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Thread: Ibuprofen’s effect on protein synthesis

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion

    Ibuprofen’s effect on protein synthesis

    I don’t make a regular practice out of consuming Ibuprofen on a daily basis but here lately my lower back has been giving me some problems, mostly associated with the common pain common with d-bol. I have heard that Ibuprofen slows down protein synthesis, which is obviously not good for us body builders, but will popping a few of these before a workout, maybe three times a week slow down protein synthesis that dramatically?

  2. #2
    Why not use aspirin instead?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by kick6 View Post
    Why not use aspirin instead?
    I use Ibuprofen for its anti-inflammatory properties, I wasn't aware that aspirin was an anti-inflammatory.

  4. #4
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    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    I seriously dont think taking ibuprofen will hinder growth bro...i mean I know countless BBers and other athletes that live on it...I take them when My joints are flared too...remember Tom Prince???..he was HUGE and and lived on them I mean it was reported that he took 12-15 at a a time...they did end his career when he devolped Kidney problemss..point being maybe they do slow down synthesis but not enuff to hurt your growth.

  5. #5
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    I've posted this study a few times on here. All you had to do was a search for Ibuprofen...

    Motrin and other NSAIDs have an influence on protien synthesis after exercise, in other words - yes it can effect your gains

    "Neither drug had any influence on whole body protein breakdown, as
    measured by rate of phenylalanine appearance, on serum
    creatine kinase, or on rating of perceived muscle soreness
    compared with PLA. These results suggest that over-thecounter
    doses of both ibuprofen and acetaminophen suppress
    the protein synthesis response in skeletal muscle after eccentric
    resistance exercise

    Ibuprofen and acetaminophen are purported to relieve
    muscle soreness and pain through separate mechanisms.
    Ibuprofen is known to block cyclooxgenase (EC, which then reduces metabolites produced by
    this enzyme, such as prostaglandins, that are at least
    partially responsible for inflammation and algesia (14,
    35, 36). However, prostaglandins have also been shown
    to regulate protein metabolism, and NSAIDs similar to
    ibuprofen have been shown to blunt protein metabolism
    in animal skeletal muscle
    (24, 30). Therefore,
    skeletal muscle protein metabolism may be influenced
    in individuals who consume ibuprofen after unaccustomed
    exercise. The mechanism of analgesic action of
    acetaminophen, also known as paracetamol, is less
    clear; however, it is believed to have its analgesic
    action within the central nervous system (8, 11, 15, 32,
    36). Thus acetaminophen would not be expected to
    interfere with muscle protein metabolism after exercise

    ......However, long-term use of
    these drugs may inhibit the normal hypertrophic response
    to resistance training
    . Future studies on the
    impact of chronic consumption of over-the-counter
    doses of these drugs on skeletal muscle are warranted"

  6. #6
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    i think i read that same articel before. i guess it may not of been the same but it stated the same things

  7. #7
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    Taking them everyday can lead to stomach ulcers. I know a girl who took way too may around that time of the month, then she started shitting coffee grinds and lost so much blood to her stomach she needed blood transfusions.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    Taking them everyday can lead to stomach ulcers. I know a girl who took way too may around that time of the month, then she started shitting coffee grinds and lost so much blood to her stomach she needed blood transfusions.
    Thats awfell

  9. #9
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Thanks for the feedback guys, I guess I am only going to take it I have to. I mean if the pain is so unbearable that it hinders my workout. Def. wouldn't take 12-15 I guess like most other things, moderation is the key.

  10. #10
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    Jan 2008
    I take tablets containing proxen for inflamatory problems, there great but prescription only. you could always try something else besides ibuprofen to help with the problem. Alternate between a few meds so as not to over use any individual. Just a thought.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick86 View Post
    I take tablets containing proxen for inflamatory problems, there great but prescription only. you could always try something else besides ibuprofen to help with the problem. Alternate between a few meds so as not to over use any individual. Just a thought.
    sounds good bro, I will give it a try

  12. #12
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    Houston, TX
    naproxen and ibuprofen are both nsaids. I would use Ibuprofen. I used to run marathons and we called it vitamin I. The thing about ibuprofen is that it builds up in your system and works better after a couple of doses.
    You should also remember that nsaids were designed to be theraputic and not just for an occasional dose. If you have inflamation in one of your joints then 3-4 doses can reduce the inflamation to such a degree that the body can heal itself and you wont get tendonitus.
    And yes aspirin has anit-inflamatory properties. You can also use ice packs and drink more water.

    20 minutes ice followed by 10 minutes heat can help too.
    Ice reduces swelling and inflamation by vasoconstriction
    Heat will cause blood to flow more readily to a site it is applied to by vasodilation.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    These results suggest that over-thecounter
    doses of both ibuprofen and acetaminophen suppress
    the protein synthesis response in skeletal muscle after eccentric
    resistance exercise
    eccentric resistance... aka negative reps, true you do get more of a work out doing these kinds of reps but if you primarily concentrate on concentric (shorting of muscles), what happens then? i didnt see anything about it... and i'd bet that if you take a minimal dosage that it wouldnt effect it much...

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by im83931 View Post
    naproxen and ibuprofen are both nsaids. I would use Ibuprofen. I used to run marathons and we called it vitamin I. The thing about ibuprofen is that it builds up in your system and works better after a couple of doses.
    You should also remember that nsaids were designed to be theraputic and not just for an occasional dose. If you have inflamation in one of your joints then 3-4 doses can reduce the inflamation to such a degree that the body can heal itself and you wont get tendonitus.
    And yes aspirin has anit-inflamatory properties. You can also use ice packs and drink more water.

    20 minutes ice followed by 10 minutes heat can help too.
    Ice reduces swelling and inflamation by vasoconstriction
    Heat will cause blood to flow more readily to a site it is applied to by vasodilation.
    great info, thanks

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