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Thread: Next cycle Test prop 50mg's ed 7wks but I need advice on a anti-estro and when taken

  1. #1
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    Jul 2008

    Next cycle Test prop 50mg's ed 7wks but I need advice on a anti-estro and when taken

    Next cycle Test prop 50mg's ed for 7weeks but, I need advice/suggestions on a anti-estrogen and when/how much to take of the anti-estrogen and also the way to take the anti estro pill or injectable.. This is my first cycle. Please just help me out with just my questions! thanks. I am not new to needles.. so I don't mind that test prop hurts a bit. If it's more affective injecting the anti-estrogen then I will go that way. I plan to get the anti-estrogen from for reserch ofcourse. So any suggestions/help/advice is greatly appreciated.. I did my reading and I am for sure going to do a cycle when I get all the supplys.

    Thanks again!

  2. #2
    there is no injectable ai. the ones you see on arr are liquid orals
    you can take any of the following, and i put them in order of recomendation:

    proviron 50mg-100mg
    letro .25mg
    aromasin 25mg-50mg
    arimidex .25mg-.5mg

    since you are anti estrogen confused-
    for pct i recomend for 4 weeks you take this:
    (starting a day or so after final test prop shot)
    nolvadex 20mg-40mg
    proviron 50mg OR aromasin 50mg
    Last edited by one8nine; 07-25-2008 at 09:05 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Suggestions for a different first cycle in general not for a specific wieght person or bulkyness.. is accepted

    Also, I now understand ampules of anti - estrogens are for oral use... not to be injected.. thanks for the info one8nine
    Last edited by ckon; 07-25-2008 at 09:09 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    one8nine thanks for the info.. this is the exact info I am looking for. appreciate it!

  5. #5
    do some research to figure out which is best for you

    theres a link so you can learn about each ai/serm

    what is your
    body fat
    how long you have been lifting
    diet outline/# meals per day

    this will help me/us give the best advice on length and dosages
    for example more body fat requires more ai

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Hieght is 5' 6"
    Weight 140-145
    Body fat- im not sure.. I got some fat on me though.. when I pinch untill it don't go any more by my lower abbs it's about an inch, on the top of my bicept and back of my calfs pinched it's a half inch. on my side where the top of my pants are it's about 3/4th's an inch. I hope this helps...
    lifting on and off for 4 years. Just started lifting alot again from about a year brake.
    Diet is not the best. meals a day is 4-5

    I hope this helps with advice on length and dosages of roids and ai's
    any advice on how long to do my cycle of Test Prop? and I was going to do 50mg's every day. I might bump it up to 60mg's ed. but how long should I do this cycle and what ai should I look into to use for this cycle based on the info I gave above.
    Last edited by ckon; 07-25-2008 at 12:03 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    ai = aromatase inhibitor

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    oh I read up on ai's there like serms and anti-estrogens back to my above question though, two posts up I think
    Last edited by ckon; 07-25-2008 at 12:06 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    umm.. read up on it

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    il probably take Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) from Zeneca - UK for my AI.
    now the question is how long should I do my Test prop and how much. I'm leaning twards around 50-60mg's every day for my first cycle and maybe around 7 weeks? but i have no clue how much, how long, or how often I should use Nolvadex.

  11. #11
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    Jun 2008
    nolva is a serm? arimidex is an ai? right..?

    for your cycle, the dose is up to you. most people use 500mg of a longer estered test, and 350 is a little on the low end. maybe 8-10 weeks as well

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by ckon View Post
    il probably take Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) from Zeneca - UK for my AI.
    now the question is how long should I do my Test prop and how much. I'm leaning twards around 50-60mg's every day for my first cycle and maybe around 7 weeks? but i have no clue how much, how long, or how often I should use Nolvadex.
    i know you dont want to hear this because everyone wants to believe a couple of shots will do magic but before juice will do anything you need a great diet.
    you need to be able to honestly say you learned all you can about diet and you are eating the best way that you possibly can, and enough of it.
    you need a solid base for lifting.
    honestly bro at 5'6" in the 140s and what sounds like 15%-20% body fat you need to put a lot more work into diet and workout
    im not saying wait forever but just spend a little while getting it on point or you will waste your time and money

    i think you should read over my first post of advice it had nothing about nolva on cycle - because nolva is a serm. serm is for pct.
    nolva is not ai

    there is not a huge difference between 50mg-60mg at all

    do you know what pct is?

