Thread: Is this achievable?
05-30-2013, 06:14 AM #1Junior Member
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Is this achievable?
Hey guys, I have never before used Steroids , I am currently 207lbs, 15% BF, 6'3.
I am going to cut down to 11-12% BF for summer, aiming to stay in 190lb+ region.
Then I will bulk aiming for 225lbs, 15% BF until May of 2014.
I really want to get to the level that Jeff Seid / Marc Fitt are at.
Google them if you want to see, BEWARE that Jeff Seid photoshops his pics, so look at his vids for more accurate representation of where I want to look close too.
I was thinking of this kind of cycle, since it will be mainly a kind of cutting +lean mass cycle.
50mg Anavar ED week 1-10
TBOL (Not sure bout dosing) week 1-8
Not sure bout what kind of PCT I would need.
Also during in terms of supps I will be taking:
10-20g creatine mono per day
Fish Oils + Peanut butter in my shakes to try keep cholesterol in check
Ofc some good protein powder
maybe some caffeine pre-workout for extra fat burning
Diet, depending on my maint will be high protein, good fat, moderate carb intake.
My current diet is around: 4k cals / 220g protein / 130g Fat /350g Carbs
My lifts are crappie, especially deadlift due to VERY VERY weak wrists which I know Anavar will strengthen:
Bench- 260lbs
Squat- 355lbs
Deadlift- 300lbs
(I have the strength to do more on deadlift, but I jut can't hold on to the weight, and I don't like using straps, so I just do lower weight because I don't really care about strength)
I am also NOT sure about what kind of program to use while on those AAS...
I was thinking a 3day split to maximize frequency.
And also always start with 4-5 sets compounds, and try to not do as many isolations ,because I know that Anavar can give a hell of a pump, so I don't want to spend my workout in pain instead of exercising.
I also think I will be working in 4-8 rep range mostly, heard thats whats best for Anavar.
My goal during that cycle is to:
Gain 10-15lbs lean mass while losing 5-10lbs fat, so an overal 5ish lb gain, or constant weight.
WHY I am not using injectibles:
Not my fear of needles, because I am buying these LEGALLY, in the UK. I don't want to get them off the blackmarket, to be safe of their quality. I will be then putting them in vitamin or whatever containers and transport them back to my country, I cannot transport liquids nor needles etc.. So I can only use orals.
Too all those that say ORAL ONLY cycles suck, I don't care what you think, i've done my research in that department. My goal is to gain some lean mass that will stay when I stop using, and I don't want anything that aromatizes, and I don't want anything that will give me that "bulked" look.
Hope to get answers soon!
1. What kind of PCT should I use
2. Are my goals realistic?
3. Any other tips for this kind of journey?
05-30-2013, 06:19 AM #2
Before somebody comes in and tells you everything that is wrong with this, can you please tell me where I can buy anavar and tbol legally in the UK?
Confirm you are 18 years old too, or a little younger?NO SOURCES GIVEN
05-30-2013, 06:21 AM #3
05-30-2013, 06:31 AM #4Junior Member
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What? In the UK u can buy from pharmacies... Its legal isn't it? My friends buy it from pharmacies..
Steroids are legal in the UK.
I turned 18 on the 2nd of march.
My birth date is 02/03/1995. thats 2nd of march 1995.
PS: Please don't be one of those forums that will tell me to research it, or tell me im an idiot, or tell me that i shouldnt do roids, or tell me that I am a nub and should read stickies.
I have read stickies and know most the stuff, just not the details. I am here for help, not insults. Thanks guysLast edited by alexistheboss15; 05-30-2013 at 06:34 AM.
05-30-2013, 06:44 AM #5Originally Posted by alexistheboss15
Steroids are legal to own, legal to buy, but illegal to sell. You cannot just buy then over the counter at pharmacies.
This isn't like Greece, turkey and Bulgaria where you can just go in, bribe the pharmacist and buy them over the counter as you want.
05-30-2013, 06:47 AM #6Junior Member
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I thought I was able to get a prescription for them, I was told there was much higher quality gear in the UK and easily attainable gear legally.
05-30-2013, 06:47 AM #7New Member
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Ok, you clearly dont know most stuff as your cycle idea clearly shows that. Steroids are illegal in the UK my friend, your friends do not get them from pharmacies, they get them from dealers. Test and other PCT stuff can be obtained through chemists, but only with a doctors prescription.
Anyone else smell a troll????
05-30-2013, 06:48 AM #8
Do you know what the endocrine system is? If not, read up on it a little.
Also, if you say you have done some research, then you should know, that the 2 compounds that you want to run together are basically the same.
