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Thread: 8 months cycling, bloodwork results

  1. #1
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    8 months cycling, bloodwork results

    First off, before any first timers look at this and think it is ok to do, PLEASE DO NOT!!!! I cannot stress this enough. I have previous cycle experience and I have the fortune of having many friends who are doctors, pharmacists, nutritionists etc. at my disposal for health matters.

    In february of this year I began a sort of "test run" (no pun intended) to see how I reacted to a lengthy time on AAS. Right from the beginning I had the following products on hand should any unwanted sides present themselves or should I have to start PCT early:


    I started with 10 weeks of the following:

    Test E @ 400/wk

    This was followed by 4 weeks of:

    Test E @250/wk

    Acquiring some Tren A, 8 more weeks of:

    Test E @ 250/wk
    Tren A @ 350/wk

    Currently cruising on Test E @ 150/wk for 10 weeks and will be starting the following cycle to end my year off:

    wk 1-12 Test E @ 250/wk
    wk 1-10 Tren A @ 700/wk
    wk 3-10 Var @ 60/ED

    This would be my proposed "last cycle" last cyce aside from the odd maintenance that I would run every 12-14 months. Currently, my stats are:


    Now to the bloodwork results:

    CBC and Differential were all in ideal range
    Kidney and Liver function also ideal
    Creatinine and glucose were exceptional

    -------------------------Tested-----------Ideal range
    Cholesterol-------------4.24 mmol/L-------- <5.20
    Triglyceride-------------0.73 mmol/L-------- <2.30
    HDL--------------------0.96 mmol/L-------- >0.90
    LDL--------------------2.95 mmol/L--------- <3.40
    Total Chol/HDL Ratio------4.4----------------3.5-9

    Prolactin--------------- 5.9 ug/L-------------- <21.0
    Progesterone---------- 1.5 nmol/L ------------ <3.0
    TSH------------------- 1.6 mU/L -------------- 0.20-4.00

    Cortisol, AM---------- 350 nmol/L ---------- 120-620
    Testesterone, AM ----- 14.6 nmol/L -------- 10.3-19.5

    So far, I have not noticed much for sides. During the first portion while just on the Test, I had the typical sense of well being as well as a really active libido. Started lifting heavy again and enjoyed the gym experience more than the previous 14 months off cycling.

    During the Tren portion I noticed I was a lot less tolerant of annoying people. I didnt feel the urge to start fights or act like a jerk for no reason, but I did notice things like my girlfriends nagging, which I usually just ignore, really got on my nerves along with situations on the road where someone would cut me off and instead of just flipping the bird, I would be a little vocal about it =)... no night sweats, horrific dreams, acne, hair loss etc, but I was at a low dose. During this period, I really wanted to experiment with the increased "feed efficiency" that Tren provides so I was on a really strict diet through this part and while losing some fat, I still put on muscle. Overall, really pleased with my first experience on Tren.

    Now that I have confirmed with bloodwork that I am good to go again in october as sceduled, I am very confident that things will go well and I will log it for those interested.

    I am not going to post the results of this 8 month experiment as it is not my intention to advocate this to new members and first timers. For those who look at this and wish to comment that " after 8 months you should be XXXlbs and ripped, what a waste... blah blah blah", I just want to point out that it was not my intention to be huge. In all honesty, I was rehabbing an injury as well as intentional moving up a weight class. Being 250lbs would not help my cause at all.

    Last edited by Knockout_Power; 09-17-2009 at 01:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Those cholesterol and triglyceride numbers are surprising, you must really be on a good diet and cardio program.
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  3. #3
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    Ah crap, this is in the wrong section.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Those cholesterol and triglyceride numbers are surprising, you must really be on a good diet and cardio program.
    I really dont do a whole hell of a lot of cardio aside from martial arts and some bag work. Maybe once a week I will jump on the treadmill for an hour after a workout. I find the right diet matched to a mixture of heavy and medium lifting does wonders.

  5. #5
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    I should mention that while on Tren I did notice higher blood pressure than usual. Im always a rock solid 120/80, got as high as 140/80 but that was taken on a machine that had an undersized arm pad and was too tight.

  6. #6
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    How is it to cruise on test and why so low dose of test? Looks nice.

  7. #7
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    It was an experiment to see the results. Some people ask why I would put myself at risk, but I had constant monitoring by the right people. It is so mild that nothing would go horribly wrong. I wanted to see what could be done with moderation. Especially while using Tren, I wanted to let it do the work and see what it does. I was guessing that a lot of what some experience on cycle as far as sides are a result of using too much test which may not be nesseccary.

    Dont get me wrong, the experienced guys know exactly what they need to achieve their goals and high test doses are what they use. Like I said, Im not that big but I like what Ive built and how Ive stayed healthy through it


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    It was an experiment to see the results. Some people ask why I would put myself at risk, but I had constant monitoring by the right people. It is so mild that nothing would go horribly wrong. I wanted to see what could be done with moderation. Especially while using Tren, I wanted to let it do the work and see what it does. I was guessing that a lot of what some experience on cycle as far as sides are a result of using too much test which may not be nesseccary.

    Dont get me wrong, the experienced guys know exactly what they need to achieve their goals and high test doses are what they use. Like I said, Im not that big but I like what Ive built and how Ive stayed healthy through it

    So I guess you are ok with being on trt from now on??

  9. #9
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    I guess we'll see after the last stage of this cycle. I will keep a log of it. Have not experienced any "shrinkage" and while my natural test is currently on the low side of or the normal range, we figure I should be back to ideal withing 60 days after cycling.

