Thread: Cancer Cells on Steroids
10-15-2010, 06:40 PM #1New Member
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Cancer Cells on Steroids
25 years old
21.02% body fat
I eat mostly light snacks throughout the day and then a medium size dinner.
(I'd post measurements but I don't remember what they are and can't view my own profile for some reason.)
I've been seriously considering doing steroids because I'm really tired of being the known "little guy." Especially ever since I worked in security for a casino. I've been reading these forums and collecting much information on this site and others to weigh the benefits to risk ratio on whether or not I want to do steroids. Things have been very much leaning towards the "I'm definately gonna do it" side of things until today. I called some family members whom I know to have some expirence with using juice to talk with them about what they think. My family member told me, that he had heard that taking steroids was not a good idea for people who are prone to cancer, or who have previously had cancer. He said that steroids can potentually "activate" dormant cancer cells, and ultimately have an alarming effect on cancer rate of spread/growth.
Now, a little history on myself:
- Feb 2008, diagnosed with testicular cancer, I was 23.
- 1-week later I had the tumorous testicle removed.
- About another week after the sergery I was placed on, I believe it was, four 4-week cycles of chemotherapy (memory is a little vague).
-During the chemotherapy I developed a rash that was scarring my back, so they perscribed me prednisone
-By mid June I was done with chemo, and placed on into remission.
Prednisone is prettly light steroid , and just the little bit I was taking made me a pretty energetic and feel-good kinda guy. I was going to the gym for a minum of two hours a day, on top of a 10-12 day at the police academy. I really miss that, and the results I got. I went from 130ish to 160 pounds in six months. I was looking great and feeling great. Now I'm getting a little outta shape and I'm looking to pick that up again, but way more seriously this time.
I'm pretty bummed out to hear that using steroids might not be an option for me. I have a doctors appointment coming up soon, thought maybe I'd see what my doctor has to say about it. But I really want to know what you guys think, or if any of you have a similar expirience that you can share with me. But mainly if any of you can confrim whether or not this information on steroids effecting dormant cancer cells is true.
I have taken the time to look through the education forums, and the forum search, but found nothing that answered my question. I even looked through other websites and didn't see any information that I trusted. Mostly anti-steroid sites who seem to apply steroids to any known disease.Last edited by Valhiun; 10-15-2010 at 07:47 PM. Reason: Posted stats
10-15-2010, 06:51 PM #2
I'm not on my computer but I want to research this a bit further later on tonight. The internet I'm on is extremely slow but in my years of research I've never in my life come across steroids potentially waking up dormant cancer cells... Very interesting.
Prednisone is a corticosteroid, not an anabolic steroid . It has no affiliation with anabolic steroids and or new muscle growth.
What are your stats?
training experience
What does your current diet look like? Types of foods, how many meals per day, daily macro count, ect. What type of training are you undertaking? How many rest days are you taking?
10-15-2010, 07:36 PM #3
Don't know if it is true or not but I have read that some doctors think that testosterone is miracle grow for cancer cells. Especially prostate if I remember. I am very interested in this subject as well since cancer runs in my family. Congrats on the remission and good luck on your journey.
Found a link: edited by V-ROID; 10-15-2010 at 07:38 PM.
10-15-2010, 07:50 PM #4
I'd like to point out that for some cancers, especially cancers of the immune system, steroids are a form of treatment for them as they supress the immune system.
With a testical gone, I am suprised they did not put you on TRT.
No one can tell you for sure if steroids will cause cancer to grow. Not enough is known. The only thing is supression of the immune system. I would start with some TRT and go from there. I know that prostate enlargment can be associated with steroids is all. Do they know if it metastasized? If so, I would not do ANYTHING. You will be small because you are very sick, sorry man.
Have you had your test levels checked?
10-15-2010, 07:53 PM #5New Member
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10-15-2010, 07:59 PM #6New Member
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Originally Posted by nwjt
Do they know if it metastasized?
10-15-2010, 08:03 PM #7
10-15-2010, 08:14 PM #8
Steroids, testosterone particularly, are directly linked prostate cancer. My endocrinologist said there is tons of information on it and lowering testosterone is a must do when you are treating prostate cancer. Further the cycling of steroids makes your immune system a roller coaster ride. It is because of this (going off and on trt for blood tests) that I have a case of strep throat that will not go away until after I get my tonsils removed, and even then maybe not...
