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Thread: Mystery White Pills

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Arrow Mystery White Pills

    I have a mate a the gym whos currently on an 8 week cycle of some tablets that were sold to him as "dianabol" (methandrostenolone) . I highly doubt the accuracy of this claim and have been trying to figure out what they actually might be. Here are some facts that I know:

    *He takes 4 spaced evenly throught the day, 1 of those just before training
    *I believe he was told they are 10mg each
    *They were relativly plain white pills (I forget if they had any numbers or letters)
    *In 6 weeks his strength has gone up, hes added 40kg (88 pounds) to his dead lift
    *He says his weight has stayed the same and I can see he doest look at all bloated (his bf% looks around 11-16 but I dont know if it has changed while on the tablets) I think his traps look way bigger than when I last saw him that was 2 months ago so may just be natural, but I doubt it.

    Any suggestions on what they might be? I dont have any expierence with orals, but I say there not dianabol.

    Unlikely candidates
    I say there not dianabol because he should have inflated like a balloon and gained alot of weight.
    Andriol (testosterone undecanoate) seems unlikely for similar reasons listed for dianabol.

    The oral form of Trenbolone (I forget if that finaject, finaplix or some other word) Im not sure about.

    Possible candidatse
    Anavar (oxandrolone)
    Primobolan (methenolone acetate)

    Of course they could be something not on my list.

    Hes offered to get me some of these pills but I would like to work out what they are before trying them so any suggestions would be helpfull.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    could be proviron buddy i get them as a white tablet and they have a triangle on them aswel, they are a weak AAS but many use them as a anti-est, but wouldnt be able to comment on the others never tried or seen them im afraid. Do you have any other descritions of them?? try and get a picture of them and post in the picture forum may get some ideas from in there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    North West UK
    I have had white dianabol. Come in a white box the writing has a logo remember it being green and blue.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    what makes you doubt there d-bol? i dont get really bloated on d-bol since i run armidex with it

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lach01 View Post
    could be proviron buddy i get them as a white tablet and they have a triangle on them aswel, they are a weak AAS but many use them as a anti-est, but wouldnt be able to comment on the others never tried or seen them im afraid. Do you have any other descritions of them?? try and get a picture of them and post in the picture forum may get some ideas from in there.
    I cant describe them any clearer right now but ill either get a better discription or a pic and post it as soon as I can.

    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    what makes you doubt there d-bol? i dont get really bloated on d-bol since i run armidex with it
    My friend has very limited steroid knowledge. He is not taking any SERM's/AI's or anything else with them so it seems unlikely to me that he could stay so lean. Iv heard of friends gaining a few kilos in water alone off d-bol. I could be wrong but those are just my thoughts.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    so he taking them without knowing what they are? did his source tell him what they are supose to be???

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Yeah he was told that they were dianabol, but the "source" doesnt sound reliable in that sense. The source only has 1 type of product and if their not labeled clearly even the soure may not know what they are. He may ust say d-bol because that easy to market. The sad part is after years of searching this guy is my best chance to actually get onto something without getting scammed
    The steroid scene in Australia is ridiculas. Not trying to sound cool but I know alot of movers & shakers in the drug scene, all party drugs/sedatives ect are relativly easy to obtain (not that im into any of that) but anabolics are hard to find. I metioned in another post that I had a mate who is a middle aged pro bodybuilder who goes to a well know muscle gym (which is known for its members using gear) and even he could not get onto enough quality gear. He ended up moving to the USA I believe so that he could get what he needed to advance his career.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lach01 View Post
    so he taking them without knowing what they are? did his source tell him what they are supose to be???
    Iv know a few guys to take stuff without knowing/caring what it is or how many miligrams they're taking. They just measure how many mills and hope for the best. They treat anabolics like some sort of mystery party drug, its insanity! Some of these same people party non stop before/during and after their cycle too, and you cant even tell that they have used anything (no suprises there)

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    PLEASE READ THE RULES!!! *admin*

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by STED View Post
    PLEASE READ THE RULES!!! *admin*
    I havn't heard of that company, I just did a quick search but could not find their website.

  11. #11
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by STED View Post
    PLEASE READ THE RULES!!! *admin*

    not heard of them either, man sorry to hear the difficulity you got finding sources but is your health really worth it this much??? keep on looking for a more legit source who knows what he's doing (not that this source doesnt)

    Know a few guys the same as you do who party whilst on gear and the only thing that seems to get done is there head. No-one in the drug scene able to push you into the rite direction as if their into moving etc they may be able to bering in from thailand??? not the best option but maybe an idea if they know some-one, best thing buddy get some pictures put up in the picture forum of both sides and can see what they are you'll get good reponce from expereinced users,

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lach01 View Post
    not heard of them either, man sorry to hear the difficulity you got finding sources but is your health really worth it this much??? keep on looking for a more legit source who knows what he's doing (not that this source doesnt)

