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  1. #1
    perfectstranger11 is offline New Member
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    first timer needing hair loss help

    Im 21 ive been on test cyp for a month now. After about the end of the 2nd week on I have really been loosing alot of hair. I was taking 300mg twice a week for the first 3 weeks and iv dropped down drastically to 200mg twice a week becase of the hairloss. ive added rogain, nu hair, and ive been on 1mg daily propecia for 2 months now. I would lke to know if I should continue my cycle or end it with some hair? I cant really pull off the bald look . also will the hair regrow if I stop now?

  2. #2
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    You got to ask that question to yourself man. The chances of the hair returning are minimal but it could. With the help of Rogaine and Finasteride you could still regain a lot but it takes time.

  3. #3
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    the choice to continue or end the cycle is up to you. if you run another cycle you should get duta, finasteride spiro and nizoral if you really want to avoid and hair loss.

    if you're prone to mpb, you're pretty much out of luck for the most part as any steroid will aggrivate the condition

  4. #4
    fedorrulz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectstranger11 View Post
    Im 21 ive been on test cyp for a month now. After about the end of the 2nd week on I have really been loosing alot of hair. I was taking 300mg twice a week for the first 3 weeks and iv dropped down drastically to 200mg twice a week becase of the hairloss. ive added rogain, nu hair, and ive been on 1mg daily propecia for 2 months now. I would lke to know if I should continue my cycle or end it with some hair? I cant really pull off the bald look . also will the hair regrow if I stop now?

    Stop the cycle. Test is not worth all the sides. Hairloss huh? Yes, it happens with test. The fun starts when you start getting huge zits all over your face and back. The girls just love this "look." I swore off test years ago and will never touch it again. I can't afford this anymore being in my 30's and with my profession its a no no.

    If you suffer from male pattern baldness you are VERY limited in what steroids you can use.

    Cause limited hair loss
    1. tbol
    2. var
    3. HGH (but 90% of us can't find it or afford it)

    Cause moderate hair loss
    1. primo
    2. eq
    3. deca
    4. test with propecia

    Hello baldy!!!
    1. test
    2. halo
    3. tren (the worst)
    4. winny
    5. Dbol

    If you have MPB I would get on a regime of propecia, nizoral shampoo, and possible rogiane immediatly. I have seen guys suffering from baldness use steroids and have devestating results. The steroids made their hair fall out rapidly, and it will never grow back. Bald at 20 = no fun! They all regret using the steroids listed in the "moderate hair loss" and "hello baldy" lists. I have early MPG myself and tbol and var are the only steroids that will probably ever use nowadays as they have minimal effect on your hair if you have MPB. I am just looking out for the balding brethern on the forum.
    Last edited by fedorrulz; 04-29-2008 at 01:00 AM.

  5. #5
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by fedorrulz View Post
    Stop the cycle. Test is not worth all the sides. Hairloss huh? Yes, it happens with test. The fun starts when you start getting huge zits all over your face and back. The girls just love this "look." I swore off test years ago and will never touch it again. I can't afford to being in my 30's and with my profession its a no no.

    If you suffer from male pattern baldness you are VERY limited in what steroids you can use.

    Cause limited hair loss
    1. tbol
    2. var
    3. HGH (but 90% of of can't find it or afford it)

    Cause moderate hair loss
    1. primo
    2. eq
    3. deca
    4. test with propecia

    Hello baldy!!!
    1. test
    2. halo
    3. tren (the worst)
    4. winny
    5. Dbol

    If you have MPB I would get on a regime of propecia, nizoral shampoo, and possible rogiane immediatly. I have seen guys suffering from baldness use steroids and have devestating results. The steroids made their hair fall out rapidly, and it will never grow back. Bald at 20 = no fun! They all regret using the steroids listed in the "moderate hair loss" and "hello baldy" lists. I have early MPG myself and tbol and var are the only steroids that will probably ever use nowadays as they have minimal effect on your hair if you have MPB. I am just looking out for the balding brethern on the forum.
    running cycles without test is just as bad as balding. its a poor idea for 99% of all steroid users.

