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Thread: Blast/cruise, DNP inbetween cycles.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Blast/cruise, DNP inbetween cycles.

    So I'm currently on a cruise (TRT) inbetween cycles. My intention is 3.5 weeks cruise on 175mg test E after an 8 week cycle I completed of 150mg EoD tren a, test p, mast p. Today is day one of DNP.

    This is my proposed cycle:
    250mg capsules of crystal dnp (Sodium Dinitrophenol)...= 187.5mg actual DNP per cap.
    1) 3 caps (562mg)
    2) 3 caps (562mg)
    3) 3 caps (562mg)
    4) 2 caps (375mg)
    5) 2 caps (375mg)
    6) 1 cap (187.5mg)
    7) 1 cap (187.5mg)
    8) 1 cap (187.5mg)
    9) 1 cap (187.5mg)
    10) 1 cap (187.5mg)
    11-14: Off...let the water retention drop.
    15...BF% goal should be reached. Following the DNP cycle, I will be getting on

    200mg test E 12wks, (The day I fly out, 200mg shot instead of 100mg)
    500mg tren E 12wks, (the day I fly out, 500mg shot instead of 250mg)
    100mg var ED first 6wks
    First two weeks, tren suspension @ 75mg ED.
    0.25mg Adex EoD, 1.5mg caber E.W. (.75mg 2x/wk)

    Ending the DNP cycle, I should be roughly:
    5'9", 190lbs 9-10% bf, maybe lower. Goal is to hit 200lbs @ 10% bodyfat with this 12 week cycle.

    This works perfect for my job as I have to travel for 7 days at a time, once every month and a half. I can get away with out pinning for 7 days, i'll just put up with the sides or mail myself some pins and "b-12"
    I originally wanted to run tren ace, test p, and mast p...but it's impossible to keep a proper dosing schedule with short esters like this when you have to leave for 7 days.

  2. #2
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    May 2012
    Today is day 1 @ 3 capsules.

    I feel like I'm on fire...and loving it.
    Body temp...100.3 degrees. Sweating like a pig...

    Doing yard work outside today was exhausting. 1 hr mowing, 30 mins digging, 1hr weed whacking and I was ready to lay down for a nap!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    DNP? Why not just drop your calories a bit?

  4. #4
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    May 2012
    I have a job in 3 weeks.
    I have 3-4% bf to lose to be able to attend that job.

    DNP is completely non-toxic--why not use the best tool available?

    To drop weight, I either have to go into ketosis or fast 16-18hrs a day. I'm a miserable douchebag on either protocol...much less so on the fasting, but it takes time to adjust to.
    I'll be getting on the fasting routine once my BF jumps past 11-11.5% during my cycle.

    Just dropping my cals a bit does nothing for me unless I go zero carb...that's just the way my body works. I've tried the 'tried and true' methods for a long time, and they flat out do not work. I grow and get bigger, but also get fatter regardless of cals.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBJT200
    I have a job in 3 weeks.
    I have 3-4% bf to lose to be able to attend that job.

    DNP is completely non-toxic--why not use the best tool available?

    To drop weight, I either have to go into ketosis or fast 16-18hrs a day. I'm a miserable douchebag on either protocol...much less so on the fasting, but it takes time to adjust to.
    I'll be getting on the fasting routine once my BF jumps past 11-11.5% during my cycle.

    Just dropping my cals a bit does nothing for me unless I go zero carb...that's just the way my body works. I've tried the 'tried and true' methods for a long time, and they flat out do not work. I grow and get bigger, but also get fatter regardless of cals.
    At least you're a HEALTHY "miserable douchbag" on the other options....

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    new york
    I will be following. Good luck. Hope you did your research with the nessary supps needed for safely dnp use

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBJT200 View Post

    DNP is completely non-toxic
    Well ok if you say so...

    Oh you're the movie guy right? Nice work

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super-Chump View Post
    Well ok if you say so...

    Oh you're the movie guy right? Nice work
    Yep, i'm the movie guy. I **** for a living..

    Quote Originally Posted by Twin View Post
    I will be following. Good luck. Hope you did your research with the nessary supps needed for safely dnp use
    Yep. 2-3 gal water/day, 1g magnesium/day, 3g fish oil/day, 3g vit C/day, 500mg ALA/day, 3g taurine/day.
    --Also adding in extra fiber powder, multi vitamin, vitamin E. Watching my temperature all day long.

    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    At least you're a HEALTHY "miserable douchbag" on the other options....
    There is nothing technically unhealthy about DNP use. It's completely non-toxic--it's just an uncoupler. The only point at which it is 'bad' for you is if you let too much of it build up in your system and you die from too high of a body temp. People are afraid of it out of ignorance.

    *I took before pictures tonight, will take pics every day from now to day 15. Will compile them in photoshop into something easy to look at on this thread, and then post upon completing the cycle.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBJT200 View Post
    Yep, i'm the movie guy. I **** for a living..

