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Thread: New cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    New cycle

    its been 16 weeks since the end of my last cycle of 700mg/week enanth, went from 168-200 then cut to 180, I just started sust 325mg @ 650 per week and 400mg/week Eq is this a good stack and is the dosage a good amount?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Fatmax View Post
    its been 16 weeks since the end of my last cycle of 700mg/week enanth, went from 168-200 then cut to 180, I just started sust 325mg @ 650 per week and 400mg/week Eq is this a good stack and is the dosage a good amount?
    Split your injections so you are injecting the sustanon every other day. The EQ is fine in only 2 of those injections.

    How long are you planning on running this? You should be looking at least 12 weeks if you've got EQ in there at that low 400mg dose.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Fatmax View Post
    its been 16 weeks since the end of my last cycle of 700mg/week enanth, went from 168-200 then cut to 180, I just started sust 325mg @ 650 per week and 400mg/week Eq is this a good stack and is the dosage a good amount?
    is it a good cycle? but you already started? good time to ask ha ha
    sust needs to inject every other dat, or every day
    i would mix your eq with it each time, more stable blood levels and you are pinning yourself anyway.
    400mg eq is way too low thats about 220mg of actual hormone after you subtract ester weight.
    eq needs to be cut 4 weeks before pct
    test needs to be cut 2 weeks before pct
    what is your pct?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Okay so why do I need to inject every other day and how much sust per week and eq do u recommend? I was going to inject every 3.5 days like before. I did my first shot 3 days ago. it contained 325mg sus and 200mg eq. I also have on hand clen pills, deca 275,cyp 200, win 50, premo 100, but I was saving those for next run around...maybe! is any of those a good add on without overdong it?
    P.S. thanks for letting me know about the 4 week eq cut off before pct I did not know that and I am going for 12 week cycle.
    Pct will be 10000 iu hcg and clomid with ny test 1

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Fatmax View Post
    Okay so why do I need to inject every other day and how much sust per week and eq do u recommend? I was going to inject every 3.5 days like before. I did my first shot 3 days ago. it contained 325mg sus and 200mg eq. I also have on hand clen pills, deca 275,cyp 200, win 50, premo 100, but I was saving those for next run around...maybe! is any of those a good add on without overdong it?
    P.S. thanks for letting me know about the 4 week eq cut off before pct I did not know that and I am going for 12 week cycle.
    Pct will be 10000 iu hcg and clomid with ny test 1
    do you understand ester activen lives?
    do you understand what the propionate in testosterone propionate means?
    is not look up esters and propionate, thats why
    sust sucks, replace it with test e then you can shoot every 3.5 days
    eq should start at 800mg/wk i think to really get a good level of the hormone, nearly half is ester
    how will you dose your hcg? not 10k at once a hope
    clomid sucks heres my opinion on pct if you want to read it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I read it and u know your S*&t! I was going to take hcg 2weeks after at 3 day intervalls first 2 shots at 2500 then 4 more at 1250 and include clomid or nov for 5 weeks
    with some natural test booster. If you advise it I have like 10 bottles of cyp sitting here and I can take that instead but will my gains be the same and how much should I take of both per week I was thinking 800mg of cyp and bump it to 600mgs of eq

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Fatmax View Post
    I read it and u know your S*&t! I was going to take hcg 2weeks after at 3 day intervalls first 2 shots at 2500 then 4 more at 1250 and include clomid or nov for 5 weeks
    with some natural test booster. If you advise it I have like 10 bottles of cyp sitting here and I can take that instead but will my gains be the same and how much should I take of both per week I was thinking 800mg of cyp and bump it to 600mgs of eq
    please try to type a little more clearly in english its hard to understand without punctuation or complete words. no offence.
    2 weeks after what?
    anything over 500iu 2x a week is doing more harm than good
    clmoid/nolva is not a good pct at all
    replace clomid with proviron or aromasin, run pct 4-6 weeks
    10 bottles? that doesnt mean much... 10 bottles with 1ml in each, 50mg/ml? or 10 bottles with 200ml in each, 600mg/ml?
    your gains could be the same but your blood levels will be much more stable
    sure that looks good

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Okay , 2 weeks after my last cyp shot was when I would inject hcg and start nova. My source who competes told me to inject that way. Was that wrong?

    cyp 10ml bottle @200mgs per ml
    eq 10ml bottle @200mgs per ml

    Should I do 800mgs of cyp and 600mgs of eq per week?
    Can I inject 3.5ml into my shoulder or should I do 2 seperate shots?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Fatmax View Post
    Okay , 2 weeks after my last cyp shot was when I would inject hcg and start nova. My source who competes told me to inject that way. Was that wrong?

    cyp 10ml bottle @200mgs per ml
    eq 10ml bottle @200mgs per ml

    Should I do 800mgs of cyp and 600mgs of eq per week?
    Can I inject 3.5ml into my shoulder or should I do 2 seperate shots?
    thanks that was very clear
    do 500iu 2x a week, starting 2 weeks before pct, lasting 2 weeks into pct. 4 weks total
    nolva isnt enough you need to add proviron or aromasin
    do 2 shots per week so each shot is 400mg cyp 300mg eq
    i dont know how big your shoulder is bro. ive done 3ml in mine

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Thanks I'll pick up some proviron, I don't know if my shoulders big...Id like to think so.ha
    F*&k it i'll try it, Thanks for your help, greatly appreciated.

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