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Thread: Newbee Here: Clen & T3 is my body fat too high?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Newbee Here: Clen & T3 is my body fat too high?

    I am a 41 year old woman with a body fat percentage of 33. My goal by taking Clen (started yesterday) and T3 is to help me drop down my bodyfat by approximately 13% I do not currently have a desire to compete or anything. I did read somewhere that you should already be skinny (low BF) to take this stuff. Does anyone know? and do I need to take the Kentomine stuff too?

  2. #2
    Hi Coops, welcome to the forum. 33% is actually not too bad. I'm training an aerobics instructor and she's at 32%. She's in great shape too. She's 42 and is carrying a little more bf then she wants. She will go on a clen cycle to reduce bf. Start with 20mcg and increase by 20mcg everyday until you shake too much. Yeah, it's not too scientific but you'll know what I'm talking about when you get there. You should be somewhere between 80mcg to 120mcg per day. Stay there for two weeks. Then get off for two weeks. Then two weeks back on again. There are good clen cycles posted on this board. Are you talking about ketotifen? Keto is a antihistamine that resets your beta receptors so that the clen can be taken constantly without cycling. You might also want to read about T3 or T4 along with Clen. I run T4 along with Clen during my cutting cycle. Just take clen slow and easy. It's powerful stuff so you want to start slow and ramp up. Unless you're already in good cardio shape I wouldn't recommend you stress your cardio system too hard during the clen cycle. While on your clen cycle don't be alarmed if you're cold sweating and trembling during the day while you're at the computer of watching T.V. it's normal. Your resting heart rate can get as high as 100 bpm. If you start to cramp up, take taurine 3g to 5g per day. If you take 1g, you'll still cramp. If your clen's the real deal you'll lose fat. Have fun.

  3. #3
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    One pill makes you larger, one pill makes you small. T3 is a thyroid hormone, and a very dangerous one. Using to much is equivalent to thyroid storm, and prolonged use can cause permanent damage in the form on hypothyroidism (a lack of thyroid hormones). this causes the bodies natural metabolism to slow WAY down, resulting in fat gain. This will require you to require thyroid meds for the rest of your life, along with a ton of other chronic health issues. Clen is a sympathomimetic, with alpha and beta adrenergic affects. That means it stimulates the same receptors as epinephrine (adrenaline). Use of this drug also has huge health implications, such as tachycardia, and hypertension as NORMAL as these are adrenergic effects. That puts you at a huge increase for risks such as heart attack and stroke. At a BF of 33%, my guess is you may have high cholesterol. you may also already have hypertension, and your heart is probably overworked as it takes A LOT more work to pump blood through a body with a high BF %. I sincerely hope you know exactly what it is your taking, have tried EVERYTHING else, and you are seeing a doctor on a regular basis and knows exactly what you're doing. On a side note, if you take these drugs and smoke cigarettes, or are on hormonal birth control, you risk of heart attack or stroke are even higher. These can really hurt you, proper diet and exercise under a doctors supervision will add years to your life, and greatly increase quality of life.

    Mouth full, right? With all that said, if you're healthy, and you use these safely, you should get great results. I'd just be careful, unlike AAS, with T-3 there is definitive proof that it can be dangerous
    Last edited by Bigshotvictoria; 03-09-2012 at 01:14 PM.

  4. #4
    Check out this post about long term T3 use:

    "One of the most persistent myths in bodybuilding is that T3 use has to be limited in time and/or dose to prevent damage to the thyroid gland. You see bros posting about non-existent people who are supposedly on T3 forever because they used too much of it and destroyed their thyroid gland. NONSENSE!

    Nandi (RIP) researched and wrote a great article on T3, which I have stuck in the articles section. Please read it.

    This is what I consider the most important myth-busting part of Nandi's article:

    Like the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, the thyroid gland is under negative feedback control. When t3 levels go up, TSH secretion is suppressed. This is the mechanism whereby exogenous thyroid hormone suppresses natural thyroid hormone production. There is a difference though between the way anabolic steroids suppress natural testosterone production and the way t3 suppresses the thyroid. With steroids, the longer and heavier the cycle is, the longer your natural testosterone is suppressed. This is not the case with exogenous thyroid hormone.

