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Thread: Interesting question in regards to dosing DNP to hit max peak levels early on

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Question Interesting question in regards to dosing DNP to hit max peak levels early on

    Hey guys,

    Just finished running 1 week of DNP at 400 mg per day and got good results, yet found the side effects reasonably mild, just a whole lot of sweating and reduced strength.

    I graphed out the half Life of DNP in excel to monitor the build up of the drug in my system on each day. I'm considering running it for 1 more week in a weeks time (after 2 weeks of from the last 1 week cycle) and have been considering playing around with the daily doses in order to spend more of the cycle at the desired level in my system.

    Image 1 is standard dosing at 400mg per day.

    Image 2 is an example of how I could modify my daily dose to keep a more consistent level.

    What do you guys think? Is my system for calculating the levels in my body even accurate, lol.

    (btw where it says "Half Hour Timer" that should say "Half Life Timer")
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    Last edited by mick86; 01-06-2009 at 12:47 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    it looks pretty much right. i don't know if there is anything about the body needing time to adjust to the total amount increasing, but i'm sure people have taken more than you anyway so it can't be that bad

  3. #3
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    Jan 2008
    That's what I figured, I'm still keeping the dose well within the recommended range and I've already established that my body handles DNP quite well. I may further adjust the numbers to keep the amounts in my system more stable. I just came up with those figures quickly to illustrate my idea.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    yeah, and the idea seems valid, but you could aim for a higher steady level if you think its not working as well as it could. but i've never tried it so just take this advice lightly lol

  5. #5
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    Your right, I was actually considering taking what ever maximum concerntration would be reached if taking 500mg per day instead of just 400mg.

    I must admit that the reported eye sight problems do scare me a bit, I have been taking Calcium Pyruvate at 300mg per day to try to help reduce the chances of any problems. I wasnt excatly sure on the recommended dosage for Pruvate.

  6. #6
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    For anyone interested here is how I'm currently rnning my DNP

    (first number how many mg that day, second number is the accumulated amount in my system at that point)

    700mg ---- 700mg
    600mg ---- 1167mg
    600mg ---- 1272mg
    400mg ---- 1308mg
    475mg ---- 1300mg
    450mg ---- 1304mg
    450mg ---- 1298mg

    I'm still using calcium pruvate, vitimin E, Vitamin C, drinking V8 juice, getting plenty of water and carbs, and taking a host of other supplements to try to minimise the risks involved.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Complete madness running DNP, you should do it by hardwork and diet. This stuff can kill you, its toxic and is not safe the LD is to near the therapeutic dose, best of luck but please everyone take note, bodybuilders shouldnt use this shit.

  8. #8
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    Each to their own, I'm doing fine on it and find the sides very manageable. I consider myself a responsible user and I have all but suspended my social life this week to insure that I can do everythign possible to make my DNP cycle a safe and productive one.

    The first time I ran it I used it more conservatively.

    You call it toxic, I call it anti-carcinogenic. Its a complex substance and I don't think it can be simply labeled good or bad.

    I've read as much info as I could find on DNP, I rate it safer than insulin but I respect you opinion.

    I do agree that this stuff needs to be taken seriously, if you are thinking about using it please do your research.

    for starters check out:

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    There isnt a safe cycle with DNP, its lazy and stupid IMHO but best of luck you will need it.
    yes it is toxic check out this paper on it,4-dinitrophenol.html.

    The mechanism by which it works is fantastic; however, the problem lies in the fact that the LD50 (lethal dose) of the stuff is way too close to the "effective" dose. This makes even the slightest miscalculation a disaster. This fact alone would cause a pharmacologist to declare the drug unfit for consumption. The therapeutic dosage is very near the harmful dosage. That makes half life and elimination critical. These things can vary, so that makes it unsafe.Here is just one study

    1: J Anal Toxicol. 2006 Apr;30(3):219-22. Links
    Two deaths attributed to the use of 2,4-dinitrophenol.