Yeah, bad weight gain. If he gained anything it was from the exercise he was doing and lifestyle he was living. You hit the nail on the head when you stated in your first post that prednisone has nothing to do with the "side effects" he felt. My dog GOT cancer because the vet put him on prednisone off and on.
Plus you probably need diet and exercise. Don't touch the gear. Smaller people live longer, and you definitely won't be big forever.
10-15-2010, 08:31 PM #9
Talk to your ONC doc about some TRT. ALso, they do chemo usually as a precaution, they should know for certain if it metastasized or not.
If it did in fact metastasize, it can spread to the liver and brain.
10-15-2010, 10:41 PM #10
i had a melanoma on my neck and i asked my skin doctor if i cycled can this cause any issues.
he said it has nothing to do with it. be fine. but obviously doesnt recommended it
i presume he was only talking about the melanoma
10-16-2010, 12:05 AM #11
10-16-2010, 06:24 AM #12
As far as the Test prostate cancer issue, I did a fair amount of reading on this (due to a warning from a friend) before cycling and feel qualified to comment.
A while back doctors did indeed notice a greatly increased incidence of prostate cancer and speed/aggressiveness of its progression in users of Testosterone this lead many doctors to warn of the danger or testosterone causing prostate cancer. However further research showed that this was only the case in those with patients who either had prostate cancer or had high markers for prostate cancer, the current feeling in the forward thinking portion of the medical community and those publishing studies on this subject is that unless one has had prostate cancer or has high markers that testosterone Does Not increase the likelyhood of developing prostate cancer, and that denial of test to those with low T for this reason is completely unfounded.
As far as its affects on any other cancer, I am not qualified to comment.
10-16-2010, 03:37 PM #13New Member
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Anyone know anything about Lyle Alzado's situation? My bother was telling me he had a brain tumor or something, and it grew faster because he was using natural HGH, instead of synthetic. I understand that HGH is much different than anabolic steroids , but I wonder how many similarities they share...
10-16-2010, 08:03 PM #14New Member
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Well dude, I hate to tell you this but steriods are not a good idea. My little bro got test cancer when he was 19 and i was with him through the whole thing. He went to indianapolis to the same place lance Armstrong went. He had never taken any AAS or anything like that. He was asked several times by the doctors if he was "on" because they were trying to get some defininate proof on AAS causing it. Unfortunately, anything that speeds up cellular respiration can "spark" a dormate cancer cell to start growing. I'm sure the doctors told you all about how the cancer cells work. Anything that makes your cells divide at a faster rate is going to make the cancer grow faster. And on top of that you have a weakened immune system to fight the growth. The reason that there is no proof of steriods causing cancer is because steriods don't necessarily "cause" it. I bet when you were in there talking to the doctor you probably filled out a form of all the supplements you were taking and they probably asked you if your balls dropped at a late age or one dropped earlier than the other. Then you asked him what could of caused it and he probably said for the most part "I don't know". He said that because they don't know for sure what caused it. They really don't know what has caused the rise in testicular cancer. What they do know is that it's on the rise. Everybody"s body chemistry is different. Some people can smoke a pack of cigarettes a day for 30 years and never have one problem. Other people occasionally smoke for a year and die of lung cancer. That's just reality. I know a guy who's 38 and has been on steriods since he was 18 and has never had a problem. And I don't mean cycling AAS, he's been "on" for for twenty years. He has some side effects but no serious health problems. Anyway, the bottom line is AAS won't necessarily cause cancer, but if you're prone to it, it could cause it to come up.
Don't count yourself out yet. My bro is 26 now and he is one of the strongest guys in the gym. He doesn't take any supps except protein and he has made some outstanding progress. Don't underestimate you bodies capiblities. You still will have plenty of test from your remaining testicle to give you plenty of growth. It'll take a lot of hard work and diet but you will make some gains. You won't be the biggest or strongest guy in the gym, but you will reach some goals and still be alive.
10-16-2010, 08:47 PM #15New Member
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If you have an ongoing cancerous state. Then taking any kind of growth promoting factor is not a good idea. In fact, simple things such as doing ultra sound therapy, deep heat, massage ect. Is a big no no when it comes to cancer cells. Its a matter of medical science doesnt yet have the knowledge to completely predict what would happen in these instances. It is completely best to follow your oncologist when going through treatment. Nutritional support is probably the only thing you can do that should not negatively effect outcome. Then again, this is a matter for a medical professional to decide for you. Cancer is something you do not want to gamble with. Even in a particular cancer, There is slight genetic varients with each type based on the persons unique genetic and physiological make up.
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No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.
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