Thread: 1st cycle, possible issue?
06-27-2013, 06:54 PM #1
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1st cycle, possible issue?
I am new to steroids , taking 1 mL of test prop and 1 mL of test enth. This is my first cycle, I have taken 4 shots so far (1 every 4th day) and 3 of my 4 shots have brought a lot of discomfort. The first injection I did in my butt cheek. The day I did it, it was fine, but the following day I had a good bit of discomfort, the day after that I could barely sit. It was very bad pain and swelled and had a hard lump the size of my fist.
The second injection I took in my other cheek and had no issues.
The 3rd injection I took in the first butt cheek again, AMD experienced almost unbearable pain and swelling for a few days afterwards.
after being tired of the pain in my butt I read that I could take it in my quad so I figured it was worth a try, I flexed my leg to find the largest muscle and injected. Putting the needle in hurt this time, when other times it really didn't, but I just assumed the quad was like that. Before I even got the 2 mL fully injected I broke out in a sweat, and got light headed and naucious. I had to stop and take the needle out and sit down. I felt so horrible, my face even twitching that I ended up laying down on the bathroom floor just to get the room to stop spinning. After about 5 minutes everything was under control AMD took the remaining .5 mL that I wasn't able to finish. This time I had no pain putting the needle in, and felt normal injecting. What went wrong the first time?
After about 8 hrs my quad began to get sore, and now at about 18 hrs after the enjection the quad hurts so bad I can barely walk.
Is all of this pain normal?
06-27-2013, 06:56 PM #2
Why prop E4d? Why not just take an extra 100mg Test E? That way your hormones aren't rollercoastering?
06-27-2013, 07:19 PM #3
hahaha nope not normal first prop is only is your system for about 50 hours or so so every 4 days is just makes zero sence Sense in any way second you should not be doing this for a first cycle you should have just stuck to test E only 250mg twice a week for 12 weeks. also how are you injecting you should be rotating between 6 sites glutes delts and quads after the pin is in you should be aspirating it sounds like with the sweating and feeling nauseous you missed the muscle in my opinion anyways. And when you inject it should very slow then leaving the pin in for a min or so afterwards to let the test move away from the injection site. Anyways in my opinion you should stop the cycle you clearly have not just some things but everything to still learn do a lot of research for a year or so work on your diet and stop running prop every 4 days hahaha it makes no sense where are you getting this info from. Stop now and learn more about what you are doing. Also your leg and ass will probably be fine don’t inject in those sites for a while though, and as long as your leg does not get worse than it is now I would not worry in 4 to 7 days the swelling and pain should be completely subsided.
06-27-2013, 07:20 PM #4
Prop needs to be injected at least every other day. Period. Your injection problems are exactly why Prop isn't recommended for first cycles.
There is a great thread you can search for about the causes of PIP and how to avoid it.
06-27-2013, 07:23 PM #5
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Sounds like to me you need to put a hold on your steroid usage. You are not having very good luck so far.
06-27-2013, 07:56 PM #6
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I searched for causes of PIP, it didnt return any results. Im assuming PIP is what I experienced this morning?
Are you saying that prop is tougher than other steroids to use?
Sorry for the dumb questions just trying to figure out where I need to get started at here.
06-27-2013, 08:05 PM #7
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Your right I still do have a lot, or practically everything to learn. I got the 4 day thing from the person I got it from. I should be taking it every other day? I assumed my leg will be fine, just like my glutes ended up being, just wasnt sure if everyone gets sore like this at first, or if I was doing something wrong. Im using a 22 guage 1" pin btw.
When you say I should be aspirating, im not exactly sure what that means? Are you talking about after the pin is in, I should pull back a little on the plunger to make sure there is no blood? (to make sure im not in a vein?)
I joined the forum to learn as much as possible so I will definitely be reading up! Any other suggestions you could make, or anything to point me towards?
06-27-2013, 08:15 PM #8
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AI? HCG ? PCT? Stats? Age height weight? Perhaps take a step back and research before sticking yourself any more.
06-27-2013, 08:17 PM #9
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Go to and read about 10 times I did! Also unless you have really really low bf you should using a 25ga 1 1/2" pin
06-27-2013, 08:24 PM #10
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06-27-2013, 08:26 PM #11
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06-27-2013, 08:34 PM #12
Not knowing what those first three things are isn't good. I suggest you start doing some very serious research. This forum is a great place. Read the stickies here ANABOLIC STEROIDS - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS and here PCT (POST CYCLE THERAPY) . I would suggest you start tonight
06-29-2013, 07:57 PM #13
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So threw reading a lot on the forums the last few days, I have learned that I should definitely put the Prop aside for right now and just use the Test-e, twice a week mondays and thursdays. I also read over Ronnies guide and took plenty of notes as far as his 8 weeks on 2 weeks off, reload/deload program goes.
