04-19-2013, 07:21 PM #1
Please critique Tren a, prop, mast cycle Lunk & MickeyKnox get in here!!
I am planning my third cycle, it will be tren , mast and prop. I have already ran tren and prop for 8 weeks.
I am thinking of running the following dose.
Tren a - 80mg ed
Prop - 50mg ed
Mast - 100mg ed
Last cycle was 560mg tren a with 110mg prop a week.
I have letrozole , I have estrogen issues since puberty, i believe I tend to produce more estrogen than a normal male.
How should i run letrozole with the following cycle? Do i need pram aswell? I have used letrozole for 2 weeks in past at 2.5mg a day.
I have a solid pct that works for me, so i am keeping it simple.
thanks everyone.
04-19-2013, 07:27 PM #2Banned
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hCG ?
And yes i would have a dopamine agonist on hand. And i would be running an AI on cycle not last two wks bro, especially with a 19 nor.
How did you fair out with your last cycle? What type of gains did you make? How long ago was your last cycle?
04-19-2013, 07:38 PM #3
Sorry i forget to add the basic stuff, yeah i will be running hcg at 250iu x 2 a week. No i didnt run letrozole during the last cycle, it was a while ago and i wasnt on juice. I am wondering how should i use leotrozole for this cycle. I dont react well to aromasin or armidex to be honest.
Yes diet is in check, last cycle was a cutting cycle. I am sitting at 12% at ~185lbs, 5'10''.Last edited by Ridel; 04-19-2013 at 07:42 PM.
04-19-2013, 07:44 PM #4
04-19-2013, 07:46 PM #5
Cycle looks good
But not good for you
You are only 185. You def dont need such high dose of tren
@that bf and that height its doable naturally and you already did cycles with tren
Dude just do lean bulk with test prop only at 75mg/ed and eat well
You def dont need no tren . U will hurt your self
Fix ur diet and workout hard! And get 8 hrs of sleep!
Im following dave palumbo diet ( cutting and bulking. Replacing 1 of his shakes with meals) and it works good so far.
04-19-2013, 07:48 PM #6
04-19-2013, 07:50 PM #7Banned
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I like this too.
The transparent truth is i have never used Letro for an AI. So i don't feel comfortable handing out advice on it.
But im trying to determine what your gains were form your last two cycles. In other words, did you properly complete your cycle. If so, what were your gains form the first cycle to now? This will shed some light on whether your diet or other areas need to be addressed before you begin another cycle. You follow me bro?
Its a advanced cycle, i don't understand using letro while not on cycle? and even with this cycles doses 2.5 ed of letro would crush any estro lvs. maybe 1mg eo3d...letro is powerful and only you know how your body's estrogen lvs act, but 2.5mg ed would be like for some one on 3g of test and other gear too.
Why would you use letro non-cycle?
by the way at 5'8"-5'9" my natty max is around 200 at 12-13%
04-19-2013, 07:58 PM #10
I've done two cycles, 500mg test e for 12 weeks and tren /prop cycle. The test cycle was ok, i didnt feel the test until i bumped it to 700mg in last 4 weeks. Medistar was clearly underdosed. It was last summer. I gained 15lbs lbm from the both cycle, I was 197lbs before the last cycle, i gained a fair bit of strength while losing fat.
i bulked last summer at 500c, 350p, 100f then cut down in winter with 130c, 80f, 330p.
04-19-2013, 07:59 PM #11
04-19-2013, 08:01 PM #13
One more thing i would like to add here, I am not an 18 year old who never lifted a weight in my life. So you believe if someone would do the exact thing you did the results would be the same. We are all different in here, OK.
The pic up is after the first cycle, i havenot took any photos lately.
04-19-2013, 08:02 PM #14
Whats the goal and whay change the test and tren doses from the last cycle? If you have pre-existing estrogen issues then why increase test to possibly make it worse?
I like the mast dose and Letro is ok but not my first choice. I'm using some now at 2.5 E3D and it's plenty.
04-19-2013, 08:02 PM #15Banned
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You were 197 then cut to 185.
What is your goal on this cycle?
04-19-2013, 08:04 PM #16
04-19-2013, 08:04 PM #17
Just using his pics as AVI. Although I'm not sure why he accepted a compliment from kelkel here...
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
04-19-2013, 08:07 PM #18Banned
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04-19-2013, 08:10 PM #19
U def can achieve that without tren
Last edited by Granovich; 04-19-2013 at 08:14 PM.
04-19-2013, 08:11 PM #20
Why do you say you don't react we'll to Aromasin or arimidex ? When you ran them were they research chems or pharm meds?
I think your cycle looks fine and you should see amazing changes from it. I personally hate letro though. It's a harsh AI and can be difficult to find the right dose to maintain healthy estrogen levels without crushing them. And it really tears up my digestive tract, heartburn, upset stomach, etc. which makes it hard to eat right while on cycle. Maybe it's just me though....
04-19-2013, 08:18 PM #21~ PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR SOURCE CHECKS ~
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
You have e2 problems even on 110 mg test a week?
How do you k ow its from test and not tren , you going to take caber?