  13. #13
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    Jul 2008
    post cycle something.. it is what you use after your cycle ends... correct? I appreciate your honesty. It's hard to come by. anyhow I will wait but I want to get it set up so I want to keep going on with my thread and question about advice and suggestions on what I suggested for my first cycle..

    and T Own, arimidex is an ai. I just looked it up for you.

    I read a little more and I have read that 50mg's ed for 7 weeks (350mg's) is very low.. so could I get some suggestions on a new dose and a new week span, or perhaps same dose and more of a time span, or other way around. Maybe I could stack something with the Test prop? suggestions? good Idea? thanks people! I appreciate every post so far.
    Last edited by ckon; 07-25-2008 at 02:13 PM.

  14. #14
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    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ckon View Post
    post cycle something.. it is what you use after your cycle ends... correct? I appreciate your honesty. It's hard to come by. anyhow I will wait but I want to get it set up so I want to keep going on with my thread and question about advice and suggestions on what I suggested for my first cycle..

    and T Own, arimidex is an ai. I just looked it up for you.

    I read a little more and I have read that 50mg's ed for 7 weeks (350mg's) is very low.. so could I get some suggestions on a new dose and a new week span, or perhaps same dose and more of a time span, or other way around. Maybe I could stack something with the Test prop? suggestions? good Idea? thanks people! I appreciate every post so far.
    post cycle therapy , yes, after the cycle

    i know, it was rhetorical

    somewhere like 400-500mg/wk. go with just test for your first cycle

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Thanks, so 70mg's ed would be 490mg's/week how many weeks should I go for the cycle? and then how many days after my last shot of test prop should I start my pct with nolvadex? and how much nolvadex should I use and I take it use it ed? if not let me know and for how long? Keep the good info comming! and when im physically ready i'll be ready with all this
    Last edited by ckon; 07-25-2008 at 06:14 PM.

  16. #16
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  17. #17
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    In the hills
    at 140lbs. 350mgs. a week is not all that low. Also theres plenty more cycles left for you in the future. Make sure to let us know if the prop isn't 100% clean without any estrogen as its better to up the PCT if not. I'm just thinking this because you somehow got set on prop instead of enth or cyp, why is that?

  18. #18
    here you go
    1-7: 50mg prop every day
    1-11: proviron 50mg
    8-11: 30mg nolvadex

    lets set a goal for you bro
    you are 5'6" right? lets say 160 at 10% is an okay place to start your cycle

    im really not trying to be rude- just look out for you bro. i want you to get the most out of your cycle and not lose anything

    check these out
    Last edited by one8nine; 07-26-2008 at 04:52 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Why even include an anti-estrogen? If you're worried about bloat you shouldn't, Prop is the least bloating and with only taking 350mg/week I really wouldn't see a problem without the anti-estrogen.

  20. #20
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    Jul 2008
    This sounds great. I'm not totally set on test prop like MercyDog posted it's just I read that it's a good for the first cycle and i'm not new to needles at all and I hear it burns and thats fine also.

    I just heard that 350mg's per week is pretty low amount of test prop even for first cycle so are you sure that I shouldln't consider maybe 55, 60, 65, or 70mg's ed? If I shouldn't let me know. Other wise that looks like the cycle I will most likely do unless we can add to it to make it better?

    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    here you go
    1-7: 50mg prop every day
    1-11: proviron 50mg
    8-11: 30mg nolvadex

    lets set a goal for you bro
    you are 5'6" right? lets say 160 at 10% is an okay place to start your cycle

    im really not trying to be rude- just look out for you bro. i want you to get the most out of your cycle and not lose anything

    check these out

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by ckon View Post
    This sounds great. I'm not totally set on test prop like MercyDog posted it's just I read that it's a good for the first cycle and i'm not new to needles at all and I hear it burns and thats fine also.

