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Thread: Boldebal H (Equipoise) First time user

  1. #1

    Boldebal H (Equipoise) First time user

    Hey guys, new to using AAS. Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with Boldebal H particularly the brand EDITED. I know this stuff has only 50mg/ml and the effective dose for a male is between 200mg-400mg per week.
    From what I have researched it is best to be taken with injectable testosterone.
    Any good/bad experiences from users?

    What im worried about is that the batch and expiry has been taken off (ripped of the label), the substance is a pale yellow almost clear with a yellow tinge. The label looks pretty good but old, the lock ring is unturnable by hand.

    If I do take it what gauge needle/syringe should I be using? And do I take all of the 200mg (4ml) all in one hit? or do i spread it throughout the week, say 1ml on one day, then another ml on another day till I reach 4ml for the week?
    If I do 200mg a week then I only have another for 2.5weeks. It looks like Im going to need more for a 8week cycle. Aim for the cycle is to gain mass, Im not sure about cutting using Boldebal as suppositly it increases appetite and its nearly impossible to diet on (According to

    Everybody wants stats so here they are, male, 22yo, 5'11, 231 lbs, training 2 years. Now I know diet is the most important apart from proper training. And this is vital when using AAS. From what Ive been reading everyone believes to cut up to below 10% bf before bulking to build quality muscle and minimize fat. I am a bit high on my bf but I believe I have the wrong AAS to cut up, correct me if im wrong.

    Ill post a pic of me in my current condition and a pic of the EDITED Boldebal H. See what you guys rekon.

    Thanks in advance
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by PT; 11-22-2008 at 05:08 PM. Reason: LAB NAME

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by muscle_bound View Post
    Hey guys, new to using AAS. Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with Boldebal H particularly the brand EDITED. I know this stuff has only 50mg/ml and the effective dose for a male is between 200mg-400mg per week.
    From what I have researched it is best to be taken with injectable testosterone.
    Any good/bad experiences from users?

    What im worried about is that the batch and expiry has been taken off (ripped of the label), the substance is a pale yellow almost clear with a yellow tinge. The label looks pretty good but old, the lock ring is unturnable by hand.

    If I do take it what gauge needle/syringe should I be using? And do I take all of the 200mg (4ml) all in one hit? or do i spread it throughout the week, say 1ml on one day, then another ml on another day till I reach 4ml for the week?
    If I do 200mg a week then I only have another for 2.5weeks. It looks like Im going to need more for a 8week cycle. Aim for the cycle is to gain mass, Im not sure about cutting using Boldebal as suppositly it increases appetite and its nearly impossible to diet on (According to

    Everybody wants stats so here they are, male, 22yo, 5'11, 231 lbs, training 2 years. Now I know diet is the most important apart from proper training. And this is vital when using AAS. From what Ive been reading everyone believes to cut up to below 10% bf before bulking to build quality muscle and minimize fat. I am a bit high on my bf but I believe I have the wrong AAS to cut up, correct me if im wrong.

    Ill post a pic of me in my current condition and a pic of the EDITED Boldebal H. See what you guys rekon.

    Thanks in advance

    most men do best with EQ at STARTING ranges of 400mg+ per wk, typically divided in 2-3 injects over the wk.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    First of all, Welcome to AR!

    I would also like to tell you bro, that im sure you can get the gains youre looking for with a few tweak in your diet.

    Often times guys like yourself jump into AAS without two things. Proper diet and especially enough training time.

    Not to mention your BF% is WAY too high to begin a cycle. Youre without a doubt above 20%. Not to mention, EQ is not generally liked, especially alone without Test.

    All in all a bad cycle bro. And you made no mention of a PCT either. From what ive seen, youre not ready for AAS.

    Read the links i provide, and also list some stats for us.
    Lets see these;

    age 22
    height 5'11
    weight 231
    bf% 20% +
    diet summary/# meals per day
    years lifting / workout split
    cycle experience
    pct/estrogen control knowledge
    goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...)

    And here you go, give these a read. Also check out as MANY stickies as you can.

    If You Are Under 24 Then Read This

    Workout Section

    Diet Help

    Diet Section

    Choosing Diets

    Steroid Profiles

    Best of Luck to you bro! Make sure to take some time to heed my advice!


  4. #4
    Thanks WAR for the advice, I some how knew in the back of my mind I wasnt fully prepared for AAS. Most of the guys I work with just inject without a proper strategy such as diet, plan for pct and knowledge of what AAS is doing to you. Im going to have to scour this site and do some pre breakfast cardio for at least a few months and watch my diet.

    Age - 22
    Height - 5'11
    Weight - 231
    bf% - 20% +
    Current diet summary - Meal 1 - 3/4 cup oats, 35g protein; Meal 2 - 1 cup brown rice, 1/2 chicken breast, 1 cup mixed veges (brocolli, peas, carrots); Meal 3 - Same as before; Meal 4 - Protein shake (after work); Meal 5 - Meal similar to Meal 2/3; Meal 6 - Protein shake (Post workout); Meal 7 - 1/2 chicken breast with mixed veges/salad; Meal 8 - 185g Tuna in spring water; Meal 9 - 1 cup Yoghurt no fat
    Years lifting - Just under 2 years
    Workout - 3 day split (Chest Back; Arms Shoulders; Legs)
    Cycle experience - None
    Pct/estrogen control knowledge - Next to none
    Goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...) - Want to be slightly bigger, cut and stronger than the average man, Perfect physique - Frank Zane

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    Well honestly ive seen worse diets posted before...

    But yours still needs work brother...

    Hit up those links i gave you and take a look at the sample diets...

    Try one out for a while and update your progress. Im sure with proper dieting and training, you can get that BF% down and in the meantime you can learn as much as possible before cycling.

    You can do it bro, it just takes time. By this time next year, you could be a different person.

    Best of Luck, and feel free to hit me up for any questions you may have.


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