When we get into AI, HCG and PCT though Im struggling with figuring that stuff out. Basicly from what im getting reading thing is that PCT (Post Cycle Therapy ) is to get your balls firing again? HCG is a type of medicine to help them do so? I havent figured out what AI actually is yet.
When I start reading threw the PCT info, it seems like a lot to grasp, when I start to read a post they talk about a bunch of things that I have no clue about it, making it hard to follow things. Could anyone give me a crash course on it, making it easier to get what they are talking about in the other threads?
06-29-2013, 08:19 PM #14
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OP, Trizzypballr, I will not go into this item by item, what you need to learn about this and or that. What you did wrong or ...whatever.
You obviously by what you are doing with the compounds and frequencies do not have a good or any grasp as to what you are doing. Now another thing where are you getting advise or did you. You say you are 27 and you have only been training 4 months. Where did you get the idea you were, or your body was ready for aas. You can't have a base to work on. Ok enough of what you don't know. As was said before, you need to read up on the compounds do some math, ask about esters, get to know about the Ai and the PCT when coming down. Hell you need to learn about injections, what are you thinking about 2 cc's in your quad when you are just a virgin. You need to STOP now, Just fvckin stop do whatever PCT they recommend if any for you to STOP now. I'm not PCT savvy. But I am an expert on injections and me and others will point you in the directions to learn. Then put it together and ask before you stab you ass or your quad. Enough out of me now, I feel bad for you guys that just run out in the middle of the highway of steroid and get slammed down.
Please OP just stop you have time at age 27 and sh!t only four (4) months in the gym. Get educated. What TR and MuscleInk and Kel say " Educate BEFORE medicate." Anymore Q's. ...crazy mike
06-29-2013, 08:29 PM #15
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Op I see your asking now for the shortcuts. A crash course. You need time to lean it on your own because you MUST understand the why's and whatnots. By reading you will have Q's, good Q's and you will learn and retain it.
As any Question on Google and you will get so much data. Some will point you to threads on this forum and others for the Tech answer. This knowledge is not only found on a forum like this. Get your clues here and some discussions and Google and search on here. ...crazy not, mike
Non of us learned all this on a one thread crash course and this is how and what it is post. OK , I'll stop .....crazzzzy mikeLast edited by crazy mike; 06-29-2013 at 08:31 PM.
06-29-2013, 08:50 PM #16
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Jeez this thing is worse than I though. Twack who are you . You read what ten times. I go by many years experience with all kinds of injections, read my interview, and my profile. Please don't give advise on something you don't know what you are talking about. That was bogus info, just stupid. 21G-22-23-25 5/8" not recommended but can be used 1-1/2" or 1". Pick your gun and use it. There are reasons for each but BS on this 25G with a certain BF. Bullsh!t sorry. ..... crazy mike.
06-30-2013, 10:19 AM #17
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Yeah man, wasnt asking for someone to sit here and write a book telling me everything I needed to know, its just that every thread I found about those few topics, were very hard to process because they were constantly talking about other things that I didnt understand. Kinda felt like trying to learn a foreign language by sitting down and reading something written in the language, ud have no clue what the hell ur reading.
As far as my background in lifting goes. I have only been working out for 4 months on this stint, I lifted all threw highschool for wrestling and was pretty decently built then. I also went on and off of lifting threwout the years ive been out of highschool. I always struggled with the whole motivation thing, because I had a decent weight setup in my basement. Id always tell myself "ehh I can do it later" and thats why I never fully stuck to lifting after I graduated. Mid February is when I went out and got a membership to a gym and really pushed myself to lift. Ive been going 4-5 days a week since I started there, havent missed any time yet.
As far as my build goes, as for me believing I was ready to try out some gear, I dont consider myself big at all, but I did feel that I had a decent build to start with, and that I had a foundation of a lifting plan and a decent diet to start out with. The guy who got me into it was actually the guy I talk to about supplements all the time. Since I talked to him as much as I did, he seemed to suggest good stuff, and he was big himself, I trusted him. One day we were talking and he was like look man, do you want to lift hard for the next 3 months and still be where u are now, or do you want to lift hard for the next 3 months and get big? Obviously everyone knows what the answer to that would be. Then he told me the he had been on Enth for the past few months and thats why he is as big as he is. He went on to tell me he could also get me prop, and that taking prop + Enth will get me even bigger faster. Seeing that he was as big as he was, and that he sounded like he knew what he was talking about, I trusted him. I didnt bother trying to research online because I assumed that because of the legality of gear, that there wouldnt be to much out there, and besides that I thought I could really trust the dude. Turns out that he really had no clue about it and was telling me all the wrong stuff.
