagine test would affect it, but i cant be sure

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    hey guts what exactly is the treatment???

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I think genital warts are a virus that stays with you for life once you get them... even if you have them frozen off. but you may want to check me on that. you're a good dude for telling your chick up front. as for the steriods... hell no, don't tell him. they will have no affect on the freezing process. I've heard too many horror stories about people coming clean about juice.. i don't care if someone catches me with a needle hanging out of my ass, I aint admittin nuttin!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ripped4fsu
    I think genital warts are a virus that stays with you for life once you get them... even if you have them frozen off. but you may want to check me on that. you're a good dude for telling your chick up front. as for the steriods... hell no, don't tell him. they will have no affect on the freezing process. I've heard too many horror stories about people coming clean about juice.. i don't care if someone catches me with a needle hanging out of my ass, I aint admittin nuttin!
    herpes aka "the gift that never stops givin" is the culprit that is with you for life. if it is a freezing off treatment, you are FINE!

  12. #12
    HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) doesn't only pertain to the genitals. If I'm not mistaken, warts on the hands and feet are caused by the same exact virus (albeit, they were probably contracted differently!).

    I doubt your steroid use will have any effect on your wart treatment. If anything, the extra test might be able to boost your immune system and keep wart growth at bay during your cycle. However, sometimes steroids can cause deficiencies in other areas of the immune system, so it is always possible that the exact opposite could happen - it just depends on how your body reacts. Good luck with those warts man, that's gotta be a pain in the ass... or shaft.

  13. #13
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    May 2004
    I have heard of this before, you guys will be suprised but I know a guy that claims that he had genital warts that went away after a while and then reappeared when he started a steroid cycle. He said the same thing happened after time, they went away and then when he cycled again they reappeared. I would think if anything it would be the other way around. People that have viruses ussually have problems with them when their immune system is suppressed. And as far as I know our immune systems are in better shape while on cycle than while off.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    genital warts are curable, as long as all of them are removed you can't spread it. But you can get them again from someone else.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Ontario
    I feel u bro....I had the same thing. The juice won't do anything, don't stress. In a week you'll be fine, if you got them burned or frozen off. And no, they don't spread and there not going to pop up again.

  16. #16
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    Well, the good news about this thread is we are actually trying to help the guy out (and learn) then to make fun/bash him....

    I applaud you boys!!!!!


  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    Well, the good news about this thread is we are actually trying to help the guy out (and learn) then to make fun/bash him....

    I applaud you boys!!!!!

    i dont think i could bash him. my luck ill get the shiit too! that sux

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    LI, NY kidd!!
    don't think so buddy....ur fine!

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    ACLU headquarters
    I was just thinking that! Good to see helpful responses.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by LightWeightBaby
    genital warts are curable, as long as all of them are removed you can't spread it. But you can get them again from someone else.
    This is incorrect. There is no total cure for HPV. With a good immune system you can get rid of your visible warts and might be able to keep yourself from being too contagious, but you'll always have the virus inside of you and will almost definitely get a wart or two every now-and-again for the rest of your life. Just like herpes - you can mask the problem but you can never cure it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anhydro78
    I have heard of this before, you guys will be suprised but I know a guy that claims that he had genital warts that went away after a while and then reappeared when he started a steroid cycle. He said the same thing happened after time, they went away and then when he cycled again they reappeared. I would think if anything it would be the other way around. People that have viruses ussually have problems with them when their immune system is suppressed. And as far as I know our immune systems are in better shape while on cycle than while off.
    Great post. Very interesting. I had something similar happen to me this past winter, but it wasn't because of steroids - it was because of antibiotics. I was prescribed tetracycline to get rid of some acne, and after a few months I began getting these warts all over my hands. At one point I had five of them! But I got off the antibiotics and tried to clean up my diet as much as possible, and I was able to completely get rid of them.

    So avoid the antibiotics too. Hope that can be of some help to someone.

  21. #21

    Misguided and Misconceptions

    Hi everyone. First I know this is an old post but it comes up high in search engine rankings so it is important that good information is embedded for others who also get Googled over here. I stumbled upon this thread while doing some of my own research and to be honest I am appalled as I read too many misconceptions and too many extremely ignorant comments.

    First things first. If you do not have experience or education in something then do not offer up quaky advice, etc.

    Now. HPV is NOT herpes ... get that people? NOT herpes. HPV (please google it and broaden your horizons) is also known as WARTS. One last time: HPV is NOT HERPES. HPV IS WARTS.

