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Thread: First Cycle: Prop PIP, Training, Injecting into Triceps, and when AI

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    First Cycle: Prop PIP, Training, Injecting into Triceps, and when AI

    The Prop is from Belgian. I'm injecting 75mg ED.

    I did my right quad yesterday, and my left quad today. Right now I feel like I did a downhill running workout; like I have sore muscles. The pain isnt unbearable but its sore enough that I had to cut my squats and deadlifts short. The same for my ballet class. I want to go 100% intense in my training but the soreness is definitely holding me back to about 70%. I know I have "virgin muscles" but I'm thinking maybe its best to avoid injecting my lower body.

    Has anyone ever injected into their triceps? Is it difficult?

    I'm also concerned about pinning my delts. Looking at the pictures on spotinjections, this guys has a massive shoulder:

    I have a 23g 1 inch needle and will be pinning into this shoulder:

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    Yes that's my shoulder and I just over-headed squatted 100 for 5 today so lay off me alright!?

    Anyway, I'm worried about hitting bone or possibly injecting into my socket or some other crazyness. Can anyone offer some advice on pinning the delt? Should I aim directly middle or off center so that if it penetrates my middle delt completely, I'll still be in a muscle: rear delt.

    Another question, can I stretch or foam roll the injected site after 12 hours or should I just leave it alone for a few days?

    last noob question I promise. I took 12.5mg pharm grade Armomasin, day 1, right after my inject. Is this okay? I was feeling tired today late this afternoon (day 2) :/

    PS: my legs are bullshit. I'm more sore from the injection than the workout - wtf.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Hey man!

    If that is you shoulder, you have no business with AAS!!!

    You look like a white ethiopian child!!

    Hit the nutrition section buddy and learn how to eat firs!

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    I was thinking the same, sorry. I checked on you and you are ok age wise but what are your stats. You are skinny and show no muscle def at all. No muscle. What do you weigh ? ...crazy mike

    Absolutely no shoulder. Just saying not to hurt you, you need to eat, eat, eat and train hard . it doesn't look like you do. ...crazy mike
    Last edited by crazy mike; 05-06-2013 at 11:01 PM.

  4. #4

    What they said....

    But, people do, what they want to do... So...

    My pinning advice is, save those 23g for loading, and get some 25g for shooting. I use 25g 1" for my ventro glutes (best spot ever), and my upper quads. For my delts and bi's, I use 25g 5/8". That gives ya 8 sites, perfect for ED's. Tri's are trickier, so I don't bother...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    I was thinking the same, sorry. I checked on you and you are ok age wise but what are your stats. You are skinny and show no muscle def at all. No muscle. What do you weigh ? ...crazy mike

    Absolutely no shoulder. Just saying not to hurt you, you need to eat, eat, eat and train hard . it doesn't look like you do. ...crazy mike

    Massive shoulders are not relevant to my interests.

    Edit: I probably lost a few pounds and last week I 1 Rep ATG max 275. I ran a 21:05 5k this weekend.
    Last edited by JSumma; 05-06-2013 at 11:38 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco View Post
    Hey man!

    If that is you shoulder, you have no business with AAS!!!

    You look like a white ethiopian child!!

    Hit the nutrition section buddy and learn how to eat firs!

    Good luck!
    Being huge =/= being athletic.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Bastard View Post

    What they said....

    But, people do, what they want to do... So...

    My pinning advice is, save those 23g for loading, and get some 25g for shooting. I use 25g 1" for my ventro glutes (best spot ever), and my upper quads. For my delts and bi's, I use 25g 5/8". That gives ya 8 sites, perfect for ED's. Tri's are trickier, so I don't bother...
    I have two 25g at 1.5 inches. Can I just go in halfway when injecting into my delts? I wont be able to purchase more pins until tom night. Going to order some online now. The 23g didnt hurt, could I use them at one inch for my delt. how do i know when to stop? A ventro glute injection would probably limit my weightlifting and movement bc of PIP. Same goes for upper quads - those were my last two injection sites. can you elaborate more on a tricep injection. Why are they tricky?

