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Hi, I'm 19 - about to be 20 in literally 10 days.
I've passed puberty, I have normal levels of testosterone, I have no issues with the girlfriend because of this.
My diet, isn't bad at all. I've always eaten healthy due to the lifestyle of my parents and family; sometimes I have a burger, maybe twice a week? I know if I am serious about this then that will need to change. I was taking in 3,500 calories a day but that wasn't doing anything for me either and to be honest I was getting ill from eating so much rice and protein shakes; if anyone can recommend be my guest.
So anyway, lets get down to scratch. I've been going to the gym for 1 year now and in all honesty, it looks like I've been going for 2 months. I find it depressing that I haven't gained any weight in over 9 months even with plenty of supplements. I cannot grow a chest, it is an impossible task for me; there is no way I can do it even after trying everything and I mean EVERYTHING. I started at 140 and I am now 165 pounds, my maximum was 175 pounds. I am 6"3 so this really doesn't show and I am underweight as I should be a good 190 to look healthy. I still have pokey ribs and massive collarbones and my chest is next to nothing (You getting the picture now?). I am in utter desperation in what to do next as I am not going to go anywhere without steroids and it is inevitable that I am going to pick some up sometime in January (I look like an even skinner version of **** before he started Steroids).
I've read the first time guide and thought of picking up some Test-E; but doesn't this burn fat? In all honesty, I need both. I am a skeleton walking. I eat 2,500 cal a day now and the only reason why I cannot put weight on is because I work weekends over in Amazon and they require you to walk hella miles a day so think of it as a fitness workout; which I do not want but it has to be done for my job. I got to a point before that I was putting on weight during the week, and dropping 5 pounds over the weekend. I ate rice, pasta and tuna in work but to no avail. My body is extremely reactant to fitness workouts and I will be an Ectomorph for life.
Please help me and guide me, I am in need of some serious help here! My knowledge of the gym is good, I work with the instructors but even they say that they are seeing no gains and are constantly asking about my diet, I never get hungry within the week and I always eat plentiful of food and I am always the type of guy to look at the back of a label to see the protein content.
Its just my body, and I need help to change it. Guide me!