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Thread: Beginers Cycle Questions

  1. #1

    Beginers Cycle Questions

    36/ M/ 5'7"/ 189lbs/ BMI 30%

    I used a sust cycle several years ago and was happy with the results. I have recently drug my rear back to the gym and started working out again. Would like to get back on a beginers cycle and have a few questions. This forum has been very helpful in the past and am hoping for a little insight.

    What I have available: Anavar, Clen and HGH. All oral.


    * Will this gear make for a good beginers cutting cycle?

    * What would be recomended doses?

    * Suggested suppliments to take for supporting this cycle?

    * Suggested leingth of cycle?

    Thanks in advance for any advice, thank you also for past advice I have gained from the members on this forum!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Here is a few things
    There is no such thing a oral hgh. Its some supplement crap that doesnt work
    At 30% bf you shouldnt use anything. you are at increased risks for side effects.
    You just got back into the gym. Give yourself time to get back into shape. Allow your muscles and tendons get used to it.
    At theis point just stick with a good work out plan and diet
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Not exactly what I wanted to hear but good advice just the same. To note, I am very active and when I say just back to the gym I mean I have been back for the last two months. I rechecked BMI and weight, at first post it was only an estimate.

    BMI is 25
    weight is 184.5

    Not sure if this info makes for much of a difference. Guess I am in a hurry to get ready for spring break!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    bmi and bf% are 2 different things. Get your bf% checked. According to my bmi i am obese but i have a 6 pack

    2 months is still a short period.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    At what point would you suggest I be before starting at least a cutting cycle?

    Also, I have a question regarding the online company that apears in the banner at the top of the forum pages. Can that be asked on here or better asked in PM?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    you can ask about the banners.
    most would recommend getting your bf% to 15% before starting
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by scorp76 View Post
    36/ M/ 5'7"/ 189lbs/ BMI 30%

    I used a sust cycle several years ago and was happy with the results. I have recently drug my rear back to the gym and started working out again. Would like to get back on a beginers cycle and have a few questions. This forum has been very helpful in the past and am hoping for a little insight.

    What I have available: Anavar, Clen and HGH. All oral.


    * Will this gear make for a good beginers cutting cycle?

    * What would be recomended doses?

    * Suggested suppliments to take for supporting this cycle?

    * Suggested leingth of cycle?

    Thanks in advance for any advice, thank you also for past advice I have gained from the members on this forum!
    To address some of your questions that haven't been already, when you do get your body fat down to a more desirable percentage, I would highly recommend stacking these with testosterone. If you're trying to avoid high muscle mass gains, at least do 150-200mg per week. This will make the compounds you listed far more effective. For instance, if the Anavar causes any level of suppression of your natural testosterone levels, you will find that this cycle will actually work against you. Anavar is known to be very mild in the realm of gonad atrophy, but the problem still exists to some extent. Stacking test in your cycle will make up for that. Also, it is typically recommended to take approximately 80mg of Anavar every day for 6-8 weeks. I'd also like to say that in my opinion, using clen and anavar seems to be overkill for a beginner's cutting cycle. I would limit your first cutting cycle to using only one or the other. For clenbuterol, I have no experience with this drug but there is a great thread about it here...

    As for HGH, as gixxerboy stated if you have oral HGH apparently you don't have HGH at all, but if you do obtain real HGH you need to use it for at least 6 months, and there are a lot of things to consider when using HGH such as insulin supplementation. HGH is an awesome drug but there is a lot of responsibility that comes with it. If you're serious about using it, please do yourself a huge favor and study it thoroughly. I personally don't plan on using it until I get into my 40's, but my use of anabolics is purely recreational...I'm not a competitive bodybuilder. In the mean time testosterone stacks are sufficient for me. Good luck to you man, I look forward to reading more about your progress.

  9. #9
    Thanks for the much needed info and advice from Bbrian and Gixxerboy. Razr, very informative link.

    For one, I will leave the HGH alone until I am at a more advanced level and have more experience managing a successful cycle. Two, will stick with it in the gym for now and wait a bit before I start a cycle. My immediate goal is to lose the winter weight and strengthen my core. I tend to put a bit on in the winter as I dislike the cold weather. Summer time it is not an issue as I am Kayaking, Hiking and Trail Biking. I just fine cardio in the gym to be very monotonous. Guess I will suck it up and hit the treadmill along with my current gym routine. Would it hurt to at least use clen along with with increased cardio and good diet? Seems it would be a great confidence booster to see the winter fluff coming off a that much quicker. Then hopefully by spring I will be ready to hit my first cycle once I get my BF% down a bit.

    Long term goal is to build mass and perfect my physique, that will come in time though.

    So my last two questions would be:

    * Ok to use clen for the time being while getting BF% in check, with consideration to proper diet and cardio?

    * The banner adds at the top of the forum, this site sells HGH tabs which leads me to question the validity of their other products. Is any of this worth it? Seems to me that if it were that simple as to just click on a banner add at the top of the page to find this gear the ongoing question of "where do I find what" would be invalid.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    The pros in the nutrition and fitness section will help you fine tune your diet and training !!! Check it out!. Oh and the products on the banner are only supplements !! Save your money.

  11. #11
    Thanks DeadlyD, I think I will stick with local contacts and lion. Great help guys... on track and ready to go. I have learned a lot from reading various posts, a lot of ways you can really F* yourself up if you do not properly research your these endeavers.

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