    Miranda EJ, McIntyre IM, Parker DR, Gary RD, Logan BK.
    Washington State Toxicology Laboratory, Washington State Patrol, 2203 Airport Way South, Seattle, Washington 98134, USA.
    We report the cases of two individuals, one in Tacoma, WA, and the second in San Diego, CA, whose deaths were attributed to ingestion of 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP). 2,4-DNP has historically been used as a herbicide and fungicide. By uncoupling mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, the drug causes a marked increase in fat metabolism that has led to its use to aid weight loss. Both cases reported here involved its use for this purpose. Features common to both cases included markedly elevated body temperature, rapid pulse and respiration, yellow coloring of the viscera at autopsy, history of use of weight loss or body building supplements, and presence of a yellow powder at the decedent's residence. Because of its acidic nature, the drug is not detected in the basic drug fraction of most analytical protocols, but it is recovered in the acid/neutral fraction of biological extracts and can be measured by high-performance liquid chromatography or gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The concentration of 2,4-DNP in the admission blood samples of the two deaths reported here were 36.1 and 28 mg/L, respectively. Death in both cases was attributed to 2,4-DNP toxicity. Review of information available on the internet suggests that, although banned, 2,4-DNP is still illicitly promoted for weight loss.
    PMID: 16803658 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    mate you can cut down just as much with cardio and diet, there is no point taking such a dangerous chemical, people have died from that stuff.

    Good luck with it mate

  11. #11
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    There isnt a safe cycle with DNP, its lazy and stupid IMHO but best of luck you will need it.
    yes it is toxic check out this paper on it,4-dinitrophenol.html.

    The mechanism by which it works is fantastic; however, the problem lies in the fact that the LD50 (lethal dose) of the stuff is way too close to the "effective" dose. This makes even the slightest miscalculation a disaster. This fact alone would cause a pharmacologist to declare the drug unfit for consumption. The therapeutic dosage is very near the harmful dosage. That makes half life and elimination critical. These things can vary, so that makes it unsafe.Here is just one study

    1: J Anal Toxicol. 2006 Apr;30(3):219-22. Links
    Two deaths attributed to the use of 2,4-dinitrophenol.

    Miranda EJ, McIntyre IM, Parker DR, Gary RD, Logan BK.
    Washington State Toxicology Laboratory, Washington State Patrol, 2203 Airport Way South, Seattle, Washington 98134, USA.
    We report the cases of two individuals, one in Tacoma, WA, and the second in San Diego, CA, whose deaths were attributed to ingestion of 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP). 2,4-DNP has historically been used as a herbicide and fungicide. By uncoupling mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, the drug causes a marked increase in fat metabolism that has led to its use to aid weight loss. Both cases reported here involved its use for this purpose. Features common to both cases included markedly elevated body temperature, rapid pulse and respiration, yellow coloring of the viscera at autopsy, history of use of weight loss or body building supplements, and presence of a yellow powder at the decedent's residence. Because of its acidic nature, the drug is not detected in the basic drug fraction of most analytical protocols, but it is recovered in the acid/neutral fraction of biological extracts and can be measured by high-performance liquid chromatography or gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The concentration of 2,4-DNP in the admission blood samples of the two deaths reported here were 36.1 and 28 mg/L, respectively. Death in both cases was attributed to 2,4-DNP toxicity. Review of information available on the internet suggests that, although banned, 2,4-DNP is still illicitly promoted for weight loss.
    PMID: 16803658 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    I wasn't debating you statement, just pointing out that it has positive aspects to it also.

    That report makes no mention of actual dosage difference between the "effective" and "lethal" dose and comes across as a tad over sensational imo.

    I have heard something along the line that a dosage increase of around 60% can be the difference between an effective dose and a lethal/fatal dose (unsure which) but don't quote me on that as I'm not too sure.

    In the end of the day I accept the risks involved and chose to injest the compound at my own risk. I don't fear for my health but I am being cautions and learning as much as I can about the substance as thats how I approach any chemical that I allow into my body.

