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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #601
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Are you looking or more information pertaining to bulking or cutting?
    Cutting ATM. I just started the 2 week prime today and I would like to cut now and for the 8 week Blast as well. However, following this one, I will be bulking w/ Prop. So if you have links....I'll take em both Thanks.

  2. #602
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    deep,very deep (maryland)
    sorry about that i did not get on again to edit. ps RR you are the man all of yoiur posts help me out its kool to be able to listen to advanced guys first hand like this. i was wondering if you could take a look at the thread i started new gear user q's

  3. #603
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by fig View Post
    Cutting ATM. I just started the 2 week prime today and I would like to cut now and for the 8 week Blast as well. However, following this one, I will be bulking w/ Prop. So if you have links....I'll take em both Thanks.
    A prime is simply a lay-off from the gym. You'll want to do an extended reload (not blast) in order to get cut! For now I will copy/past the fat loss diet plan in this thread. It may take up a few pages.

  4. #604
    Join Date
    May 2006


    I'm going to compete in 5 months and looking to add cardio in a way that minimizes muscle loss and maximizes fat loss.
    Current stats:
    5' 6"
    9% BF

    Goal (in 5 months)
    5-6% BF

    Current Routine:
    Mon- Back
    Tues-Chest/Abs/17min PWO HIT
    Thurs-Shoulders/Tris/17min PWO HIT
    Fri-Arms/17min PWO HIT

    When would be the best time to add AM Cardio in this routine? I'd like to start with 2 3o minute sessions and go from there. What 2 days would be best? I'm thinking Saturday and Sunday? Keep in mind I'm not using anabolics.

  5. #605
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by fig View Post
    Cutting ATM. I just started the 2 week prime today and I would like to cut now and for the 8 week Blast as well. However, following this one, I will be bulking w/ Prop. So if you have links....I'll take em both Thanks.
    POST 1-

    Slingshot diet-"Carb/Calorie Cycling":

    A recent report showed that taking carbs down to 100 per day burned away almost as much body fat as being in a state of ketosis (no carb diet) but many experience blood sugar crashes with such low levels of carbs because the body will be fighting to stay out of ketosis. Carb cycling is the superior way to "lose body fat" during the beginning of a diet phase. Keeping carbs/calories in check 5 days per week is the best way for everyone! The body responds in a positive manner when 2 non-consecutive carb/calories up days are included each week. It does so by driving up anabolic hormones and increasing thyroid hormone output-hence speeding up the metabolism and increasing lean muscle mass. When carbs and calories are constantly kept low, your body adapts and the metabolism slows down. A great approach is to use a 3 low-1 high-2 low-1 high carb/calorie rotation).

    Monday-low carbs
    Tuesday-low carbs
    Wednesday-high (carbs should be clean on this day-lower fat intake in order to stay at a maintenance calorie level), Decrease protein intake to make up for extra calories coming from carbs!
    Saturday-high in carbs, calories and fats (cheat day eat some junk carbs and fats), Decrease protein on cheat day as well.

    Note: Do gradual carb depletion by taking out 50 grams of carbs out of diet every 2 weeks until you hit around 100 per day. If you need to go below 100 it can be best to go into ketosis at this point if blood sugar begins to crash. Even in ketosis do 1-2 carb up days per week. Decrease protein on carb up days to remain at maintenance calorie level. Do not decrease fats or blood sugar can crash. Add in some junk food carbs like pizza/ice cream on the cheat day (day 6 Saturday). A few extra calories on Saturday is fine. I recommend increasing carbs by around double on first carb up day. On the once a week cheat meal day you can increase calories by even more depending on your size and metabolic rate.

    Factor in how much cheating you should allow on your cheat days and stay within your limits. At the end of the low carb days, your energy levels will drop, but the high carb days will rejuvenate your energy levels and get you ready to train for a few more days before becoming depleted once again. By adding in the additional fats and carbs during the cheat meal days it helps pull glycogen into the muscles! You can have Pizza, Mexican food, hamburger/fries etc on cheat days. The extra sugar and calories is going to boost your metabolism, make you sharper in regards to your diet the rest of the week and give you something to look forward to-“big-time”. You have to be disciplined but you need one day each week to look forward to where you can ease the cravings for junk food. Wait and cheat during your evening meal. By night-time your muscles will be absolutely full and vascular from all the extra glycogen stored in the muscles. Focus on making the first carb up day a clean eating day full of complex carbs and have some junk food like pizza for your cheat meal to drastically increase calories and increase t-3 (thyroid hormone that regulates metabolism) output.

  6. #606
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    POST 2-

    Sample Diet for low carb days: Designed for those who work out in the morning.


    Meal 1 (protein/carbs
    Meal 2 (protein carbs)
    Meal 3(protein and carbs)
    Meal 4 (protein and fats)
    Meal 5 (protein and fats)
    Meal 6 (protein and fats)

    Important Note: If you normally need 2000 calories each day to maintain your bodyweight, you should only reduce calories to 1500 in order to lose body fat. Everyone should keep carbs around 150 grams per day unless you begin to experience low blood sugar. In general, between 25-100 grams of fats each day will suffice. But those with a very fast metabolism may need more fats if you are consuming upwards of 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight and losing more than 2 pounds of body weight after the first week of reducing carb intake. Protein intake should be adjusted at 1-2 grams per pound of body weight to fit your metabolism and dietary needs

    Sample low carb day diet used for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Most females would obviously need to consume less protein, overall calories through smaller portion sizes and reduce meals to only 5 per day!

    Meal 1: 10 liquid eggs (50 grams of protein, 1 cup oatmeal (60 grams of carbs).


    Meal 2: Whey protein shake (50 grams of protein) and banana (25 grams of carbs)

    Meal 3: Lean Protein like baked chicken (50 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat) and 1 slice of whole wheat bread (25 grams of carbs)

    Meal 4: Tuna in water (50 grams of Protein) and 6 Almonds (5 grams of fat)

    Meal 5: Large portion of lean meat such as chicken, salmon, fish, lean sirloin or London broil (50 grams of protein), large salad (green leaf romaine) with 4 TBS of extra virgin olive oil (60 grams of fat), a small amount of cheese (7 grams of fat), serving of green beans.

    Meal 6: Whey protein shake (50 grams) with 1 tablespoon of smart balance peanut butter (8 grams of fat)

    That turns into approximately 300 grams protein, (only 125 grams Carbs), and around 100 grams of fat.

    Sample diet for first High carb day for Wednesday:

    Meal 1:10 eggs-1 whole egg and 9 egg whites (5 grams of fat and 50 grams of protein, 1 and 1/2 cups of oatmeal (90 grams of carbs).

    Meal 2: Whey protein shake (50 grams of protein) and 2 bananas (50 grams of carbs)

    Meal 3: Lean Protein like baked chicken (50 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat) and 1 large sweet potato (50 grams of carbs) and a large apple (25 grams of carbs)

    Meal 4: Tuna (50 grams of Protein) and 6 Almonds (5 grams of fat)

    Meal 5: Large portion of lean meat such as chicken, salmon or London broil (50 grams of protein) salad (green leaf romaine) with 2 TBS of extra virgin olive oil (28 grams of fat), a small amount of feta cheese (7 grams of fat) and serving of green beans.