04-19-2013, 08:24 PM #23
04-19-2013, 08:29 PM #24
What dose should i run armidex at? I ran prami last cycle but didnt run an AI. Things went out of control.
The reason why i thought it was him because hes throwing the same bullshit at me. He advice people to run winstrol as a first cycle to start small without any test or anything.Last edited by Ridel; 04-19-2013 at 08:34 PM.
04-19-2013, 08:33 PM #25
04-19-2013, 08:38 PM #26
1. Goal is to gain as much lean mass as possible while cutting fat.
2. The estrogen probelm i had last cycle was from not running an ai during the cycle i ran prami eod. I was given wrong advice by a forum member.
3. I only wanted to use letro cause i have seen it working, couldnt say the same about aromasin . I have never ran armidex.
3. I used letro for 2 weeks after my test cycle to get rid of pully nipples.
The problem is i have puffy nipples all year around, only time it goes away when i run letro. Am i producing too much estrogen? As soon as i stop letro it comes back.Last edited by Ridel; 04-19-2013 at 08:43 PM.
04-19-2013, 08:49 PM #27
Well if the advice to not run your AI and run Prami/Caber since you were on a TRT dose of Test came from me then I stick by it. NOW if I have said that to a few that are running the test very low then I have made sure they understand they need to keep an AI on hand and use it if they feel symptoms of elevated E2 levels.
This does work but also requires a bit of experience and I apologize if it was me and I did not advise you well enough.
Your proposed doses look good and I agree that Adex or Ldex should be your first consideration given the short esters IMO. Since you are estrogen sesitive then bumping to .5 EOD or .25ED will be fine.
Again...my apologies if I caused the misunderstanding about the need to administer an AI at the onset of elevated E2 levels
04-19-2013, 08:54 PM #28
whats wrong with Aromaisn everyone saying it doesnt work?!?!?!
should everyone just switch to Armidex ?
04-19-2013, 08:56 PM #29
04-19-2013, 08:56 PM #30
Thanks lunk, I think it was you. No worries, being new to this its hard to understand how your body react to everything. But you learn form experience, i realized i really didnt need prami if est was kept in control by taking adex.
1. first cycle i was advice to take 12.5mg aromasin eod with test e at 500mg, not knowing that my test was underdosed i almost crushed my astrogen levels.
2. Second cycle it was the opposite, i thought i really didnt need it but the shit was strong.
you cant learn this unless you try, because everyone is different.Last edited by Ridel; 04-19-2013 at 08:58 PM.
04-19-2013, 08:57 PM #31
I think a lot of people dose their aromasin too low after reading some of the articles on this forum.
I'm running a trial of it at 25mg/day right now, just a few days into it. In the past, I gave up on the stuff because it "didn't work", but I was only using 12.5mg/day...as most people suggest to dose it at.
04-19-2013, 09:01 PM #32
You have to understand the idea behind running low TRT test dose along Tren and why you (shouldn't) need an Ai but would want one on hand. But thats why everyone has different TRT doses and even some of them need to use an AI...you have to know your body and how it's reacting.
04-19-2013, 09:02 PM #33Banned
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Nothing wrong with Aromasin . There are two well written and supported articles on this AI. Check them both out and draw your own conclusions.
Adex .25mg EOD to begin. Monitor form there and make any adjustments based upon experience, visual and felt sides, and most importantly, bloodwork.
04-19-2013, 09:08 PM #34
04-19-2013, 09:17 PM #35
04-19-2013, 09:26 PM #36Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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Outside of the E2 and the use of what type of AI I am concerned on this continuous use of Tren . At the bf % your at I don't see you needing Tren to try to do what you want to do. Diet !! Your fat loss can be quicker then your LM gains. You will be stressing you body with another back to back Tren cycle and I believe you may end up loosing mass with this Tren cycle as you get leaner. That's just my take, with the continuing Tren usage at your exiting stats. I think someone can reach a level of overall abuse to your system with Tren. I do like Tren don't get me wrong. But it is harsh and requires such hard hard work on you body. ...crazy mike again that just my 2 cents
PS: I would like to hear good or bad for me what you think of that comment Lunk and Mickey. Sa what you feel here.Last edited by crazy mike; 04-19-2013 at 09:29 PM.
04-19-2013, 09:42 PM #37
I am a Tren junkie Crazy Mike so I might not be the guy to back ya lol. My last tren cycle was nearly 5 months long. and I have used it in nearly every cycle. I think it comes down to maturity and knowledge of compounds!. Keep in mind...not everyone can handle tren as well as others. it really is one of those 1 size does NOT fit all compounds!
04-19-2013, 10:36 PM #38
What results did you see after 5 months of tren ??
04-19-2013, 10:41 PM #39
04-19-2013, 11:06 PM #40Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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Thanks Lunk and I agree, a bit of common sense. You have different stats to be used with this. Someone as lean as Ridel in my OP will not be putting on mass fast enough with the Ten as the Tren will be leaning him out with his diet faster. I say this because of where I was at a few months ago with Tren trying to build LM as I was leaning. Something we all have to balance. But IMOP your use of Tren is not the same for Ridel's already leanness. So Ok I see and I'm with you. Not to argue at all just an open discussion on your op of what I said. HEY !...be cool...........crazy mike
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