    An early study that looked at thyroid function and recovery under the influence of exogenous thyroid hormone was undertaken by Greer (2). He looked at patients who were misdiagnosed as being hypothyroid and put on thyroid hormone repla***ent for as long as 30 years. When the medication was withdrawn, their thyroids quickly returned to normal.

    Here is a remark about Greer's classic paper from a later author:

    "In 1951, Greer reported the pattern of recovery of thyroid function after stopping suppressive treatment with thyroid hormone in euthyroid [normal] subjects based on sequential measurements of their thyroidal uptake of radioiodine. He observed that after withdrawal of exogenous thyroid therapy, thyroid function, in terms of radioiodine uptake, returned to normal in most subjects within two weeks. He further observed that thyroid function returned as rapidly in those subjects whose glands had been depressed by several years of thyroid medication as it did in those whose gland had been depressed for only a few days" (3)

    These results have been subsequently verified in several studies. (3)(4) So contrary to what has been stated in the bodybuilding literature, there is no evidence that long term thyroid supplementation will somehow damage your thyroid gland.

    I'm going to stick this here for a while also, because it is an important point."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    bigshot u really shouldnt be posting advice, all your advice givin is inaccurate. what pill would make her larger? both clen and t3 are the best drugs for cutting weight( i say that because they can burn muscle to, esp t3 so getting larger on them is completely wrong)

    OP, its completely fine for you to take these drugs at ur current bf, start low and slowly up your dose, go as high as u feel comfortable with where u can tolerate side effectsor a dose just under where u have any side effects. as stated start at 20 and ramp up, im guessing ull probably start having sides at 100mcg. as for t3 no need to start low. your body produces 25mcg a day already so starting at 50 is great, i would probably go up to 75/100mcg a day, best taken as soon as u wake up on an empty stomache. yes these drugs will melt off fat, but u need to include cardio and have ur diet on point if u to actually have good results. as he said taurine helps with cramping and personally i noticed if i eat alot of banana's i dont nearly shake as much, im guessing its the potassium, best of luck with your cycle

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Great information. I know clen come's in 200mcg/ml, 30ml's and 60ml's normally. So thats 3060mg's correct assuming you ramp up from 20mg's to 120mg's and run 120mg's for the rest of the time being. So you would need one 30ml bottle correct? Just double checking my math on this conversion.
    Last edited by t-dogg; 03-09-2012 at 11:36 PM.

  7. #7
    200mcg/ml * 60ml = 12,000mcg. That means you can run 120mcg/ed for 100 days. Yeah, I would say that is enough.

  8. #8
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    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    200mcg/ml * 60ml = 12,000mcg. That means you can run 120mcg/ed for 100 days. Yeah, I would say that is enough.

    lol, I was just getting ready to fix my typo. I put 60 instead of 30. Lol Ill be buying a 30ml bottle. That will last the 4weeks on it.

    Also Ive been reading its only good to run a cycle once a year, is this correct?
    Last edited by t-dogg; 03-09-2012 at 11:38 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    OP- you can boost your metabolism by proper nutrition, resistance training and cardio. You will get awesome results with ZERO side effects. Over 30% bf ur asking for trouble, and if your diet isn't good you won't see any results for the risk you are taking. Go to the nutrition forum here they will help you out

  10. #10
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    sounds dangerous to me, i would not jump right into a clen cycle.pretty harsh stuff.i would go a more natural approach. my opinion only.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coopsgirl17 View Post
    I am a 41 year old woman with a body fat percentage of 33. My goal by taking Clen (started yesterday) and T3 is to help me drop down my bodyfat by approximately 13% I do not currently have a desire to compete or anything. I did read somewhere that you should already be skinny (low BF) to take this stuff. Does anyone know? and do I need to take the Kentomine stuff too?