    Know a few guys the same as you do who party whilst on gear and the only thing that seems to get done is there head. No-one in the drug scene able to push you into the rite direction as if their into moving etc they may be able to bering in from thailand??? not the best option but maybe an idea if they know some-one, best thing buddy get some pictures put up in the picture forum of both sides and can see what they are you'll get good reponce from expereinced users,
    hahaha, that cracked me up, it caught me by suprise but its so true. Yeah I wont take them unless im sure what they are (and decide that that substance is worth taking) though beggars cant be choosers and i afraide for the moment my options are limited. I have another mate who is less fussy and will no doubt give them a go. I will watch his progress closely and call an ambulance if necessary, lol.
    Im chasing down multiple domestic sources through multiple people but as with trying to obtain anything on the black market, 85% of people seem to talk Everyone wants to look like a big player so they say they can help, then just delay and make excuses. People who talk crap really get on my nerve, ive heard way to much of it even in my short life.
    Im sure eventually either myself or 1 of my mates (we are all looking) will find something, and then we will share the fun.

  13. #13
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    Oh, in regard to your other question although u would think that guys into selling illict substances would also sell anabolics in my expierence that hasnt been the case. Their prioty is getting fu*%!d up, not pumped up I guess, but that may just be my demographic, type of associates.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    North West, UK.
    erm theres romanian dianabol by a human grade company.

    naposim there called. they come in 5mg pills with a triangle on one side.

    do they sound like them?

    mind you could you add 40kg to a deadlift on 20mg a day dianabol only for 8 weeks?

    i see your point.

    hope this helps, if it did. T.

  15. #15
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by mick86 View Post
    Oh, in regard to your other question although u would think that guys into selling illict substances would also sell anabolics in my expierence that hasnt been the case. Their prioty is getting fu*%!d up, not pumped up I guess, but that may just be my demographic, type of associates.
    See where your coming from lol i know a mixture of them few ppl dish the lot get more income lol some do either, sorry cant help much more seems to be more responce going down the naposism product, tell ya what i'll do is take a few pictures of the provirons i got up flat and post on here tomorrow and you can see if they look like thme if they dotn can eliminate them.

    Think your making the rite choice bout not taking them, but wathc your mate closley just to be on safe side. catch ya again gym now

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    How bout the lab name posted in post #9 be edited out. And to those that quoted the lab, edit that too. No lab discussion guys.

  17. #17
    could be winny tabs...would exlpain the strength increase w/o a gain in weight or holding water.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Sunshine State
    strong breath mints maybe?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Why the hell would you just buy a bunch of lose pills from some dude at the gym?

    Get a trusted source, I would never buy stuff lose, unless i trusted the guy a lot.

    I will tell you right now its not anavar, but its one of the most expensive out there

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lach01 View Post
    See where your coming from lol i know a mixture of them few ppl dish the lot get more income lol some do either, sorry cant help much more seems to be more responce going down the naposism product, tell ya what i'll do is take a few pictures of the provirons i got up flat and post on here tomorrow and you can see if they look like thme if they dotn can eliminate them.

    Think your making the rite choice bout not taking them, but wathc your mate closley just to be on safe side. catch ya again gym now
    Thanks, posting a pic of proviron would be great, Im going to see either the pills or a pic of them today so Ill have a better description in a few hours, but I just spoke to the guy and I think he said theyre just plain white.

    Quote Originally Posted by double chicken View Post
    strong breath mints maybe?
    Not likely as his breath did not smell minty when I was spotting him yesterday lol, but nice try.

    Quote Originally Posted by T-rex1 View Post
    Why the hell would you just buy a bunch of lose pills from some dude at the gym?

    Get a trusted source, I would never buy stuff lose, unless i trusted the guy a lot.

    I will tell you right now its not anavar, but its one of the most expensive out there
    Ive been looking for a trusted source for some time (as most of my mates at the gym are) and we will continue to look. So far this the closest thing to a trusted source that ive been able to find.

  21. #21
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    Okay bro's, I have a picture.They really do look blank. Btw sorry but there are quite a few pills in the pic, I hope thats not against the rules, iv cropped it down to help with that but left in enough that you can get a good look. If its not clear enough I can re post it in a higher resoloution. The original pic was around 850kb. Let me know what you think..! On an off topic note caffine + training = Good fun lol.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	mystery.jpg 
Views:	6737 
Size:	60.9 KB 
ID:	88519  
    Last edited by mick86; 03-06-2008 at 05:22 AM. Reason: Miss typed good as god and kb as mb

  22. #22
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    ^^Oops I ment the pic was 850 kb, lmao^^

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    The suspence is killing me

  24. #24
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  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    thats not the romanian dbol i was on about in post 14 sorry.

    do they have a K inprinted on one side?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Man could be anything look like ephidrine to me,but could also be aspirin...

