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On Mardi Gras - Feb. 2, I think - of this year, while I was on Test E 500 mg week and Winstrol 150 mg week, I went out with my friends and started drinking around 1pm. About 12 hours and 30 drinks later we were back at my buddys house to stay the night. My friend has f*cking monkey arms but for some reason - fueled by alcohol and juice - I thought I stood a chance at beating him in arm wrestling. The first time he put me down ez. So I stood up, did my Curly shuffle, pounded on the wall a few times, gave him my death stare and sat back down for another round. I too gave 150% and got my a.s.s handed to me. Three days later I couldnt do any type of chest excercise. You use your bicep as a stabilizer whenever u do any press or fly for chest. It took two weeks to heal. But then it got better.
About a month ago, as I was then off cycle, I was trying to keep up my weight doing hammer curls and something did feel right. Long story short I think its something with my tendon or ligament (im not a dr.) that connects the bi, tri, and forearm together around the elbow. Its messed up, i have to straighten my arm as much as I can and pop it about 10 times a day to get the fluid out of there. I probably have ligament damage that may need surgery, but im hoping if my source ever gets some damn gh that will fix it.
Long story short I feel your pain, and I'll never arm wrestle again. Not anyone, ever, just like you. Not a girl or my sister, lol.
My advice is to wait it out a few days to a week and see if it gets any better. Then try to isolate exactly what part of your arm is actually f*cked up. Its unlikely you tore your tri, bi, forearm, snapped your ligament, and strained your tendon all at the same time. Its probably just one thing, try to figure it out and then go from there. Peace brother, I feel your humiliation and pain. :P