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Thread: Cycle with least negative effects on sex drive?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Cycle with least negative effects on sex drive?

    33 years old with several cycles under my belt including test E and tren.

    My last test E cycle (750mg) was great but as it ended (with Letro and Tamox for PCT) my sex drive shut down pretty much entirely for about a month and I was afraid it wasn't coming back. Well it has come back, but for my next cycle I don't want to go through it all again...

    Was hoping to get a recommendation of what a good cycle would be that wouldn't kill my sex drive, or maybe it was the PCT that did it?

    Was looking into Anavar possibly... Found some of what I've read it sounds fairly mild and something that you can just stay on for a year or more and keep most of your gains.
    I'm not looking to bulk up quick, just gain a little more lean muscle mass and drop some body fat as well in the long term.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Letro for pct? You probably crushed your estrogen with that. Most only use letro to reverse Gyno as it is an Estrogen killer. Very potent compound!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Did you use HCG? Like stated used an AI during your PCT...bad idea! You supressed your estrogen and killed your drive.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I suggest you read the pct section and you will find out how to run a proper pct.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Agree with all three above.

    No standard cycle will kill your sex drive, except maybe Deca on some people but not everyone. In fact the opposite is true, IF you manage your E2. That's the key. Keeping your estrogen levels in check is every important for a variety of reasons, including maintaining an erection. If they are too high (or low) you will experience issues with becoming erect or maintaining an erection. This can, and will, play havoc on your sex drive as well.

    Like SongDog suggested, read up on how to properly run a proper PCT and you'll have a better chance at avoiding these side effects.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    Letro for pct? You probably crushed your estrogen with that. Most only use letro to reverse Gyno as it is an Estrogen killer. Very potent compound!
    Agree. Letro is totally overkill. I keep a bottle around for "emergencies", but never opened. You need to keep your E within range else you will experience what you already have with your libido

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Thanks for the input guys.
    If it was just the letro then that's a relief. It was my first experience with using it for PCT and also the first time I noticed a sex drive crash. I was out of the game for a couple years and when reading through this board's "unofficial how to pct" thread I understood it as recommending running letro for 3 weeks.

    Gonna do some more research on this anavar as well. Sounds too good to be true. Solid gains you can keep and the option to stay on for a year at a time sounds pretty excellent.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by WOLFCRAFT View Post
    Thanks for the input guys.
    If it was just the letro then that's a relief. It was my first experience with using it for PCT and also the first time I noticed a sex drive crash. I was out of the game for a couple years and when reading through this board's "unofficial how to pct" thread I understood it as recommending running letro for 3 weeks.

    Gonna do some more research on this anavar as well. Sounds too good to be true. Solid gains you can keep and the option to stay on for a year at a time sounds pretty excellent.
    Ever hear the saying if sounds to good to be true then it is? NO you do not want to do that with var and dont be added to the list of fools who think it's mild or wont shut you down.

    A good place to start reading.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by WOLFCRAFT
    Thanks for the input guys.
    If it was just the letro then that's a relief. It was my first experience with using it for PCT and also the first time I noticed a sex drive crash. I was out of the game for a couple years and when reading through this board's "unofficial how to pct" thread I understood it as recommending running letro for 3 weeks.

    Gonna do some more research on this anavar as well. Sounds too good to be true. Solid gains you can keep and the option to stay on for a year at a time sounds pretty excellent.
    You have to understand that any androgens added to your system will or may cause shutdown. This is why most of us all say that test needs to be the base if all cycles. I believe hcg should be part if any well thought out cycle as well. Hcg will maintain testicular function during the cycle making pct much easier. Research the use of hcg and an AI on cycle. Put together a solid pct before your next cycle.

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