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Thread: Advice on CYCLE

  1. #1
    ryan1212 is offline Junior Member
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    Advice on CYCLE

    1-10 prop 100mg/day
    1-10 tren 75mg/day
    6-10 mast 75mg/day (drop to 50mg last 4 weeks)

    5'9 170lbs.. Goals: stay lean with good gains, maybe to 185-190lbs

    which way should i go about this? Shoot prop and tren in same shot then mast?
    Also pct will clomid and nolva be adequate, starting a week after last shot? Should i use letro during cycle? thanks

  2. #2
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    What are the rest of your stats?
    Cycle exp
    PCT knowledge
    training exp

  3. #3
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryan1212 View Post
    1-10 prop 100mg/day
    1-10 tren 75mg/day
    6-10 mast 75mg/day (drop to 50mg last 4 weeks)

    5'9 170lbs.. Goals: stay lean with good gains, maybe to 185-190lbs

    which way should i go about this? Shoot prop and tren in same shot then mast?
    Also pct will clomid and nolva be adequate, starting a week after last shot? Should i use letro during cycle? thanks
    cycle history?
    dont lower the masteron mid way pick a dose n stick it
    why not masteron 1-10?
    those are high dosages of each. not too high but not low either.
    cut tren week 9

    you can shoot all 3 together
    pct is just a few days later i start it next day
    thats a weak pct
    yes .25mg ed letro all cycle

    my pct

  4. #4
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    What are the rest of your stats?
    Cycle exp
    PCT knowledge
    training exp
    minimal if he though clomid/nolva would be good

  5. #5
    ryan1212 is offline Junior Member
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    bf 10%

    just finished pct from a 12 week test400 course, used hcg first for pct but started to get an itchy nipple so ditched it and went straight to nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid cleared it up, feel good now kept most gains. Currently taking clen 6 a day 2 days on two days of and doing a lot of cardio and boxing at the minute. Reckon i should be ready for next course in about 12 weeks time.

  6. #6
    ryan1212 is offline Junior Member
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    Smile to 189

    i've posted that first course wrong i was actually supposed to lower the tren 4 weeks b4 my pct, i got this advice from one of ur posts on another thread. And my cycle experience is minimal thats why i'm askin ur advice thanx dude

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryan1212 View Post
    i've posted that first course wrong i was actually supposed to lower the tren 4 weeks b4 my pct, i got this advice from one of ur posts on another thread. And my cycle experience is minimal thats why i'm askin ur advice thanx dude
    dont lower dosages bro. stay as stable as you can.
    i lowered my dose towards the end cause i added 70mg var and the 4 was too much for me, but i also didnt wanna drop the var.

    really good cycle though bro did you read about my pct?
    you gotta stop the tren a week b4 test though

  8. #8
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    I would still have a problem recommending someone using Tren on their second cycle, defiantly not on a first, but second still seems too soon, that's just me though

  9. #9
    ryan1212 is offline Junior Member
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    Would this be the ideal pct for this cycle?

    Should i start the nolv-clomid-pro 3 days after cycle? Is hcg taken 2 weeks b4 the end of cycle (-2)?

    (-2)-2:hcg 500iu 2x a week
    1-6: nolva 20mg ed
    1-4: clomid 25mg
    1-4: proviron 50mg ed

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    I would still have a problem recommending someone using Tren on their second cycle, defiantly not on a first, but second still seems too soon, that's just me though
    yeah im not going to say DONT use it but..
    those dosages are way high for 170lbs cycle #2

    try 50mg ed of each to start. if at week 3 you feel like its not enough then up it. thats the beauty of long esters.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryan1212 View Post
    Should i start the nolv-clomid-pro 3 days after cycle? Is hcg taken 2 weeks b4 the end of cycle (-2)?

    (-2)-2:hcg 500iu 2x a week
    1-6: nolva 20mg ed
    1-4: clomid 25mg
    1-4: proviron 50mg ed
    yes exactly

  12. #12
    ryan1212 is offline Junior Member
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    Thumbs up hey

    Nah bro this will be my 4th cycle i've done a few with d-bol sus and deca and testoviron . So i should be ok with the tren ? Appreciate the advice lads, peace!

  13. #13
    ryan1212 is offline Junior Member
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    So i've put it all together how does this look?

    1-10 masteron 100mg
    1-10 test p 100mg
    1-10 tren a 50mg (Cut the tren to 30 week 8)
    letro .25mg ed


    (-2)-2:hcg 500iu 2x a week
    1-6: nolva 20mg ed
    1-4: clomid 25mg
    1-4: proviron 50mg ed

  14. #14
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryan1212 View Post
    So i've put it all together how does this look?

    1-10 masteron 100mg
    1-10 test p 100mg
    1-10 tren a 50mg (Cut the tren to 30 week 8)
    letro .25mg ed


    (-2)-2:hcg 500iu 2x a week
    1-6: nolva 20mg ed
    1-4: clomid 25mg
    1-4: proviron 50mg ed
    when i say cut tren i mean stop taking it
    1-8 50mg tren a

    it takes a while to get out of your system we dont wanna screw up pct

    other than that i couldnt make a better cycle myself

    hcg crash course

  15. #15
    ryan1212 is offline Junior Member
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    Nice one

    THANKS lads appreciate it... peace

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