  6. #6
    fedorrulz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    running cycles without test is just as bad as balding. its a poor idea for 99% of all steroid users.

    test is not needed for every cycle. Tbol increses test levels just fine. As does its PH clone Halotest 25 and lots of other test boosters. (1) Oral Turinabol was found to have the ability to reduce SHBG and allow testosterone to be more readily used.

    A 5 - 6 week cycle of 20mg Tbol and 40mg Var is a safe cycle that has very few side effects and doesn't require test.

    1. The pharmacokinetics of Oral-Turinabol in humans] Pharmazie. 1991 Sep;46(9):650-4. German.

  7. #7
    mick86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectstranger11 View Post
    Im 21 ive been on test cyp for a month now. After about the end of the 2nd week on I have really been loosing alot of hair. I was taking 300mg twice a week for the first 3 weeks and iv dropped down drastically to 200mg twice a week becase of the hairloss. ive added rogain, nu hair, and ive been on 1mg daily propecia for 2 months now. I would lke to know if I should continue my cycle or end it with some hair? I cant really pull off the bald look . also will the hair regrow if I stop now?
    I have never quite understood what exactly happens when your hair falls out on cycle, and how you can now if its happening. Does it mostly fall out from one area (a bald spot) or just thin in general? Also does it come out in your hands when you are washing/styling it?

    Sorry to go off topic, Its just that I have been wanting to know for a while because like you im 21 and I think my hair is thin in general and wonder if it is the roids that did it or if its always been that way and I just diddnt notice brfore.

  8. #8
    perfectstranger11 is offline New Member
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    Alright thanks for the help guys. My hairline up front is pushed way back now and thinning daily. And to answer your question mick when ever i shower and put shampoo in my hair my hands are pretty much covered in my hair that fell out. Looks like im done with test

  9. #9
    mick86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectstranger11 View Post
    Alright thanks for the help guys. My hairline up front is pushed way back now and thinning daily. And to answer your question mick when ever i shower and put shampoo in my hair my hands are pretty much covered in my hair that fell out. Looks like im done with test
    Thanks for letting me know and I hope you are able to reverse some of the hair loss. If not u should remember that steroids only speed up the process of hair loss so it would of happened in a few years anyway. I have a cousin started losing his hair at around age 19 and doesn't even use steroids .

  10. #10
    Kratos's Avatar
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    I would guess some of that hair is gonna come back when you stop, some of the hair folicles get shocked and stop growing and the folicle is then resting but still capable of producing hair. Although the next hair that comes out will probably be thinner and weaker. I would stop the test, hair is one of those must have things. Sounds like you are already doing more than the average 21 year old to keep the snow on the roof. Don't cycle, stay on dutasteride, shampoo with nizoral 2%, and hit the bare and thin spots with rogaine is about all you can do. I would save your money for hair transplant though, for 20 grand you can fix the problem, and it sounds like your hair is determined to fall out.

  11. #11
    petethemanc is offline Banned
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    finasteride and rogaine will help, i lost some and it was thinning on a very heavy dbol and decca cycle. Took about 5 weeks but everything was back to normal.

  12. #12
    Z-Ro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fedorrulz View Post
    Stop the cycle. Test is not worth all the sides. Hairloss huh? Yes, it happens with test. The fun starts when you start getting huge zits all over your face and back. The girls just love this "look." I swore off test years ago and will never touch it again. I can't afford this anymore being in my 30's and with my profession its a no no.

    If you suffer from male pattern baldness you are VERY limited in what steroids you can use.