    Meal 6: Whey protein shake (50 grams) with 1 tablespoon of smart balance peanut butter (8 grams of fat)

    Sample diet for cheat day for (Saturday)

    Note: A cheat day consists of being able to eat 1 large meal containing anything you want within reason and having a desert and protein shake later that night. Make the other 3-4 meals like those found in the first carb up day. It’s usually best to eat these 2 meals later in the day so you do not over do it.

    Meal 1: 8 eggs-1 whole egg and 7 egg whites, and blueberry pancakes cooked in olive oil and sugar free syrup.

    Meal 2: Lean Protein like chicken and 1 slice of whole wheat bread.

    Meal 3: Whey protein shake (50 grams of protein) a big bowl of cheerios and 1 banana.

    Meal 4: Pizza, chips, salad.

    Meal 5: Whey protein shake (50 grams) with ice cream and fruit

    Sample foods to eat on diet:

    Liquid Egg whites
    Skim milk
    Canned tuna, salmon, chicken
    Baked-chicken, fish of any kind,
    Grilled extra lean hamburger meat, London broil, filet mignon
    Whey protein shake

    Fruits of any kind
    Any green vegetables
    Sweet potatoes
    Whole wheat bread
    High fiber cereals-fiber one, raisin bran and cheerios

    Smart balance peanut butter
    Extra virgin olive oil

    Sample low carb spices

    1. Magic Seasoning Blends:
    a) seafood magic
    b) poultry magic

    2. Mojo Mama:
    Blackened Dry Mojo All Natural

    3. Mediterranean Spiced Sea Salt
    4. Montreal Chicken seasoning
    5. Mrs. Dash
    a) Table Blend
    b) Tomato, Basil, Garlic
    c) Italian Medley
    d) Grilling blends steak


    It's been my experience that separating carbs and fats for the most part is the best route to take when trying to lose body fat. Combining saturated fats from protein sources like eggs and meat with a lot of carbs (especially Hi GI carbs will cause an insulin response to the utmost and cause the body to store more body fat)! This prolonged insulin response is called hyperinsulinemia. It can be good at times for building muscle but not so good when you are trying to rid the body of unwanted body fat. Consuming a lot of dietary fats in the presence of a lot of carbs (an insulin producing food) increases the chance of fat being stored as body fat. Insulin is a storage hormone that can push dietary fat into fat cells. So, you want to eat lean protein with insulin producing carbs so the amino acids from the protein will be pushed into muscle cells and build lean muscle! Consuming a moderate combination of carbs and fat in one meal also makes it harder for the body to break them down. Healthy fats and low GI carbs are different and can be combined if needed but separating fats and carbs should be your goal.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Some fats are needed to be combined with carbs in morning and fats are needed in evening/night to keep blood sugar levels stable when reducing carbs/calories. In order to keep from going hungry eat plenty of green veggies like broccoli, green beans and asparagus throughout the day.

  7. #607
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    POST 3-


    Carb cut-offs later in the day are very important for fat loss. Weight-training triggers the release of both anabolic and fat burning hormones, but it's while you sleep that the most body fat is burned because you are then in a fasted state. Your body needs to be in a state of lipolysis (the breakdown of fat stored in fat cells) which happens when glycogen levels become depleted at night. If you load up on late-nights carbs you won't hit lipolysis whilst asleep nor will your body release as much Growth Hormone. If you sleep only 4 to 5 hours a night as opposed to 7-8 hours, it leaves you with too much ghrelin (a hormone that increases appetite) and too little leptin (a hormone that decreases appetite and can decrease metabolic rate) and increase sugar cravings.

    Protein: Protein levels should be kept high in order to build or keep the body from eating muscle tissue during exercise or times of being in a calorie deficit. Everyone, regardless of their body type, needs about a minimum of 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight to maintain and/or gain lean muscle mass. Protein is used in gluconeogensis during exercise and fasting when carbs are low. Some of the energy your body uses will come from protein sources during periods were carbs are kept low (for i.e.; later in the day and while you sleep). I recommend that everyone keep protein at 1-2 grams of protein per pound of body weight during a long term cutting phase. Those with a slower metabolism will need less (for i.e. only 1 gram per pound of body weight). Too much protein can also make you fat due to producing a calorie surplus. What happens is glycogen levels spill over and the extra calories are stored as body fat. With some peoples metabolism 2 grams of protein would make them fat and 1 gram would be a bit low. So, I they would need to take in 1.25 grams of protein and multiply it by their body weight. Then I divide that by 5 or 6 meals, depending on how many meals you are getting in for that day. When eating 6 meals per day I personally take in about 60 grams of protein during each meal while my wife Kathy takes in only about 40.

    Eat your protein first because you’ll get fuller faster which will keep you from eating as many carbs and fats. This is good for body fat control! Tuna, chicken, salmon, turkey, egg whites and London broil are all good staples. Steer clear of the fattier deli meat that contains nitrates. Fatty red meat is not the best choice to make because it contains about 8 grams per serving and a serving is only about 4 ounces. In those 4 ounces you will only get roughly 25 grams of protein and a whopping 10 grams of saturated fat (not good)! This means you might need another serving of fatty ground beef to get your protein needs for that meal. However, the same 4 ounces of fish, turkey or chicken has about the same protein but only around 2 gram of fat or less. Therefore, you can eat more food while taking in fewer calories! Whey protein used twice a day as a meal-replacer works very well when combined with fruit earlier in the day and essential oils at night because it will bloat you and keep you satisfied. Smaller meals consumed throughout the day decreases body fat levels over-time. Every time you eat (especially protein) your body burns calories when it breaks down the food during digestion. This is why your body heats up every time you eat. The time spent in a heated state will burn more calories than when you are skipping meals. Protein will make you gain weight when added to what you are already eating but will make you lose body fat when it replaces some carb and/or fat calories! Why? Because for every 100 calories of carbs or fats consumed, only about 5 calories will be burned off through digestion. But for every 100 calories of protein you take in around 25 calories will be burned through the digestion process. This is why it’s so important to trade a lot of carbohydrate calories for protein calories when trying to lose fat. When whey protein is used, always add a small amount of essential fats such as smart balance peanut butter, almonds or mixed nuts to slow down the digestion rate and keep you full. Fruit can be added to whey protein post workout or during the earlier part of the day. Eating frequent meals prevents hunger pangs. Drink around 1 gallon of water per day to keep the body hydrated and to boost the metabolism and try to stay away from wheat, gluten and dairy products to get absolutely ******. I have never put a lot of emphasis on meticulously counting each and every calorie consumed, rather I concentrate on eating, with proper food combinations so that the food is broken down properly and absorbed. Never let yourself go hungry. When you are hungry it means that your body is using muscle tissue for energy, as opposed to body fat!

    Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are not bad for you in moderation, but when trying to lose body fat, you're body needs to be in a state of lipolysis (the breakdown of fat stored in fat cells) which happens when glycogen levels become depleted. High Glycemic carbs should be kept to a minimum on low carb/calorie days and consumed in moderation during the cheat day. The brain and nervous system needs roughly 50 grams of carbs coming from glucose to maintain daily functions. Carbs should never be eaten without adequate amounts of protein. Doing so really spikes insulin levels and cause an increase in body fat! It’s very important to combine a fibrous carb (green vegetable) or (fruit) with each meal to provide energy needed to train and carry out daily functions, but not load your glycogen stores to the point where you don't hit lipolysis until much later on. Focus on diet just as much as or more so than training when trying to get shredded! Do not make the mistake of reducing calories too much when trying to shed body fat. If you normally take in 2500 calories per day you should only reduce calories to 2000-2200 per week until you start losing weight at about 1-2 lbs per week. If you lose more during the first week, don’t worry because it will be a lot of water. Going lower can eat away muscle tissue. Just as you have to periodize your training, the nutrition plan must also be periodize. Staying on a low calorie/low carb diet for too long will not just lead to fat loss, but a lot of muscle loss as well. A mistake most people make when trying to lose body fat is sticking with the same exact calorie-carb reduced meal plan seven days a week. This will not work well because the body has a finely tuned system that protects itself from starvation mode. When the body feels threatened it begins to store body fat after only a few short weeks as opposed to releasing it. By including two- weekly calorie/carb up days, you can trick the human body by giving it a calorie surplus–hence negating the slowing down of the metabolism that comes from calorie depletion. Protein should not need to be reduced during the first carb up day but it can be reduced some during the cheat day because the body can readily use fats and carbs for fuel when in a calorie surplus. All carbs, whether they are of fruit, rice, bread, potatoes, ice cream, milk or pure sugar, eventually turn to glucose and they will all elevate insulin levels. It’s the slower burning carbs with a lower glycemic index like fruit and steel oats that you want to consume because they provide more energy for training and can help keep body fat levels a bit lower because the initial insulin spike is less. Let me be clear, all carb sources will count towards your daily carb intake regardless of their Glycemic Index. This includes all fruits! Mixing foods found on the lower end of the glycemic index scale with foods found on the higher end of the glycemic scale will reduce the glycemic index of the high glycemic index carbs when eaten in the same meal. In addition, eating low glycemic carbs has a carry-over-effect to the next meal. For instance, eating steel cut oats would lower the glycemic level of a white potato if a potato was eaten in the meal following the oats. Relying on fibrous carbs helps improve ones conditioning. Everyone should think of high-fiber foods as a diet aid. Strive to consume 30 grams or more of fiber per day. Slowing down carb absorption also helps keep your energy up longer during the day when dieting. If you take in 30 grams of carbs that are absorbed quickly, you're going to process them quickly, and then you're going to feel tired, hungry and depleted. When you take in the same amount of carbs with a high amount of fiber, they'll stay in your system longer, and you'll have a lot more energy. The fiber also slows down the digestion of protein. The longer that it takes your body to process the protein, the more efficiently it will use each gram! During a cutting phase you’ll do better sticking to foods such as green vegetables/salads with extra virgin olive oil and lean protein sources later in the day and fruit, cereal and/or oatmeal along with lean protein sources during the morning. Carbohydrates and protein break down slowly throughout the day as well as burns body fat. Remember the Krebs cycle! Your last 3 meals should be composed of proteins and fibrous carbohydrates, such as green vegetables. Breakfast should be the largest meal of the day! Keep food volume up (especially lean protein sources). Consume 5-6 meals per day) to keep hunger pangs at bay, speed up the metabolism and to prevent muscle loss or weakness. Trade carbohydrate calories for protein calories gram for gram on the five lower carb days and you will lose weight! Replace an equal amount of carbohydrate calories with extra virgin olive oil for dinner and you will lose weight. Stay around 150 grams of carbs on low carb days as a baseline (you may need more if you start losing muscle or begin to experience low blood sugar. All carbs whether they are fruit or whatever turn to sugar and spike insulin (a fat storage hormone). So it’s very important to read the label or do some research on the internet to find out how many carbs are in each food you consume. You’ll also need to read the labels on each food consumed so you can see how many macronutrients of protein, carbs and fat you are ingesting. Focus on slow burning carbs as opposed to fast burning carbs. Adding in some slow burning carbs with fast burning carbs helps lower the glycemic index of the fast burning carbs. Keep this in mind if you decide to take in some High glycemic index carbs, mix them with a low gi carb source. If you are involved in a lot of outside activities (for i.e.; long distance cycling) you can bump carbs up to 200 or more on low carb days. By using this method it keeps your body guessing, and not allowing it to get used to any particular amount of calories. Hence the reason you won’t hit major plateaus while cutting. You should consistently loose body fat on a weekly basis. Another thing I want to touch on briefly is choice of carbs. As I mentioned, very low glycemic carbs like that of dry sweet potatoes are good for weight loss. There are several studies around that show people who ate only sweet potatoes with several of their daily meals ended the 12 week study leaner than the other group who ate rice, brown rice, pasta, and bread for sources of carbohydrates. The reason for this is that the slow release of carbohydrates to the blood stream resulting in even insulin levels throughout the day.

    Fats: Fats are very important in a cutting diet. Fats can be used as an energy source when we become carb depleted or at rest by undergoing beta oxidation. Dietary fats spare the burning of glycogen, and this aids in pulling more carbs/water into the muscle. This means you don’t need as many carbs to prevent the deflated muscle syndrome! *****-3 fatty acids increase insulin sensitivity in the muscle cells. The receptors for insulin are both fat cells and muscle cells. The benefits gained by ingesting EFA’S is that the insulin receptor sites of the muscle cells will become more sensitive than the insulin receptors on the fat cells. An increase in sensitivity of the muscle cells will push more amino acids from protein sources into the muscle cells and away from the fat cells! They are good for hormonal levels, and they taste great. I personally have had great success with combining moderate amounts of fats with high protein meals eaten later in the day. My typical sources are salmon, ***** 3 eggs, almonds, smart balance peanut butter, extra virgin olive oil and macadamia nut oil. I try and get around 100 grams of fat during my last 3 meals of the day. You’ll need to replace an equal amount of carbohydrate calories with essential fats up to 3 times daily for fat loss. Those with a slow metabolism that are taking in only 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight will need to eat fewer fats to lose weight. My suggestion is to not go below 50 grams of fat daily because doing so can cause permanent joint problem from a lack of lubrication when pumping iron and going too low will slow down the fat burning process! Adipose tissue is certainly affected by both insulin levels (produced from carbs) and ASP (produced from fats) because higher quantities of either force the body to become less efficient at eliminating either. Insulin is not the only regulator of fat storage. Adipose tissue is also composed of fats by a hormone called Acylation Stimulating Protein. This hormone doesn't need insulin to make you fatter because it's released from fat cells directly in response to blood chylomicrons (fats produced in the intestinal lumen following the absorption of digested fat) which are responsible for storing triglycerides in adipose cells. Guess what hormone can increase the number of ASP in the body? If you guessed insulin you are correct! So, by controlling carb intake you indirectly reduce ASP levels-hence less body fat will be stored when dietary fats are consumed. By watching the kinds of fats you eat, along with the amounts, you can help control how many calories get stored as body fat. Basically, ASP works for dietary fat storage like insulin works for carbohydrate storage. Understand here that how well the body deals with insulin and ASP cannot always be equated to an individual’s metabolism because thin people who have a hard time gaining muscle can also be considered clinically obese (for i.e. some marathon runners). This is due to their having a poor lean muscle mass to body fat ratio.

