I have a mate a the gym whos currently on an 8 week cycle of some tablets that were sold to him as "dianabol" (methandrostenolone). I highly doubt the accuracy of this claim and have been trying to figure out what they actually might be. Here are some facts that I know:
*He takes 4 spaced evenly throught the day, 1 of those just before training
*I believe he was told they are 10mg each
*They were relativly plain white pills (I forget if they had any numbers or letters)
*In 6 weeks his strength has gone up, hes added 40kg (88 pounds) to his dead lift
*He says his weight has stayed the same and I can see he doest look at all bloated (his bf% looks around 11-16 but I dont know if it has changed while on the tablets) I think his traps look way bigger than when I last saw him that was 2 months ago so may just be natural, but I doubt it.
Any suggestions on what they might be? I dont have any expierence with orals, but I say there not dianabol.
Unlikely candidates
I say there not dianabol because he should have inflated like a balloon and gained alot of weight.
Andriol (testosterone undecanoate) seems unlikely for similar reasons listed for dianabol.
The oral form of Trenbolone (I forget if that finaject, finaplix or some other word) Im not sure about.
Possible candidatse
Anavar (oxandrolone)
Primobolan (methenolone acetate)
Of course they could be something not on my list.
Hes offered to get me some of these pills but I would like to work out what they are before trying them so any suggestions would be helpfull.