    Cause limited hair loss
    1. tbol
    2. var
    3. HGH (but 90% of us can't find it or afford it)

    Cause moderate hair loss
    1. primo
    2. eq
    3. deca
    4. test with propecia

    Hello baldy!!!
    1. test
    2. halo
    3. tren (the worst)
    4. winny
    5. Dbol

    If you have MPB I would get on a regime of propecia, nizoral shampoo, and possible rogiane immediatly. I have seen guys suffering from baldness use steroids and have devestating results. The steroids made their hair fall out rapidly, and it will never grow back. Bald at 20 = no fun! They all regret using the steroids listed in the "moderate hair loss" and "hello baldy" lists. I have early MPG myself and tbol and var are the only steroids that will probably ever use nowadays as they have minimal effect on your hair if you have MPB. I am just looking out for the balding brethern on the forum.

    Dude, you post this a lot and I still have to disagree with you. Var is NOT safe for everyone, I am not implying to anyone here that it is not gentle, it normally is but I have read a lot of posts about guys shedding on Var.

    Now the question is, do you trust UGL to give you real Var or something labled as Var. Same with Tbol.

    And Test is probably just as safe if you are willing to use .5mg Dutasteride everyday and as long as you keep the Test dose moderate.

    A buddy of mine WITH MPB used low dose Test with Deca and lost hardly any hair after stopping Dutasteride.

    Deca is actually one of the mildest, EQ as well. I would say both of them are equal if not more safe than Tbol or Var.

    Sure some may lose on Deca and Eq from time to time but equal too if not less than what I see about Var (a DHT derivative).

  13. #13
    Z-Ro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fedorrulz View Post
    test is not needed for every cycle. Tbol increses test levels just fine. As does its PH clone Halotest 25 and lots of other test boosters. (1) Oral Turinabol was found to have the ability to reduce SHBG and allow testosterone to be more readily used.

    A 5 - 6 week cycle of 20mg Tbol and 40mg Var is a safe cycle that has very few side effects and doesn't require test.

    1. The pharmacokinetics of Oral-Turinabol in humans] Pharmazie. 1991 Sep;46(9):650-4. German.
    Also, that is a German study but no one even produces pharmicutical grade Turinabol anymore. So in reality you are just hoping you recieve actual Tbol.

  14. #14
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    BTW -- I am not flaming you Fedorrulz, I am just telling you what I have seen and experienced after dealing with MPB for four years.

    Its a hard fight and we need to band together (those of us who do not want to shave). I am sure you have done sucessful cycles with Tbol and Var.

    My best advice for those who use Test--use DHT inhibitor, Rogaine, Nizoral, Spiro! Its expensive but worth it!

  15. #15
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z-Ro View Post
    Dude, you post this a lot and I still have to disagree with you. Var is NOT safe for everyone, I am not implying to anyone here that it is not gentle, it normally is but I have read a lot of posts about guys shedding on Var.

    Now the question is, do you trust UGL to give you real Var or something labled as Var. Same with Tbol.

    And Test is probably just as safe if you are willing to use .5mg Dutasteride everyday and as long as you keep the Test dose moderate.

    A buddy of mine WITH MPB used low dose Test with Deca and lost hardly any hair after stopping Dutasteride.

    Deca is actually one of the mildest, EQ as well. I would say both of them are equal if not more safe than Tbol or Var.

    Sure some may lose on Deca and Eq from time to time but equal too if not less than what I see about Var (a DHT derivative).


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    sitries is offline Associate Member
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  17. #17
    mick86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sitries View Post

    Haha,whohaseverheardofabrokenspacebar,ohsh!t,minei sgoneto.Itsanepidemic.

    Seriously though either just copy a space from someone else's post and past it as required or copy one from the character map which on a PC can be found in Start Menu-All Programs-Accessories-System Tools-Character Map. Alternativly try prying your space bar off and seeing what the problem is with the button underneath. Hope its not clogged up from to much jk

  18. #18
    Z-Ro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sitries View Post

    I am not sure there is much you can do for recession. The only thing I have managed to do is slow down hair loss and thicken my hair back up. You have to keep pounding away at it with topicals along side DHT inhibitors.