No one is here to flame you, but with your attitude, you want get to much positive reenforcement. Also, the guys in that pic, are not just using orals only, but they do have one thing going for them is they have their diet in check which is one the most important things when on AAS. AAS is not a miracle pill or juice.
05-30-2013, 06:51 AM #9Originally Posted by alexistheboss15
It's definitely not easily obtainable. Please, do some research before you get yourself in trouble.
Unfortunately regarding your cycle, no members here will aid you in that. We strictly advise that people your age do not use AAS for many health reasons. Feel free to stay a member, research, learn and contribute to the community. Hit up the nutrition section, you can make great gains naturally if you sort your diet out.
05-30-2013, 06:53 AM #10Junior Member
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I know AAS isn't a miracle or anything like that, and I am not a troll. And yes I do know what an endocrine system is, thats why I am asking what to use for my PCT to fully recover.
Also I was told that running var with tbol would get overall greater results than just var.
I don't want positive reinforcement, but neither negative, just information that is hard to find on the net right now.
And I read the law, it is legal to Own steroids , Buy steroids as long as they are in medical style and not blackmarket style, this means real packaging that states what they are etc..
Any place where you can legally buy? Instead of dealers? Could I get a prescription from a doctor?
05-30-2013, 06:55 AM #11Junior Member
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I've lived in the UK for 4years, I moved away 5years ago, and now I am going back to study in Scotland. My father lives in the UK for a decade now. I am going to study for 5-6years in Scotland so I have access to england allot, do the same steroid laws apply in scotland?
Whats wrong with my age? I guess i'll have to go to another forum then
I've seen studies where they give var to kids, and young adults.
There was a study were 60 18 year old males, who didn't train, got doses up to 800mg of Test a week, for 20weeks!!!! and only 2 got negative sides, which were acne.
I am fairly certain with healthy diet, training, supplementation, PCT and anything other I might need, var/tbol will not affect my health.
05-30-2013, 06:56 AM #12Originally Posted by alexistheboss15
I was being hypothetical. You wouldn't actually get a prescription.
You're too young for AAS. The cycle you've proposed is poor too. PCT wouldn't help much if you cause irreparable damage.
05-30-2013, 06:58 AM #13Junior Member
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05-30-2013, 07:00 AM #14Originally Posted by alexistheboss15
I would assume that the laws hold there. I'm not going to help you further in this discussion. You've had all the advise you're going to get from other members too. You're too young, it would be irresponsible for us to advise you on AAS use, at any level.
Feel free to look at the nutrition section, if you eat right you'll grow well.
05-30-2013, 07:03 AM #15Junior Member
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Alright, one last question then, can I achieve the size of the guys above naturally then? since nobody is willing to give me advice, and if I buy I'll end up using stupidly and hurt myself. Can I achieve the size of those guys naturally? I doubt it.. and I want to be their size, don't care how. Guess i'll have to look for other sources.
05-30-2013, 07:14 AM #16
Well, even if you were old enough and suggesting using testosterone only your advice would still be you aren't ready. Your natural base is insufficient which means that your diet is sub par. In other words, your are too light for your height.
There is no reason, with the correct nutrition and training, that you can't gain 20lbs naturally over the next year or so. Your own natural testosterone levels should be sky align at your age, you should be taking advantage of that.
We have an excellent nutrition forum, PLEASE head over there and formulate a plan to attain your goals, you will get plenty of helpNO SOURCES GIVEN
05-30-2013, 07:25 AM #17
As BiB said, you can add a lot of muscle naturally with just a good diet. Those guys arent huge, they're just ripped. Yes, it's achievable with just a good diet and training.
05-30-2013, 07:26 AM #18Junior Member
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Alright, reason I want to use AAS is to increase the amount of muscle I can gain in that year, thing is I really need to get close to the level these guys are at as soon as possible. I need money to pay for my mums retirement and for my own living and to be able to get an education. I can easily make money if I have a good body, don't say I cant, because I already know the ways to make money for me and my mum to be able to live a normal life.
Either way if I absolutely HAVE to take the long way I will, sad though, because I honestly can't find any REAL evidence that it is worse at 18 than at 25. I have looked, I hear everyone saying it yes..
But no actual evidence, I also hear everyone saying Creatine is bad for you.... and that eating 10 times a day will raise my metabolic rate... so I don't know what to believe.
I hope you people understand I am not ignoring you, nor am I trying to be a smart ass or annoying, but I came to this forum for help and information, not for a fight or to ignore you.
I understand your input and respect it, but would really like to see some real evidence against the use of Var/TBOL in moderate doses with proper PCT, Diet, Training and supplementation at the age of 18.
Some extra info on me, I fully stopped growing at age 14 hitting 6'3, I had a beard at age 14 which hasn't change in past 4 years..
