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Thread: Can a vet review my Test/Deca cycle with PCT please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Can a vet review my Test/Deca cycle with PCT please

    Here is my next cycle, coming up in a couple months.

    Weeks 1-12
    500mg Test E
    400mg Deca (first 10 weeks)
    500iu HCG

    All of these split in half administered on Mondays and Thursdays.

    2 Weeks after last shot of Test, start PCT of...

    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50

    Here are my questions. Firstly, does my PCT look correct? Are the doses correct?

    Secondly, I was thinking about addidng aromasin during the whole cycle to keep estrogen levels in check and to keep the bloat down. Am I correct in saying this as well?

    Lasty, from what I have read, Deca can cause progesterone. Will running aromasin during the cycle avoid this? If not, what can be run?

    Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Hey man. Can you supply us with some stats? age, cycle exp., bf%, diet and training details.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Hey man. Can you supply us with some stats? age, cycle exp., bf%, diet and training details.
    Yes Yes, need stats please...
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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    looks like a good cycle man. Unless your overweight/skinny

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I copied this from the diet forums.

    29 yrs old
    14% bf
    TDEE - 2901

    This would be my 4th cycle.

    My diet is in check and I weight train on average 4 times a week although I if the time allows for it I go a 5th day, which is ideal for me. Cardio is at a low right now of 2 times a week. I will bump that up to 3 minimum. This is more of a bulk cycle for me anyways so I would like to think 3 days cardio a week is sufficient.

    Another question i have is i recall seeing people take something to keep them dry as well, and I believe this is all tied into the aromasin. Is that right?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    With deca you might want to have some cabergoline or bromo on hand for prolactin and prgest sides. In fact I would take one of the two compounds if it were me. You might also consider getting an AI, like aromosin or arimidex, to run during your cycle. That will keep your estro levels in check.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2005
    By the way, I would really try to get your body fat down a bit before cycling. It will reduce the chances for sides.

  8. #8
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    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MaGiCJNG View Post
    I copied this from the diet forums.

    29 yrs old
    14% bf
    TDEE - 2901

    This would be my 4th cycle.

    My diet is in check and I weight train on average 4 times a week although I if the time allows for it I go a 5th day, which is ideal for me. Cardio is at a low right now of 2 times a week. I will bump that up to 3 minimum. This is more of a bulk cycle for me anyways so I would like to think 3 days cardio a week is sufficient.

    Another question i have is i recall seeing people take something to keep them dry as well, and I believe this is all tied into the aromasin. Is that right?
    When you use Aromasin or an AI with your cycle, be warned that when you become less bloated this will also accompany a less dramatic increase in strength. This is because Deca in particular causes a huge amount of water retention, and intramuscular water retention causes you to be able to push more weight, potentially being able to lift more. Of course, at the end of the cycle this water goes out, deflating you and lowering your strength, a big reason why people complain about losing gains on gear like dbol and anadrol that both cause heavy water retention. When you take an AI with something that causes a large amount of water retention, you will only see the true muscle gains that are more or less keepable depending on diet and training.

    At least this has been my experience.

  9. #9
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by doctorb325 View Post
    When you use Aromasin or an AI with your cycle, be warned that when you become less bloated this will also accompany a less dramatic increase in strength. This is because Deca in particular causes a huge amount of water retention, and intramuscular water retention causes you to be able to push more weight, potentially being able to lift more. Of course, at the end of the cycle this water goes out, deflating you and lowering your strength, a big reason why people complain about losing gains on gear like dbol and anadrol that both cause heavy water retention. When you take an AI with something that causes a large amount of water retention, you will only see the true muscle gains that are more or less keepable depending on diet and training.

    At least this has been my experience.

  10. #10
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    Dont Trip
    Quote Originally Posted by MaGiCJNG View Post
    Here is my next cycle, coming up in a couple months.

    Weeks 1-12
    500mg Test E
    400mg Deca (first 10 weeks)
    500iu HCG

    All of these split in half administered on Mondays and Thursdays.

    2 Weeks after last shot of Test, start PCT of...

    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50

    Here are my questions. Firstly, does my PCT look correct? Are the doses correct?

    Secondly, I was thinking about addidng aromasin during the whole cycle to keep estrogen levels in check and to keep the bloat down. Am I correct in saying this as well?

    Lasty, from what I have read, Deca can cause progesterone. Will running aromasin during the cycle avoid this? If not, what can be run?

    Thanks for the help.
    Sounds really solid bro, real solid! U can run the aromasin at 10-12.5mg e3d to cut out some bloat and estro sides if you're prone that is. U should know that by now being 3 cycles deep. For the prolac sides id go with prami everytime unless i get rich one day! Caber is really good but only get pharm grade if u use it and if u do, its very costly. Prami can be found for research and works very well to help increase libido, gh release, and battle any and all prolac sides. If u need dosing help on either just ask, many here have used both and can help. Personally, id also through in an oral like drol or dbol if ur tryin to gain, would help and id kickstart the first 4 weeks with test ace or prop at 400mg/week (100mg eod), makes a big difference for me! Long ester test takes a good 6-7 weeks for me to really feel it, doing this cuts that time in half easily! Just throwin some things out there to consider, always good to try new things/protocols to find out what works best for u since we all respond differently.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Thanks for the response guys.

    @Tboney, I plan to have my bf around 12% before I start. Also, my original post I put Aromasin in there, just not in the cycle log, but below it because I wasnt sure if Aromasin or Arimidex would be better. I never tried either one so i'm not sure.

    @Doctor, that makes sense and its logical, but is it true? Haha I totally would have bought that until you said that this was your experience. I know everyone is different thats why i'm curious about that now.

    @Wuk, Awesome dude thanks for the suggestions. Thats exactly what I was lookin for. I never took anything to combat progesterone so I am new to all that sh!t. Is prami the full name? I hope my source carries it. I'll check right now actually.

  12. #12
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    im about to do this exact same cycle. when are you starting the hcg?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    The HCG needs to be started when the cycle starts.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Sorry man, I haven't properly even introduced myself and here I go dishing out advice like some kind of vet. I just wanted to throw my two cents in because I've heard a lot of people complain about how aromasin in particular hinders gains, and I feel that may be the case to some small degree. Just my humble opinion.

  15. #15
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    @#12. I plan on using HCG throughout the cycle

    @doc. Ok cool thanks for the info.

    One other question for everyone. Out of aromasin and arimidex, which one would you recommend and why? I assume both do the same thing just one is stronger than the other correct? That being aromasin I assume.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    What is everyone's thoughts on adding proviron to this?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by MaGiCJNG View Post
    What is everyone's thoughts on adding proviron to this?
    go w/ adex .25mg EOD or .50 EOD

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    probably a good idea to work on that diet as well my friend

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Looks good to me. I would personally extend the cycle by two weeks for both compounds but not necessary. Run the aromasin only if you need to and vitamin b6 will help alot with prolactin prami caber prob wont be necessary but you could get some as insurance. I would also use an oral for the first 5wks or so dbol, anadrol, t-bol whichever you like waiting 4 wks for the cycle to kick in can be avoided why not get it rockin right away? Just my .002

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