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  1. #1
    TT_Tweeker's Avatar
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    The "Dreaded shoulder & back acne" PLEASE EXPERTS ONLY

    Real quick I need to ask the experts a question.

    I've never been prone to gyno of ANY type! But recently, my shoulders have become eaten up with acne (as well as mild back and chest acne)! I have tried all the acne soaps,gels, medications and even 91% iso Alc.
    I thought it was something temporary and would go away in time. I have had nil such luck!

    I have also noticed a little "foggy head" I now think this is some type of gyno or estrogen aroma rises! What should I run? I guess an AI?

  2. #2
    TT_Tweeker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TT_Tweeker
    Real quick I need to ask the experts a question.

    I've never been prone to gyno of ANY type! But recently, my shoulders have become eaten up with acne (as well as mild back and chest acne)! I have tried all the acne soaps,gels, medications and even 91% iso Alc.
    I thought it was something temporary and would go away in time. I have had nil such luck!

    I have also noticed a little "foggy head" I now think this is some type of gyno or estrogen aroma rises! What should I run? I guess an AI?
    This was written using my iPhone as my laptop is under repair. I know I need an AI but what? What would be suggested for both the acne/estrogen conversion and the brain fog?

  3. #3
    gonzo6183's Avatar
    gonzo6183 is offline Senior Member
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    Low dose accutane could be your new best friend 5mg daily works a treat IMO

  4. #4
    Rosscoboy is offline New Member
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    Maintenance is the key here.

    1. Shower twice a day using exfoliating scrub , use a brush for this aswell
    2. Use cleansing wipes in the morning and at night, then after youve cleansed, use benzyl peroxide cream on the spots
    3. Tanning twice a week helps
    4 Also make sure your diets clean and drink S%ŁT loads off water

    I had really bad acne on back shoulders chest and arms so I know from experience.

    Ive been doing this routine for 2 weeks now and the acne is ten times better

    Good Luck

  5. #5
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    grillin chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by TT_Tweeker View Post
    Real quick I need to ask the experts a question.

    I've never been prone to gyno of ANY type! But recently, my shoulders have become eaten up with acne (as well as mild back and chest acne)! I have tried all the acne soaps,gels, medications and even 91% iso Alc.
    I thought it was something temporary and would go away in time. I have had nil such luck!

    I have also noticed a little "foggy head" I now think this is some type of gyno or estrogen aroma rises! What should I run? I guess an AI?
    You should have been running an AI from the start like adex .25 mg eod. Acne and gyno are sides of uncontrolled estrogen.

  6. #6
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Low dose accutane was the only thing that cleared me up, tryed everything, not sure about the 5mg daily dosing allready recommended as I've never heard anyone go that low.... Maybe to prevent but to get rid of acne it seems a little low, I started at 20mg and found 30-40mg my sweet spot to get rid of the stuff, in future I now will dose 10-20 for prevention purposes..

    Acne can carry some pretty nasty sides, so do your research and make your own mind up. However we are typically using alit lower doses that what is typically prescribed

    The only sides I "noticed" were dry lips, but I believe if I moisturised them from the beginning they would not have gotten I to the state they did, I found myself fighting a never ending battle.. But all back to normal shortly after dropping the
    Accutane, I used it for 3-4 months., the last couple of months I was clear but was back on cycle and was just using for prevention.

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    a lot of people in the past swore by dawn dish washing liquid soap to help get rid of the acne.

  8. #8
    TT_Tweeker's Avatar
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    Hey guys...thanks for all the responses! Here is what I have used in treatment of acne issue:
    Advanced 10% micro-Benzoyl Peroxide
    10% Benzoyl Peroxide Daily Treatment body wash
    91% Isopropyl Alcohol

    The above combination has helped tremendously BUT has not stopped the acne completely! Anyhow I plan I getting my hands on some Accutane. Also, I wanna start running an AI like Arimidex ... Which I assume can only help-is that correct? What exactly have you guys that run Arimidex found to be the negative side effects of such a product. And what sort of reaction can I expect from running Arimidex.
    I'm not trying to make this simple thread go on and on BUT want this shit to stop! Summer is coming up and what good is a ripped up body with zits and scars all over it?
    If somebody knows of a solid research chem company to use please message me. Not sure if that is a violation of forum rules as it is not illegal to order. No offense to AR-R I would like to use a different company with fast,trusted delivery with a decent price.
    Thanks guys!

  9. #9
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    a lot of people in the past swore by dawn dish washing liquid soap to help get rid of the acne.
    I have read this a few times lovbyts washing up liquid and it has seem to work on some ppl just from what i've read op anti bac washing up liquid.

  10. #10
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    Im sure every little bit will help. I used dishwashing liquid soap several times when I did my 1st cycle due to light acne but luckily it didnt last long and I have not had anything in years.

  11. #11
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    I've used dishwashing soap as well. But it seems like you don't have an acne problem, other than when on cycle. In my opinion, I would Just stick to an antibiotic while getting your AI adjusted. Acne, if not a condition off cycle, can typically be controlled with an AI. You may still get some here and there. AIs are important and should have neen used from the start. Now, if you try accutane, 20mgs eod should be plenty to control it. I am on 60mgs ed as prescribed and am going up to 80mgs today. Bloodwork is important while using accutane the way I am.

