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10-11-2013, 01:20 AM #1
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Anavar, a non liver toxic alternative plox?
Hey guys,
I am absolutely new to running any sort of steroids , the closest thing i did was run methystenbolone last year and man.. never again.
But anyway, im wanting to do a cut soon, i been told anavar is great for this and since it's the first 'real' cycle im going to be doing i decided to run it alone. But upon further study, i found it can be liver toxic.
Can anyone suggest a good alternative? preferably not a PH unless its good on the liver also.
I'm a bit of a bitch when it comes to sides :P otherwise id be going for something a bit harder than anavar!
10-11-2013, 01:33 AM #2
I would spend a few more years building a strong base before cycling.
10-11-2013, 01:34 AM #3
hi Kris.
Welcome to the forum
Age/Stats? workout experience? without this info no one can help you.
On another note, cutting or bulking is more in the diet than the gear you take. so if you can post some info about your daily food intake, macros etc , it would greatly help greatly anyone who is going to answer you.
Finally anavar is not a drug to be run on its own. Research it some more on this forum and you will know why I say this.
10-11-2013, 01:37 AM #4
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Oh and also, i read that there is some test suppression involved. I don't wanna run test. I know alot of people will go 'use test as a base bro'. If i cant find an alternative to anavar , il use it still with NAC for liver protection.
But as for the test suppresion, i have some clomid, but i was also wondering if D-aspartic acid would be adequate to get my test back to normal levels, either on cycle or post?
Thanks to anyone who replies in advance!
10-11-2013, 01:39 AM #5
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My age is 23. My stats i think are irrelevant, cos i know what people will say, especially the traditionalists 'oh your not ready for this blah blah blah'
lets just leave it at i gain muscle ridiculously easy and fat too. I lose fat ridiculously hard and i've come to anavar to fix that.
Well, i've read from plenty of people anavar can be ran on its own. After all, it was designed to be ran on its own. Its only bodybuilder traditionalists that insist running test as a base lol and all i want is fat loss and slight muscle gain at this point.
10-11-2013, 01:40 AM #6
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ppwc1985 - Implying i haven't been spending years.. lol
10-11-2013, 02:00 AM #7
10-11-2013, 02:03 AM #8
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I really don't care if you think i am or not, I came here looking for either alternatives to anavar or failing that PCT advice. I am going to do this regardless, so may as well give me some proper information or simply don't speak.
10-11-2013, 02:06 AM #9
whats the matter, scared of needles?
anavar only is for girls? are you female?
10-11-2013, 02:09 AM #10
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10-11-2013, 02:11 AM #11
10-11-2013, 02:13 AM #12
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for 3 years.
10-11-2013, 05:50 AM #13
We only provide safe advice here, your only 23, you don't want to give stats and fact is first cycle is always just test. No one here is going to give you unsafe advice. Diet is the way to lose bf, not anavar . Oral only cycles are not a good idea. 25 is the recommended age to start cycling. Head over to the nutrition section and let them guys show you the proper way to eat. The only advice I can give is that, your not ready to cycle yet. If you chose to ignore our advice that's your choice, we will see you in a couple months when you can't get it up. Good luck.
10-11-2013, 07:51 AM #14
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You're a stubborn one kris...I don't think this cycle will go the way you want it too. Best of luck to you though.
10-11-2013, 08:13 AM #15
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I hear you and what do you mean only 23? It's not like im 18/19 still in puberty willing to stunt my growth just for some muscle.
test is always first? Typical bodybuilder mentality.. you think you guys are the only ones out there using gear? lol.. i am not a body builder. I have done extensive research on anavar . Of course diet is the way to lose bf, but there are things that enhance progress, take pre-work outs for example and i can say i've lost heaps of weight just by adding fat burners along with dieting. same principle with anavar, its a cutting steroid . I know how to eat.. please. stahp talking down on me about the basics.
Now while i've done alot of research on anavar, i can't find any consistent research on PCT. Some say no PCT ( if your running it alone) others say nolva, some say nolva AND clomid. some say some over the counter PCT. There's nothing consistent..
