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Thread: D-Bol and Sust Regarding sex drive

  1. #1

    D-Bol and Sust Regarding sex drive

    Does D-Bol increase or reduce your sex drive?

    I know sust will increase my drive...but how long will it take?

    simple questions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I found that d-bol increased my sex drive. Its think it does so because its highly androgenic. Its possibly an individual thing though. I dont remember how long it took. If your asking how long sust will take to do so depends on what dose you are running it at and whether you front load it. With the prop it it if you run it at a high dose it shouldnt take long. Even then I think its a very individual experience. Sounds like you are really hoping to increase your libido.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    both should increse your libido... dbol is a highly androgenic compund, not to mention sust...

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