The Prop is from Belgian. I'm injecting 75mg ED.
I did my right quad yesterday, and my left quad today. Right now I feel like I did a downhill running workout; like I have sore muscles. The pain isnt unbearable but its sore enough that I had to cut my squats and deadlifts short. The same for my ballet class. I want to go 100% intense in my training but the soreness is definitely holding me back to about 70%. I know I have "virgin muscles" but I'm thinking maybe its best to avoid injecting my lower body.
Has anyone ever injected into their triceps? Is it difficult?
I'm also concerned about pinning my delts. Looking at the pictures on spotinjections, this guys has a massive shoulder:
I have a 23g 1 inch needle and will be pinning into this shoulder:
Yes that's my shoulder and I just over-headed squatted 100 for 5 today so lay off me alright!?
Anyway, I'm worried about hitting bone or possibly injecting into my socket or some other crazyness. Can anyone offer some advice on pinning the delt? Should I aim directly middle or off center so that if it penetrates my middle delt completely, I'll still be in a muscle: rear delt.
Another question, can I stretch or foam roll the injected site after 12 hours or should I just leave it alone for a few days?
last noob question I promise. I took 12.5mg pharm grade Armomasin, day 1, right after my inject. Is this okay? I was feeling tired today late this afternoon (day 2) :/
PS: my legs are bullshit. I'm more sore from the injection than the workout - wtf.