Lol people said the same about it when i ran methystenbolone, my erections never fail, it was just the lethargy that got me and i gained 4 kilos of muscle and kept it. I am told i can expect the lethargy from most oral agents but the difference is, this time im prepared for that.
I just wanna know about PCT, or a safer option than anavar. If you don't wanna give me the advice i need, thats cool man. Don't comment. At all.Last edited by krisowow; 10-11-2013 at 08:15 AM.
10-11-2013, 08:26 AM #16
reason you get this advice is not because we are "traditionalists" as you say but rather its because most of us have been there done that and to some extent wish someone had told us we were f***ng it up back then.
if you do not take test as a base, Anavar will suppress your natural during your cycle, your body will not have any test...with all the implications that brings along with it. clomid will not help if your body has been shutdown for a long period and you might be driving yourself straight into early TRT.
also at your age, you can achieve GREAT results by adjusting your diet and would be surprised how tuning your macros and hitting cardio can help...think of this as building a base.
Once you have used your natural potential to the max, you can cycle and get added benefits...
also consider the fact that any form of AAS be it oral or injecable without having a PROPER control on your diet is USELESS. best case you end up with more fat and water ret. I dont want to think of the worst case scenario here. its a ticking bomb man.
furthermore, reason u get asked about stats is because anavar is INNEFECTIVE at a high BF %ge.
yes that is right.
AAS as well as fat complicates things and you end up with unwanted sides like high BP, oestrogen etc.
there is no such thing as a cutting drug if your diet is crappy. drugs help diets but its all in the food and the exercises man.
believe me no one wants to downgrade or bash you in any way...reason we answer is because you ask. there are protocols for this...when you do not follow protocols, you cannot whine about the results.
I was in your shoes...diff is no one was there to educate me or punch me in the face to say dont go there...
10-11-2013, 08:30 AM #17
This is like a flashing neon sign telling everyone that you've done no research or reading on this site. This gets brought up 10 times a day and is covered in about every other sticky thread. No one here is going to recommend or agree to cycling before 25 or advocate an oral only cycle. At least read enough to know that you should have lied about your age.
10-11-2013, 08:40 AM #18
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All valid points so your logic is keep me in the dark till 'im ready' whats the harm in giving me the info i need now?
YOu keep assuming i don't know how to eat. Is it because i said i lose fat hard? Doesn't mean i don't lose fat. Doesn't mean i don't know how to eat, doesn't mean you can keep talking to me like some kid who's just spending his first 3 months in the gym. I been working out consistently for 3 years and inconsistently for longer and i wouldn't have come this far if i didn't know how to eat. I started at 33% bf, im now in the low 20's. Its taken me AGES.
And i never said my BF was high. it's just not low either. I've read on this site for first cycles to be at least 15%. But that's taking into account people who want to gain muscle. I just want to maintain or maybe gain a little bit and just shred the remaining bf till im 15.
The thread is titled "anavar , a non liver toxic alternative polox" meaning suggest alternative things i can take (originally that don't damage the liver but hey lets expand into things i can take that wont shut me down, they don't even have to be steroids )
Being endo/meso mix, losing weight is a slow process with just dieting..
Lol zodiac. 2 Years wont make any difference from a hormonal perspective except the fact my test will be slightly lower and that's just guesswork. My friends are 23 and are all on gear and are actually bodybuilders, they are massive, get no sides, etc. Being 25 maybe ideal but not necessary. What is necessary is not being in puberty.
Therefore, i don't need to lie. I'm not that kinda guy.
10-11-2013, 08:49 AM #19
You can argue all you want that you're a special snowflake that's different from everyone else that asks this question 10 times a day. There are very good reasons that 25 is recommended that don't have anything to do with puberty. The vets on this site will always recommend that you wait until 25 and will never recommend an oral only cycle. If your friends recommend that, then you should research and decide who to believe.
