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Thread: First time user questions

  1. #1

    First time user questions

    First id just like to ask if it makes a difference if steroids are out of date...??

    ive got deca durabolin 50 in one mill amps (Organon) and it says 2008-02... ?

    Also some 1st cycle opinions and advice please...experienced users please feel free to comment and make suggestions

    im 21yrs, 5,11 97kg training 2 yrs and my diet is good. High calories but clean.

    20ml of Test Enanthate and 9 ml of Deca.. 60 tabs of proviron (20ml i think)

    week1 monday 1ml test
    week2 monday 1ml test wednesday 1 ml deca
    week3 monday 1ml test wednesday 1 ml deca friday 1 ml test
    week4 monday 1ml test wednesday 1 ml deca friday 1 ml test
    week5 monday 1ml test wednesday 1 ml deca friday 1 ml test
    week6 monday 1ml test wednesday 1 ml deca friday 1 ml test
    week7 monday 1ml test wednesday 1 ml deca friday 1 ml test
    week8 monday 1ml test wednesday 1 ml deca friday 1 ml test
    week9 monday 1ml test wednesday 1 ml deca friday 1 ml test
    week10 monday 1ml test wednesday 1 ml deca friday 1 ml test
    week11 monday 1 ml test
    week12 monday 1 ml test, start proviron 1 tab a day till all 60 are gone.....

    For pct as well as takin proviron i will also be takin trib650, glutamine powder, magnesium and zinc..

    I already take multivitamins, glucoseamine1500mg, trib650 and will continue to do so throughout the cycle.

    Also possible injection sites?? Glute? ive done some reading but would also like some opinions. Thank you everyone for taking the time to read through this and for the advice xD

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    One your too young and 2 thats a very poor setup cycle.
    You honestly have no idea what you are doing and need alot more research.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Well they put a date on things for a reason so I wouldnt shoot it...would you eat a can of beans that was a year and a half past the due date? prob not.

  5. #5
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    On the moon
    k long as they have been stored properly and uncealed gear is usualy good for a while after the experation it just depends on how out of date. But I was going to run similar cycle my first and just running test cyp was fine for me. I just gave my deca to some friends. But for pct I would put nolvadex in there. im on my 3rd week of pct and as far as the estrogen its been staying away and helped keeping the balance

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Anytown USA
    I am guesing you got a deal on it because it was over the date of expiration? There are bunch of things wrong with your cycle! you shooting schedule is not correct and for a first cycle you do not want to use 2 compounds! Need to research some more because at 21 you are still alittle young. I know people at your age are going to use but if you do decide to use, u should have every but of knowledge you will need memorized in you head like it is automatic! My theory is if you are 21 on here asking for cycle advice you are not ready for a cycle!
    You should know what compounds for a first cycle, what a good planned round of PCT is a nd your diet needs to be in good order long before you even think about cycling

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Amsterdam !!!
    ok buddy cycle is basicly ok but i would advise you to keep it at 250mg of test because your just a beginner and that would be plenty, mix the test with the deca in 1 serynge no use in stabbing yourself all week long.

    Proviron in pct is useless buddy, stick with chlomiphene or take some hcg that will be enough.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Anytown USA
    he is only planning on shooting the test and Deca 1X per week. it should be shot E 3.5 D to keep levels more constant and Deca is not needed for a first cycle

  9. #9
    dates should be mondays and thursdays or tuesdays n fridays

    on each injection date you should do both test n deca not 1 by 1 or just do both and inject weakly test n deca both have long life.

    expired is untrusted IMO

    dont forget your fish oil

  10. #10
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RussianMMA View Post
    dates should be mondays and thursdays or tuesdays n fridays
    yeah stay away from Wednesday and Saturday lol.
    funny that you're asking advice on your first cycle here:

    but giving steroid advice already...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    yeah stay away from Wednesday and Saturday lol.
    funny that you're asking advice on your first cycle here:

    but giving steroid advice already...
    big your a funny guy LOL

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    ive never done steroids

    but i like to give advice

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dancer View Post
    Whats wrong with not knowing your own shit and giving advice?
    Dancer like the avi bro looking good

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    yeah stay away from Wednesday and Saturday lol.
    funny that you're asking advice on your first cycle here:

    but giving steroid advice already...
    did research for several months before even making a post so clarify my last question so i consider my self well educated certain areas of this subject and i floated around mondays/tuesdays to stay around his schedule.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    ive never done steroids

    but i like to give advice
    wait are you and dancer related you look the same..LOL

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    wait are you and dancer related you look the same..LOL
    LOL Funny stuff!

