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Thread: 20 years old first cycle need help.....

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by vtec23 View Post
    well since everyone jsut seems to want to just have a dick answer for shit im sry i have to ask things a few times cause i dont unserstand the way ur saying it but i will have some before pics and after pics when im done and i will see if it is possible to put the wieght on i know its been done cause my bro himself did it he was same build as me when he started and now he is still around what he put on which was 1/3 his wieght but thats fine thanks everyone for ur help... ill be back in 3 months when i get home from boot camp then ill put up my before pics then 12 weeks from then i will have up after and we will jsut see if i can do it
    Come on guys, quit being dicks and tell him what he wants to hear.
    Yeah dude, take everything you can get your hands on with zero research and you'll look like ****ing THOR in no time!!

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    Ok let me clear things up for everyone:
    sustanon = blended testosterone
    test suspension 350 = blended testosterone (most likely a blend)

    make more sense now?

    Also, re-read the bottle, it doesnt say test suspension 350, it more than likely says sustanon 350 lol. Suspension is Testosterone base.
    suspension is test w/o ester. its called suspension because its in a solid form in a liquid. a solution is where the hormone powder dissolves into a liquid.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    are you going to do a cycle and then go to boot camp or are you going to do a cycle in boot camp? you'll either go there depressed or horney. this is a horrible idea, good luck

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    thank u for clearing that up that makes sense now i wasnt understanding when he was saying its not test because there were 3 or 4 forms of it i read about but didnt know the difference..

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by vtec23 View Post
    well since everyone jsut seems to want to just have a dick answer for shit im sry i have to ask things a few times cause i dont unserstand the way ur saying it but i will have some before pics and after pics when im done and i will see if it is possible to put the wieght on i know its been done cause my bro himself did it he was same build as me when he started and now he is still around what he put on which was 1/3 his wieght but thats fine thanks everyone for ur help... ill be back in 3 months when i get home from boot camp then ill put up my before pics then 12 weeks from then i will have up after and we will jsut see if i can do it
    Listen guy.. We are not trying to give you smart ass answers! Based on your posts it is clear that you dont have any understanding of aas. All of the negative publicity that steroids get, in part, is due to people getting horrible side effects from taking chemicals irresponsibly. You are to young in my opinion and you should never use a chemical that you dont have any understanding of. You are getting sound advice here. Knowone wants you to mess yourself up.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by vtec23 View Post
    thank u for clearing that up that makes sense now i wasnt understanding when he was saying its not test because there were 3 or 4 forms of it i read about but didnt know the difference..
    hehehe, i could tell it wasnt making sense to you. The way it works is all the different testosterones (test propionate, phenylprionate, caproate, cypionate) are the same drug, same results, same everything. The only thing that changes from test to test is the injection frequency. Certain ones like testosterone acetate or propionate need to be done every day, enanthate cypionate twice a week etc. We were all in your shoes at one time, and many did what you were considering doing and regretted it a lot. We arent trying to bash you or anything man, we just want you to be educated.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    and i am doing a cycle when i come back from boot camp because when i go to boot camp there gunna make my base even stronger so thats why i am gunna wait. but thatnks everyone for ur help and for all u guys giving me advice what was ur first cycle and how did it turn out what was ur gains from it

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by vtec23 View Post
    and i am doing a cycle when i come back from boot camp because when i go to boot camp there gunna make my base even stronger so thats why i am gunna wait. but thatnks everyone for ur help and for all u guys giving me advice what was ur first cycle and how did it turn out what was ur gains from it
    I know several people who joined the army. They all came back the same size or smaller than before. Boot camp isnt conducive to allow muscle growth. You dont get proper sleep or food i would imagine. My first cycle: Gains: nothing. You need to eat a lot more than you think you do. 10 meals a day is optimal.

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    New Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    I know several people who joined the army. They all came back the same size or smaller than before. Boot camp isnt conducive to allow muscle growth. You dont get proper sleep or food i would imagine. My first cycle: Gains: nothing. You need to eat a lot more than you think you do. 10 meals a day is optimal.
    You are so right. When I joined the army I went in at 220 and came out of boot camp at 180, now that sucked. The whole time I was in the military I never could get over 200. Running everyday makes it very hard to gain weight/muscle.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    the only reason i am saying about gaining weight when i leave is because my friend just came back and its marine boot camp so it was 13 weeks long and he gained 21 pounds while he was there went from 139 to 160 so i believe i should put on at least a few pounds while i am there and we are fed 3 meals a day which is gurentteed along with 8 hours of sleep and everything they feed u is healthy no junk food aloud while im there..

  11. #51
    Join Date
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    New Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by vtec23 View Post
    the only reason i am saying about gaining weight when i leave is because my friend just came back and its marine boot camp so it was 13 weeks long and he gained 21 pounds while he was there went from 139 to 160 so i believe i should put on at least a few pounds while i am there and we are fed 3 meals a day which is gurentteed along with 8 hours of sleep and everything they feed u is healthy no junk food aloud while im there..
    Now that is some funny sh!t. Did your recuiter tell you this. I just got out about a year ago, and during BC I was lucky to get 4 hours of sleep, you take turns watching the hallways. I think we got two minutes to ear each meal, but you are right we did get three meals, and most will agree you need at least 6 to truley grow. Best of luck in BC, and when you get out I hope you make the right chose of a test only cycle, you won't regret it.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    yea i am deff going to only do the test cycle first ill see how my body reacts from it then go on from there but no my friend who just got back told me how it was there and we have been friends for 15 years so i doubt he would lie to me about that shit but either way when i get back i will be back to my normal work out routien and diet so its only a 3 month break if u look at it that way. but yea thanks i hope everything goes good there and i have one more qustion i know there is a few things to take after a cycle which is the best recommeded alot of people say clomid i believe is how its spelt...

  13. #53
    Join Date
    May 2008
    New Mexico

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