I've only started working out 10months ago and went from:
163lbs to 205lbs in those 10months, my lifts going from bench 45lbs for a few reps, squat barely 45lbs, deadlift not even 45lbs for 1rep to what they are now..
I have made a HUGE difference but am nowhere close to what is needed for me to be able to make money.
What do you suggest is the best course of action for me to look close to the level of lets say this body:
05-30-2013, 07:30 AM #19Junior Member
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Interesting, I really need to get close to that level, or to the level of the guy I posted who is allot smaller. I really need it, to be able to support my family. I am just 18 I know but I need an education and without money I can't have one, my mums over 50 and has to work 10hr shifts at midnight, i'm sick of it and want to earn money. I know I can earn money reasonably using my body if I get to that level.
I can just afford this laptop and my gym by doing internet marketing but its nowhere near enough
05-30-2013, 07:58 AM #20
If thats the case then focus on your diet, do this properly, and you'll achieve that in good time. You cant afford to waste money, and buying/using AAS without a proper diet is just flushing money down the drain.
Come find us in the Nutrition Section, read through the stickies, post up a diet, your stats and your TDEE and you'll get the help to modify it.
05-30-2013, 08:00 AM #21Junior Member
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05-30-2013, 08:14 AM #22
05-30-2013, 08:40 AM #23Banned
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05-30-2013, 08:52 AM #24
That's why I buy bulk or farmers market. Maybe I was exaggerating a little on price I ate fast food recently and spent $16 just for me. Didn't get good nutrition value and stomach was hurting the whole day. Not to mention I was hungry again 2 hours later.d $16 could of gotten me vegetables and a package of chicken for the entire day. And of course much healthier with better nutrition values. Imo fast food is much more expensive and a waste. Just saying
05-30-2013, 08:52 AM #25Junior Member
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05-30-2013, 09:49 AM #26Originally Posted by alexistheboss15
1. I'm in uk to. Yes there legal for personal possession but you can't just go buying over counter !!
2.... No offence my friend but your saying u dont wanna be called a idiot But with way your put things in your thread you've come across highly uneducated on this topic.
I'm far from wizard of knowing everything but please re read your message ... No one on this site is going to tell you how to run a cycle at the age of 18 ..
Sorry if u feel disrespected u mate but seriously. Read up befor posting .....
05-30-2013, 09:53 AM #27Junior Member
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I did read before posting, guess I didn't read enough. Gonna keep reading then.
05-30-2013, 09:56 AM #28
05-30-2013, 09:56 AM #29Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707
05-30-2013, 10:00 AM #30
One of my colleagues is Bulgarian, he goes over back home every couple months and brings a little something back, only small amounts for personal use. But he just buys it over the counter, he says that you're supposed to have a prescription, but the pharmacies dont care, you can just buy it anyway.
Turkey and Greece I dont know about for certain, Ive been told by a couple of travelling friend though that its the same, no need for prescriptions if you find the right pharmacies.
05-30-2013, 10:18 AM #31Originally Posted by krugerrNO SOURCES GIVEN
05-30-2013, 10:20 AM #32Junior Member
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darn, are we allowed to discuss sources on this forum?
05-30-2013, 10:20 AM #33
05-30-2013, 10:24 AM #34Originally Posted by alexistheboss15NO SOURCES GIVEN
05-30-2013, 10:25 AM #35Originally Posted by krugerrNO SOURCES GIVEN
05-30-2013, 10:25 AM #36
05-30-2013, 10:26 AM #37
05-30-2013, 10:28 AM #38Originally Posted by krugerr
I suspect Romania and similar countries are good for OTC too. Maybe not a great holiday destination though.NO SOURCES GIVEN
05-30-2013, 10:30 AM #39
05-30-2013, 10:31 AM #40Junior Member
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actually a shocking amount of people have offered me AAS. I never said yes ofc, I don't trust what they put in it and don't know enough about them to be able to make a safe/informed decision.
I want to know the real dangers/effects of them before using them.
Allot of people seem to say my age is the only problem, I will look for more studies concerning affect of AAS on young ages.
I have a question about the compound Anavar and TBOL, I chose those 2 because it was said that they are the "safest", in terms of that they don't convert to eastrogen, so they don't give gyno etc and you can keep most your gains with proper PCT. Also they seem quite mild so starting ur HTPA back up post-cycle shouldn't be a problem with good PCT.
Is this information correct?
For someone looking at Oral AAS and looking to gain some lean mass that he can keep for long time with minimal side effects and weakest damage to a teenagers body would those 2 compounds be the best to use?
Don't worry I'm not gonna use them yet, I am looking for information, and people are ignoring me because I am 18 and so I might end up making an uninformed decision so I prefer real advice and info on them.
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