    There are a lot of people with a condition known as “insulin resistance”. Once you develop high levels of body fat your body will no longer respond to insulin as it should. What happens next is it only takes a small amount of carbohydrates to really shoot those insulin levels through the roof-hence body fat will be stored at a fast rate of speed. When too much insulin is produced, you will be left with too little sugar in the blood stream and some will get stored in the fat cells. This puts you in a viscous cycle where the fatter you get the easier it is to keep putting on the wrong kind of weight (body fat). This makes it very hard to lose body fat. But don’t panic! Once you lose the fat, gain the muscle mass, and establish outstanding insulin sensitivity, you will be able to control your body fat levels. This is great news because once you get lean you’ll probably be able to eat roughly 200-300 grams of carbs on the low carb days as opposed to 150 grams or so for maintenance and be able to consume a few more carbs later in the day. Also, you may be able to increase your carb up/calorie up days to 3 per week as opposed to only 2. Why? Because once you get lean, the metabolism speeds up! Losing weight is fairly easy, but stripping straight body fat off while maintaining or gaining lean body mass is tricky. Men in general have an easier time losing body fat because they carry more muscle mass. The more muscle mass you can acquire through the proper weight training regimen along with a high protein diet-the faster your resting metabolic rate will be just sitting around doing nothing!


  8. #608
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by D_iamond View Post
    sorry about that i did not get on again to edit. ps RR you are the man all of yoiur posts help me out its kool to be able to listen to advanced guys first hand like this. i was wondering if you could take a look at the thread i started new gear user q's
    Please post your cycle in this thread and I'll take a look at it.

  9. #609
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by F4iGuy View Post
    I'm going to compete in 5 months and looking to add cardio in a way that minimizes muscle loss and maximizes fat loss.
    Current stats:
    5' 6"
    9% BF

    Goal (in 5 months)
    5-6% BF

    Current Routine:
    Mon- Back
    Tues-Chest/Abs/17min PWO HIT
    Thurs-Shoulders/Tris/17min PWO HIT
    Fri-Arms/17min PWO HIT

    When would be the best time to add AM Cardio in this routine? I'd like to start with 2 3o minute sessions and go from there. What 2 days would be best? I'm thinking Saturday and Sunday? Keep in mind I'm not using anabolics.
    1) Do not do HIT cardio as it can burn muscle when cutting carbs. Stick to moderate intensity!
    2) It takes very little cardio to burn away muscle when dieting down without steroids. Too much cardio can burn off muscle even while using anabolics so you'l need to rely more on diet and less on cardio.
    3) I would not do more than 30-40 minutes of cardio max 3 times per week as it will very likely strip off muscle. I would start at 15 minutes 3 times per week right now to keep your heart healthy but don't increase to 20 minutes until 12 weeks out. At 8 weeks out do 30 minutes and if needed 40 minutes 4 weeks out.
    4) You can do cardio at anytime other than leg and back day.

    NOTE: These are my recommendations for natural trainers. Those with a fast metabolism should stay with only 15 minutes 3 times per week throughout the entire 12 week diet to prevent muscle loss.

  10. #610
    Big Ron

    If a person is permanently shutdown and cannot recover anymore, does this means that this person has no chance of having kids in the future (infertile)?

    If i'm not mistaken I think there are a lot of pro bb who have kids, do they usually have them before they start their long-year-round-heavy-cycling to be a pro or they have them after they become pro?

  11. #611


    Ron, I just read over your diet for cutting fat post twice very thoroughly, but it is a lot to take in IMO. I think I get it for the most part and I will be trying to use it to the best of my ability during my 20 week blast, as my goal is to shed some fat and hopefully gain some quality size and strength.

    My Q is concerning dairy while using this approach. I love skim milk, low-fat chees, cottage chees and low-fat yogurt. Can I incorporate these foods and how??
    I've gotta know the truth on this one Ron, thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    POST 3-


    Carb cut-offs later in the day are very important for fat loss. Weight-training triggers the release of both anabolic and fat burning hormones, but it's while you sleep that the most body fat is burned because you are then in a fasted state. Your body needs to be in a state of lipolysis (the breakdown of fat stored in fat cells) which happens when glycogen levels become depleted at night. If you load up on late-nights carbs you won't hit lipolysis whilst asleep nor will your body release as much Growth Hormone. If you sleep only 4 to 5 hours a night as opposed to 7-8 hours, it leaves you with too much ghrelin (a hormone that increases appetite) and too little leptin (a hormone that decreases appetite and can decrease metabolic rate) and increase sugar cravings.

    Protein: Protein levels should be kept high in order to build or keep the body from eating muscle tissue during exercise or times of being in a calorie deficit. Everyone, regardless of their body type, needs about a minimum of 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight to maintain and/or gain lean muscle mass. Protein is used in gluconeogensis during exercise and fasting when carbs are low. Some of the energy your body uses will come from protein sources during periods were carbs are kept low (for i.e.; later in the day and while you sleep). I recommend that everyone keep protein at 1-2 grams of protein per pound of body weight during a long term cutting phase. Those with a slower metabolism will need less (for i.e. only 1 gram per pound of body weight). Too much protein can also make you fat due to producing a calorie surplus. What happens is glycogen levels spill over and the extra calories are stored as body fat. With some peoples metabolism 2 grams of protein would make them fat and 1 gram would be a bit low. So, I they would need to take in 1.25 grams of protein and multiply it by their body weight. Then I divide that by 5 or 6 meals, depending on how many meals you are getting in for that day. When eating 6 meals per day I personally take in about 60 grams of protein during each meal while my wife Kathy takes in only about 40.

    Eat your protein first because you’ll get fuller faster which will keep you from eating as many carbs and fats. This is good for body fat control! Tuna, chicken, salmon, turkey, egg whites and London broil are all good staples. Steer clear of the fattier deli meat that contains nitrates. Fatty red meat is not the best choice to make because it contains about 8 grams per serving and a serving is only about 4 ounces. In those 4 ounces you will only get roughly 25 grams of protein and a whopping 10 grams of saturated fat (not good)! This means you might need another serving of fatty ground beef to get your protein needs for that meal. However, the same 4 ounces of fish, turkey or chicken has about the same protein but only around 2 gram of fat or less. Therefore, you can eat more food while taking in fewer calories! Whey protein used twice a day as a meal-replacer works very well when combined with fruit earlier in the day and essential oils at night because it will bloat you and keep you satisfied. Smaller meals consumed throughout the day decreases body fat levels over-time. Every time you eat (especially protein) your body burns calories when it breaks down the food during digestion. This is why your body heats up every time you eat. The time spent in a heated state will burn more calories than when you are skipping meals. Protein will make you gain weight when added to what you are already eating but will make you lose body fat when it replaces some carb and/or fat calories! Why? Because for every 100 calories of carbs or fats consumed, only about 5 calories will be burned off through digestion. But for every 100 calories of protein you take in around 25 calories will be burned through the digestion process. This is why it’s so important to trade a lot of carbohydrate calories for protein calories when trying to lose fat. When whey protein is used, always add a small amount of essential fats such as smart balance peanut butter, almonds or mixed nuts to slow down the digestion rate and keep you full. Fruit can be added to whey protein post workout or during the earlier part of the day. Eating frequent meals prevents hunger pangs. Drink around 1 gallon of water per day to keep the body hydrated and to boost the metabolism and try to stay away from wheat, gluten and dairy products to get absolutely ******. I have never put a lot of emphasis on meticulously counting each and every calorie consumed, rather I concentrate on eating, with proper food combinations so that the food is broken down properly and absorbed. Never let yourself go hungry. When you are hungry it means that your body is using muscle tissue for energy, as opposed to body fat!

    Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are not bad for you in moderation, but when trying to lose body fat, you're body needs to be in a state of lipolysis (the breakdown of fat stored in fat cells) which happens when glycogen levels become depleted. High Glycemic carbs should be kept to a minimum on low carb/calorie days and consumed in moderation during the cheat day. The brain and nervous system needs roughly 50 grams of carbs coming from glucose to maintain daily functions. Carbs should never be eaten without adequate amounts of protein. Doing so really spikes insulin levels and cause an increase in body fat! It’s very important to combine a fibrous carb (green vegetable) or (fruit) with each meal to provide energy needed to train and carry out daily functions, but not load your glycogen stores to the point where you don't hit lipolysis until much later on. Focus on diet just as much as or more so than training when trying to get shredded! Do not make the mistake of reducing calories too much when trying to shed body fat. If you normally take in 2500 calories per day you should only reduce calories to 2000-2200 per week until you start losing weight at about 1-2 lbs per week. If you lose more during the first week, don’t worry because it will be a lot of water. Going lower can eat away muscle tissue. Just as you have to periodize your training, the nutrition plan must also be periodize. Staying on a low calorie/low carb diet for too long will not just lead to fat loss, but a lot of muscle loss as well. A mistake most people make when trying to lose body fat is sticking with the same exact calorie-carb reduced meal plan seven days a week. This will not work well because the body has a finely tuned system that protects itself from starvation mode. When the body feels threatened it begins to store body fat after only a few short weeks as opposed to releasing it. By including two- weekly calorie/carb up days, you can trick the human body by giving it a calorie surplus–hence negating the slowing down of the metabolism that comes from calorie depletion. Protein should not need to be reduced during the first carb up day but it can be reduced some during the cheat day because the body can readily use fats and carbs for fuel when in a calorie surplus. All carbs, whether they are of fruit, rice, bread, potatoes, ice cream, milk or pure sugar, eventually turn to glucose and they will all elevate insulin levels. It’s the slower burning carbs with a lower glycemic index like fruit and steel oats that you want to consume because they provide more energy for training and can help keep body fat levels a bit lower because the initial insulin spike is less. Let me be clear, all carb sources will count towards your daily carb intake regardless of their Glycemic Index. This includes all fruits! Mixing foods found on the lower end of the glycemic index scale with foods found on the higher end of the glycemic scale will reduce the glycemic index of the high glycemic index carbs when eaten in the same meal. In addition, eating low glycemic carbs has a carry-over-effect to the next meal. For instance, eating steel cut oats would lower the glycemic level of a white potato if a potato was eaten in the meal following the oats. Relying on fibrous carbs helps improve ones conditioning. Everyone should think of high-fiber foods as a diet aid. Strive to consume 30 grams or more of fiber per day. Slowing down carb absorption also helps keep your energy up longer during the day when dieting. If you take in 30 grams of carbs that are absorbed quickly, you're going to process them quickly, and then you're going to feel tired, hungry and depleted. When you take in the same amount of carbs with a high amount of fiber, they'll stay in your system longer, and you'll have a lot more energy. The fiber also slows down the digestion of protein. The longer that it takes your body to process the protein, the more efficiently it will use each gram! During a cutting phase you’ll do better sticking to foods such as green vegetables/salads with extra virgin olive oil and lean protein sources later in the day and fruit, cereal and/or oatmeal along with lean protein sources during the morning. Carbohydrates and protein break down slowly throughout the day as well as burns body fat. Remember the Krebs cycle! Your last 3 meals should be composed of proteins and fibrous carbohydrates, such as green vegetables. Breakfast should be the largest meal of the day! Keep food volume up (especially lean protein sources). Consume 5-6 meals per day) to keep hunger pangs at bay, speed up the metabolism and to prevent muscle loss or weakness. Trade carbohydrate calories for protein calories gram for gram on the five lower carb days and you will lose weight! Replace an equal amount of carbohydrate calories with extra virgin olive oil for dinner and you will lose weight. Stay around 150 grams of carbs on low carb days as a baseline (you may need more if you start losing muscle or begin to experience low blood sugar. All carbs whether they are fruit or whatever turn to sugar and spike insulin (a fat storage hormone). So it’s very important to read the label or do some research on the internet to find out how many carbs are in each food you consume. You’ll also need to read the labels on each food consumed so you can see how many macronutrients of protein, carbs and fat you are ingesting. Focus on slow burning carbs as opposed to fast burning carbs. Adding in some slow burning carbs with fast burning carbs helps lower the glycemic index of the fast burning carbs. Keep this in mind if you decide to take in some High glycemic index carbs, mix them with a low gi carb source. If you are involved in a lot of outside activities (for i.e.; long distance cycling) you can bump carbs up to 200 or more on low carb days. By using this method it keeps your body guessing, and not allowing it to get used to any particular amount of calories. Hence the reason you won’t hit major plateaus while cutting. You should consistently loose body fat on a weekly basis. Another thing I want to touch on briefly is choice of carbs. As I mentioned, very low glycemic carbs like that of dry sweet potatoes are good for weight loss. There are several studies around that show people who ate only sweet potatoes with several of their daily meals ended the 12 week study leaner than the other group who ate rice, brown rice, pasta, and bread for sources of carbohydrates. The reason for this is that the slow release of carbohydrates to the blood stream resulting in even insulin levels throughout the day.

    Fats: Fats are very important in a cutting diet. Fats can be used as an energy source when we become carb depleted or at rest by undergoing beta oxidation. Dietary fats spare the burning of glycogen, and this aids in pulling more carbs/water into the muscle. This means you don’t need as many carbs to prevent the deflated muscle syndrome! *****-3 fatty acids increase insulin sensitivity in the muscle cells. The receptors for insulin are both fat cells and muscle cells. The benefits gained by ingesting EFA’S is that the insulin receptor sites of the muscle cells will become more sensitive than the insulin receptors on the fat cells. An increase in sensitivity of the muscle cells will push more amino acids from protein sources into the muscle cells and away from the fat cells! They are good for hormonal levels, and they taste great. I personally have had great success with combining moderate amounts of fats with high protein meals eaten later in the day. My typical sources are salmon, ***** 3 eggs, almonds, smart balance peanut butter, extra virgin olive oil and macadamia nut oil. I try and get around 100 grams of fat during my last 3 meals of the day. You’ll need to replace an equal amount of carbohydrate calories with essential fats up to 3 times daily for fat loss. Those with a slow metabolism that are taking in only 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight will need to eat fewer fats to lose weight. My suggestion is to not go below 50 grams of fat daily because doing so can cause permanent joint problem from a lack of lubrication when pumping iron and going too low will slow down the fat burning process! Adipose tissue is certainly affected by both insulin levels (produced from carbs) and ASP (produced from fats) because higher quantities of either force the body to become less efficient at eliminating either. Insulin is not the only regulator of fat storage. Adipose tissue is also composed of fats by a hormone called Acylation Stimulating Protein. This hormone doesn't need insulin to make you fatter because it's released from fat cells directly in response to blood chylomicrons (fats produced in the intestinal lumen following the absorption of digested fat) which are responsible for storing triglycerides in adipose cells. Guess what hormone can increase the number of ASP in the body? If you guessed insulin you are correct! So, by controlling carb intake you indirectly reduce ASP levels-hence less body fat will be stored when dietary fats are consumed. By watching the kinds of fats you eat, along with the amounts, you can help control how many calories get stored as body fat. Basically, ASP works for dietary fat storage like insulin works for carbohydrate storage. Understand here that how well the body deals with insulin and ASP cannot always be equated to an individual’s metabolism because thin people who have a hard time gaining muscle can also be considered clinically obese (for i.e. some marathon runners). This is due to their having a poor lean muscle mass to body fat ratio.

