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Thread: 20, Plateau, No Hope.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    20, Plateau, No Hope.

    Hi, I'm 19 - about to be 20 in literally 10 days.

    I've passed puberty, I have normal levels of testosterone, I have no issues with the girlfriend because of this.

    My diet, isn't bad at all. I've always eaten healthy due to the lifestyle of my parents and family; sometimes I have a burger, maybe twice a week? I know if I am serious about this then that will need to change. I was taking in 3,500 calories a day but that wasn't doing anything for me either and to be honest I was getting ill from eating so much rice and protein shakes; if anyone can recommend be my guest.

    So anyway, lets get down to scratch. I've been going to the gym for 1 year now and in all honesty, it looks like I've been going for 2 months. I find it depressing that I haven't gained any weight in over 9 months even with plenty of supplements. I cannot grow a chest, it is an impossible task for me; there is no way I can do it even after trying everything and I mean EVERYTHING. I started at 140 and I am now 165 pounds, my maximum was 175 pounds. I am 6"3 so this really doesn't show and I am underweight as I should be a good 190 to look healthy. I still have pokey ribs and massive collarbones and my chest is next to nothing (You getting the picture now?). I am in utter desperation in what to do next as I am not going to go anywhere without steroids and it is inevitable that I am going to pick some up sometime in January (I look like an even skinner version of **** before he started Steroids).

    I've read the first time guide and thought of picking up some Test-E; but doesn't this burn fat? In all honesty, I need both. I am a skeleton walking. I eat 2,500 cal a day now and the only reason why I cannot put weight on is because I work weekends over in Amazon and they require you to walk hella miles a day so think of it as a fitness workout; which I do not want but it has to be done for my job. I got to a point before that I was putting on weight during the week, and dropping 5 pounds over the weekend. I ate rice, pasta and tuna in work but to no avail. My body is extremely reactant to fitness workouts and I will be an Ectomorph for life.

    Please help me and guide me, I am in need of some serious help here! My knowledge of the gym is good, I work with the instructors but even they say that they are seeing no gains and are constantly asking about my diet, I never get hungry within the week and I always eat plentiful of food and I am always the type of guy to look at the back of a label to see the protein content.

    Its just my body, and I need help to change it. Guide me!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Kazumz View Post
    Hi, I'm 19 - about to be 20 in literally 10 days.

    I've passed puberty, I have normal levels of testosterone, I have no issues with the girlfriend because of this.

    My diet, isn't bad at all. I've always eaten healthy due to the lifestyle of my parents and family; sometimes I have a burger, maybe twice a week? I know if I am serious about this then that will need to change. I was taking in 3,500 calories a day but that wasn't doing anything for me either and to be honest I was getting ill from eating so much rice and protein shakes; if anyone can recommend be my guest.

    So anyway, lets get down to scratch. I've been going to the gym for 1 year now and in all honesty, it looks like I've been going for 2 months. I find it depressing that I haven't gained any weight in over 9 months even with plenty of supplements. I cannot grow a chest, it is an impossible task for me; there is no way I can do it even after trying everything and I mean EVERYTHING. I started at 140 and I am now 165 pounds, my maximum was 175 pounds. I am 6"3 so this really doesn't show and I am underweight as I should be a good 190 to look healthy. I still have pokey ribs and massive collarbones and my chest is next to nothing (You getting the picture now?). I am in utter desperation in what to do next as I am not going to go anywhere without steroids and it is inevitable that I am going to pick some up sometime in January (I look like an even skinner version of **** before he started Steroids).

    I've read the first time guide and thought of picking up some Test-E; but doesn't this burn fat? In all honesty, I need both. I am a skeleton walking. I eat 2,500 cal a day now and the only reason why I cannot put weight on is because I work weekends over in Amazon and they require you to walk hella miles a day so think of it as a fitness workout; which I do not want but it has to be done for my job. I got to a point before that I was putting on weight during the week, and dropping 5 pounds over the weekend. I ate rice, pasta and tuna in work but to no avail. My body is extremely reactant to fitness workouts and I will be an Ectomorph for life.

    Please help me and guide me, I am in need of some serious help here! My knowledge of the gym is good, I work with the instructors but even they say that they are seeing no gains and are constantly asking about my diet, I never get hungry within the week and I always eat plentiful of food and I am always the type of guy to look at the back of a label to see the protein content.

