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Thread: A Bombs / Anadrol

  1. #1
    NumberTwelveWR is offline New Member
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    A Bombs / Anadrol

    Im a first timer, havent even started yet. What is Al's and PCT ? Also, what is the cycle about?

  2. #2
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Bodyfat percentage?

    I'm on my phone but you need to read Austinites thread at the top of the forum entitled something like " planning and executing a successful first cycle". Gotta do some research bro.

  3. #3
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    At age 19 the last thing you should be considering is AAS. (Chad, I know you can't see his age on the app)

    Hit up our nutrition section and maybe the lifting section to get you on the right track.

    Good luck.

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black
    At age 19 the last thing you should be considering is AAS. (Chad, I know you can't see his age on the app)

    Hit up our nutrition section and maybe the lifting section to get you on the right track.

    Good luck.
    You beat me to it BIB. Lol.

    As indicated, take about 6 years to train hard, eat like crazy and educate yourself about steroids .

    Here's a good place to start:

    The young and Steroids
    jdc91gt and ironbeck like this.

  5. #5
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Read this post from another 19 yr old

    Suicidal thoughts during PCT, depression.
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  6. #6
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NumberTwelveWR View Post
    Im a first timer, havent even started yet. What is Al's and PCT ? Also, what is the cycle about?
    That's good that you haven't started. You really shouldn't do it for at least several years.

    But anyways, I don't think it's right for us to just say "people your age shouldn't be taking steroids " and then send you on your way. You obviously came here because you're looking for help. Let's see if we can give you something to work on for the next 6 years or so.

    What are your current stats? Height, weight, bodyfat %, etc.

    What are your goals in training? Both long term and short term?

    What does your diet and training look like?

    Let's see if we can guide you in to making some changes to your program to help you make your goals? Sound fair?

  7. #7
    NumberTwelveWR is offline New Member
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    So I guess being a female makes that worse. But I play football and the guys' size diference loses me playing time. 130lbs and 168m a friend refered me to Anadrol . Its my last year of high school and i dont have time to do it myself, im not looking to use it to get as big as a body builder, i just want at least 10-20 pounds of mass and Muscle. Sort of a female body builder figure but a notch down.

  8. #8
    NumberTwelveWR is offline New Member
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    Also, if someone posts an ad on kijiji for sups,and dosent say anything about roids. But tells me to call to furthur discuss, could it be the cops?

  9. #9
    king6 II's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NumberTwelveWR View Post
    So I guess being a female makes that worse. But I play football and the guys' size diference loses me playing time. 130lbs and 168m a friend refered me to Anadrol. Its my last year of high school and i dont have time to do it myself, im not looking to use it to get as big as a body builder, i just want at least 10-20 pounds of mass and Muscle. Sort of a female body builder figure but a notch down.
    If your female andadrol is definitely not for you. Most females will run anavar or winstrol to gain lean muscle and or loose body fat. You have to be aware of the side effects that can occur:
    Unwanted facial hair
    Deeping of the voice
    Clitoromegaly (enlargement of the clitoris)
    Depression, mood swings
    Menstrual abnormalities and or infertility
    High blood pressure
    Increase of bad cholesterol
    To name a few....

  10. #10
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NumberTwelveWR View Post
    So I guess being a female makes that worse. But I play football and the guys' size diference loses me playing time. 130lbs and 168m a friend refered me to Anadrol. Its my last year of high school and i dont have time to do it myself, im not looking to use it to get as big as a body builder, i just want at least 10-20 pounds of mass and Muscle. Sort of a female body builder figure but a notch down.
    Regardless of your gender, I don't think somebody your age should be using gear. Besides, women have to worry about virilization when taking steroids . But here is a suggestion, if you want to add 10-20lbs of mass, eat like you would if you were already that much bigger and train harder.

    Body builder physiques (and this includes female bodybuilders and bikini physiques) take years and years of hard work and dedication. None of those people you see on the stage just decided 4 months ago that they wanted to be a bodybuilder and just took the magic steroid pills to make them such.

    Here's what you do though. First let's say you want 20lbs of muscle on your frame. Give yourself a realistic time-frame to put this on in. Maybe GGR or some other female can throw some help in here because I'm not too sure about what a natural female could build in a given amount of time. But let's say you can do that in 3 years. Then break that down in to a smaller goal of a year and a half. Then break that down in to a smaller goal of a year. Then 6 months. Then one month. Then 2 weeks, then a week. Now figure out what you have to do dietwise and training wise for each day of the week to make that weekly goal.

    That's how successful people achieve their goals and this doesn't apply to just bodybuilding, but rather anything. You simply break the large goal down in to small attainable goals and work on those.

  11. #11
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NumberTwelveWR View Post
    So I guess being a female makes that worse. But I play football and the guys' size diference loses me playing time. 130lbs and 168m a friend refered me to Anadrol. Its my last year of high school and i dont have time to do it myself, im not looking to use it to get as big as a body builder, i just want at least 10-20 pounds of mass and Muscle. Sort of a female body builder figure but a notch down.
    You are going about this all wrong. Its hard for me to believe you are serious but lets say you are. 19 yo female taking something as androgenic as anadrol would give you some serious sides that may be irreversable. This is a unique situation for sure. My advice would be to eat properly and train as heavy as you can and leave the AAS out of question for now. You will not be a notch down from a bodybuilder instantly with gear or anything. Not trying to shatter your dreams but may want to sit down and reevaluate your situation after you do several weeks of research on the topic. Do you think bodybuilders got their body from just doing steroids ? Lol not hardly. This is a lifestyle change for sure. Welcome to the forums btw.

  12. #12
    NumberTwelveWR is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the incite. I have 100 capsuls of anadrol , 10mg per capsul. What will one a day have affect on me? I work out 2 times a day, 1 hour hard training per session. 130lbs 168cm. How fast will I see results, ( a six pack in specific example)

  13. #13
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NumberTwelveWR View Post
    Thanks for all the incite. I have 100 capsuls of anadrol, 10mg per capsul. What will one a day have affect on me? I work out 2 times a day, 1 hour hard training per session. 130lbs 168cm. How fast will I see results, ( a six pack in specific example)

    Obviously, you picked up nothing from the responses. I give up.

  14. #14
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NumberTwelveWR
    Thanks for all the incite. I have 100 capsuls of anadrol, 10mg per capsul. What will one a day have affect on me? I work out 2 times a day, 1 hour hard training per session. 130lbs 168cm. How fast will I see results, ( a six pack in specific example)
    10mg a day will do nothing. Steroids aren't magic. Nothing happens quickly. If you're not going to listen, no one will help.

  15. #15
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Its probably anavar . Either way, we are all done here. You are not listening. Have a good day now

  16. #16
    king6 II's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NumberTwelveWR View Post
    Thanks for all the incite. I have 100 capsuls of anadrol , 10mg per capsul. What will one a day have affect on me? I work out 2 times a day, 1 hour hard training per session. 130lbs 168cm. How fast will I see results, ( a six pack in specific example)
    You wont. Adrol is used to bulk not to cut. It puts on water weight, you wont see anything close to a six pack on drol. Besides a six pack has to do with your diet and body fat percentage, not steroids .

  17. #17
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NumberTwelveWR View Post
    So I guess being a female makes that worse. But I play football and the guys' size diference loses me playing time. 130lbs and 168m a friend refered me to Anadrol. Its my last year of high school and i dont have time to do it myself, im not looking to use it to get as big as a body builder, i just want at least 10-20 pounds of mass and Muscle. Sort of a female body builder figure but a notch down.
    don't feed this troll

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