I play football my goal is to eventually reach 250 lbs. with a tremendous amount of explosive strength and speed, I'm certain that Im going to start my cycle soon, Im unsure about how soon to cycle and was wondering if any vets could double check and make sure i havent left anything out.
current stats are...
225 lbs.
15% bf
Diet: I eat atleast 220 g's of protein a day in my 5000 colorie diet, on various days it consists of salmon, tuna, chicken, eggs, oatmeal, lots of cereal (clean cereal not full of sugar), 2% cottage cheese, activia yogurt, peanut butter on wholewheat bread, strawberries blue berries black berries, whole grain crackers and cheese and more depneding on the day...
Supplements: BCAAs, protein iso, greens, *****-3, Vitargo(which is a great product i highly recommend, complexed carbs extracted from barly)
Previous cycle experiance and results
I started at the age of 23 and was unaware of how low these dosages are...
I did a 10 week cycle of sust. at 250mgs a week and just nolvadex for pct
My results were...
I went from weighting 210-230lbs
max bench 250-320lbs.
max squat 315-405lbs.
power clean 135-225lbs.
After my season this year i dropped weight to 215lbs lost alot of strength... max bench was 240lbs, max squat was 280lbs. and i felt really week
Current lifts
I've been training hard and dieting for 2 months, I weight 225lbs. again and now my lifts are as follows...
max bench 300lbs.
max squat 350lbs.
power clean 225 lbs.
deadlift 430 lbs.
my cycle
adex .25 EOD 10 weeks
Test Prop 150mgs EOD 10 weeks
Tbol 80mg ED 10 weeks
clomid 100/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20
I'm not sure exacally when I should start my next cycle, should i try and improve my lifts even more be4 my cycle? I'm now at my maximum strength phase of my program doing 3-5 reps of 5 sets if you were me would you guys starter up?
in the future I will be logging my cycle to show you my progress.