    Yep. 2-3 gal water/day, 1g magnesium/day, 3g fish oil/day, 3g vit C/day, 500mg ALA/day, 3g taurine/day.
    --Also adding in extra fiber powder, multi vitamin, vitamin E. Watching my temperature all day long.

    There is nothing technically unhealthy about DNP use. It's completely non-toxic--it's just an uncoupler. The only point at which it is 'bad' for you is if you let too much of it build up in your system and you die from too high of a body temp. People are afraid of it out of ignorance.

    *I took before pictures tonight, will take pics every day from now to day 15. Will compile them in photoshop into something easy to look at on this thread, and then post upon completing the cycle.
    It is a poison and very toxic - I understand you have to drop your weight fast but there would be no chance I would run that to accomplish the goal. Maybe read this thread and it will help you a little bit more regarding DNP

  10. #10
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    A you medical student died this week in England from DNP be carful brother .

  11. #11
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    A young *

  12. #12
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    I understand a lot of people are afraid of it. It's not the poison you have been led to believe.
    People die because they take too much, or take it too long, allowing a higher concentration to build up in the blood. Up until the threshhold that is an 'overdose', it is completely harmless.
    People who die from dnp are the same type of people who die from insulin use...

    Studies have shown it is not liver toxic, not kidney toxic, it actually gives a boost in immune function, and a plethora of other GOOD things.

    Looking for suggestions from someone who has used it, or has used tren suspension. thanks guys!

  13. #13
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    *Double post

  14. #14
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  15. #15
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBJT200 View Post
    I understand a lot of people are afraid of it. It's not the poison you have been led to believe.
    People die because they take too much, or take it too long, allowing a higher concentration to build up in the blood. Up until the threshhold that is an 'overdose', it is completely harmless.
    People who die from dnp are the same type of people who die from insulin use...

    Studies have shown it is not liver toxic, not kidney toxic, it actually gives a boost in immune function, and a plethora of other GOOD things.

    Looking for suggestions from someone who has used it, or has used tren suspension. thanks guys!
    You really need to do some proper research. It's a poison and very dangerous.

  16. #16
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    Day 11.

    Ended up running
    1 - 3cap
    2 - 3cap
    3 - 3cap
    4 - 3cap
    5 - 2cap
    6 - 2cap
    7 - 2cap
    8 - 3cap
    9 - 2cap
    10 - 2cap
    11 - 2cap

    Results have been dramatic.
    So has the sweating, though.

    Can't wait to see what I look like when all of this water drops.

  17. #17
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    Lol ur missing about 10 other supplements. Looks like you didnt do your research on this POISON. Dont forget that

    Im still in the research process myself.(i plan on running very low dose in the future..) I go through all forums and search dnp and read read read. And i take notes.

    where is the anti histamine to prevent rash. Where is ur Pyruvate to prevent blindness, where is ur glycerol ? , ur missing so many needed supplemets to run dnp saftely.

    Good luck!

    Quote Originally Posted by BBJT200 View Post
    Yep, i'm the movie guy. I **** for a living..

    Yep. 2-3 gal water/day, 1g magnesium/day, 3g fish oil/day, 3g vit C/day, 500mg ALA/day, 3g taurine/day.
    --Also adding in extra fiber powder, multi vitamin, vitamin E. Watching my temperature all day long.

    There is nothing technically unhealthy about DNP use. It's completely non-toxic--it's just an uncoupler. The only point at which it is 'bad' for you is if you let too much of it build up in your system and you die from too high of a body temp. People are afraid of it out of ignorance.

    *I took before pictures tonight, will take pics every day from now to day 15. Will compile them in photoshop into something easy to look at on this thread, and then post upon completing the cycle.
    Last edited by Twin; 05-04-2013 at 09:45 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    DNP killed the god of aesthetics,so be very careful with that stuff...

  19. #19
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    I TRIED DNP and i dont care how people say its not toxic
    it is ****in toxic and horrible. i posted this before but here it is again.
    i took 200 mg for 4 days. felt hot and sweaty first day. EXHAUSTED, flat muscle, no energy, extreme lathery , hunger
    water bloat, could barely workout. i took all supplements and drank water. once i upped it to 400mg it was very horrible and i ended up with Massive headache for 3 days that i started hallucinating and got very high temp although i was drinking alot of water. my wife took me to hospital and they didnt know how to help me so they gave me morphine to ease the pain from it.... it was very bad experience, i seriously wished death in those 3 days. and after all this ( 7 days on it ) i lost 4-5 lbs... not ****in worth it at all.... i took that off in 2 weeks of good diet ( not extremely strict ) with 45 min cardio a day....
    DNP never again

    PS marcus told me not to but i did anyway and i wish i listened to him so good luck man!
    Last edited by Granovich; 05-05-2013 at 04:26 PM.