  27. #27
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    Nope havent got a clue on this one im afraid, like adamw1 said could be anything, misses had the camera with her last nite when she went out so couldnt get picture, but they dont look like them so doesnt look like i need to now. deffinatley tell your mate not to take them just incase.
    sorry dude,

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    I've taken Adrol similar to those tabs in the pic.
    White Dbol (romanian) has a triangle on a side and it's 5mg

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick86 View Post
    Oh, in regard to your other question although u would think that guys into selling illict substances would also sell anabolics in my expierence that hasnt been the case. Their prioty is getting fu*%!d up, not pumped up I guess, but that may just be my demographic, type of associates.
    People who push illicit drugs are usually not associated with anabolics. The methods of selling anabolics and illicit are really way different, they are two completely different animals metaphorically speaking. Cept the dudes who are real fvcked up.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    something is weird about this thread.....and those are not any dbol any experienced person has seen b4, what is the point IMO, if it were a UG it would be cheaper to cap, and if they were going to press they would proabably have somethjing different than just a perferation, there would be some sort of indication of what it was to avoid this kind of uncertanty. but again something is weird about this thread.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazzive_T View Post
    thats not the romanian dbol i was on about in post 14 sorry.

    do they have a K inprinted on one side?
    No they seem to be completly blank.
    Quote Originally Posted by adamw1 View Post
    Man could be anything look like ephidrine to me,but could also be aspirin...
    If you read the facts I mentioned in the first post I dont think ephidrene or asprin could be responsible
    Quote Originally Posted by Lach01 View Post
    Nope havent got a clue on this one im afraid, like adamw1 said could be anything, misses had the camera with her last nite when she went out so couldnt get picture, but they dont look like them so doesnt look like i need to now. deffinatley tell your mate not to take them just incase.
    sorry dude,
    No need to apoligise, thanks for trying and getting back to me about them.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    I've taken Adrol similar to those tabs in the pic.
    White Dbol (romanian) has a triangle on a side and it's 5mg
    That sounds like the closest thing iv heard as an answer, ill do some research on Androl, and see what I think, thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2 View Post
    something is weird about this thread.....and those are not any dbol any experienced person has seen b4, what is the point IMO, if it were a UG it would be cheaper to cap, and if they were going to press they would proabably have somethjing different than just a perferation, there would be some sort of indication of what it was to avoid this kind of uncertanty. but again something is weird about this thread.
    Thanks for the imput about the d-bol but im not to sure what you mean by weird...though perhaps your questining if me or someone else in this thread has ulterior motives or something, speaking for my self that is not the case. Mabye im just weird, perhaps if your more speific, I or who ever your talking about can try to be less "weird". I just want to identify the tablets so I can make an informed decision on wether or not to take them, period. Whats weird about that?

  32. #32
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    not to sure if these are androl they are one of the strongest out there and your mate would have slammed the weight on as well as strength, btu you say all that has happened is strength increase.

    Best decision at the mo is to stay clear of them and ask the source if he can either give you more details on these or get the packaging that came with them in the begining if any,

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lach01 View Post
    not to sure if these are androl they are one of the strongest out there and your mate would have slammed the weight on as well as strength, btu you say all that has happened is strength increase.

    Best decision at the mo is to stay clear of them and ask the source if he can either give you more details on these or get the packaging that came with them in the begining if any,
    I believe my friend just go them in a plastic bag or something, no packaging. His strength has sky rocketed, he is perhaps a leaner but tells me no weight gain(but as I said b4 I thought he looked bigger, it had been a while since id seen him but his traps looked like they had doubled in size) Mabye hes not w e i g h i n g himself properly or something He really isnt the sharpest tool in the shed to be honest. What if he was taking a low dose of androl, could that fit the scenario?
    Ill add that he said his lebido wasnt really affected but that it takes him a little longer to get it up, dont know if that reveals much. Also his last/first cycle was decca and stanazole (Not a combo that id choose for for any cycle, let alone my first) and it seems these tablets are doing much more for him than that combo.

  34. #34
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    Im gonna guess Albuterol or Var, have seen both to look like this, even tho i dont think Albuterol would cause the strength gains u described.....

  35. #35
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    I must admit I dont know anything about Albuterol, ill have to look into it. Thanks for the advice. Var was one of my initial thoughts too. Like BITTAPART2 said it seems silly to produce a completly blank pill.

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    North West, UK.
    sorry i couldnt help more bro.


  37. #37
    Join Date
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    they could be Albuterol or Var i couldnt see proivron giving the stregth gains used manily as a anti-est,
    sorry mick couldnt b much help but hope u get to the end of it, another situatio for you is take a look into the recipies section, home brew could be a possibilty at least then you know exactly what your making and getting

  38. #38
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    iv got some 20mg nolva that look just like those, plain with the squared off edges

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick86 View Post
    Okay bro's, I have a picture.They really do look blank. Btw sorry but there are quite a few pills in the pic, I hope thats not against the rules, iv cropped it down to help with that but left in enough that you can get a good look. If its not clear enough I can re post it in a higher resoloution. The original pic was around 850kb. Let me know what you think..! On an off topic note caffine + training = Good fun lol.
    to me it looks like russian methandrostenolone...

  40. #40
    Look like var to me

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