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Thread: Inured 2 & 1/2 weeks into cycle, should I stop?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    I have edited the post with new information at the top.

    Due to injury I think I will need to take a break from my cycle. I will make up my mind on Sunday when I would be due for my next shot, but I doubt I will be better by then. I would really appreciate some advice from an experienced user on how Id best come off, and how and when to come back on and what effect this is likely to have on any possible gains. All relevant information is below. Thank you very much for any advice, my training means the world to me right now, this is my second cycle and the first one was also disrupted so I want to get this right.

    I'm now 22 days into a d-bol/test E/deca cycle. For the first week I just ran d-bol and tapered up the dose from 20mg per day to 30 mg pd. At the start of week 2 I front loaded the test E at 1000mg and deca at 800mg and then for then a week later started using 500mg pw test and 400mg pw deca split into 2 shots per week. I did 4 of these shots. Thats where im at right now.

    I have aromasin, nolva and clen which I had planed for using in my pct so I could start those early if it would help. Also have a lot of vitamin C, Ginko Bilboa, Vitamin B6 and mirtzapine which may be of use. I can get other things if I need to.

    Btw this thread has my stats, and explanation of compounds used in the cycle.

    Once again thank you for your help.

    (Also it occurred to me that this thread may be in the wrong section so sorry about that. I have re posted it in the injury and rehab forum here

    The original post if your interested how I managed to injure myself (very embarrassing)

    I am 2 and a half weeks into my second cycle(test e 500mg pw, d 400mg pw). Last weekend I made the foolish decision to give into some arrogant guys gloating that he could beat me in an arm wrestle. I was hesitant to engage him despite him being physically smaller because I know nothing about arm wrestling technique and on my first cycle I arm wrestled a few guys and then injured my elbow the next day in the gym. It took a week to recover.

    Well anyway I arm wrestled this guy both arms, started on the right but after a bad start let him take it. He gloated so I challenged him on the left and gave %150 and I won but it was a struggle. I felt fine but when I woke up the following day I found that both elbows were sore, the left particularly. Cant even carry around weight plates or hold onto handles during leg exercises without discomfort. 4 days later no improvement

    Can someone please advise me if they think I should continue with my cycle or stop, commence PCT (have aroma and nolva) and wait to recover. This cycle means an awful lot to me and im devastated that I have messed things up over a stupid pride thing. I haven't done any upper body work this week but trained lower body Mon, Tues and Wed and despite modifying my workouts (limiting arm involvement) it may have aggravated the problem so im taking a few days full rest. Btw I have some clen, would it be a good idea to switch to that for a week or two, only do cardio then get back on cycle when better?

    In the future when on cycle I will wrap myself in cotton wool every time I live the gym to avoid further problems. Even if challenged by an anorexic girl to thumb wrestle I will
    Last edited by mick86; 05-06-2008 at 08:31 AM. Reason: I have edited the post so that the most important info is at the top.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Who knows?
    I have no real advice. But I'd like to at you for injuring yourself arm wrestling.

    Sorry, but I had to. Hopefully someone comes in with some advice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I know its pretty fu@k!ng pathetic Ive know it to happen to other people also but that doesn't make it any less embarrassing.

  4. #4
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    Jan 2008
    Well, 2night is my injection night in in the face of no real responses I will continue for the moment. I cant imagine that I have done anything to severe but if its still not better by Wednesday when im due for my next shot after tonight I may consider stopping. Otherwise the gear is just going to waste. Im hoping that the gear that im on may even speed up the healing process but dont know the specific implications.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I guess it depends on how bad you injured your elbow. You might have just strained something. I'd say train around it if you can and keep on ur cycle. Unless you think its really serious then go get it checked out. Just my $.02

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    the true north
    train lowerbody until your arms feel better. lol@losing to some smaller dude at arm wrestling and ****ing up your training. he double owned you

  7. #7
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    This is why i will never arm wrestle again, been there b4 and never want to go there again..

