Okay so i am few to the forum, well not really i used to belong on this forum years ago but thats a whole other story...
Here's the deal ..3 years ago i got into an accident and had a pretty nasty back injury, several herniated disks, pinched nerves and damage etc etc.. list goes on ...my body went through hell, i was weak.. my immune system was weak and i finally managed to get through the worst of it ...i've been back in the gym for about 5 months .. going HARD ...i'm no where near as big as i used to be but im not trying to really get "big" anymore ...i've been eating SUPER clean and hitting all my macros etc... and im in a "cutting" phase right now. I am kinda weak though and i think my test has def took a hit since not being active for so long etc etc. But i am currently in single digit body fat NATURALLY, and i def. hit a plateau i can't shed any more fat naturally and with the amount of cals im eating at the moment i'm weak as hell and my muscles look fat even carb cycling and "refeeding" just doesn't cut it anymore ... SO.. here is why i came back on the forums.
Previously i've ran 3 cycles .. my first was Test E ..Second was Test-E and D-bols...third was Sustanon and deca.. had good gains with them all. I'm not a total noob BUT my next questions MIGHT sound noobish to a few people but i am going to ask anyway and i will give you my reasoning.
Okay so question one ...im looking to do a Var only cycle with Pct. Why you ask ? i'm not looking to get Huge gains in terms of mass if i get a few solid pounds i would be happy with that , i've also read that its a good cutting agent and gives u a hard grainy look. with where i am right now i think this might be a good idea for me. I don't want to use anything like Clen, nothing that increases my body temp or gives me jitters. Don't wanna use Winny either... and i honestly don't wanna inject anymore (unless its gh). I would love to get my hands on GH but i am broke as hell, and i think Some var is as high as i can pay for. Is there anything else that i an use out there ?
My second question is i've read of people doing Clomid only cycles between 12.5-25 mg daily ...again not looking for HUGE gains, if it gives me a nice test boost i would be willing to give it a run. If i did this how would it affect me , i am asking about the negative sides of course.
Thanks again guys, i hope some one can answer some of my questions !
P.S. i'm not looking for any shortcuts , i'm just looking for a legitimate push to get me past my plateau.