  20. #20
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    Would any one suggest t3 if you have to cleave off that much fat that fast? I mean it seems a lot safer, but that is why in asking.

  21. #21
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    I have anti histamines on hand. No rash. I forgot to mention supplementing electrolytes, taurine 3x/day. When you feel like shit, you eat more carbs and you feel better. Sweat like hell, but you feel better. I haven't been able to work out the entire duration of this cycle- I've been doing light cardio w lots of water every day.

    You don't NEED all of those supplements. If you get the matching sides, you can supplement to combat them.

    Just because a broscience guide says to take this and this and this, does not mean its mandatory.
    Last edited by BBJT200; 05-06-2013 at 04:28 PM.

  22. #22
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    T3 is not muscle sparing. I used dnp as a bridge between cycles, on cycle ill use t3.

    But yeah, looking flat amd feeling like shit is the point-- you're burning energy so fast you have nothing to run on except body fat.

  23. #23
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    Bullshit. 200mg is a cakewalk. Your so full of shit. You are the same 23 ur old guy who used dnp at 20% body fat right? And had "cheat meals" on dnp.Clearly you are a lazy retard with no diciplin. And lastly you said you were all natural yet your post history shows you running AAS. Someone already called you out on it. You are a retarded liar. Youv been caught in your lies so anything you say cannot be trusted..

    If you experienced those sides its because you proboably drank like 1/2 gallon of water a day. And your diet was shit. Your a retard dude. You have no disiplin. You need dnp to cut from 20% bodyfat. you use AAS yet look like crap .

    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    I TRIED DNP and i dont care how people say its not toxic
    it is ****in toxic and horrible. i posted this before but here it is again.
    i took 200 mg for 4 days. felt hot and sweaty first day. EXHAUSTED, flat muscle, no energy, extreme lathery , hunger
    water bloat, could barely workout. i took all supplements and drank water. once i upped it to 400mg it was very horrible and i ended up with Massive headache for 3 days that i started hallucinating and got very high temp although i was drinking alot of water. my wife took me to hospital and they didnt know how to help me so they gave me morphine to ease the pain from it.... it was very bad experience, i seriously wished death in those 3 days. and after all this ( 7 days on it ) i lost 4-5 lbs... not ****in worth it at all.... i took that off in 2 weeks of good diet ( not extremely strict ) with 45 min cardio a day....
    DNP never again

    PS marcus told me not to but i did anyway and i wish i listened to him so good luck man!
    Last edited by Twin; 05-06-2013 at 12:29 PM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twin
    Bullshit. 200mg is a cakewalk. Your so full of shit. You are the same 23 ur old guy who used dnp at 20% body fat right? And had "cheat meals" on dnp.Clearly you are a lazy retard with no diciplin. And lastly you said you were all natural yet your post history shows you running AAS. Someone already called you out on it. You are a retarded liar. Youv been caught in your lies so anything you say cannot be trusted..

    If you experienced those sides its because you proboably drank like 1/2 gallon of water a day. And your diet was shit. Your a retard dude. You have no disiplin. You need dnp to cut from 20% bodyfat. you use AAS yet look like crap .
    Was that at all necessary? Attacking people on Internet forums? Grow up.

  25. #25
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    200mg is a cakewalk...but i dont think the rest of that post was necessary.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    How much u lose while using dnp..

  27. #27
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    200mg/day is SMART not cakewalk.

    I plan on using 100 for my first cycle.

    Did you stick to a diet while on your DNP? I am curious to know how many grams of carbs you were eating? And at what times of the day? And how many times per day?

    Most importantly, what RESULTS did you get????????

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twin View Post
    Bullshit. 200mg is a cakewalk. Your so full of shit. You are the same 23 ur old guy who used dnp at 20% body fat right? And had "cheat meals" on dnp.Clearly you are a lazy retard with no diciplin. And lastly you said you were all natural yet your post history shows you running AAS. Someone already called you out on it. You are a retarded liar. Youv been caught in your lies so anything you say cannot be trusted..

    If you experienced those sides its because you proboably drank like 1/2 gallon of water a day. And your diet was shit. Your a retard dude. You have no disiplin. You need dnp to cut from 20% bodyfat. you use AAS yet look like crap .
    first im not going to answer you in a disrespectful way like you talked to me
    1) i was never 20% BF... i dropped it naturally. 1 month ago before i started this cycle in on now im at 10% BF. done naturally. so i def know how to eat right.
    2) i dont even remember what i ate on DNP it was long time ago but i would say i cheated few times and if you read my comment carefully you will notice i didnt say IT DOESNT WORK i said sides/fat loss ratio isnt worth it. thats all i said.... i drank alot of water.
    i respond to dnp/ aas very quick. i was burning after 2 hrs of the first 200mg pill of DNP.
    im 198 lbs now and about 13% BF.. im bulking as lean as i can.

    you really need to behave your self and learn how to respect people especially people who been here and know more than you

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