  11. #11
    I totally agree that good nutrition and a good workout strategy can make huge improvements in body composition. The problem I've seen in my clients are 1) they don't really have the dedication needed to make such a change, 2) their lifestyle (work, kids, etc) doesn't give them the flexibility to eat 6 to 7 times per day, 3) they have limited knowledge on how to regulate their food, rest, supplements, and exercise. Overall, they are trying to get the best results with the limited resources (time & knowledge) they have. Clen is a short cut I don't disagree and yet it has proven effective in cutting fat. If use correctly, it is relatively safe and again, it works great.

  12. #12
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    Welcome Coopsgirl~

    Hope you achieve your goals. If you want to come on over to the Nutrition forum to get some food tips, please feel free to do so. Tweaking your foods can make all the difference in the world.

    Meantime, enjoy the site!
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Clen isn't a magic pill. It will increase metabolism a little bit. If someone is still In an excess of cals they will gain weight even while taking clen. If a client has maxed out they bmr thru proper nutrition, training and cardio then yea use clen to push it a little further but if they don't have the dedication to even eat a proper diet I would never recommend them using clen

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tall76 View Post
    Clen isn't a magic pill. It will increase metabolism a little bit. If someone is still In an excess of cals they will gain weight even while taking clen. If a client has maxed out they bmr thru proper nutrition, training and cardio then yea use clen to push it a little further but if they don't have the dedication to even eat a proper diet I would never recommend them using clen
    ^^^^Agree 100%

  15. #15
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Hi Coops, welcome to the forum. 33% is actually not too bad. I'm training an aerobics instructor and she's at 32%. She's in great shape too. She's 42 and is carrying a little more bf then she wants. She will go on a clen cycle to reduce bf. Start with 20mcg and increase by 20mcg everyday until you shake too much. Yeah, it's not too scientific but you'll know what I'm talking about when you get there. You should be somewhere between 80mcg to 120mcg per day. Stay there for two weeks. Then get off for two weeks. Then two weeks back on again. There are good clen cycles posted on this board. Are you talking about ketotifen? Keto is a antihistamine that resets your beta receptors so that the clen can be taken constantly without cycling. You might also want to read about T3 or T4 along with Clen. I run T4 along with Clen during my cutting cycle. Just take clen slow and easy. It's powerful stuff so you want to start slow and ramp up. Unless you're already in good cardio shape I wouldn't recommend you stress your cardio system too hard during the clen cycle. While on your clen cycle don't be alarmed if you're cold sweating and trembling during the day while you're at the computer of watching T.V. it's normal. Your resting heart rate can get as high as 100 bpm. If you start to cramp up, take taurine 3g to 5g per day. If you take 1g, you'll still cramp. If your clen's the real deal you'll lose fat. Have fun.
    i disagree with this. clen stacked with t3 is not a magic pill. if her diet was in check she wont have a problem shedding bf points. I'm no expert but i wod need give advice to somebody with over 20% bf to use any sups. your putting her at risk for a number of things. to the op, get your diet in check for about 6mos, you'll watch your bf numbers shed literally off. reducing by 13% is a big goal, but once you get there yur proli gonna still feel fat and want to lose more. this is when i wod rec stacking these to sups. but then again i realize everybody is different and results are a case by case basis. but with you being on the bigger side, clen is going to be to much on your heart with the stress you have already. go over to the diet section and talk with the fellas and ladies and come up with a good solid diet.

    and by the way, welcome to the forum.

  16. #16
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    'one pill makes you larger, one pill makes you small' Jefferson Airplane. You have music in your world right? I was referencing north americas' inclination to take a drug instead of doing the hard work necessary. Look at it this way. A new member joins. He's 20, 140lbs, and 6 feet tall. He asks "is it safe for me to take tren, test, and A-50's?" with no further info. I can GUARANTEE you'd tell this kid to build naturally for a few years. He's to young, he's nowhere near his genetically predisposed limit. He obviously hasn't dialled in his diet, his training, etc. Yet you go ahead and tell this lady, without knowing her diet, her health, and numerous other factors you'd require for advise on AAS use, and tell her it's safe to use incredibly powerful hormones. Make no mistake, T4 and Clen ARE to be respected at least as much as AAS.