  8. #8
    Yes, no problem with longer needles. I just like the comfort of sinking them all the way in. I just find the angle of attack, harder with tri's, unless you have someone to do it for you. Glutes are famous for negligible pip.

    Why the prop? Why not a long ester, twice a week?

    I use adex, for AI, so have no comment other than it's a tricky balance. Dropping your E too low, has it's own problems...

    So much info, in "stickies", and other threads...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Bastard View Post
    Yes, no problem with longer needles. I just like the comfort of sinking them all the way in. I just find the angle of attack, harder with tri's, unless you have someone to do it for you. Glutes are famous for negligible pip.

    Why the prop? Why not a long ester, twice a week?

    I use adex, for AI, so have no comment other than it's a tricky balance. Dropping your E too low, has it's own problems...

    So much info, in "stickies", and other threads...
    Hmm maybe will go for the glute or ventro glut tomorrow. Only one way to know for sure if pip is in the cards.

    I wanted to keep my bloat to a minimal and even test levels with injecting prop ED is consistent with that goal I believe. i also feel long esters arent as flexible as short esters.

    These last two injects, I had a hard time aspiraating. How much pull force do you use to aspirate. And if you are in a vein, will blood enter the syringe easily?

  10. #10
    You don't need to pull very hard, to aspirate. A small bubble will enter the syringe. Yeah, one would see blood, if you hit a vein. That's what the aspiration is for. If you nick one, or pass through one, you'll get a little squirt, when you pull the needle out. No big deal...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by JSumma View Post

    Massive shoulders are not relevant to my interests.

    Edit: I probably lost a few pounds and last week I 1 Rep ATG max 275. I ran a 21:05 5k this weekend.
    No it's not about massive shoulders but when you combine it with arms the size of my 105 lb Asian wife I agree with the others, you have no business using aas. AAS is to add size, muscle and if all you are looking for is to be tone/thin then you dont need to be using aas. If you do want to add size then you can do a lot with food, diet, exercise for the next couple of years before you are ready for aas.

    Loosing a few pounds from running a marathon isnt going to explain 12" arms

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    No it's not about massive shoulders but when you combine it with arms the size of my 105 lb Asian wife I agree with the others, you have no business using aas. AAS is to add size, muscle and if all you are looking for is to be tone/thin then you dont need to be using aas. If you do want to add size then you can do a lot with food, diet, exercise for the next couple of years before you are ready for aas.

    Loosing a few pounds from running a marathon isnt going to explain 12" arms
    Did you click on the link?

    Are you holding the belief that AAS's only function with respect to performance enhancement is to add size and mass to the human body?

    If I could look like your wife and squat 3 times my BW, I wouldn't give a flying a **** - I'm squatting 3 times my weight and jumping 40+ inches.

    I believe you are mistaken in thinking that a certain aesthetic feature (mass and size, "looks like he eats") is a necessary condition for steroid use.

    the athletes Training type, Sport, type of goals, years training, training intensity, the business they are in, all play a role in how and if a cycle should be run. I have written in some detail about those catgories and how they pertain to me in the link.

    Please direct your feedback with my goals, history, and specific circumstances in mind. General suggestions about eating, training hard, and using your wife's physique as a comparison to mine tell me that you haven't taken into consideration details that maybe new and foreign to you

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    AAS will make you bigger and stronger but so will food. Just by looking at your shoulder pic without knowing what your measurements are, I don't think your body as in your ligaments and joints won't be able to endure the strength/mass you will get. Also if your not eating properly you won't see results either

  14. #14
    Geeze! He's not trying to get huge here, guys. He's trying to enhance his dancing and gymnastics. And, those guys are pretty damn athletic, without being bulky!

    Look at Lance Armstrong. He was using EPO, HGH, and probably some Test too. They enhanced his sport, without giving him a bodybuilder physique .

    Sure, he could just hit the gym more, but it doesn't sound like he has the time, what with all of his other training. We all use all sorts of modern convieninces, every day, to enhance our lives...

    That said, a bit more research, on the OP's part, would have been wise...

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