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Thread: First Cycle T400

  1. #1

    First Cycle T400

    I'll start with my stats since that seems to be what everyone wants to know in every thread.

    Age: 22
    Height: 5'9
    Weight: 165-170lbs
    Body fat: 12%

    My diet is pretty good. Tons of protein and carbs. Every morning when I wake up I have 5-6 hard boiled eggs with oatmeal(mixed with a high fiber cereal), lots of chicken breast almost everyday, beef, brown rice, lots of cottage cheese (I had to start buying it in bulk). I also eat a lot of pastas, I'll have a bowl of berries almost everyday with one meal. I don't eat any junk. I don't like fish but I will suck it up for my cycle and start eating fish. I split my food up into 5-6 meals a day and drink 5 litres of water a day. Also I don't drink alcohol or smoke.

    Sleep is good. 8 hours every night. More if its raining. I love to sleep when it rains.

    I have been training seriously for one year and I can't seem to get any heavier weights up for the life of me anymore. I hit the gym 5-6 times a week. I aim for a 4 day split. I lift as heavy as I can where I will fail on the 6th to 8th rep. About once a month i'll lift lighter with higher reps (usually 16 reps with tempo) I mostly train with free weights. I'm not a fan of machines. Only machines I use are the lat pull downs, cable rows and leg curls. Sometimes i'll throw in some cardio here and there. Mostly for a leg day warm up.

    My cycle:

    12 week cycle of T400 with 1cc a week. 2 injections a week 3.5 days apart with a taper post cycle. I would also like to take nolvadex during post cycle. I am having trouble with my research on when and how much nolvadex I should take during the cycle. Most things I find is people saying to start taking it if you feel your nipples getting sore but I would much rather prevent gyno from happening then waiting for it to happen then doing something about it.

    I don't want to stack the T400 with dbol or deca because I really hate oral steroids for the fact that it’s really rough on the liver and I don't want to be doing more than 2 injections a week since I'm not a pin cushion. Also from what I understand people only stack the dbol and deca to start getting gains sooner? Please correct me if I’m wrong.

    I have a friend that did a cycle of dbol and T400 (600mg per week) with a taper post cycle without any anti-e and he had incredible gains with out any problems and no signs of gyno. However I’m not that brave to take a chance like that so I would like to take nolva or at least have it on hand.

    I would like to start my cycle about late August just to give me some time to fine tune my diet and start eating fish.

    I had a couple questions in my post about stacking dbol or deca and about taking nolva during cycle. If you guys could help me with that it would be great.
    Last edited by jackedmess; 07-15-2010 at 08:36 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    first answer you'll get is that your diet needs to be checked. Head to diet section.

    Then you'd like to check Bulking thread here:


    Make your diet look like that. Divide into sections.

    Also goto workout forum :

    then setup your exercise schedule.

    Steroids are the last resort, if you use them now then you'll land no where.

    And the LAST BIG THING : AGE. You need to be over 25 years to start it. Or else you might fuvkup your natural test levels.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply but that doesn’t really answer any of my questions. I know guys that are on the gear 20-24 and they seem to have good gains and they drink all the time and eat shit. They are pretty careless and they have pretty good gains with no problems. Not saying that’s okay but it just doesn't make me think my life will be over if I’m not 110% with everything when I’m on cycle. I know its serious though and I'll definitely be on top of everything because I want to get the most out of the cycle and do it safely.

    Don't get me wrong though, I appreciate and respect what you are saying but I’m not really looking for a "steroids are bad! don’t do them" answers.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jackedmess View Post
    Thanks for the reply but that doesn’t really answer any of my questions. I know guys that are on the gear 20-24 and they seem to have good gains and they drink all the time and eat shit. They are pretty careless and they have pretty good gains with no problems. Not saying that’s okay but it just doesn't make me think my life will be over if I’m not 110% with everything when I’m on cycle. I know its serious though and I'll definitely be on top of everything because I want to get the most out of the cycle and do it safely.