    Once it took me a over a few months to recover form a bad strain in my elbow. I hope you learned your lesson.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla View Post
    train lowerbody until your arms feel better. lol@losing to some smaller dude at arm wrestling and ****ing up your training. he double owned you
    Hey I beat him on the left arm..I actually researched how to arm wrestle for future reference so if I saw him again (and wasnt on cycle) I would wipe the floor with him.
    Last edited by mick86; 05-01-2008 at 10:44 AM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick86 View Post
    Hey I beat him on the left arm..I actually researched how to arm wrestle for future reference so if I saw him again (and wasnt on cycle) I would wipe the floor with him.
    over the top mick! over the top!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick86 View Post
    Hey I beat him on the left arm..I actually researched how to arm wrestle for future reference so if I saw him again (and wasnt on cycle) I would wipe the floor with him.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by frignugs View Post
    This is why i will never arm wrestle again, been there b4 and never want to go there again..

    Once it took me a over a few months to recover form a bad strain in my elbow. I hope you learned your lesson.
    I hope it doesnt take that long...! The mate I mentioned above who also hurt his arm spent 2 months recovering also. Did you realise at the time of the arm wrestle that you had done some damage ore did it take a day or two to get painful like mine?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by frignugs View Post
    Believe as you will, I have no need to prove anything.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick86 View Post
    I hope it doesnt take that long...! The mate I mentioned above who also hurt his arm spent 2 months recovering also. Did you realise at the time of the arm wrestle that you had done some damage ore did it take a day or two to get painful like mine?
    I remember the pain developing slowly after a few days of rest....i never knew it would take me that long to recover...i was so fcuking pissed cause it was right in the middle of summer, only trained legs and abs. It sucked bro

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick86 View Post
    Believe as you will, I have no need to prove anything.
    I beleive you can beat him, i just couldnt find the *shakeheads* didnt learn your lesson!

  15. #15
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    On Mardi Gras - Feb. 2, I think - of this year, while I was on Test E 500 mg week and Winstrol 150 mg week, I went out with my friends and started drinking around 1pm. About 12 hours and 30 drinks later we were back at my buddys house to stay the night. My friend has f*cking monkey arms but for some reason - fueled by alcohol and juice - I thought I stood a chance at beating him in arm wrestling. The first time he put me down ez. So I stood up, did my Curly shuffle, pounded on the wall a few times, gave him my death stare and sat back down for another round. I too gave 150% and got my a.s.s handed to me. Three days later I couldnt do any type of chest excercise. You use your bicep as a stabilizer whenever u do any press or fly for chest. It took two weeks to heal. But then it got better.

    About a month ago, as I was then off cycle, I was trying to keep up my weight doing hammer curls and something did feel right. Long story short I think its something with my tendon or ligament (im not a dr.) that connects the bi, tri, and forearm together around the elbow. Its messed up, i have to straighten my arm as much as I can and pop it about 10 times a day to get the fluid out of there. I probably have ligament damage that may need surgery, but im hoping if my source ever gets some damn gh that will fix it.

    Long story short I feel your pain, and I'll never arm wrestle again. Not anyone, ever, just like you. Not a girl or my sister, lol.

    My advice is to wait it out a few days to a week and see if it gets any better. Then try to isolate exactly what part of your arm is actually f*cked up. Its unlikely you tore your tri, bi, forearm, snapped your ligament, and strained your tendon all at the same time. Its probably just one thing, try to figure it out and then go from there. Peace brother, I feel your humiliation and pain. :P

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla View Post
    over the top mick! over the top!
    Lol, my main problem was the angle of my arm,his hand was near his shoulder, mine was out stretched.

    Quote Originally Posted by frignugs View Post
    I beleive you can beat him, i just couldnt find the *shakeheads* didnt learn your lesson!
    Thought u were rolling your eyes at me saying that I would beat him if I ever saw him again.

