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Thread: Advice and Guidance

  1. #1

    Advice and Guidance

    Let me begin by saying I am newly registered, however I have been a guest on here for a while. I am researching continuously and this is my process of educating myself.

    I am 22 years old (please spare me any age comments) and over the past 6 months I have put on excess weight (around 25-30 lbs). I have been working out consistently for about 2.5 years, my diet was pretty good, and I have been generally pleased. I put on the weight recently when I let my diet go due to some personal matters and mixing up my priorities I guess you could say. I have been getting back to my routine the last 4-6 weeks and getting back to a good diet. I weight train - upper 4 days a week, lower 1 day, and am beginning a cardio routine of at least 3 times a week in the A.M. That's the basic info, onto my questions:

    I plan to start the Beginners cycle located on the main page. I acquired:
    Test Cypionate 250mg/ml (10ml)
    Dianabol 50mg tablet
    Nolvadex 20mg tablet

    Is this a good cycle for me? Being that I want to lose body fat and build muscle? Should I start Nolvadex day 1 or wait until/if needed? If this isn't an ideal cycle for my current goals, what would be? My goal is to be in the best shape possible by summer and continue working from there. I have struggled to find a definitive answer: can I lose weight (fat) and build muscle while cycling?

    I have made my personal decision to cycle, now I just need to make sure I do everything correctly. I have researched a lot and will continue doing so. I appreciate any help and advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Wasaga Ontario
    To start age but I'll let you talk to your nuts about that
    Do you have an ai? Hcg?
    Nolva and clomid are run post cycle

    To do a standard 12 week 500mgweek you need 24ml or 3x10ml
    Have all gear on hand first

    Get ready to be flamed on your age weather you want to hear it or not

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mid west
    What is your current body fat percentage? The higher your bf% the more likely you will have estrogenic related sides, and since you don't seem to plan to run an AI, that could be a problem. As mentioned above you also did not mention clomid or HCG, clomid will be needed for PCT, HCG will aid in recovery and help prevent testicular atrophy. You generally can not loose fat and build muscle, you can loose fat and preserve muscle via a propper cutting cycle but generally it is either build muscle or cut fat.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the replies!

    I was following (can't post links yet): Steroid Cycles for Beginners - Novice Steroid Cycles I - found in the main page

    I read several other threads and guides with very similar cycles. I have the appropriate amount of gear too, I didn't mention that.

    Body fat percentage = 25% (I guess I was in denial on this.) PCT: from my understanding Nolvadex would suffice starting 2-3 weeks after last inj. HCG seemed more of an option, although recommended. Nolvadex in low dose could be used during test inj if gyno was apparent.

    So let me change my question(s) a little. I will wait to begin this cycle, at what BF% should I revisit this?

    Cycle would be: Test C 250mg twice a week for 12 weeks, DBOL 25mg every day first 6 weeks, Nolva 40mg 2 weeks then 20mg 1 week. Being my first cycle is this ideal? or should I add HCG or anything else?

    One last question. Should I just lose weight via cardio, diet, etc - the old fashioned way. Or is there a cutting cycle someone can point me towards to help?

    Thanks again guys.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mid west
    A general rule a thumb with body fat is no higher than 15%, as far as weight loss, loose it the old fashioned way, diet and cardio. Leave the cutting cycle alone.

  6. #6
    I will stick to the diet and cardio, with my goal of 15% BF. At least that being the goal to cycle.

    Just for future reference, how does my cycle look? Will that be a good starting point?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Dagoba System
    Drop the dbol so you know any sides are from test and learn to manage them...should add hcg 500/iu/wk split twice, add an ai, pct should be nolva and clomid
    Last edited by ickythump; 02-09-2014 at 05:59 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Strong points already made. You asked us to spare you age comments but I'm sorry, you aren't getting off that easy. You say you've been a guest here for a while. Great! Glad to see you move from spectator to participant on the forum!

    If you haven't, you should read the thread "The Young and Steroids" by Marcus300 (I'll post the link). First, you really need to understand that taking steroids before the HTPA of the neuroendocrine system in your brain has completed its develop is a serious matter. Exogenous steroids (steroids from "outside" the body) will shut down your HTPA. You risk a number of short and long term problems. The hormones in your body regulate sexual function, cognition, sleep-wake cycles (your circadian rhythm), digestion, immune system function, appetite, mood, cardiac function, lipid metabolism, hematopoiesis and more. When you shut down your HTPA you will disrupt many of these essential functions. Many steroid users will experience a range of side effects including hair loss (alopecia), erectile dysfunction, low libido, cystic acne, mood swings, disruptions to your sleep-wake cycle, changes in appetite, increased blood pressure, impaired lipid metabolism and rising cholesterol levels, joint and muscle pain (arthralgia and myalgia), and more. Once you disrupt your HTPA there is no guarantee you will recover normally. Just as many of the members on here that are the same age as you and are here seeking help to restart their own HTPA after a single proper cycle shut then down and they haven't recovered. Ask them what it's like to be depressed, anxious, have no sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and more all at the age of 23 or younger. They too said "spare me the age comments" and now many may be looking forward to a life time of testosterone therapy just to feel normal. If you think taking a needle or applying gel a few times a week for the REST OF YOUR LIFE is easy, go ask a diabetic if they would rather be insulin dependent (taking insulin daily) or insulin independent (or non diabetic if they ha the choice).

    Second, if you think you're man enough to take steroids, you are man enough to take some criticism. Far too many newbies coming here don't want to be criticized. If your ego is that fragile, steroids are NOT for you. Life isn't always about hearing what you want to hear. Often it's about hearing what you NEED to hear. You better start realizing that or you are in for a big shock because you won't get or hear everything you want in life. The advice here is no different. So man up and take it on the chin. If you can't handle the criticism, your in the wrong forum. We won't simply endorse bad decisions if we disagree.

    If after all the advice offered you still insist that you know better than the knowledgable members here, the only cycle you should start with is a single testosterone ester (prop, E or C), an AI, HCG, and clomid and nolva for your PCT. THAT is the recommended first cycle.

    More importantly, get committed to a nutrition and cardio plan that will bring your bf down to 15% as already mentioned. Body transformation is a process that take time. You can't rush it as it doesn't take place over night.
    Last edited by MuscleInk; 02-09-2014 at 05:46 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place

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