I am running twice as much test e as I am tren but I can't come during sex. However, I can do it for hours on end. What gives?
My weekly doses are:
2g test e
1g tren e
I am running twice as much test e as I am tren but I can't come during sex. However, I can do it for hours on end. What gives?
My weekly doses are:
2g test e
1g tren e
Jesus, that's a lot of gear.
Same exact thing happens to me when I'm on tren. Dick gets hard. Bam bam bam. No orgasm. Bam bam bam some more, still no orgasm. After cycle, and pct ( I have trouble maintaining an erection while on pct - thank God for cialis), orgasm comes back.
But I'm on like a quarter of the gear you are on. Did I already say that? Damn, that's a lot of gear.
Looks like thats the side effect for you.
Thanks, will lower my dose of tren to 600mg.
I suggest adding a partner to help...
jez, thts alot of gear, may i ask why so much?
I'm super horny and able to cum no problem when using 150-200mg/test a week and 1g of tren ace. I dont know why people think that you have to take more test than your other anabolics, that's one parroted saying that needs to DIE! Sex drive and everything else thats with it is A LOT more than just test. Its estrogen, progesterone, prolactin and etc. So the problem is not the test, if anything you're taking way too damn much test anyway considering how powerful tren is and using that much of it there is absolutely no need to be even using 500mg/test let alone 2,000mg. Something else is the problem, i would think you would have real high estrogen and real high prolactin build up thats causing the problem. Lower your test and get some caber or bromo.
prolactin sides maybe.
“If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein
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"In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."
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No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.
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I have yet to come for sex in my life (and not because lack of partners or bad sex), so cry me a river.....just deal with it. Wack off or get dome afterwards.
run cabergoline at 250mcg E3D also try 250iu HCG E3D or EOD
run cabergoline at 250mcg E3D also try 250iu HCG E3D or EOD
High prolactin is often the cause of inability to climax. Caber or bromo will help....
...but if you can get it hard and not cum why are you complaining? Look like the shit and then get a blowjob or pack it up. :P
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol x 10000
also get your self some choline... 7 bucks at your local g n c... dose it at 1000 to 1500 a day a few days before you want to blow you wad.
it give you huge loads, and i never had a prob getting of 3 or 4 x a night with my wife and her gf lol lol lol ... kidding but did get off as many times as i wanted - i have been taking the tren a for a long time i would have to figure it out but something like three months? so phina dick should have been an issue and wasnt - thank you choline
Yes, I do.
On a side note, Thunderin, aren't you the guy who shot 70iu of slin once??LOL.[/quote] Yes, I am. It was a stupid mistake.
Will try it.
Have added bromocriptine at 2.5mg ed, HCG for 1 week at 1500iu every 3rd day and restarted arimidex (I had stopped it 1 month ago). I also lowered my tren to 750mg ew.
Will let you know the results and thanks.
Yes, I am. It was a stupid mistake.
Will try it.
Have added bromocriptine at 2.5mg ed, HCG for 1 week at 1500iu every 3rd day and restarted arimidex (I had stopped it 1 month ago). I also lowered my tren to 750mg ew.
Will let you know the results and thanks.[/QUOTE]
I hope you mean .25mg not 2.5mg
Hey... Don't forget to update us if that solves the problem. I am starting a blast with tren in a couple of weeks. Can get caber from arr, have to locate bromo.
I have the same problem as you ( on 1/4 of the gear lol). Let me know if that works!!!
Any updates thunderin ????
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