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Thread: First cycle,NEED HELP!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    First cycle,NEED HELP!

    I am a first time user currently 5' 11 185 lbs, goal is to bulk up as much as possible an attempt to reach 200lbs, my diet is in great shape, and i work out 5 days of the week .This is what i was hoping to do for my first cycle:

    weeks 1-10 Test-e (500mg a weeks, split up twice a week)
    weeks 1-10 Deca (200mg a week)
    weeks 1-4 D-bol (30mg a day, split up 3 times a day)

    I was planning to take nolvadex at 20-30 mg a day throught out, however when should i start my PCT, what should it consist of, nolvadex and clomid,a nd how much?Any comments on this stack, or recomendations appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    It is best to run A test only cycle that way you know how your body reacts to it ,then when you do your next cycle and add A new substance you will know if any sides arise witch caused it and how to treat them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    So ur saying i should just stick to the test? Either way what should my PCT look like? Thankyou

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by jsingh
    So ur saying i should just stick to the test? Either way what should my PCT look like? Thankyou
    WHAT ARE YOUR STATS jsingh??? Age, weight, height, how long lifting, goals for this cycle...This will help guide you.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    Run this..PCT for cycles 8-16wks:
    Day 1-30- .25mg L-dex + 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolv

    This was posted by Kale earlier and seemed to be agreed upon by admin. I personally only run the clomid 100mgs for the first week and then 50 after that but stick with the first suggestion.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    I'd drop both the deca and dbol. Test is all you need. A perfect first cycle is 200-500mgs of test every week, for 10-12 weeks. You don't need anything else yet.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    23 years old, been liftings since i was 18, started lifting hard within the last 3 yrs. 5'11, 185 pounds, my goal is to bulk as much as possible, and get to somewhere around 200 pounds. My eating habbits are excellent, I eat between 5-6 meals a day, full of all the right stuff. I train 5 days a week, and take weekends off to rest. I decided to start a cycle due to the fact i'm not getting the gains i want, no matter how much more I eat or workout.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by jsingh
    23 years old, been liftings since i was 18, started lifting hard within the last 3 yrs. 5'11, 185 pounds, my goal is to bulk as much as possible, and get to somewhere around 200 pounds. My eating habbits are excellent, I eat between 5-6 meals a day, full of all the right stuff. I train 5 days a week, and take weekends off to rest. I decided to start a cycle due to the fact i'm not getting the gains i want, no matter how much more I eat or workout.

    OK well, my opinion would be to stretch the test to 12 weeks and then read this: to determine if you want to use HCG during the cycle then get some more advice from teh VETS on here adn you should be fine. Make sure you have your PCT in line and have EVERYTHING in hand before you take anything. Nothing worse than starting a cycle then someone comes up short and screws your whole cycle up. I would also consider droppoing the Deca and Dbol since it will be your first cycle.HOPE THIS HELPS
    Last edited by SMAN12b; 04-24-2006 at 10:03 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I don't see anything wrong with that cycle. I think it's fine if you want to run more than test for your first cycle. Although I prefer Eq, less bloat progestagenic sides. HCG would also help greatly with your pct, it's cheap and should be used.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    thanx guys, quick question if i were to do the cycle without the HCG, and my testicles were to shrink, do they return back to normal size after or is it a permanent side effect?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Read this thread it may help you decide about waiting until you get HCG. Hope it helps!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Fort Lauderdale
    Quote Originally Posted by jsingh
    I am a first time user currently 5' 11 185 lbs, goal is to bulk up as much as possible an attempt to reach 200lbs, my diet is in great shape, and i work out 5 days of the week .This is what i was hoping to do for my first cycle:

    weeks 1-10 Test-e (500mg a weeks, split up twice a week)
    weeks 1-10 Deca (200mg a week)
    weeks 1-4 D-bol (30mg a day, split up 3 times a day)

    I was planning to take nolvadex at 20-30 mg a day throught out, however when should i start my PCT, what should it consist of, nolvadex and clomid,a nd how much?Any comments on this stack, or recomendations appreciated.
    i think that you should do test and decca or test and d-bol for your first cycle. it might help in the feel of the side effects, even though those are all great compounds..

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