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Thread: First Time

  1. #1
    maddog101 is offline New Member
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    First Time

    I've read alot of the newbie starter pack section and other threads answering questions, but still confused. Plus, most of these threads must be too old to post on, I have with a couple of them.

    I have just purchased Test - 600x and D-Anabol 25. Obviously this my first cycle with anything like this, I have been on pro-hormones in the past. I am 25 years old about to turn 26, I weigh 140-145 lbs on a good day, I'm bigger than my younger brother who is 21, and my dad who is 47, small framed family when it comes to us guys. I'm looking to really mass up and get really strong. Any advice for me to achieve the maximum benefit out of these products? Such as nutrition ? How many times a day can I work out? What workouts? etc. Like I said I am totally new to these and want to make sure I get my money's worth. Currently I work out three times a week doing bench, deadlift, tricep extensions, tricep dips, bicep curls and pull-ups. I do all of these exercises on these three days. That's pretty much it for working out. Nutrition is what gets me because I eat everything in sight and still cannot seem to gain very much weight. I eat something every two hours. In a couple of weeks, I will purchase me a George Foreman grill, a bunch of chicken breast, a few steaks, and start eating one of these every hour. I did see a thread about the Benedict Formula for bulking, I replied to the thread but I think it was too old to get a reply back. So what would my bulking and primer phases look like based on this formula? Or is there a better method? Again I weigh 140 lbs, 6'0" tall, not much body fat at all, extremely lean, fairly active- I play drums at church-extremely fast songs and I am a pharmacy technician which requires me to be on my feet all day, very fast paced environment. Thanks for any tips and advice.

  2. #2
    Razor is offline Banned
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  3. #3
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    TRT2010 is offline Member
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    I dont even know where to start. Welcome to the board i guess is good enough. Well the products you bought are not steroids an they will do nothing to help you so take them if you want or try and get your money back. Your training spread is not good at all. You are gonna wanna do a search for that as well and see what works for you. I do Monday heavy chest, Tuesday heavy back, Wed legs, Thurs shoulders, traps, Fri arms, rest weekends, as for diet im sure its not very good so jump in diet section, create a diet plan then post it so we can tear it apart and let you know.

  4. #4
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Im gonna go shoot myself..bye

  5. #5
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by TRT2010 View Post
    I dont even know where to start. Welcome to the board i guess is good enough. Well the products you bought are not steroids an they will do nothing to help you so take them if you want or try and get your money back. Your training spread is not good at all. You are gonna wanna do a search for that as well and see what works for you. I do Monday heavy chest, Tuesday heavy back, Wed legs, Thurs shoulders, traps, Fri arms, rest weekends, as for diet im sure its not very good so jump in diet section, create a diet plan then post it so we can tear it apart and let you know.
    Fix yours before telling others to fix theirs.

  6. #6
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    With all due respect there is nothing wrong with my spread what so ever. The only draw back that i see and its not that big of a deal for me is doing shoulders and then arms the day after. Its not to big of a deal because i only keep a routine for maybe, maybe 2 months then i switch. Differant strokes for differant folks but its deff not the worst spread. Just my .02

  7. #7
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TRT2010 View Post
    With all due respect there is nothing wrong with my spread what so ever. The only draw back that i see and its not that big of a deal for me is doing shoulders and then arms the day after. Its not to big of a deal because i only keep a routine for maybe, maybe 2 months then i switch. Differant strokes for differant folks but its deff not the worst spread. Just my .02
    I wouldn't do back before legs either, but I've seen worse.

  8. #8
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    When you work chest, your Tri's take an indirect impact, so if you do chest on Mon. & arms on Fri., your Tri's are getting 3 days rest & then only 2 days rest until Mon., when you do chest / tri's again. When you work back, your bi's take an indirect impact, so if you do back Tues., & arms Fri., your bi's are only getting 2 days rest & then only 3 days rest until you work back / bi's again. Wheres the ab workout? Wheres the cardio?

  9. #9
    Razor is offline Banned
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    With Alex and Bear, anything can be solved. My head hurts

  10. #10
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    With Alex and Bear, anything can be solved. My head hurts
    Well that's what you get for shooting yourself. My head would hurt too if it took a 1000 + fps impact from a lead ball!

  11. #11
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Well that's what you get for shooting yourself. My head would hurt too if it took a 1000 + fps impact from a lead ball!
    No it hurts cause i have not slept maybe you could come help me out in this thread, I need all the help I can get, Im running on empty

  12. #12
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    i got a very nice set of abs and oblique do them 3-4 times a week.. seeing as we were not talking about cardio i didnt bring it up.. looking at this spread now i can see why you mentioned to fix it up a bit. Point taken and will see what can be changed in order to fit my life style.

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