    Its just my body, and I need help to change it. Guide me!
    All you need to know is in the link!!

  3. #3
    You should read this before you start.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Thanks Gents. Read the first cycle one but the young and the steroids I just read. So what it is potentially saying is that if I complete my cycle with PCT then it can still disrupt my hormones resulting in me having test therapy at an early age when I'm slightly older?

  5. #5
    Yes, that's pretty much it. If you search the board you'll find a number of young guys (under 25) with sexual disorders due to AAS cycles. The body reacts seems to react differently in different people. You might be a lucky one with resistant HPTA or you might be the one that will go limp after your cycle. You just won't know until you cycle. In that way, it's a little like playing roulette.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2012
    2500 cals daily is nothing... my maintenance is higher than that and in not even ectomorphe like you.
    3 500 makes you ill... you gotta get used to it. because you probably gotta need more than that. arround 4 000 would be a good start.

    you arent gaining anymore weight cause you cant gain weight, you arent gaining weight cause you dont eat enough.

    you are still a novice at training the gain will be great just by eating.

    head to the nutrition section and eorkout section. get a training and diet evaluated with your needs.
    And I garanty you that you will gain fast without risking to screw your hormonal system up.

    good luck
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 12-17-2013 at 07:40 AM.

  7. #7
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Rice and protein shakes are not a great diet. Protien is best from food sources and brown rice is good not white. There are lots of other sources of clean carbs.
    Hit the nutrition section because this is where the problem is.
    Those burgers might do you good. Try some buffalo burgers.

  8. #8
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    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    2500 cals daily is nothing... my maintenance is higher than that and in not even ectomorphe like you.
    3 500 makes you ill... you gotta get used to it. because you probably gotta need more than that. arround 4 000 would be a good start.

    you arent gaining anymore weight cause you cant gain weight, you arent gaining weight cause you dont eat enough.

    you are still a novice at training the gain will be great just by eating.

    head to the nutrition section and eorkout section. get a training and diet evaluated with your needs.
    And I garanty you that you will gain fast without risking to screw your hormonal system up.

    good luck
    4000 calories, is NOT a good start.

    Find your BMR, google BMR Calculator. And add another 500 calories from their, give it a week in the gym if your still not gaining add another 200 calories until you are gaining weight. 1 pound or less per week is optimal. Anymore than that will be unnecesary fat gain that you do not need.

    Equal amounts of carbs and protein is optimal whilst keeping fat minimal. Make sure you have some good fats not just saturated fats.
    Last edited by Boxtrot; 12-18-2013 at 05:21 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boxtrot View Post
    4000 calories, is NOT a good start.

    Find your BMR, google BMR Calculator. And add another 500 calories from their, give it a week in the gym if your still not gaining add another 200 calories until you are gaining weight. 1 pound or less per week is optimal. Anymore than that will be unnecesary fat gain that you do not need.

    Equal amounts of carbs and protein is optimal whilst keeping fat minimal. Make sure you have some good fats not just saturated fats.
    Please dont give out poor or bad diet advice, you must be a contest prep coach for work cause this is the bad advice most give out.

    The reality is 4000 calories could be below this kids maintenance level, at his age is metabolism could be out of control, kids can easily consume so much shit food day in and day out, stay lean and not grow.

    DONT "google" your BMR anything , u need tests based off RMR and again dont "google" anything to do with YOUR diet. You need proper results the same way you would go get blood work , you wouldn't google "e2 calculator"

    Secondly each athlete has to find out, (the hard way usually) if a high fat or high carb diet is best for them in regards to bulking or cutting. Carb sensitivity is a huge bitch for those sensitive to carbs and high fats are a bitch to those predisposed to putting fat on too easy. and high fats doesn't mean a keto diet.

    LBM takes years to achieve and hormonal changes takes weeks to months to take place, take 1 step forward and 3 back is no good. Do things right from teh beginning, Go get a Dxa or bodypod scan find out all you need to know with that first then next set a goal for what you wanna do.

    steroids are an illusion for steroids to work you probably have to do 1 of 2 things and probably both

    1.) you need to reach your natural genetic limit before using drugs
    2.) to get big and stay big you need to run cycles and stay on for a good amount of time. and chances are when you do come off you still lose alot and this lead to a mental mind game that will ruin your life.