    You say that all the info i've posted is incorrect. Where do you reference any info that is correct? If I am wrong I am ready to apologize like a man, but unless I'm mistaken this forum and this website are about information, and it's application to the safe and responsible use of these compounds, so please enlighten me with your scientific evidence to the contrary.

    here is a veterinary study by The European Agency for the Medicinal Products, Veterinary Medicines and Technology Unit. (yes this is a veterinary study, human trials are hard to find as Clen was designed for horses with respiratory issues, the human equivalent is Ventolin/albuterol, side note, clen and albuterol have a potentiating effect when taken together 1+1=3. Do you know if she's asthmatic, or has COPD?). Notably sections 8, 9, 13, 14. Look for the words dysrhythmia, hepatotoxicity, focal necrosis, myocardial lesions, bradychardia, tachycardia, etc.

    I do realize this is a study on animals, and that to much vitamin C can have similar dangerous sides. My point is, don't say someones wrong without offering evidence to the contrary, and don't tell people somethings safe when it is POTENTIALLY not. If you want to debate this further, please have some reference material ready; I'll pull out my Pharmacology and Endocrinology books and we'll get into T3 next if you like.

    On a side note, I've personally ran a cardiac arrest on a 36 year old taking clen with undiagnosed atrial fibrillation. He lived, but now suffers from right sided heart failure.
    Last edited by Bigshotvictoria; 03-13-2012 at 11:20 AM.

  17. #17
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    The Great White North
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I totally agree that good nutrition and a good workout strategy can make huge improvements in body composition. The problem I've seen in my clients are 1) they don't really have the dedication needed to make such a change, 2) their lifestyle (work, kids, etc) doesn't give them the flexibility to eat 6 to 7 times per day, 3) they have limited knowledge on how to regulate their food, rest, supplements, and exercise. Overall, they are trying to get the best results with the limited resources (time & knowledge) they have. Clen is a short cut I don't disagree and yet it has proven effective in cutting fat. If use correctly, it is relatively safe and again, it works great.
    I appreciate that you referenced a study to back up your argument. But after reading this I'm a little taken aback. You say you're a personal trainer right? you just said that the problems with your clients are 1) lack of dedication 2) lifestyle challenges 3) limited knowledge of exercise, food, etc. so you're recommendation is powerful hormones? As apposed to 1)building dedication for the maintenance of life long health 2) learning to adapt their lifestyle to meet their health needs to make the job of living easier, more enjoyable, and more manageable. 3) Educating your clients on diet, exercise, rest, and overall healthy living. As a personal trainer, isn't that kinda your job? I apologize if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you kinda skip all this and give your clients the pills. Here's a question, what happens when they don't learn healthy living and come off the drugs? Do they get a refund when the weight packs back on, or do you just keep selling them the pills? Come on, everybody here is obviously in agreement that AAS and other compounds can be used safely and effectively, but as a TOOL to obtain physical fitness goals and overall health (or mr universe and then governor) AFTER all other aspects of health and fitness are an everyday part of life. To use them otherwise is dangerous, and counter productive. One step forward and 2 steps back.

    "I totally agree that good nutrition and a good workout strategy can make huge improvements in body composition." They CAN? Come on, these are the ONLY way to loose and maintain, or gain and maintain. They are the base, the lodestone. Supps, AAS, Clen, T3 are aids when the solid base has been built. It's attitudes like this that get people hurt, make amazing compounds illegal, and ruin it for the rest of us.

    Hey, does anybody remember Phen-Phen? That drug was AWESOME!!!!!
    Last edited by Bigshotvictoria; 03-13-2012 at 12:02 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    All I got to say is three things.

    1. More people die from Tylenol yearly than any other drug.

    2. I have seen two posts about actual cycles on Clen or T3 where the person posting took records of their gains/losses.

    is the best one to me HOWEVER the dude is on almost a gram of Test a week! No ketotifen and cycling the Clen 2 on 2 off. In 6 weeks he drops from 240 to 215....
    10% body weight in 6 weeks....

