First off, before any first timers look at this and think it is ok to do, PLEASE DO NOT!!!! I cannot stress this enough. I have previous cycle experience and I have the fortune of having many friends who are doctors, pharmacists, nutritionists etc. at my disposal for health matters.
In february of this year I began a sort of "test run" (no pun intended) to see how I reacted to a lengthy time on AAS. Right from the beginning I had the following products on hand should any unwanted sides present themselves or should I have to start PCT early:
I started with 10 weeks of the following:
Test E @ 400/wk
This was followed by 4 weeks of:
Test E @250/wk
Acquiring some Tren A, 8 more weeks of:
Test E @ 250/wk
Tren A @ 350/wk
Currently cruising on Test E @ 150/wk for 10 weeks and will be starting the following cycle to end my year off:
wk 1-12 Test E @ 250/wk
wk 1-10 Tren A @ 700/wk
wk 3-10 Var @ 60/ED
This would be my proposed "last cycle" last cyce aside from the odd maintenance that I would run every 12-14 months. Currently, my stats are:
Now to the bloodwork results:
CBC and Differential were all in ideal range
Kidney and Liver function also ideal
Creatinine and glucose were exceptional
-------------------------Tested-----------Ideal range
Cholesterol-------------4.24 mmol/L-------- <5.20
Triglyceride-------------0.73 mmol/L-------- <2.30
HDL--------------------0.96 mmol/L-------- >0.90
LDL--------------------2.95 mmol/L--------- <3.40
Total Chol/HDL Ratio------4.4----------------3.5-9
Prolactin--------------- 5.9 ug/L-------------- <21.0
Progesterone---------- 1.5 nmol/L ------------ <3.0
TSH------------------- 1.6 mU/L -------------- 0.20-4.00
Cortisol, AM---------- 350 nmol/L ---------- 120-620
Testesterone, AM ----- 14.6 nmol/L -------- 10.3-19.5
So far, I have not noticed much for sides. During the first portion while just on the Test, I had the typical sense of well being as well as a really active libido. Started lifting heavy again and enjoyed the gym experience more than the previous 14 months off cycling.
During the Tren portion I noticed I was a lot less tolerant of annoying people. I didnt feel the urge to start fights or act like a jerk for no reason, but I did notice things like my girlfriends nagging, which I usually just ignore, really got on my nerves along with situations on the road where someone would cut me off and instead of just flipping the bird, I would be a little vocal about it =)... no night sweats, horrific dreams, acne, hair loss etc, but I was at a low dose. During this period, I really wanted to experiment with the increased "feed efficiency" that Tren provides so I was on a really strict diet through this part and while losing some fat, I still put on muscle. Overall, really pleased with my first experience on Tren.
Now that I have confirmed with bloodwork that I am good to go again in october as sceduled, I am very confident that things will go well and I will log it for those interested.
I am not going to post the results of this 8 month experiment as it is not my intention to advocate this to new members and first timers. For those who look at this and wish to comment that " after 8 months you should be XXXlbs and ripped, what a waste... blah blah blah", I just want to point out that it was not my intention to be huge. In all honesty, I was rehabbing an injury as well as intentional moving up a weight class. Being 250lbs would not help my cause at all.