    Go to the diet forum, and seek help. but again before anything else dont "google" anything other then where the closest DXA scan is to you. After that seek some guidance and spend less time online and more time, eating, sleeping, eating, training, eating, and banging your gf then eating.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    [COLOR=#00ff00][B]Please dont give out poor or bad diet advice, you must be a contest prep coach for work cause this is the bad advice most give out.
    I am not wrong you asshole so no, i will continue giving out advice.

    Whether its BMR or any value, adding 200 calories until weight gain occurs will, eventually, yield results. And he may choose not to get a DXA scan.

    He says he was eating 3500 cals yet not gaining weight and if anything dropping weight over the weekend. For one thing that doesn't make sense as 5 days of weight gain with 2 days of weight loss would still allow for a weight increase and it may have just been bloat/glycogen stores that he was losing, not muscle. If an when he gets his macros in order only then will he know if he is responding correctly an simply needs to add additional calories on the weekends ONLY.

    Your telling him not to google anything then giving an idiotic example of how you wouldn't use google to find your e2 lol Yeah your making a great case for why this guy should listen to you.

    Anywau... listen to this guy, he'll have you gaining fat in no time.

  11. #11
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    Diet forum
    Quote Originally Posted by Boxtrot View Post
    I am not wrong you asshole so no, i will continue giving out advice.

    Whether its BMR or any value, adding 200 calories until weight gain occurs will, eventually, yield results. And he may choose not to get a DXA scan.

    He says he was eating 3500 cals yet not gaining weight and if anything dropping weight over the weekend. For one thing that doesn't make sense as 5 days of weight gain with 2 days of weight loss would still allow for a weight increase and it may have just been bloat/glycogen stores that he was losing, not muscle. If an when he gets his macros in order only then will he know if he is responding correctly an simply needs to add additional calories on the weekends ONLY.

    Your telling him not to google anything then giving an idiotic example of how you wouldn't use google to find your e2 lol Yeah your making a great case for why this guy should listen to you.

    Anywau... listen to this guy, he'll have you gaining fat in no time.
    lets get one thing straight, im not an asshole i am a cvnt

    sure Google "whats my body fat%" fail safe approach, good luck. To bad you didn't take the time to read the title of this thread...
    20, Plateau

    and im not trying to make a case for him to listen to me, im making him a case for him not to listen to you. The guy is stuck and has to step back and start over and work through the Plateau, not guessing but actually applying the means to get back on track. ignorance is bliss.
    Last edited by mockery; 12-19-2013 at 02:57 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    General rule, if you arent gaining at a certain calories, bump it up 500 cals . Trust me if you actually do count calories, u ll see that u dont eat as much as u estimated.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    lets get one thing straight, im not an asshole i am a cvnt

    sure Google "whats my body fat%" fail safe approach, good luck. To bad you didn't take the time to read the title of this thread...
    20, Plateau

    and im not trying to make a case for him to listen to me, im making him a case for him not to listen to you. The guy is stuck and has to step back and start over and work through the Plateau, not guessing but actually applying the means to get back on track. ignorance is bliss.

    Well you should do a bit better job of compensating for op's incompetence. Refer to equilibriumz post, exactly what i came in to post.

    What i meant by what didn't make sense is what op says he is eating and what is actually happening doesn't make sense. You just assumed op was telling the whole truth. No need to complicate things just get him eating equal amounts of P/C and increasing calories until peramenant weight gain occurs, no need to complicate things just yet.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    All you need to do is learn how to eat.Seems that your diet isn't as good as you think.Post your diet in the diet section with macros.They will help you out.Stay away from aas at your age.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    You need patience my friend. I didn't start growing until up in my twenties. I didn't know how to eat either, you may think you are eating enough but you are probably not. Forget the aas for a moment and post up your daily diet. Id like to see it, I too was in the same boat at your age, im almost 6 '3 not quite, its very hard to fill out that frame. Id suggest you stick around the forum for awhile and learn this stuff. Learn to diet/train, and then put that into motion. You have an entire community to help you, our nutrition section can help get your diet right.

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