    There are a lot of people with a condition known as “insulin resistance”. Once you develop high levels of body fat your body will no longer respond to insulin as it should. What happens next is it only takes a small amount of carbohydrates to really shoot those insulin levels through the roof-hence body fat will be stored at a fast rate of speed. When too much insulin is produced, you will be left with too little sugar in the blood stream and some will get stored in the fat cells. This puts you in a viscous cycle where the fatter you get the easier it is to keep putting on the wrong kind of weight (body fat). This makes it very hard to lose body fat. But don’t panic! Once you lose the fat, gain the muscle mass, and establish outstanding insulin sensitivity, you will be able to control your body fat levels. This is great news because once you get lean you’ll probably be able to eat roughly 200-300 grams of carbs on the low carb days as opposed to 150 grams or so for maintenance and be able to consume a few more carbs later in the day. Also, you may be able to increase your carb up/calorie up days to 3 per week as opposed to only 2. Why? Because once you get lean, the metabolism speeds up! Losing weight is fairly easy, but stripping straight body fat off while maintaining or gaining lean body mass is tricky. Men in general have an easier time losing body fat because they carry more muscle mass. The more muscle mass you can acquire through the proper weight training regimen along with a high protein diet-the faster your resting metabolic rate will be just sitting around doing nothing!


  12. #612
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Coca Cola View Post
    Big Ron

    If a person is permanently shutdown and cannot recover anymore, does this means that this person has no chance of having kids in the future (infertile)?You'll have to see a fertility specialist to determine how many live sperm, if any, are being produced by your body. Some people have their sperm frozen so they can use it later.

    If i'm not mistaken I think there are a lot of pro bb who have kids, do they usually have them before they start their long-year-round-heavy-cycling to be a pro or they have them after they become pro? It varies! This gets back to what I stated earlier-everyone is different.

  13. #613
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by archangel. View Post
    ron, i just read over your diet for cutting fat post twice very thoroughly, but it is a lot to take in imo. I think i get it for the most part and i will be trying to use it to the best of my ability during my 20 week blast, as my goal is to shed some fat and hopefully gain some quality size and strength.

    My q is concerning dairy while using this approach. I love skim milk, low-fat chees, cottage chees and low-fat yogurt. Can i incorporate these foods and how?? yes you can have some dairy but some hold water with dairy due to allergies and MUST AVOID. It's the sugar/carb content you have to watch in no fat dairy.
    i've gotta know the truth on this one ron, thanks

  14. #614
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    A prime is simply a lay-off from the gym. You'll want to do an extended reload (not blast) in order to get cut! For now I will copy/past the fat loss diet plan in this thread. It may take up a few pages.
    Thanks Ronnie. Greatly appreciated!!

  15. #615
    Quote Originally Posted by fig View Post
    Thanks Ronnie. Greatly appreciated!!
    ditto!!! never realized fats stablized blood sugar..

  16. #616
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    2 Q's:

    I have armidex @ 1mg/tab, how should I dose it while on my blast for the purpose of limiting water retention, and also in the prevention of gyno?

    I also have some clen, how and when should I dose that to optimize its fat shedding assistance?

    Also, since the the armidex limits the estrogen, will taking it on cycle cause me to make less gains than if i didn't use it?

    Thanks Ron
    Last edited by Archangel.; 03-19-2010 at 10:12 PM.

  17. #617
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Ronnie i'm interested in starting the Carb-Cycling diet, I am 6' 230lbs and to maintain i need about 3400-3500 calories. Your sample diet is for someone taking 2000 calories if you could just change it for 3000 calories that would be great, like the pro/carb/fat ratio If you need more info just let me know.

  18. #618
    ronnie...elbow is hurting with skull please!!!

  19. #619
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    1) Do not do HIT cardio as it can burn muscle when cutting carbs. Stick to moderate intensity!
    2) It takes very little cardio to burn away muscle when dieting down without steroids. Too much cardio can burn off muscle even while using anabolics so you'l need to rely more on diet and less on cardio.
    3) I would not do more than 30-40 minutes of cardio max 3 times per week as it will very likely strip off muscle. I would start at 15 minutes 3 times per week right now to keep your heart healthy but don't increase to 20 minutes until 12 weeks out. At 8 weeks out do 30 minutes and if needed 40 minutes 4 weeks out.
    4) You can do cardio at anytime other than leg and back day.

    NOTE: These are my recommendations for natural trainers. Those with a fast metabolism should stay with only 15 minutes 3 times per week throughout the entire 12 week diet to prevent muscle loss.
    Got it. More questions.

    1. If Lifting Mon-Fri (cardio PWO as outlined) should I avoid all forms of cardio on my rest days (Sat+Sun)? I feel like I should be doing something active? Would a light 2 mile jog be OK? If so am fasted or full stomach later in the day?

    2. Can you give an opinion on PWO vs AM Fasted cardio?

    3. Can you describe your protein egg treat? Are you scrambling+cooking or Rocky style?

    I'm really enjoying the results I've obtained following your advice. Many thanks big Ron!
    Last edited by F4iGuy; 03-19-2010 at 06:26 PM.

  20. #620
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Hey Ronnie...
    Ive read everything you had to say this this forum.
    And had to sign up to get some professional info...
    and hope you can help when need...
    which may be alot.

    Im brand new to this...
    very first time taking any aas/pro-hormone.
    and im planning on taking Anadrol starting
    Im 25 yrs old...'
    6'0 tall...
    Ill be working out 4 days a week with a day of rest in between.
    Taking in 1.5 gram per aboout 292 grams/day
    and around 3,100 Calories/day.

    Any pointers?
    are those number too low/ too high?
    also its subscribed to take for a 4week cycle...
    then PCT for 2-3 weeks...
    should i do as prescribed or take it on a 8 week ride, then PCT for
    however long...?
    Help plz!


  21. #621
    Big Ron

    I remember what you told me last time the best stack is Test/Tren/Dbol/GH/Slin, and this is how a lot of the pro bb got so big, I hate Tren due to its emotional sides that I get (I'm constantly angry at everything), and I'm not really a fan of Dbol as well (although I still have plenty of them left in my stash) due to its estrogenic side, Winstrol is probably a better choice for me.

