So assuming my PCT, diet, training is optimized, Im just wondering Is it okay to add T bol to my cycle around week 6 until the end, (Roughly 1.5-2mnths)

This is my plan simplified excluding PCT

week 1-12 Liqua tech T-400
week 1 1cc
week 2-5 3cc (one injection per week)
week 6-12
consists of 2 mixed injections per week of 1.5 cc with a total of 3cc per week. Tboll maybe added when I learn whats the best time by how my body feels.

My injections after my first shot where 3cc of t-400(cyypionate, enthanate, deca ), but Im toning it down to 2 after getting hated on by many for using to much. Also when I pick up the T-bol Im considering getting Boldenone (eq) and mixing it at half the amount of my base test and splitting my injections now to twice a week, without exceeding 3 cc in total per week.

This is my first cycle and im about 5 weeks into it. Im getting stronger already, losing useless fat and putting on some size.(difficult to tell how much due to the weight ive lost from my gut.) Just wondering if the T-bol will help me finish the cycle and avoid coming off steroids completly bloated, but at the same time give me a nice instant boost and some good lean gains. Also wondering if the Boldenone is a good mix, it has been recomended to me. Am I going to notice benefits for mixing the eq with t-400? One more qustion I have is if I choose to save half of my bottle of Tbal to kick start my next cycle is this recomendable?