  17. #17
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RussianMMA View Post
    did research for several months before even making a post so clarify my last question so i consider my self well educated certain areas of this subject and i floated around mondays/tuesdays to stay around his schedule.
    I'm just pulling your chain bro, it's all good.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I'm just pulling your chain bro, it's all good.
    i know im not getting defensive just throwing it out there to avoid doubt heh wouldnt want the guy to think im blowing smoke

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    wait are you and dancer related you look the same..LOL

    im the male. hes the female

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by CptAmericaX View Post
    k long as they have been stored properly and uncealed gear is usualy good for a while after the experation it just depends on how out of date. But I was going to run similar cycle my first and just running test cyp was fine for me. I just gave my deca to some friends. But for pct I would put nolvadex in there. im on my 3rd week of pct and as far as the estrogen its been staying away and helped keeping the balance
    yeah all the labels are in place, packadging is undamaged everything looks fine.. except for the fact that the expiry date is 2008-02??? lol i mean will it be less effective or do i run a risk actullay using the stuff??

  21. #21
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    On the moon
    It would be less potent from what I have researched and it might seperate on you easly. But Ive never had a problem with it either.depending on your source you could make a formal complaint and if they are a good source you could get new gear.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by mouse78 View Post
    ok buddy cycle is basicly ok but i would advise you to keep it at 250mg of test because your just a beginner and that would be plenty, mix the test with the deca in 1 serynge no use in stabbing yourself all week long.

    Proviron in pct is useless buddy, stick with chlomiphene or take some hcg that will be enough.
    Thanks for the advice..but i do have some questions. I originally intended on running 1 ml test and 1ml deca but in the previous thread and i got feedback saying thats not enough test? and that beginers generally run 2 ml (500mg) per week. And now ive gotten the extra 10 ml bottle and im being told thats too much..? I was planning on running test enanthate 2ml a week and introducing deca50 2nd or 3rd week at 1ml so all up test would be at 550mg?

    Also ive been told that proviron prevents gyno from appearing in the first place (aromatization or something) therefore there is no need for anti e such as nolvadex. And that it will help in pct such as leveling out my natural test levels and so on...

    Please anyone correct me if im wrong with any of this thats why im on here cos i want to learn but im gettin varied feedback first off... and some is from people that dont even use please EXPERIENCED USERS ONLY!!!!

  23. #23
    thanks for the help man i did get it off a friend which i have known for a while but he in turn got it off another guy.. so il try chase it your first reply u said a certain amount of time its still okay?? u have a rough idea? i mean the liquid looks ok, little thick, thicker than my test..and it looks as if its never been taken out of the packadge

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    he is only planning on shooting the test and Deca 1X per week. it should be shot E 3.5 D to keep levels more constant and Deca is not needed for a first cycle
    Thanks for the reply... i uderstand that deca is not neccesary in a first cycle as test should be enough, and it will be harder to tell where side effects are coming from if they do occur if your are stacking more than one compound and so on...but this is the reason why i chose to include deca..if u think its a bad idea or if im wrong please let me know.. . . .

    ive been training flat our for aprox 2yrs up until march, i slipped a disc in my lower back doing deadlifts (not poor technique, overtrained after legs day) and have been havin problems with it ever since.. ive seen a doctor, physio and a chiropractor and il tell u something..all they want is YOUR MONEY!!! lol..but they have done absolutely nothin to help, the information theyve provided i was already aware of regarding stretches and exercises which i had read up on.. now, il take a few weeks of, little swimming etc.. my back will get better and il start training again with light weights and build it back will be going well and now not once but twice ive strained it since, (training middle back obviously) and am back to square one for the 3rd time.. im also gettin deppressed lol i just want to train.......

    Ive read on the internet and have heard from a few sources (dont know how reliable thats why im on here) that deca will not just help relieve the pain but also strengthen my back and abolish the problem..would u agree with this?? I understand that i run a risk of further injury because i wouldnt feel the pain and would just keep going heavier and heavier and inflict more damage so i would have to be carfeful, however do u think that this is correct?????

    This is what has prompted me to do a cycle in the first place..apart from the fact of always being interested and the fact of putting on gains, i value the fact that it could fix my back?

    and i dont plan on doing a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th cycle..just this one off to give me a bit of a kick in the ass, bit of a boost, regain my losses due to lack of weight training and to help my recovery...

    That why i wanted to stack deca with test enanthate, and not try just test this cycle, then move on to another compound next cycle and so forth... . .

    Thanks again for your help and please feel free to make suggestions or disagree.

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