    Don't get me wrong though, I appreciate and respect what you are saying but I’m not really looking for a "steroids are bad! don’t do them" answers.
    I understand you well my friend. But you need to settle your diet first. Please go through that. Also I wont suggest steroids ... you can look through the threads and see whatever is going on. As a rule of the forum. I cant give you wrong advice.

    Also talking about all those with Big gains you see .. they all have side effects but they live with it. Have you been with anyone of your age or lower who is using steroids. ? Have you seen their blood work. ? Level of test. ? The answer will be a NO.

    But dont let things fool you. You've alot of time to grow. Using Test or Deca will stop your natural growth and all you'll be doing is cycle over and over. My suggestion is you carry on with supplements and natural test booster or maybe some products with minor effects.

    Also have you even gone through the threads I gave you ?

    take a look over this:
    Last edited by cybernox; 07-15-2010 at 01:17 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada
    Is this for real..... Your first cycle and you wanna run T400 and based on what you are saying you do not have nearly enough knowledge to be starting a cycle. You say you are 22 so I am going to go ahead and assume you 19 or 20.... either way, too young, too inexperienced and simply not ready.... I can tell you are just in a rush for results for some strange reason. If you choose to go through with this, which you probably will, I am sure we will see multiple threads from you about your multiple concerns that arise while you are on cycle and you don`t know what to do.

    Please for your sake don`t go through with it. I am 26 and have been researching this for over a year and still have not pinned myself even though I really want to move forward. You know why I haven`t.... simply because I am not ready. Take your time and gain some knowledge..... good things come to those who wait.

  6. #6
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    Jul 2009
    You might end up in problems.

    like these:


    I dont want to point ppl. But the fact is lack of knowledge and long timing = Disaster.

  7. #7
    I took a peak at the links but I will definitely take some time to read over them. Not sure if you read through the last two threads you posted though. Both scenarios seem pretty normal according to people that replied to the OP's. I know there will be side effects to using steroids obviously and I'm fine with that. I don't really like how you are assuming things there.

    Bertuzzi.... why do you have to be such an ass hole. Since you are so smart, how about sharing some of your wonderful knowledge instead of just shutting me down. You can think I am 12 if you would like. The fact you said that just proves your ignorance followed by a very large ego. I think I will take someone’s word that I personally know that has tried a large amount of steroids over some dude on a forum that has never tried it but has over 2000 posts on a steroid forum which obviously puts you in a position to lecture me about steroid use.

    I guess my post count just isn't high enough to get respect here. Obviously I am just wasting my time on this forum since I can't get some decent answers like everyone else can. Instead I just get ragged on.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by jackedmess View Post
    I took a peak at the links but I will definitely take some time to read over them. Not sure if you read through the last two threads you posted though. Both scenarios seem pretty normal according to people that replied to the OP's. I know there will be side effects to using steroids obviously and I'm fine with that. I don't really like how you are assuming things there.

    Bertuzzi.... why do you have to be such an ass hole. Since you are so smart, how about sharing some of your wonderful knowledge instead of just shutting me down. You can think I am 12 if you would like. The fact you said that just proves your ignorance followed by a very large ego. I think I will take someone’s word that I personally know that has tried a large amount of steroids over some dude on a forum that has never tried it but has over 2000 posts on a steroid forum which obviously puts you in a position to lecture me about steroid use.

    I guess my post count just isn't high enough to get respect here. Obviously I am just wasting my time on this forum since I can't get some decent answers like everyone else can. Instead I just get ragged on.
    Then why are you here??????

    Oh and I guess by your reaction I guessed your age right..... sometimes I'm too smart for my own good.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jackedmess View Post
    I took a peak at the links but I will definitely take some time to read over them. Not sure if you read through the last two threads you posted though. Both scenarios seem pretty normal according to people that replied to the OP's. I know there will be side effects to using steroids obviously and I'm fine with that. I don't really like how you are assuming things there.