  10. #10
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    I hope the best for you! I am a week away from the end of a 24 week cycle of test e at 300 mg a week. I am really concerned about my chances for full recovery. I may have to be on trt from now on. My wife would flip if our sex life disappeared so a long 4 to 6 month recovery period would not work!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    I guess we'll see after the last stage of this cycle. I will keep a log of it. Have not experienced any "shrinkage" and while my natural test is currently on the low side of or the normal range, we figure I should be back to ideal withing 60 days after cycling.
    Wait you are cruising right now right? at 150 mgs a week??

  12. #12
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    Tboney..... are you using HCG?


  13. #13
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    just started. 500 ius a day for two weeks before I start pct.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    oh ok..... so your running it the two weeks while you're waiting for the esthers to clear?

    I'm assuming you have an aggressive pct lined up as well?

    sorry for the hijack LMFAO - i'll stop


  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    oh ok..... so your running it the two weeks while you're waiting for the esthers to clear?

    I'm assuming you have an aggressive pct lined up as well?

    sorry for the hijack LMFAO - i'll stop

    Well I was going to run it for the last two weeks on and the two weeks after my last shot. My last hcg shor would be on the first day of my pct.

    My pct is going to include nolva, clomid, a few primordial performance products. I would really prefer not to use clomid but I may have to.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    sorry for the hijack LMFAO - i'll stop

    No appologies needed. This is the whole point, see how this can help people who may have questions.

    I will also start up an HCG program for the last 4 weeks of this cycle, as well as the 18 days before PCT. I have not yet noticed any "shrinkage" but I have it on hand, might as well use it.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    I hope the best for you! I am a week away from the end of a 24 week cycle of test e at 300 mg a week. I am really concerned about my chances for full recovery. I may have to be on trt from now on. My wife would flip if our sex life disappeared so a long 4 to 6 month recovery period would not work!
    I know everyone is different, but I dont see this shutting you down for good. An agressive PCT (6 weeks) should get you where you want to be. I have a lot of friends who go over board and run deca inclusive cycles for up to 20 weeks and seem to recover well. I dont understand it, but its their choice.

  18. #18
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    Thanks for the encouragment and I hope you are right! However I am 42 yrs young. In late 2008 I had normal, off cycle test levels of 750 so maybe there is hope for me??

  19. #19
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    Age will work against you, but proper PCT will get the most of your natural levels back, Im sure you are aware of this and it looks like you will take it seriosuly enough when the time comes.

  20. #20
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    Yea I have a sound pct in place for that time. I just dread the recovery process. I have always been able to recover with just nolva. I would prefer to never have to use the clomid because of some eye conditions.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Yea I have a sound pct in place for that time. I just dread the recovery process. I have always been able to recover with just nolva. I would prefer to never have to use the clomid because of some eye conditions.
    I also have eye problems, but have never experienced any problem with low dose Clomid. I'm actually blind in one eye.

    Tamoxifen is also a fairly occular toxic compound.

    If you dont want to run Clomid, use Toremifene Citrate. Its very good for HPTA restoration.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto;486***6
    I also have eye problems, but have never experienced any problem with low dose Clomid. I'm actually blind in one eye.

    Tamoxifen is also a fairly occular toxic compound.

    If you dont want to run Clomid, use Toremifene Citrate. Its very good for HPTA restoration.
    Run it with the nolva? At what dosage?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    run it with the nolva? At what dosage?

  24. #24
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    i'm starting my 1st cycle soon, for 12 weeks, 1-12 500mg/week testoviron, 1-8 primobolan 400mg/week, i was wondering some of u did a test cycle at first how was the results ?
    for the PCT i'm going to take 200 i.u of HCG /week on cycle and after 18 days from last injection i'm going to take toremifene... do u guys suggest more PCT ?
    195 lbs
    10.3% bf
    working out for 1 year lost 36 % of fat but still have some extra skin on the abs.
    would it work for me as for my 1st cycle ?

  25. #25
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    can i ask for a pictures request please

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    can i ask for a pictures request please
    me ?

  27. #27
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    ya u 2

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    i'm starting my 1st cycle soon, for 12 weeks, 1-12 500mg/week testoviron, 1-8 primobolan 400mg/week, i was wondering some of u did a test cycle at first how was the results ?
    for the PCT i'm going to take 200 i.u of HCG /week on cycle and after 18 days from last injection i'm going to take toremifene... do u guys suggest more PCT ?
    195 lbs
    10.3% bf
    working out for 1 year lost 36 % of fat but still have some extra skin on the abs.
    would it work for me as for my 1st cycle ?
    Start a new thread...........

  29. #29
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  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Start a new thread...........
    okay sorry i thought about that..

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by H_U_G_O View Post
    i'm starting my 1st cycle soon, for 12 weeks, 1-12 500mg/week testoviron, 1-8 primobolan 400mg/week, i was wondering some of u did a test cycle at first how was the results ?
    for the PCT i'm going to take 200 i.u of HCG /week on cycle and after 18 days from last injection i'm going to take toremifene... do u guys suggest more PCT ?
    195 lbs
    10.3% bf
    working out for 1 year lost 36 % of fat but still have some extra skin on the abs.
    would it work for me as for my 1st cycle ?

    I do not know the PCT start time for Testoviron, but 500/wk will yeild decent results for a first cycle. Scrap the Primo, from what Ive seen, that dose is way too low and especially if this is your first cycle, you dont need 2 compounds, the test will do wonders. As far as your PCT, go to the PCT thread and follow one of those layouts. Clomid, Nolva are a staple and will help you regain your natty levels and avoid losing your gains.


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