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I appreciate that you referenced a study to back up your argument. But after reading this I'm a little taken aback. You say you're a personal trainer right? you just said that the problems with your clients are 1) lack of dedication 2) lifestyle challenges 3) limited knowledge of exercise, food, etc. so you're recommendation is powerful hormones? As apposed to 1)building dedication for the maintenance of life long health 2) learning to adapt their lifestyle to meet their health needs to make the job of living easier, more enjoyable, and more manageable. 3) Educating your clients on diet, exercise, rest, and overall healthy living. As a personal trainer, isn't that kinda your job? I apologize if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you kinda skip all this and give your clients the pills. Here's a question, what happens when they don't learn healthy living and come off the drugs? Do they get a refund when the weight packs back on, or do you just keep selling them the pills? Come on, everybody here is obviously in agreement that AAS and other compounds can be used safely and effectively, but as a TOOL to obtain physical fitness goals and overall health (or mr universe and then governor) AFTER all other aspects of health and fitness are an everyday part of life. To use them otherwise is dangerous, and counter productive. One step forward and 2 steps back.
"I totally agree that good nutrition and a good workout strategy can make huge improvements in body composition." They CAN? Come on, these are the ONLY way to loose and maintain, or gain and maintain. They are the base, the lodestone. Supps, AAS, Clen, T3 are aids when the solid base has been built. It's attitudes like this that get people hurt, make amazing compounds illegal, and ruin it for the rest of us.
Hey, does anybody remember Phen-Phen? That drug was AWESOME!!!!!