    You mentioned that Dbol is a great compound to stack with Test that will help break past strength plateaus when Test alone maybe insufficient, how does Winstrol compared to Dbol if used for the same purpose to break past plateaus?

    And also since Tren is definitely out for me, and slin is pretty scary stuff and not worth using unless in high level competition like you said, that left me with one other compound I might be interested to try, and that would be GH, would you be able to share with us how to incorporate GH properly into the slingshot cycle, and to avoid the nasty bloated gut side effect?

    I've been reading your slingshot training thread again, and I believe your shoulder workout consist of:
    Shoulder press 4 sets
    Side Lateral 3 sets
    Reverse Flies 3 sets

    I see a lot of pro bb incorporate front raises into their shoulder routine, what is ur opinion on front raises, why don't u include them in your training?

    Thank you so much
    Last edited by Coca Cola; 03-21-2010 at 07:13 AM.

  22. #622
    Ronnie, great thread, tell me what you think of this cycle, im a first time user and dont want to run 20 weeks my first time out, just to avoid possible side effects.

    - test e 500mg for 8 weeks
    - HcG 250mg E4D during cycle


    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    If im taking HcG throughout the cycle, do I even need it in PCT?

    Im basically trying to use as little substances as possible with this cycle. My goals are to shed some fat and add lean mass, not real concerned with packing major mass. Thanks for your time!

  23. #623

    Exclamation Steroids

    I was looking to start taking steroids but I wasn't exactly sure on which would be best for me. I run track and I was looking to possibly get faster if not atleast gain a good amount of mass, Any suggestions?

  24. #624
    ronnie we miss you it a good idea to run test cyp up to day of show when using letro??? or... best to drop test cyp 3 weeks out... while continuing letro and using test prop until few days out???

  25. #625
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    ditto!!! never realized fats stablized blood sugar..
    I've seen people be unsuccesful at slowly tapering down carbs when preparing for a show and have to go straight into ketosis in order to stabilize blood sugar because they did not eat enough fat for breakfast and dinner. Some need a little right before bed time as well or they will wake up starving in the middle of the night with the skakes.

  26. #626
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel. View Post
    2 Q's:

    I have armidex @ 1mg/tab, how should I dose it while on my blast for the purpose of limiting water retention, and also in the prevention of gyno? 1/2 tab eod "only" if you need it.
    I also have some clen, how and when should I dose that to optimize its fat shedding assistance? 80 mcgs at 2 weeks on/1 week off or start at 40 mcgs and increase it by 20 every 2 weeks. Do not exceed 120 mcgs for 2 weeks.

    Also, since the the armidex limits the estrogen, will taking it on cycle cause me to make less gains than if i didn't use it? .Yes, you'll make a few less gains and have less sex drive on such a low dose of test

    Thanks Ron

  27. #627
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Juicedupmonkey View Post
    Ronnie i'm interested in starting the Carb-Cycling diet, I am 6' 230lbs and to maintain i need about 3400-3500 calories. Your sample diet is for someone taking 2000 calories if you could just change it for 3000 calories that would be great, like the pro/carb/fat ratio If you need more info just let me know.
    Sorry, I do not have the time to make specialized diet plans for everyone.

  28. #628
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Coca Cola View Post
    Big Ron

    I remember what you told me last time the best stack is Test/Tren/Dbol/GH/Slin, and this is how a lot of the pro bb got so big, I hate Tren due to its emotional sides that I get (I'm constantly angry at everything), and I'm not really a fan of Dbol as well (although I still have plenty of them left in my stash) due to its estrogenic side, Winstrol is probably a better choice for me.

    You mentioned that Dbol is a great compound to stack with Test that will help break past strength plateaus when Test alone maybe insufficient, how does Winstrol compared to Dbol if used for the same purpose to break past plateaus? Winstrol is not going to provide strength gains like d-bol for the majority as it's more of a hardening agent. Winstrol can make the tendons weaker over time which IMO makes it a bad choice while bulking if you are prone to join/tendon pain during it's use. Some do good on winnie (mostly younger people with strong tendons) but it's not as good as d-bol for gaining strength. You'll have to give it a try and see how you do on it to know for sure.
    And also since Tren is definitely out for me, and slin is pretty scary stuff and not worth using unless in high level competition like you said, that left me with one other compound I might be interested to try, and that would be GH, would you be able to share with us how to incorporate GH properly into the slingshot cycle, and to avoid the nasty bloated gut side effect? About the best thing you could do to avoid increasing the size of your gut while using GH would be to take only 4ius ed over a long period of time (6 months or longer).

    I've been reading your slingshot training thread again, and I believe your shoulder workout consist of:
    Shoulder press 4 sets
    Side Lateral 3 sets
    Reverse Flies 3 sets

    I see a lot of pro bb incorporate front raises into their shoulder routine, what is ur opinion on front raises, why don't u include them in your training? You do not need front raises. Overhead pressing movements and chest work takes care of the front delts. Front raises would be okay for someone who could not do over head presses.

    Thank you so much

  29. #629
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    When you say take the armidex "only if you need it" meaning that when and if you feel gyno symptoms coming on, but isn't it too late once you feel the early symptoms?? Doesn't that mean there is some gynocomastia already slightly developed?? It freaks me out because I've learned on this forum that surgery is the only true "gyno reversal"

    Why do you suggest only 2 weeks on then a week off for clen??

    Also, I read the post above mine, and you mentioned that some bodybuilders have no success leaning out via tapering their carbs and must go into ketosis because they didn't eat enough fats at breakfast and at night. I'm confused, because I have been religiously following your fat shedding meal scheme where you say to keep carbs separate from fats, and I eat almost the exact sample meal plan that you said you use:

    meal 1 p/c
    meal 2 p/c
    meal 3 p/c
    meal 4 p/f
    meal 5 p/f
    meal 6 p/f

    So, why are you saying they went wrong by NOT incorporating enough fats in breakfast??? You wouldn't want to do just p/f for breakfast without any carbs, would you??

    Finally, what's your take on DC training??

  30. #630
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by creactiveprotein View Post
    Ronnie, great thread, tell me what you think of this cycle, im a first time user and dont want to run 20 weeks my first time out, just to avoid possible side effects. 8 WEEKS IS NOT LONG ENOUGH TO GIVE YOUR BODY TIME TO ADJUST-HENCE MORE SIDE EFFECTS! You will shed more fat with a 20 week cycle. 8 weeks is not long enough to do much. My advice to you is wait until you are ready to do a 20 week cycle before taking steroids. If you are not ready for 20 weeks you are not ready IMO.
    - test e 500mg for 8 weeks
    - HcG 250mg E4D during cycle


    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    If im taking HcG throughout the cycle, do I even need it in PCT? no

    Im basically trying to use as little substances as possible with this cycle. My goals are to shed some fat and add lean mass, not real concerned with packing major mass. Thanks for your time!

  31. #631
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt380va View Post
    I was looking to start taking steroids but I wasn't exactly sure on which would be best for me. I run track and I was looking to possibly get faster if not atleast gain a good amount of mass, Any suggestions?
    How old are you and how long have you been training?