    I just heard that 350mg's per week is pretty low amount of test prop even for first cycle so are you sure that I shouldln't consider maybe 55, 60, 65, or 70mg's ed? If I shouldn't let me know. Other wise that looks like the cycle I will most likely do unless we can add to it to make it better?
    prop has a small ester, 350mg wk is something like 450mg wk of test e
    i know right now jiggaman is an experienced user, hes something like 6'1" 235 15% and he is on 50mg prop a week and thats it
    im an experienced user and my last cycle was about 100mg/day- 40mg of which was test prop.
    from 50mg to 70mg you wont notice a huge difference, if you think 70mg will give you more confidence go for it, not a big deal

    if its your first cycle you could think about 2x week injections- a total of 500mg wk of test e. prop is better but for a first cycle i understand easing yourself in
    Last edited by one8nine; 07-27-2008 at 07:21 PM.

  22. #22
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    Jul 2008
    in the last part of your post talking about "its your first cycle you could think about 2x week injections".. what do you mean? I'm going to be using test prop and your talking about test e.. I don't get it.. can you explain more please. "a total of 500mg wk of test e. prop is better but for a first cycle i understand easing yourself in"

    On another note.

    1-7: 50 or up to 70mg prop every day
    1-11: proviron 50mg
    8-11: 30mg nolvadex
    my question is, is if I do go up to 70mg ed instead of 50ed like he said should I change any of the proviron or nolvadex mg's/lengths?

    above is going to be my first cycle when im a little more fit(better diet/ less fat)
    thanks again. also any other suggestions/additions for first cycle is accepted/appreciated..

    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    prop has a small ester, 350mg wk is something like 450mg wk of test e
    i know right now jiggaman is an experienced user, hes something like 6'1" 235 15% and he is on 50mg prop a week and thats it
    im an experienced user and my last cycle was about 100mg/day- 40mg of which was test prop.
    from 50mg to 70mg you wont notice a huge difference, if you think 70mg will give you more confidence go for it, not a big deal

    if its your first cycle you could think about 2x week injections- a total of 500mg wk of test e. prop is better but for a first cycle i understand easing yourself in

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by ckon View Post
    in the last part of your post talking about "its your first cycle you could think about 2x week injections".. what do you mean? I'm going to be using test prop and your talking about test e.. I don't get it.. can you explain more please. "a total of 500mg wk of test e. prop is better but for a first cycle i understand easing yourself in"
    just stating if you do get too scared to inject prop every day for your first cycle you do have the option of using test enanthate 2x a week instead
    if you are willing to shoot every day, test prop is the best thing you can do
    Quote Originally Posted by ckon View Post

    On another note.

    1-7: 50 or up to 70mg prop every day
    1-11: proviron 50mg
    8-11: 30mg nolvadex
    my question is, is if I do go up to 70mg ed instead of 50ed like he said should I change any of the proviron or nolvadex mg's/lengths?

    above is going to be my first cycle when im a little more fit(better diet/ less fat)
    thanks again. also any other suggestions/additions for first cycle is accepted/appreciated..
    50mg or 70mg is your choice theres hardly a difference

  24. #24
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    if I do 50mg's ed or 70ed do I have to change the proviron and nolvadex dosage?

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by ckon View Post
    if I do 50mg's ed or 70ed do I have to change the proviron and nolvadex dosage?

  26. #26
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    Looks like I got my first cycle down as far as I know.. any suggestions or info is apprecaited about the stuff im going to use or anything like that. What size syringes should I consider? how long of needle pretty much? Does needle length matter for muscle to muscle...?

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by ckon View Post
    Looks like I got my first cycle down as far as I know.. any suggestions or info is apprecaited about the stuff im going to use or anything like that. What size syringes should I consider? how long of needle pretty much? Does needle length matter for muscle to muscle...?
    use any length 23g to draw, and use about a 25g to shoot. 1.5" glutes. 1" anywhere else.

  28. #28
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    23g to draw out of ampule? and then what put in a spoon and use a piece of cotton to filter any glass out and then use a 25g to suck up the gear and then shoot? or you talking about those needles that you can take the needles off the syringe and use a 23g to get the gear in the syringe and then switch the needle on the syringe and shoot up with a 25g? I remember seen a website on where you can all shoot up? know any sites like that?