    Taking that much time off would have sucked, do you think that in hindsight that you could have done anything to speed up your recovery?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by nhl1 View Post
    On Mardi Gras - Feb. 2, I think - of this year, while I was on Test E 500 mg week and Winstrol 150 mg week, I went out with my friends and started drinking around 1pm. About 12 hours and 30 drinks later we were back at my buddys house to stay the night. My friend has f*cking monkey arms but for some reason - fueled by alcohol and juice - I thought I stood a chance at beating him in arm wrestling. The first time he put me down ez. So I stood up, did my Curly shuffle, pounded on the wall a few times, gave him my death stare and sat back down for another round. I too gave 150% and got my a.s.s handed to me. Three days later I couldnt do any type of chest excercise. You use your bicep as a stabilizer whenever u do any press or fly for chest. It took two weeks to heal. But then it got better.

    About a month ago, as I was then off cycle, I was trying to keep up my weight doing hammer curls and something did feel right. Long story short I think its something with my tendon or ligament (im not a dr.) that connects the bi, tri, and forearm together around the elbow. Its messed up, i have to straighten my arm as much as I can and pop it about 10 times a day to get the fluid out of there. I probably have ligament damage that may need surgery, but im hoping if my source ever gets some damn gh that will fix it.

    Long story short I feel your pain, and I'll never arm wrestle again. Not anyone, ever, just like you. Not a girl or my sister, lol.

    My advice is to wait it out a few days to a week and see if it gets any better. Then try to isolate exactly what part of your arm is actually f*cked up. Its unlikely you tore your tri, bi, forearm, snapped your ligament, and strained your tendon all at the same time. Its probably just one thing, try to figure it out and then go from there. Peace brother, I feel your humiliation and pain. :P
    It seems we have all suffered at the hands of our pride and fallen to ill fated arm wrestle's. My problem is just the elbow, its not a muscle issue and cant be a tear I doubt or id have known about it sooner. Good luck getting the GH, I dont know how it is where you live but I think here in Australia the chances of finding a legit source stocking that at a semi reasonable price are slim to none. I dont even know anyone here who has taken it.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick86 View Post
    Taking that much time off would have sucked, do you think that in hindsight that you could have done anything to speed up your recovery?
    Just alot of rest....and some daily stretching

  19. #19
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    listen i was in high school 98 pounds and i beat a 175 italian tuff guy football player
    arm wrestling..

    Mind you i could bench 200 on a machine and 145lbs free i was very
    strong for my weight.

    People have been arm wrestling me ever since..geez even 3 weeks ago.. i had an arm wrestle.

    I always win.. I know technique which is key. ..strength helps too.

    but anyway..what you have is tendonitis.. this would happen every time i would
    arm wrestle.. you have to lay off for a while.. the thing is you can't quit your cycle.

    find other ways to workout.. it will go and come ..don't arm wrestle it's not worth it.
    Last edited by Deen54; 05-01-2008 at 11:19 AM.

  20. #20
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    Yah i was going to say if its restricted to the elbow sounds like the same thing I have. Something with the tendon or ligament. You know the old cliche of "Hey Dr. it hurts when I do this." Dr. says, "Then dont do that."

    Try to work around it like me. I wont do hammer curls, tricep kickbacks, skull crushers... Anything that puts enormous amounts of pressure on the elbow. But as long as you can get back to being able to grip there should be other exercises you can do to work around it.

    It sucks but just take it as I have... a lesson well learned. lol :P

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    listen i was in high school 98 pounds. Mind you i could bench 200 on a machine and 145lbs free i was very
    strong for my weight.

    riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, 98lbs putting up 145 lbs free weights? likely

    strong difference between a 200 pound bench and a 145lbs free weight press.
    at 145lbs free weights, should be up around the 315 mark...

    likely story...riiggght

  22. #22
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    Thanks for all the advice, im actually really devastated that this has happened. My first cycle was disrupted through me getting arrested and my second now through injury. It seems like I am doomed to f*ck things up for myself every time I get on the gear. Maybe I should take up kite flying or something even safer than that.

    For the moment it still sometimes hurts when I sneeze so wont be doing any weights for a while. I will continue with lower body but I still have to hold back there also because I cant hold on for support for starters, and I find that when you fully exert yourself everything tightens and no matter what body part is injured you cant avoid aggravating it.