    Bertuzzi.... why do you have to be such an ass hole. Since you are so smart, how about sharing some of your wonderful knowledge instead of just shutting me down. You can think I am 12 if you would like. The fact you said that just proves your ignorance followed by a very large ego. I think I will take someone’s word that I personally know that has tried a large amount of steroids over some dude on a forum that has never tried it but has over 2000 posts on a steroid forum which obviously puts you in a position to lecture me about steroid use.

    I guess my post count just isn't high enough to get respect here. Obviously I am just wasting my time on this forum since I can't get some decent answers like everyone else can. Instead I just get ragged on.
    I know you are excited to use steroids. But did you read my 1 post ?. I asked you to post your diet. Something like:

    Meal 1:
    Xxxxxx (fat xxg, cals xxg, protein xxg, carbs xxg)
    Xxxxxx (fat xxg, cals xxg, protein xxg, carbs xxg)
    Xxxxxx (fat xxg, cals xxg, protein xxg, carbs xxg)
    Xxxxxx (fat xxg, cals xxg, protein xxg, carbs xxg)

    Meal 2:
    Xxxxxx (fat xxg, cals xxg, protein xxg, carbs xxg)
    Xxxxxx (fat xxg, cals xxg, protein xxg, carbs xxg)
    Xxxxxx (fat xxg, cals xxg, protein xxg, carbs xxg)
    Xxxxxx (fat xxg, cals xxg, protein xxg, carbs xxg)

    Meal 3:
    Xxxxxx (fat xxg, cals xxg, protein xxg, carbs xxg)
    Xxxxxx (fat xxg, cals xxg, protein xxg, carbs xxg)
    Xxxxxx (fat xxg, cals xxg, protein xxg, carbs xxg)
    Xxxxxx (fat xxg, cals xxg, protein xxg, carbs xxg)

    Meal 4:
    Xxxxxx (fat xxg, cals xxg, protein xxg, carbs xxg)
    Xxxxxx (fat xxg, cals xxg, protein xxg, carbs xxg)
    Xxxxxx (fat xxg, cals xxg, protein xxg, carbs xxg)
    Xxxxxx (fat xxg, cals xxg, protein xxg, carbs xxg)

    as G4R says "you need to increase it to 6 meals and no more than 3 hours break between them"

    If you want advice ... atleast follow up what we are saying. Instead you just need advice on steroids and nothing else. Steroids wont give you any results without a proper check on Diet. Also I'm not going to advice on Steroids. Increase your diet to 3000+ cal diet and make a schedule for exercise.

    Alternatively, You can go with your local steroid user, ask him everything and then experience on yourself.

    In addition to that I will tell you a story of a local champ, He was really good with steroids, used many cycles. Never did PCT instead shifted on Natural test boosters for PCT. His idea of PCT is just erection of his dick. He never did blood work and not even pct. He gains stay but to minimum.

    You can try doing the same. I dont really advice to do so though.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    R.I.P My friends
    Quote Originally Posted by jackedmess View Post
    Bertuzzi.... why do you have to be such an ass hole. Since you are so smart, how about sharing some of your wonderful knowledge instead of just shutting me down. You can think I am 12 if you would like. The fact you said that just proves your ignorance followed by a very large ego. I think I will take someone’s word that I personally know that has tried a large amount of steroids over some dude on a forum that has never tried it but has over 2000 posts on a steroid forum which obviously puts you in a position to lecture me about steroid use.
    bro, look at your stats, 5'9 and 170... you need to do some natural work, not start juicing... Im so glad you know someone who uses large amounts of steroids, he must know what he's doing. Im your hieght and 60lbs heavier than you at the same bodyfat and Im telling you that what you need to do is think things through before firing back at someone who is trying to help you (he's obviously more educated on this matter than you)

    Why dont you ask your large amounts of steroid using friend for all your questions instead of coming on here? I sure hope he competes on a top level cause "large amounts" are not needed if you do it properly.

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