He told me that the first few injections would hurt, so I assumed that everything was normal after the first few rough injections. After taking my 4th injection and still being in serious pain though, I figured something couldnt be right, which is when I googled it and found this site.
I know that quite a few people here are telling me that I just need to quit and forget about it, but already being 4 shots in, that really seems like a waste. I know I havent been lifting for a long time, but for the time that I have been lifting I have really dedicated myself to it and I feel that I can do this. I have already learned that using the 2 types of test at once was pretty stupid, and that I was not ready for prop yet. I have learned that the cycle I should be on is 1 mL of Enth, on Mon and Thurs.
What I still need to learn yet, and learn asap is about Post Cycle Treatment. From what im reading post cycle treatment actually starts before your cycle is over?
One thing in your post that does confuse me Crazy Mike, is that you say that you are an expert in injections but arnt PCT savy? Does that mean you dont bother with Post Cycle Treatment? Also you said about being crazy for putting 2 CCs into my quad on the first quad injection, you believe that putting 2 instead of just 1 is part of the reason I was so stinkin sore? You believe that since im dropping back to just the 1 mL of Enth instead of injecting 2 mLs that it will help take a lot of the soreness away?
06-30-2013, 10:56 AM #18
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Let me see if I can't get you to understand. Simply now since you are still trying to figure out what I and others are saying means, Yep you are not ready mentally and physically. Not bashing that's a fact. Get that and be cool with that.
Now Get this, no matter how seasoned you are some injections will produce soreness, several variables, Not to explain but that's a fact. The two (2) cc's in your Quad for a virgin, in my OP is too much volume and since you almost couldn't walk I'll let you decide.
On the issues of me stating I'm not PCT savvy I will explain. Now I don't like to parrot, just say because I heard so even though I could suggest PCT compounds and doses but I have never used a PCT system at the end of my cycles.
If you check my profile you will see my age and in my interview you will see my history and my old school juicing ways. I admit NOT GOOD, I don't recommend. But do to many things I made a decision to not come off totally. I cruse at a low dose of Test all the time. THIS IS FOR ME ONLY so I don't talk about it much so I don't give others the idea.
AS far as you being dedicated, trying hard, harder, getting serious and more doesn't do anything for where you body is at 4 months of trading. I just had surgery and was off 2-1/2 months and I'm in a cycle now some almost 4 months out from the Operation and I'm just now kicking a$$. With all my experience , YES...I started my comeback cycle a little too soon,. To say the least. BUT I never came off the Test during surgery and recovery. Why, I don't do typical PCT. OH, 4 -5 days a week, we're all different but for 6 months I was 6 days a week to get it all in with legs two (2) days a week.
AS far as a different language, hell I'm 61/62 and still have trouble with the basic texting and posting abbreviations that the young use, so for me, I used Google in the beginning just to carry on a conversation. I didn't hold everyone up to get them to explain, OP, LMAO. LMFAO, yea right. If you read my interview you might see why I was not out front and center of all the electronic worlds and internet, texting etc.. So what am I saying. I had to work my as off.
Oh sorry if I missed it, where is you AI, maybe I missed it. You want me to tell you as an EXPE RT about Gyno, I will. DON"T FVCK WITH IT, don't test yourself, don't wait to see. Like an addict when he/she finds they are addicted, IT"S TOO FVCKIN late. In My many, many years of experience with both, take my advice.
With all of it. Only 4 months, age and all STOP and regroup because you will PROBABLY train for three more months and after 5 -6 months you will not be any farther along than I you eat and train right. You have NO clue as to what you embark on especially in the end. ...crazy mike
06-30-2013, 01:53 PM #19
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For some reason I am not allowed to view profiles crazy mike? When I click view profile it tells me I do not have permission?
Also your probably getting annoyed by seeing my constant posts, but I am trying to keep everything in this thread, so hopefully as I go threw learning, that others do also.
After doing excessive reading, basically all day long so far I have learned a lot more from this forum and google as you had suggested Crazy Mike :-)
What I have found is that I should be using HCG (500iu every day) starting when there are 3 weeks left in my cycle to help testicular shrinkage and speed up PCT. I should also be using Nolvadex (20 mg a day), it will help to keep my testicles from desensitizing to natural LH(luteinizing hormone). It is also used to help block the estrogen spike after my cycle. Combats against Gyno.
I should also be using an AI along side my SERM(Nolvadex) and Arimidex (1mg a day) looks to be the most widely used one?
As far as Cortisol Control, all methods seem to suck reading threw their descriptions. Didnt see many people including a cotrisol control in their plans, but from what I read it seems pretty importaint, as your body can go crazy eating up muscle after your cycle? I read that Clen can help keep your body anti-catabolic though, would this be a good way to help combat the Cortisol issue during PCT?Last edited by btrizzyb; 06-30-2013 at 03:45 PM.
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