  12. #12
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    I guess you didnt read this what i posted then !,4-dinitrophenol.html

    Bodybuilders shouldn't use this, it can kill you and there are far safer chemicals out there what will do the job better without any sides such as death, what's wrong with good old cardio and diet instead of ingesting a poison. Complete madness and people should be warned of the danger's and it shouldn't be highlighted as something good because its clearly isn't.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charger527 View Post
    mate you can cut down just as much with cardio and diet, there is no point taking such a dangerous chemical, people have died from that stuff.

    Good luck with it mate
    Noted, and thanks for the well wishes.

    Having already completed one short cycle on it and being most of the way through my second I feel comfortable enough that I am effectively managing the risks involved and would happily use it again in the future.

    It seems my usage of the substance is going to attract a bit of concern from other members which is a good thing I suppose as at least it shows that people care but I hope that those who warn me against it are reasonably well informed of the pros and cons and the mechanisms by which it works and those by which it can cause harm. If not you may just be parroting somebody elses misguided information.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I guess you didnt read this what i posted then !,4-dinitrophenol.html

    Bodybuilders shouldn't use this, it can kill you and there are far safer chemicals out there what will do the job better without any sides such as death, what's wrong with good old cardio and diet instead of ingesting a poison. Complete madness and people should be warned of the danger's and it shouldn't be highlighted as something good because its clearly isn't.
    Oh sorry I messed that link, that's very useful information thanks.

    So for a mouse 45mg per kilo & for a rat 30mg per kilo that it weighs is lethal. I dont know precisely how that translates to humans but Im taking the equivalent accumulated dosage build up after approx 1 weeks use to just under 6mg per kilo that I weigh so I deem that to be reasonably safe. I still think that insulin use in bodybuilding carry's a higher risk of accidental death.

    I acknowlege the risks ut most AAS and associated black market suppliments caome with attached risks. I have read and understood the risks involved and made the (perhaps in you opinion "reckless) decision to use it.

  15. #15
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    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You have no idea do you? I can see I am wasting my time trying to get over how dangerous this stuff is.

    I can post more studies of death which relates to LD for humans but I guess its falling on death ears, if your happy using it fine but bodybuilders here need to know how dangerous this is though.

    Best of luck, you will need it.

  16. #16
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    Your right Im most likely too simple to interpret you comments. I'll go back to playing with my toy blocks and when I kick the bucket from melting internally or becoming hypoglycemic my last thought will be jee if only I had listed to that guy online...

    No need to be condescending, I respect differences in opinion and don't try to force my views on others. If I want to take a risk that you deem to be reckless thats my prerogative.

    This is one of the few aspects of this board that I don't like. I post a thread to discuss dosing options relating to an established cutting drug and I attract people who have already made up their mind that the substance in question is a bad idea so just criticize my lodegic for using it rather than offering advice related to the topic at hand or just saying nothing at all.

    I can see that you are knowledgeable on the topic and you are probably knowledgeable on many other topics but that does not mean that your point of view is the only way to approach things.

  17. #17
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    this was very useful to me. Thanks for making this bro.

  18. #18
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    Updated formula

    No worries mate, I actually didn't quite get the formula right in the previous examples. The daily values and half life intervals were correct but the steps in between were not. I have since fixed this so here is an example using a fairly typical 400mg per day dose. If you would like the original Excel formula let me know.

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  19. #19
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    so If you day 1 I took 500mgs, Day 2 I took 250mgs, Day 3 500mgs, Day 4 500Mgs, I should be somewhere around 800 to 900mgs plasma levels On day 5 right?
    Meaning At the end of day four I should have about 800 in my system ( enough to make me sweat? Because I am on day 4 and I am not sweating yet!!

  20. #20
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    In my own world
    Hey bro, glad to see your still alive Have you started yet? Keep us posted.

    ps: I dont think you should do it but it seems as though you are balls deep.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ljavy17 View Post
    so If you day 1 I took 500mgs, Day 2 I took 250mgs, Day 3 500mgs, Day 4 500Mgs, I should be somewhere around 800 to 900mgs plasma levels On day 5 right?
    Meaning At the end of day four I should have about 800 in my system ( enough to make me sweat? Because I am on day 4 and I am not sweating yet!!
    Refer to the attached picture, I entered the values that you mentioned.
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