I'll start with my stats since that seems to be what everyone wants to know in every thread.
Age: 22
Height: 5'9
Weight: 165-170lbs
Body fat: 12%
My diet is pretty good. Tons of protein and carbs. Every morning when I wake up I have 5-6 hard boiled eggs with oatmeal(mixed with a high fiber cereal), lots of chicken breast almost everyday, beef, brown rice, lots of cottage cheese (I had to start buying it in bulk). I also eat a lot of pastas, I'll have a bowl of berries almost everyday with one meal. I don't eat any junk. I don't like fish but I will suck it up for my cycle and start eating fish. I split my food up into 5-6 meals a day and drink 5 litres of water a day. Also I don't drink alcohol or smoke.
Sleep is good. 8 hours every night. More if its raining. I love to sleep when it rains.
I have been training seriously for one year and I can't seem to get any heavier weights up for the life of me anymore. I hit the gym 5-6 times a week. I aim for a 4 day split. I lift as heavy as I can where I will fail on the 6th to 8th rep. About once a month i'll lift lighter with higher reps (usually 16 reps with tempo) I mostly train with free weights. I'm not a fan of machines. Only machines I use are the lat pull downs, cable rows and leg curls. Sometimes i'll throw in some cardio here and there. Mostly for a leg day warm up.
My cycle:
12 week cycle of T400 with 1cc a week. 2 injections a week 3.5 days apart with a taper post cycle. I would also like to take nolvadex during post cycle. I am having trouble with my research on when and how much nolvadex I should take during the cycle. Most things I find is people saying to start taking it if you feel your nipples getting sore but I would much rather prevent gyno from happening then waiting for it to happen then doing something about it.
I don't want to stack the T400 with dbol or deca because I really hate oral steroids for the fact that it’s really rough on the liver and I don't want to be doing more than 2 injections a week since I'm not a pin cushion. Also from what I understand people only stack the dbol and deca to start getting gains sooner? Please correct me if I’m wrong.
I have a friend that did a cycle of dbol and T400 (600mg per week) with a taper post cycle without any anti-e and he had incredible gains with out any problems and no signs of gyno. However I’m not that brave to take a chance like that so I would like to take nolva or at least have it on hand.
I would like to start my cycle about late August just to give me some time to fine tune my diet and start eating fish.
I had a couple questions in my post about stacking dbol or deca and about taking nolva during cycle. If you guys could help me with that it would be great.