  29. #29
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    Testxxxx Propionate 100 xxxx10ml -100mg/ml My questions is, first of all is this brand name and is it human grade gear? xxxxxxxxxx Thanks.
    Also, test prop, proviron, and nolvadex a person I know that wants to also try this with me. it's also his first cycle and he's on probation. and gets Urine screens.. I think they test for PH, and creatine besides non gear drugs.. I am trying to have him get a print out of one of his Urine screen results so he can see for sure but is there going to be a problem there for any of this gear/ai's?(test prop, proviron, and nolvadex)
    I apprecaite all the help from everyone! I am new and everybody has been very nice to me.

    also someone was saying test prop burns or something? can someone explain that? I don't mind needles or a burn at all. I'd just like to be educated about it's feeling once injected.
    Last edited by ckon; 07-31-2008 at 03:21 PM.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by ckon View Post
    23g to draw out of ampule? and then what put in a spoon and use a piece of cotton to filter any glass out and then use a 25g to suck up the gear and then shoot? or you talking about those needles that you can take the needles off the syringe and use a 23g to get the gear in the syringe and then switch the needle on the syringe and shoot up with a 25g? I remember seen a website on where you can all shoot up? know any sites like that?
    no dont use the spoon cotton way thats used for rec drugs not this..

    if you have amps draw with an 18g, take the needle off the syringe while the juice is in the syringe, and put a fresh 25g on to shoot with. or a 27g if your gear is thin enough.

    google "spot injections"

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by ckon View Post
    Testxxxx Propionate 100 xxxx10ml -100mg/ml My questions is, first of all is this brand name and is it human grade gear? xxxxxxxxxx Thanks.
    Also, test prop, proviron, and nolvadex a person I know that wants to also try this with me. it's also his first cycle and he's on probation. and gets Urine screens.. I think they test for PH, and creatine besides non gear drugs.. I am trying to have him get a print out of one of his Urine screen results so he can see for sure but is there going to be a problem there for any of this gear/ai's?(test prop, proviron, and nolvadex)
    I apprecaite all the help from everyone! I am new and everybody has been very nice to me.

    also someone was saying test prop burns or something? can someone explain that? I don't mind needles or a burn at all. I'd just like to be educated about it's feeling once injected.
    please edit your post the way i did in my quote ^^^^ i took out the things against board rules and ill pm you my response to those

    i personally know that your friends probation will be fine

    the pain afterwards (especially the brand you chose) feels like a horse kicked you in the place you shot it starting 24 hours after injection lasting sometimes up to 96. you better cut your shots 1/2 ml of your gear plus 1ml of sterile oil to dilute it.

  32. #32
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    by oil should I use Cottonseed Oil USP or Bacteriostatic Water (30ml) from

    also please read your new pm from me

  33. #33
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  34. #34
    any type of sterile oil bro any oil from a research site as long as it is sterile filtered

  35. #35
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    I'll get the Cottonseed Oil USP ( 50 ml) from i'll also get the syringes I need from there... are they quick at shipping? are they are in the USA? correct?
    Last edited by ckon; 08-02-2008 at 02:41 PM.

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by ckon View Post
    I'll get the Cottonseed Oil USP ( 50 ml) from i'll also get the syringes I need from there... are they quick at shipping? are they are in the USA? correct?
    arr is ssslllooowww

  37. #37
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    I just read this and thought it would be real fast to get shipped and arrive.

  38. #38
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    This is my new first cycle... Modified it a little with the help of one8nine. THanks again!

    week 1-7: 70mg test prop every day
    week 1-7: Letrozole .25mg every other day
    week 8-11: 25mg nolvadex + 50mg proviron every day

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by ckon View Post
    This is my new first cycle... Modified it a little with the help of one8nine. THanks again!

    week 1-7: 70mg test prop every day
    week 1-7: Letrozole .25mg every other day
    week 8-11: 25mg nolvadex + 50mg proviron every day
    looks good, one8nine knows his shit

    are you gonna take letro eod or eod as needed?

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717 View Post
    Why even include an anti-estrogen? If you're worried about bloat you shouldn't, Prop is the least bloating and with only taking 350mg/week I really wouldn't see a problem without the anti-estrogen.

    I agree. Test pro has hardly any bloat, if any. If your real worried about bloat i personally used .25mgs of arimidex ed. It worked wonders. You could get away with taking it EOD probably.

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