  19. #19
    Prada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z-Ro View Post
    Dude, you post this a lot and I still have to disagree with you. Var is NOT safe for everyone, I am not implying to anyone here that it is not gentle, it normally is but I have read a lot of posts about guys shedding on Var.

    Now the question is, do you trust UGL to give you real Var or something labled as Var. Same with Tbol.

    And Test is probably just as safe if you are willing to use .5mg Dutasteride everyday and as long as you keep the Test dose moderate.

    A buddy of mine WITH MPB used low dose Test with Deca and lost hardly any hair after stopping Dutasteride.

    Deca is actually one of the mildest, EQ as well. I would say both of them are equal if not more safe than Tbol or Var.

    Sure some may lose on Deca and Eq from time to time but equal too if not less than what I see about Var (a DHT derivative).

    I was about to say the same thing. What works for one does not mean it work likewise universally. Its subjective.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prada View Post
    I was about to say the same thing. What works for one does not mean it work likewise universally. Its subjective.
    Yup, there are guys who do not shed on Tren but shed on Winny/Masteron /Dbol , etc...

  21. #21
    mick86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z-Ro View Post
    I am not sure there is much you can do for recession. The only thing I have managed to do is slow down hair loss and thicken my hair back up. You have to keep pounding away at it with topicals along side DHT inhibitors.
    I read the following at (I know that this is perhaps not a very reliable source for information)

    Propecia is effective only for as long as it is taken; the hair gained or maintained is lost within 6-12 months of ceasing therapy [1]

    Did you find this to be the case Z-Ro?

    Also out of curiosity how do people generally go about obtaining Finasteride, Dutasteride ect (I'm not asking for a source). Do the the people who provide you with steroids usually stock it or do you source it elsewhere or even legally from a doctor? I ask because except on overseas scammer websites Ive never had it offered to me.

    [1] # ^ Rossi S (Ed.) (2004). Australian Medicines Handbook 2004. Adelaide: Australian Medicines Handbook. ISBN 0-9578521-4-2.

  22. #22
    bbminded's Avatar
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    i htink if your just prone to it its gonna accelerate no matter what. and if your not prone then your very lucky. look at jay cutler he has a full head of hair!!!!!!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by fedorrulz View Post
    Stop the cycle. Test is not worth all the sides. Hairloss huh? Yes, it happens with test. The fun starts when you start getting huge zits all over your face and back. The girls just love this "look." I swore off test years ago and will never touch it again. I can't afford this anymore being in my 30's and with my profession its a no no.

    If you suffer from male pattern baldness you are VERY limited in what steroids you can use.

    Cause limited hair loss
    1. tbol
    2. var
    3. HGH (but 90% of us can't find it or afford it)

    Cause moderate hair loss
    1. primo
    2. eq
    3. deca
    4. test with propecia

    Hello baldy!!!
    1. test
    2. halo
    3. tren (the worst)
    4. winny
    5. Dbol

    If you have MPB I would get on a regime of propecia, nizoral shampoo, and possible rogiane immediatly. I have seen guys suffering from baldness use steroids and have devestating results. The steroids made their hair fall out rapidly, and it will never grow back. Bald at 20 = no fun! They all regret using the steroids listed in the "moderate hair loss" and "hello baldy" lists. I have early MPG myself and tbol and var are the only steroids that will probably ever use nowadays as they have minimal effect on your hair if you have MPB. I am just looking out for the balding brethern on the forum.
    Again, stop copy and pasting this nonsense..its very annoying

  24. #24
    fedorrulz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z-Ro View Post
    Also, that is a German study but no one even produces pharmicutical grade Turinabol anymore. So in reality you are just hoping you recieve actual Tbol.
    This is true. But this applies to all of us. We don't know i what we get is legit or not unless it is tested. It comes down to trusting a source and getting results from the product. I have bought fake stuff before and its obvious = no results.

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