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  1. #1
    mick86's Avatar
    mick86 is offline Member
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    Talking Cycle needing input from someone creative

    Age: 22
    Weight: 87kg
    BF: around 14%
    Cycle experience 2, more info and pics: Recent pics of me

    Hi and thanks for showing some interest,

    My last cycle was

    d-bol 30 mg per day 2 weeks
    test e 500mg per week 12 weeks
    deca 400mg per week 10 weeks

    I went from early April until mid July and my last shot was on July 14th. I ran Aromasin and Tamoxifen (and various anti catabolic and cortisol/prolactin reducing supplements) from around August until now (5 weeks) and I will be finished my PCT tomorrow. I started finasteride 2months into the cycle and I'm still currently using it.

    Ideally I want to squeeze in a bulk and a cut by early/mid summer (a little over 3 and a half months time) but I'm not sure how exactly to go about it or if it can be done. If I bulk with AAS then cut naturally to close to that I fear that I will probably loose a lot of my gains, on the other hand if I run AAS to bulk then shortly after that run AAS to cut if both cycles are long/suppressive that's going to shut me down pretty bad. I was considering running an 8 week bulk on AAS followed by a 4-6 week cut on AAS? Is that advisable? In previous cycles most my gains were in the first 1-2 months so a shorter bulking period seems logical anyway. As l as I have only been of cycle 7 weeks I should probably wait at least another 3 weeks before commencing (would wait 5 weeks if I had more time).

    The other catch with my cycle is that I am going to avoid using any DHT derivatives/trenbolone due to my hair thinning on previous cycles. So taking into account what substances are at my disposal I have initially come up with the following, Its just an initial idea, I suspect that I am going to get because:

    a) some of you think its vain to want to keep your hair
    b) I mentioned insulin and haven't run many previous cycles and
    c) It may be a very bad idea to run something like I'm mentioning + I still have a lot of research to do on the mentioned compounds.

    I dont care about a),
    I'll take on board what you say about b)
    As for c) if I never asked then I'd never know + no point spending weeks researching if everyone says its a bad idea.

    For my bulk I'm considering:
    test e (with finasteride)
    deca and or equipoise
    maybe insulin (as gains are not dependent on DHT or estrogen)
    (an AI or SERM run at a low dose thought out cycle to reduce bloating, not sure which one)

    For my cut im considering:
    clen and possibly T3
    anavar or if I cant get it test prop (to prevent catabolism)

    (Of course I'd run PCT and take various anti catabolic and cortisol/prolactin reducing supplements after the cycle)

    If I go the test prop maybe i should keep going with the equipoise till the end as well. If I do that could it also be worth keeping the deca in, or even switching to NPP? So many options......I guess my main question is can I run a bulk/cut back to back like that or do I need to maintain for a bit in between?

    All doses not yet to be decided. Thanks for any input
    Last edited by mick86; 09-06-2008 at 07:11 AM.

  2. #2
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    imo you should do a dbouble banger.
    with the right dosages, and a perfect diet you should build muscle and cut fat.

    i realize you want short cycles but that doesnt work with eq so ill throw up 2 opinions

    1-15 test e
    1-13 eq
    1-13 deca
    1-8 var
    add t3/clen in light dosages

    short- i really like this one
    1-8 test prop
    1-7 npp (short ester deca if you dunno)
    1-8 var

  3. #3
    mick86's Avatar
    mick86 is offline Member
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    Thx 4 the input, that would actually be ideal, It would mean that I could take enough time off m my last cycle to be sure that I fully recover. I'm still willing to run long cycles, was forced to do a short bulk if I had to cut separately afterwards but if I do a lean bulk like you suggest then 15 weeks is fine.

    On a side not I have read a few of your posts/guides lately including Anabolics: the Education for Application. NIce work, very informative.

  4. #4
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    May 2006
    thanks bro

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