  32. #632
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    ronnie...elbow is hurting with skull please!!!
    Get a low back seated and do them seated. Perform the skull crushers one arm at a time using a cable machine. I would wrap elbows as well.

  33. #633
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by archangel. View Post
    when you say take the armidex "only if you need it" meaning that when and if you feel gyno symptoms coming on, but isn't it too late once you feel the early symptoms?? no! doesn't that mean there is some gynocomastia already slightly developed?? the anti-es will kill it it freaks me out because i've learned on this forum that surgery is the only true "gyno reversal"if youre prone to get gyno anties may not stop it anyways. I would keep nolvadex on hand in case it rears its ugly head then change over to adex once it subsides.
    why do you suggest only 2 weeks on then a week off for clen??allow receptors to upregulate
    also, i read the post above mine, and you mentioned that some bodybuilders have no success leaning out via tapering their carbs and must go into ketosis because they didn't eat enough fats at breakfast and at night. I'm confused, because i have been religiously following your fat shedding meal scheme where you say to keep carbs separate from fats, and i eat almost the exact sample meal plan that you said you use: you do separate carbs and fats for most part throught the day but not at breakfast and night and/or evening.
    meal 1 p/c
    meal 2 p/c
    meal 3 p/c
    meal 4 p/f
    meal 5 p/f
    meal 6 p/f

    so, why are you saying they went wrong by not incorporating enough fats in breakfast??? I am refering to those who experience blood sugar crashes. Not everyone needs the fats but most do you wouldn't want to do just p/f for breakfast without any carbs, would you?? no you need carbs for breakfast because the body is in a catabolic state!

    finally, what's your take on dc training?? if you take the rest-pause out of the equation its a good plan for beginners. Imo it's one of the worst training system for the more advanced as it can cause injury, the volume is too low and you are not working the muscle from enough angles. Dc training minus the rest-pause is bascially the same thing as the beginner slingshot training system but slingshot takes out the rest-pause and throws in one additional exercise to hit the muscles from more angles for more complete development. More advanced trainers often make short lived strength gains by reverting back to lower volume routines like dc. The reason is simple-they are now performing a deload. This is why slingshot training incoporates a 2 week deload after 8 weeks of higher volume training. You cannot train all out, all the time, without over-training! I think rest-pause training is one the most dangerous ways to train. I experiemented with dc training for a few weeks and developed my first severe injury from weight lifting. I was out of heavy training for almost 1 year after having had a hole drilled through my elbow (with a drill bit) to re-attach my bicep tendon. I tell others to steer clear of all forms of rest-pause including dc training. Its way over hyped IMO and straight sets in good form is far more effective and safer! Attached is a link showing my post-operative picture of my bicep tendon repair surgery. very painful!


  34. #634
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Hey Ron,

    Well since I'm brand new to steroids and want to get a cycle started,
    As a beginning wat kind of cycle do you think I should start on?
    I'm 25 yrs old...
    And been I'm the gym forever...
    Just looking to bulk up bigtime,
    Then cut unessecary weight/fat while keeping whatever mass I've built.
    Thx for your time.

  35. #635
    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;5116114]above

    link- [COLOR="Red"][/COLO

    I can get why you'd keep the breakfast p/c/f, but why do you say at night too?? You don't want the carbs at night, do you? In your personal meal example, your nightly meals were all p/f with no carbs. Can you clear this up please?

  36. #636
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by F4iGuy View Post
    Got it. More questions.

    1. If Lifting Mon-Fri (cardio PWO as outlined) should I avoid all forms of cardio on my rest days (Sat+Sun)? I feel like I should be doing something active? Would a light 2 mile jog be OK? If so am fasted or full stomach later in the day? I would certainly take a 2 day break on weekends and unless you are an endomorph I would stay with only 3 days of cardio per week. Your goal is to become lean not stringy!2. Can you give an opinion on PWO vs AM Fasted cardio? I would do cardio post-workout since you are already at the gym. Both ways work but doing it in the morning can fatiques you more before weight training and that's why I feel its best to do it post workout if possible so you can train harder with weights!

    3. Can you describe your protein egg treat? Are you scrambling+cooking or Rocky style? I cook them for breakfast then switch over to liquid egg whites (not egg beaters). I drink liquid egg whites raw (can be found at walmart) with a scoop or half a scoop of chocolate protein powder. Mix and drink! Goes good with smat balance peanut butter at night. Add ice cube.I'm really enjoying the results I've obtained following your advice. Many thanks big Ron!Your welcome!

  37. #637
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jrockk View Post

    Hey ronnie...
    Ive read everything you had to say this this forum.
    And had to sign up to get some professional info...
    And hope you can help when need...
    Which may be alot.

    Im brand new to this...
    Very first time taking any aas/pro-hormone.
    And im planning on taking anadrol starting
    Im 25 yrs i do not recommend anadrol for a first time cycle. Its way too toxic and will probably make you nauseated (kill you appetite). Test is best for first time cycle.6'0 tall...
    Ill be working out 4 days a week with a day of rest in between.
    Taking in 1.5 gram per aboout 292 grams/day
    and around 3,100 calories/day.

    Any pointers?
    Are those number too low/ too high? no way to tell about calories but protein looks good.also its subscribed to take for a 4week need a 20 week cycle of test. 4 weeks of anadrol is a waste imo
    then pct for 2-3 weeks...
    Should i do as prescribed or take it on a 8 week ride, then pct for
    however long...?
    Help plz! can you get test e or cyp?


  38. #638
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    ronnie we miss you it a good idea to run test cyp up to day of show when using letro??? or... best to drop test cyp 3 weeks out... while continuing letro and using test prop until few days out???
    I would forget test prop as it will cause you to lump up and possibly cause you to lose points. My advice is to continue test cypionate until two weeks out from show. Inject around 2 ccs of test 2 weeks out and that will be your last shot of test. Start letro on the same day you drop test (2 weeks out). By doing so you can still come in full but not hold water

  39. #639
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post

    link- [COLOR="Red"][/COLO

    I can get why you'd keep the breakfast p/c/f, but why do you say at night too?? You don't want the carbs at night, do you? No carbs at night unless its the once a week cheat meal (second carb up day). On first carb up day I try and take carbs in before night time as less carbs are ingested on this carb up day (when utilized). In your personal meal example, your nightly meals were all p/f with no carbs. On low carb days the only carbs I take in at evening/night are green veggies like green beans, broccoli and lettuce. I have 3 table spoons of virgin olive oil on evening salad along with my chicken or fish. Before bed it's 1 table spoon of smart balance peanut butter in egg whites before going to bed. For breakfast I have two whole eggs with egg whites, oatmeal and ezekiel bread. Can you clear this up please?

  40. #640
    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;5116482]
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel. View Post
    Oh OK, I get it.

    Could you please describe in detail the proper/most beneficial way to do incline bench on the smith machine. I know you suggest setting the bench at a 15 degree angle, but could you please advise on:

    1. Hand spacing

    2. What part of the chest should the bar line up with? Lower, upper?

    3. Should you let your elbows flare out to the side on the negative portion, or keep them tucked down and closer to your body?

    Oh, and would it be beneficial at all to add var to my second reload of test only at 750/week, or is that unnescesary? This is my first test cycle.

    p.s. what is smart balance peanut butter and ezekiel bread???

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