to be honest, i only wanna do 1 cycle, i dont wanna be on the stuff for too many weeks so im thinking of just 4, and im looking to gain roughly a stone.
for 4 weeks im thinking of running:-
Sus @250mg + Deca @ 100mg
2 weeks after last shot run PCT.
PCT:- Nolva - 40/20/20/20.
PCT:- Clomid - 100/50/50/50
-or should i just only run the Sus and no Deca?
if i ran only Sus would i still need the same PCT?
-also, will these cause male-pattern baldness if i run them at low mg for just one month? ive already got a receding hairline so im a bit skeptikal.
i read that Deca isnt too bad in low dosages but i dont know about the Sus.
if you know even a little bit about what im asking, just post it! im brand new to all this so all information is welcome
thanks. and sorry for the long post!