  12. #12
    oatmeal69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    a lot of people in the past swore by dawn dish washing liquid soap to help get rid of the acne.
    I've wondered about that too. I know that it's much stronger than hand soap at removing grease, etc. Hopefully I won't have any need on my current cyclke, but if I do I may try it.

  13. #13
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by oatmeal69 View Post
    I've wondered about that too. I know that it's much stronger than hand soap at removing grease, etc. Hopefully I won't have any need on my current cyclke, but if I do I may try it.
    Dishwashing soap will temporarily work. The problem is, if the acne is chronic, it won't do anything but make the condition worse in the long run. I have been cursed with cystic acne and have been on accutane for 5 months now. It is working. When I used Dawn, it made my skin worse. It dried it out for sure. But it ended up making the acne continue to grow deeper under the skin and was so painful I couldn't even lay on my back. Now for the people who only get acne on cycle, dishwashing soap could work fine. But getting grape-sized cysts growing deep is hell.

  14. #14
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    You should have been running an AI from the start like adex .25 mg eod. Acne and gyno are sides of uncontrolled estrogen.
    ^^ Bingo.

    Check this thread out Tweaker. It may help you out as well.

    Relief From Steroid Induced Acne

    Relief from steroi-induced acne

  15. #15
    gettintherequick's Avatar
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    Define 'expert' on the subject?? I am no medical expert but have suffered from steroid induced acne for years and also puberty onset acne so in my eyes im an expert

    Controlling estrogen in my experience has had NO influence on steroid induced acne. Although i do run arimidex throughout for other reasons.
    No gels or scrubs or antibiotics have done a thing to clear up steroid induced acne for me.
    The only thing that has ever worked is accutane. period. But it comes with its own risks and side effects so beware and do your research.
    Best of Luck.

  16. #16
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Controlling estro whole on cycle does help with steriod induced acne. Typically is os not only an androhenic side due to an over abundance of androgens, but also estrogen. We have a valued member here that proved that high estro caused acne. He is 39 and when he got his e2 controlled, acne was gone. But you are right that accutane is the best thing out there. But if the acne is only induced by steroids and not chronic, they will go away after the cycle is over. So if accutane was used to control acne, I would use 10-20mgs eod. And I would also start it a couple of weeks before the cycle for it to build up. My acne got worse the first few weeks of using it, which is typical.

  17. #17
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    That post by MickeyKnox is probably the best topical solution besides accutane. I had acne carpet front and back on my first cycle. I didn't know anything about AI when I started. I took 40mg/ed of accutane and it cleared everything up, almost. By that time I did my research and got on adex 25mcg/ed until l got my estrogen under control and then I went to 25mcg/eod. Acne really stinks but your body will compensate for it if you control the estrogen.

  18. #18
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Just want to throw my hat in the ring as well and say that through experience (including right now in fact) that increasing my AI and managing my E2 most certainly controls my steroid induced acne.

    Im currently running 2-3mg of Adex...per day! But, i DO NOT recommend this to ANYONE without proper blood work. Like HRT Student, I am very sensitive to rising estrogen levels and require a larger dosing protocol than the average AAS user - probably more than anyone i have ever read about or met.

    But since i increased my daily 1mg dose to 2mg, then 3mg/day a few days ago, my acne has begun to settle down considerably. I will hopefully return to my 1mg/day shortly.

  19. #19
    TT_Tweeker's Avatar
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    Thanks again to all for the input! I have a couple research chem sites in mind BUT would like to hear everyone's personal preference (including those who use AR-R . I am in understanding that price is NOT to be mentioned, so I am asking for the cheapest, best quality producing research chem companies.
    This post is EXTREMELY difficult to write as my mind and heart goes out to those affected by this Boston bombing! Wtf is wrong with people?
    Thanks again guys

  20. #20
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    The number one most professional, fast, and discreet chem site is in my humble opinion, AR-R .com. No contest. Their customer service is second to none, and their products are top of the line and perform exactly as you expect them to.

    I dont take chances when it come to ingesting chems/compounds. That's a serious business and best left to the professionals who have established themselves with proven experience and satisfied members. for the win.

  21. #21
    TT_Tweeker's Avatar
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    Thanks MK. I have registered tonight and placing order in the a.m.

  22. #22
    ChiveOn's Avatar
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    Platinum labz sells a product called acne annihilator. Worked well for me because it contains the salicylicacid and an exfoliant. Pretty cheap too.
    Drink lots of water
    Shower after your workout. 2x a day
    Drink a lot of water
    Eat clean
    Tanning helps loads
    Swimming helps

    I had horrendous acne my teenage years. Took accurane and didn't have a single zit for years until I cycled and I'm still fighting it weeks after pct on my back chest and shoulders

    Unfortunately it comes with the territory fur some, however it's much easier to maintain from the start than fight it after the fact

    An AI will help too

  23. #23
    mrmida is offline Junior Member
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    Best bet is to see a dermatologist... He will most likely write u a script for an antibiotic... I have had the same problem as you bro and it sucks... What's the point of being jacked and not being able to take off your shirt because of huge pimples on your chest and back!

    PM me if you want some detailed advice and experienced knowledge...

    Keep in mind that if you can avoid taking accutane you should... It is a dangerous substance and is recommended by doctors that you are closely monitored and have regular bloodwork done while on it.

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