    He was running a clean diet before so why was that fat not just dropping off him without the added help?

    We all have opinions and the medical world opinion would be dropping 10% in 6 weeks is unsafe at best. I look at him and my gut feeling is he is just fine due to his lab records.

    3. The medicines Drs prescribe you are many times as toxic or more so than Clen or T3 or even AAS. They have as many if not more side effects..even worse ones..than AAS. How do they know if the medicine is "ok" for you? You try it and see if it responds without side effects. Not rocket science.


    As far as a personal trainer recomending Clen to someone...why not? It is up to the Doctor she is using to say yes or no. PTs are not doctors by any stretch of the say he prescribed it to her is just ludicrous. SHE has to go to her doctor or do her research to decide to appropriate it by other means and use it. Anyway, it is freedom of choice and there is a risk reward map to anything...even masturbation.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    I appreciate that you referenced a study to back up your argument. But after reading this I'm a little taken aback. You say you're a personal trainer right? you just said that the problems with your clients are 1) lack of dedication 2) lifestyle challenges 3) limited knowledge of exercise, food, etc. so you're recommendation is powerful hormones? As apposed to 1)building dedication for the maintenance of life long health 2) learning to adapt their lifestyle to meet their health needs to make the job of living easier, more enjoyable, and more manageable. 3) Educating your clients on diet, exercise, rest, and overall healthy living. As a personal trainer, isn't that kinda your job? I apologize if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you kinda skip all this and give your clients the pills. Here's a question, what happens when they don't learn healthy living and come off the drugs? Do they get a refund when the weight packs back on, or do you just keep selling them the pills? Come on, everybody here is obviously in agreement that AAS and other compounds can be used safely and effectively, but as a TOOL to obtain physical fitness goals and overall health (or mr universe and then governor) AFTER all other aspects of health and fitness are an everyday part of life. To use them otherwise is dangerous, and counter productive. One step forward and 2 steps back.

    "I totally agree that good nutrition and a good workout strategy can make huge improvements in body composition." They CAN? Come on, these are the ONLY way to loose and maintain, or gain and maintain. They are the base, the lodestone. Supps, AAS, Clen, T3 are aids when the solid base has been built. It's attitudes like this that get people hurt, make amazing compounds illegal, and ruin it for the rest of us.

    Hey, does anybody remember Phen-Phen? That drug was AWESOME!!!!!
    I do not think the OP should take Clen just yet regardless of the compound's side effects. If she cannot get in shape without compounds then she will not stay in shape without them most likely.

    As for the myocardia, tachycardia, lesions, and all of heart related sides you must first interpret the data and put it into perspective. The data for these particular side effects is inconclusive and should be referenced as such. The study you posted even mentioned themselves that no noel was established. It also stated that the studies produced inconsistent results where the 18 month study, somehow, actually reduced resting heart rates. I personally suspect the down-regulation of the b2 receptors as the culprit there given a long exposure time to the drug.

    However, regardless of all of the above information it is also worth noting the doses that were administered in the studies where the heart was examined. The lab rats took doses as high as 16mg/kg of body weight I do believe it was and as low as .1mg/kg. Can you imagine taking even .1mg/kg of clen? I am around 100kg, that would put me at 10mg, or 10,000mcg of clen a day. Of course there are going to be myocardial lesions, I mean goodness, take that much of any drug and the side effects will be much more severe. All in all, I do not think heart problems should be an issue for anyone taking clen as long as they do not have pre-existing conditions and are not pre-disposed to heart problems genetically.

    Just wanted to rant about that to get it off my chest.

    Other than that, 33% BF is high, even for a woman, I would focus more on diet and training and use the clen to polish myself off, not as a shortcut.

  20. #20
    im taking clen and t3 so far so good with a strict diet will see great results

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by makinggains2014 View Post
    im taking clen and t3 so far so good with a strict diet will see great results
    You were going to take it regardless of what we said. Keep us updated throughout the year.

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