    HPV is not curable and it is a virus that will stay with you for life. When a woman contracts it then her chances of vaginal/cervical cancer are greatly increased so make sure you are aware of that. If your lady friend(s) are under the age of 25 then there is a new vaccination that they can get that will protect them ... I don't believe from the warts altogether but from them developing into cancer. Problem is that the vaccination must be administered prior to contracting HPV or it is of no use.

    HPV's physical signs such as the warts wil rear their little nasty selfs from time to time throughout your life. Each time you can go and get them lasered off but again it is simply a temporary fix until the next episode. I understand the feeling of "dirty" once getting the news or realizing what you have. The good news is that you are going into a relationship with them and not bringing them into the relationship, which can cause even more problems.

    I've been around the world four times as a civilian playing baseball as well as a Marine. In my younger years, as expected, I lived up to the Marine standards and had a lot of women in a lot of unusual circumstances, places, positions, etc. I'm not sure who gave me HPV. I actually made it through the age of 32 when I had totaled over 300 chicks and was completely clean. Granted I was married from 25-32. Dating again after my divorce and living the good life I noticed something out of the ordinary but ... it went away within a week ... even scared shitless ... and never came again. In that year I was probably with another 11 ladies but then must consider that I did catch my ex-wife in the midst of screwing around so that could have been it too. Anyhow it went away and no symptoms at all after that.

    After dating my current wife for two years while living in Europe and then moving back to the U.S. upon getting married it went downhill. The first summer of dating my wife .. in four months ... we ****ed over 500 times and it didn't really slow down at all until putting the ring on her finger (remember that guys). So throughout that time period there had not been one single sign of HPV. At the point of being together nearly three years I ran a stack of gear, which was something I hadn't done in over a decade. I ran a hybrid cutting stack and after I ran a clen/t3 stack to get the rest off. I do not remember when it was if it was during the clen/t3 or the cutting stack that a nasty little bump appeared. I picked at it and it got worse ... wouldn't go away. I avoided any situations in which my wife might notice. Then they exploded and I had several while the one I had picked at was infected and nasty. Ended up with two nurses and a doctor having my cock in their hands examing it.

    One day she did feel something and as I hadn't said anything she flipped, which I expected her to do and she has the full right. Unfortunately what came next was me getting accused of screwing around. She searched my laptop and of course being five years old she found some "adult sites" and "adult dating sites" and memberships and she was certain I had screwed around and remains doing so today. I HAVE NEVER BEEN UNFAITHFUL TO MY WIFE! She demanded a full STD test so I went to the Doctor and they shoved a rod down my cock hole, which was pure hell and the test came back as negative for everything. HPV is NOT detectable with tests. They cut a few of the lesions off and sent it to a lab. The nurse wrote to examine for herpes virus by mistake so I had to do it all over again. The final lab came and it said definitely not herpes but was consistent with HPV ... they didn't say concretely though ... but it has to be what it is.

    Her OB/Gyn told her that if I had them and she hadn't noticed them before then it was an absolute given that I had ****ed around ... I'm still going to track that bitch down and give her a session ... So my wife was totally convinced after the doctor said this. I'm sure it wasn't my wife screwing around as well. I work from home and the only time we're really apart is if one of us goes to the grocery store. Slowly my the intensity slowed and my wife's mind was occupied with other things. We were never careful but to this day she has not had one single symptom of HPV. My symptoms died down after a few months and have not been noticeable for a long time until recently.

    The kicker: I'm at the end of a 6-week cycle. So the poster who said roids suppress the immune system, etc. is right on track. It is the only way to explain my situation. In a relationship for a long time with no signs of anything sinister and all of a sudden wham here they come and wife's doctor says I HAD TO HAVE contracted them in the last 3 months and that there was no other possibility. WELL WELL WELL. I might pursue legal action on that one. Regardless, I could have had this from my very first sexual encounter but not known. My wife could have had them and not known either.

    My money is on me having them for years unknowingly and both cycles were the culprits behind the outbreaks.

    Thankfully I think my marriage is back on track but proving my innocence has been three years of complete hell and I've contemplated both divorce and suicide as I was sick and tired of getting accused of something I am not guilty of.

    Sorry for the length here, etc. but I was finally able to vent a little.

    What it all boils down to is that HPV is NOT HERPES. You can unquestionably experience a breakout of warts during or after a cycle of gear because of how it affects your immune system. There is NO CURE of HPV and you'll have it until the day you die. You must cleanly and carefully manage any outbreaks.

    Feel dirty? Yeah me too ... but I've had two dermatologists tell me that well over 40% of the US population has it and many do not know they have it. That gives you a very good shot at being with someone who has them. You cannot get it from touching something ,etc. It is possible that sharing a towel, etc could transmit but nowhere near as likely.