  23. #23
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    frignus.. ... yup mistake.. i was benching 135lbs not 145lbs
    basically the long bar and two 45 pound plates and i weighed 98 lbs.
    i also won gold medal in wrestling because of it.

    today i am no longer 98 lbs but 147lbs and lot stronger.. still very strong for my weight.
    despite being small boned and a total ectomorph.
    I mean total.

    However pound for pound i was still stronger at i am older now..

    but this will soon change once i start the sauce..I'm making my comeback baby!!!

  24. #24
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    Arrow I think Im going to need to stop my cycle

    I have updated my original post so please re-read it. I am now planning in anticipation of stopping my cycle. Any help greatly appreciated.

  25. #25
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    arm wrestling is fvcking has almost nothing to do with strength. Good way to fvck up your rotators.

    sorry to hear about your arm

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4 View Post
    arm wrestling is fvcking has almost nothing to do with strength. Good way to fvck up your rotators.

    sorry to hear about your arm
    I agree on all accounts.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    frignus.. ... yup mistake.. i was benching 135lbs not 145lbs
    basically the long bar and two 45 pound plates and i weighed 98 lbs.
    i also won gold medal in wrestling because of it.

    today i am no longer 98 lbs but 147lbs and lot stronger.. still very strong for my weight.
    despite being small boned and a total ectomorph.
    I mean total.

    However pound for pound i was still stronger at i am older now..

    but this will soon change once i start the sauce..I'm making my comeback baby!!!
    oh srry, i see what your saying....200 bench smith machine and a 145 lbs bench press....not a 145lbs free dumbell weight mistake

    u talk

  28. #28
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    I got injured cause of arm wrestling. I was extremely pissed off that day. I had to go very low weight for a month and 2 weeks so it can heal. You don't need to stop lifting weights, just go low weights ... so do a lot more reps till it heals.

  29. #29
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    oh and I refuse to do any arm wrestling from that day on. It's not worth the injury, nothing to prove anyways.

  30. #30
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    I appreciate all responses so far but am still really hoping for the advice of an experienced user on this site. So far stayed on cycle and have seen good improvement in the less injured arm (doest seem to bother me) and some in left which was more badly hurt. I was able to do a restricted motion reasonably heavy shoulder press on the hydrolic machine today. Pumped it up to 95 (dont know if that is psi or some other measurement). Pulled up stiff afterwards in the left arm though. Im still thinking that I should possibly stop my cycle for a month or so, perhaps run a short pct, maybe even some clen then get back on when im completely better.

    Will post a copy of this in the injury forum where I think I should have put it in the first place and see if I get a more direct response there.

  31. #31
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    I've also made the same mistake twice. The first time it took my one week to recover and the second time about two weeks. Don't be a dumbass and don't arm wrestle anymore bro.

    I just trained within the pain limit. Just train as hard as possible. If it's hurts it's ok but if it's getting worse STOP immediately and see if a lesser intensity will do.

  32. #32
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    Yeah, its been around 2 weeks now and I have persevered. Although it is uncomfortable it doesn't hurt so much that I cant train. Been taping just under my elbows to remove some of the pressure off the insertion point which is what my physio suggested that I've probably strained. Ive actually set a few PB's this week (flat bench, barbell curl) which is bafflingly considering. I ice after training and apply heat at night. Thanks 4 the input. Do you want to have an arm wrestle some time..? lol

  33. #33
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    i'm not questioning the way you lift, but alot of people i know do alot of explosion exercises and mostly only get their fast-action muscle fibers.. i would say that this makes you much more likely to hurt yourself in armwrestling; not building up your deeper muscle fibers that hold tension..

  34. #34
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    If your saying that slower movement can be beneficial in joint stability I do a mixture of explosive sets and slow technical sets. Now that I think about it though I probably do the least slow negatives ect with my arm workouts, perhaps that could have contributed. I will make more of an effort in the future to incorporate slow reps into my arm workouts. I do a lot for lower body, back and chest.

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