wanted to start a disscussion on what everybody thinks is best for cutting by fat loss and vascularity
please post your experiences or anything you know about these drugs
wanted to start a disscussion on what everybody thinks is best for cutting by fat loss and vascularity
please post your experiences or anything you know about these drugs
It's called DIET DIET DIET And it's real easy to do.. Steroids are not Magic need a good diet with anything you do.. and cardio also try that for 6 months first might save your self lot's of money
diet and cardio
It's called DIET DIET DIET... And than Cardio Steroids are not magic
steroids are magic, . . .research anavar
cardiostein is the way to go!!! next would be the search button on the right of your screen! I heard that will get you ripped better than Masteron!
hahah every 1 always say diet and cardio, which is true but they are not drugs as the question stated???? i liked masteron
Its called rippibol.. Its just my way of naming DNP
other then diet and cardio please as that is a given
var ,winny,prop,npp,masteron,tren ,as long as diet is good then gains will be lean ...
haha i love these threads, i always picture the op sounding like a complete gomer when he asks "what steriod can i take to get ripped"
thats what i hate about the perception of steriods is that people think its a wonder drug and its anything but
I always say Diet and cardio but if you want to talk gear.....call me crazy but I like NPP and sustaplex. Now listen...you can always deal with water gain with aromasin etc , but running those 2 compounds with a clean diet and cardio , you will receive solid hard gains with being cut. Just my personal experience.
Peace Oz
Stack this two on a 6 months cycle:
Dietomacine as meal 6 times ed
Cardiotrone 30-45 min ed
PCT: Photo Shoots
Good luck
appreciate the positive responses from those of you who did and for all the smart asses i hope you feel real tough talking trash over a computer, please answer the question sensibly or stay off this thread, because i am sure i do more intense cardio then most of you combined
everyone is giving you shit because there are already threads on cut diets. do some research before you throw a blanket question out there.
all i gotta say is ....yes cardio definitely diet....sooo strick your life depended on it ....fat is a subborn bitch....and she dont wanna move out...just like a bad relationship.....lol
as for super suppliments ......read up on the abs book and learn about the compounds,,,,, you will know which are for you and which are a risk......personally....carnatine...tyrosine....ly podrine....t3.....clen....heavier...tren ,winnie,var,and the list goes on....for now check on those...
frist group is easy to get...others ....oh well you know....hope this helped.....
Just my personal exp. on how i feel about cardio/diet and steroids.
I can do a kick ass cardio/diet for 3 to 4 months and lose some fat
I can do a HALF ass cardio/diet with test only and lose MORE fat than above.
love it
diet cardio wanna take it up a notch add some tren a test pro anavar.....some other good cutting drugs winny, clen/t3 ,Maestron, all that came to my mind. they wont get you lean but they will help
exactly dark, if you already are shredded and did some research you would know some basic aas to take, winny, tren, anavar, mast, but since you didnt' know that then i assume your asking how to get your 14% bf body down to 8% with aas. I don't care if you do the most intense cardio in the world, unles you eat right, that cardio will do nothing.
these things are all very obviouse to someone who has done a lil research or atleast some knowledge out of aas in how to train and eat right
get along guys
If you train and eat right then any aas you use caqn get you ripped, and make sure you have your pct in check, you should be able to keep those gains. Depending on what kind of results you are looking for you might be interested in the new sarms s4. Some people are showing some really good strength and weight effects.
I stack cardiobolin300 with Ketojet250.
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No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.
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