    Don't dwell on it. Get rid of this breakout and forget about it until the next one. Keep managing it but move on with your life. In the end our lives are really much too short to be dwelling on such bullshit. I look at the years I have left to live and I am going to make sure I enjoy them without undue stress ... breathe and relax.
    Last edited by The Marine; 03-12-2011 at 12:32 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Steroids do not suppress the immune system while you are on them..... when you come off it's a different story. While on them..... they boost your immune system. When you stop a cycle is when you are most vulnerable to having a breakout.


  23. #23
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    Not that this is even a steroid topic but after reading the post above I got curious as it did not agree with what I remembered.

    Sure enough HPV though it can be lifelong and recurrent also clears in most people who contract it without medical intervention and also genital warts often dissapear on their own. The vast majority of males who have HPV never develop any symptoms so just because you don't have genital warts does not mean you do not have HPV.

    Anyway there is a ton of conflicting information on HPV, the CDC website for example states that removal or warts does not decrease the chance of transmission then later on the same page they state that warts should always be removed before sexual contact to lower the chance of transmission LOL so for anyone interested in this subject or suffering from genital warts please do your own research do not take for fact what is posted above as it is somewhat innacurate and dated. The posters statement that he made it through sex with 300 women and then after his divorce he noticed the warts hence the feeling this is when he got the HPV, while this could be the case it could just as easily be that the 290th women he had sex with gave him HPV and then a few years later he developed warts due to stress, sickness or some other situation that caused their growth.

  24. #24
    Further note: Warts are growths on the skin or mucus membranes (such as inside the mouth, nose, anus, genitals, lips) that are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). There are more than 80 different types of HPV. Many are attracted to the skin where they caause different skin-related warts including common warts and plantar warts. Skin related warts such as common warts and plantar warts are generally harmless.
    (so there are many different types of warts caused by many different types of HPV, genital warts being one of these) .... so: common or plantar warts does not = genital warts
    although genital warts are of the much more concerning type due to the threat of spread, location, and risk to females when it comes to being at risk of cervical cancer
    Warts affect 7 to 10% of the population. They are most common in children and adolescents. Warts are VERY cantagious and may appear more often if the body"s defense system is weak. Warts are passed from person to person or from one body location to another on the same person by touch or contact with the flakes of skin.

    Wow isn't this exciting... ha ha ha ... getting educated about warts
    just thought i'd share that info with everyone.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    i heard that over time the immune system can rid itself of HPV. also, the strand of HPV that causes genital warts, does not cause cervical cancer in women. however, some types of HPV that don't cause warts can cause cervical cancer in women. you can get the warts surgically removed by a doctor and put under anesthesia.

  26. #26

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by elixr View Post
    Not smart.... bumping a post that is 10 years old to make a single comment. Do you have something you would like to share besides your warts?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Not smart.... bumping a post that is 10 years old to make a single comment. Do you have something you would like to share besides your warts?
    I beleive there is quite a manifestation of trolls lately.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post

    I beleive there is quite a manifestation of trolls lately.
    Makes sense since most trolls have warts. LoL. Yeah who else is going to bump old post like this. Trolls with no life.

  30. #30
    This is an old thread but I could not help myself in putting by two cents..

    Okay people, the purpose of any anabolic steroid is to increase muscle growth, right? Okay, that happens by rapid cell division. All the cells in the body, good and bad divide more and faster hence why the risk of cancer increases by taking steroids. HPV lies latent in the body forever, certain strains causes warts. A wart aka papilloma is another word for "small tumor," which are benign obviously but these cells can also cause cervical cancer in women.

    hope this helps!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by jgnyc123
    This is an old thread but I could not help myself in putting by two cents.. Okay people, the purpose of any anabolic steroid is to increase muscle growth, right? Okay, that happens by rapid cell division. All the cells in the body, good and bad divide more and faster hence why the risk of cancer increases by taking steroids. HPV lies latent in the body forever, certain strains causes warts. A wart aka papilloma is another word for "small tumor," which are benign obviously but these cells can also cause cervical cancer in women. hope this helps!
    No, muscle cell hyperplasia is not the major mechanism by which muscle hypertrophy occurs. AAS do not cause muscle cells to divide or undergo mitotic division.

    Also the link between cervical cancer and HPV is wildly exaggerated and is not very well supported in the literature.
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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by jgnyc123 View Post
    Okay, that happens by rapid cell division.

    Bad 1st post on a 12 year old thread...

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