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Thread: Can I get some PCT insight?

  1. #1

    Can I get some PCT insight?

    Hey guys,
    So I bought a superdrol product off a buddy and he never really mentioned anything about pct and me not thinking didn't pay mind to it till now.
    ***YES i am a complete IDIOT and did not do the proper research***
    So I started the superdrol cycle 16 days ago Im running a 10/20/20/30 cycle. and I didn't purchase a single thing for pct till today I spent all day panicking trying to find out how to get a hold of it. but after doing some research I finally found a pretty reliable source.
    so my pct
    nolvadex (liquid form) 20/20/20/20mg ? Is it needed for 4 weeks?
    Do i need to run a test booster? unsure of which kind yet (any suggestions?)
    and Do i need a Ai as well? Or is nolvadex sufficient? If not I was going to run Anastrozole or Femara (letro)
    Anything else I may need?

    thanks for the help guys i definitely have learned to do some serious research before jumping into things like this. and once again yes im a idiot feel free to leave a comment on how dumb I am.. lol

  2. #2
    There's a primer on "planning first cylce" or something (cant post links). Go look.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the lower carolina
    My ph use is basically nil, so I can't advise. Look in the educational forum. I believe your answer may be there.

    Last edited by almostgone; 10-27-2013 at 02:23 AM. Reason: ph isn't the same thing as pH
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