And who's keeping you in the dark? This site is full of information, free and accessible to anyone. Your original questions are all answered in the first couple of sticky threads. If you're in the dark, it's due to lack of ambition.
10-11-2013, 08:56 AM #20
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Link me to the pages that state why 25 is important.
And explain why i know 6 people personally my age, hitting up tren , test, winstrol etc and are getting great results with no sides? Would you say they aren't special snowflakes? lol. 23 is 2 years away from 25. Unlike being 18, 7 years.
Everyone thats commented on here? instead of just saying 'may i make a suggestion? don't do this till your 25, but hey, heres the info you need incase you do decide to do it OR if you do decide to wait, you got the information and can go straight into it when you're 25. '
I can see the logic in not doing an oral only cycle. I guess. All though, i read an alternative to anavar is turinabol . German atheletes took that without supplementing with test aswell so the bodybuilder outlook that every cycle needs to have test as a base is false. Unless.. you want to be a body builder.
10-11-2013, 09:13 AM #21
I suspect that you think I'm exaggerating that the age 25 thing gets brought up 10 times a day. Here's a couple of threads to get you started. Remember that there are a lot more sides than bitch tits or whatever. Have you seen your friends with no sides blood work? If you want to discuss this with other people that started aas at a young age, check out the trt sub forum too. I agree that 23 is not that far from 25, and in fact you might end up ok if you start now. It's just that the odds of not ending up ok are higher. I realize that I'm coming off combative, and I apologize. But again, do your research first.
Credit to Austinite and Marcus for the above links.Last edited by Zodiac85; 10-11-2013 at 09:14 AM. Reason: credit
10-11-2013, 09:14 AM #22
Please provide us with your complete stats. I would like to help you, but help me first. No lies.
10-11-2013, 09:28 AM #23
Last edited by Zodiac85; 10-11-2013 at 09:43 AM. Reason: Added edit
10-11-2013, 09:31 AM #24
if you wannna run anavar only you gonna have to get a good pct and be ready to feel like shit when you on cycle and expect no to very few gain. you will risk your health for that??
If yes here is your pct.
for a 6 weeks run,
nolva 20mg/day for 4 weeks
clomid 50mg/day for 2 weeks
no need to worry about liver except if you have liver issue. In that case you should.not consider any oral option. Anavar is VERY mild on the liver. Running NAC wont harm for sure.
if you arent scared of needle and refusing to use test because you are a *****. then you should not consider steroids . steroids arent for kids!
You are refusing ro give stats so I deduce that you have no knowledge whatsoever in training and nutrition and that you are skinny/fat.
Var only will gives you nothing. except trouble.
but if you are stupid enough to do so. you gonna have to deal with the consequence.
above their is golden advise that you should follow and have a critique view of yourself.
their is great section on nutrition/training/suplement that will help you way more that steroids can.
but you are still young minded. so you wont listen.
good luck with your failure.
10-11-2013, 11:26 AM #25
The reason we stand by the 25 "Rule" is because we advise the "safest" possible usage of aas. I sets us apart from other boards. There's a few out there that will have no qualms about telling a 20yr old how to run a high test/tren cycle. I personally know that it's not a good idea therefore its my choosing to not advise someone like that. Idc how much that person whines - if they choose to run it anyways..... So be it. They have no one but themselves to blame.
Regarding var..... It can be run alone as many have done. Test is always recommended for numerous reason. A small dose like 125mgs would suffice actually. I'm not recommending you to doit lol. You've made some great progress on your own so far so congrats on that. My only advice would be to research supplements that help aide Fatloss. Steroid alternatives tend to be harsher on the liver and also shut you down
Best of luck man
10-11-2013, 11:42 AM #26
[QUOTE="krisowow"]Link me to the pages that state why 25 is important. And explain why i know 6 people personally my age, hitting up tren , test, winstrol etc and are getting great results with no sides?"
1- the explanation is simple, you can't fix stupid.
2- they likely are experiencing sides, simply not openly discussing their inability to get the schlong up.
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