16 week cycle (cut)
(Testosterone Portion)
Testosterone E (875 mg) wk 1-8
Test Prop (700 mg) wk 9-14
Test Prop (350 mg) wk 15-16

Theory is to start out with a preload and Test E to get a good test level in system through week 8. Then to throw in the Prop to make a spike when your long result additives (Deca and EQ) peak. Then lower at the end to allow Tren A to do its thing while minimizing bloat from testosterone esters.

First Question: Seen so many different preload equations it makes my head spin. I do not know how to apply any of them to a different ester run of testosterone. From what I read it is

Week total MG + total for cycle of the test / weeks on the test.

In the above example that would be 875 + 7000 /8 = 984 (about a gram). Input here is appreciated on if this number looks correct. Thank you in advance.

Next: Other AAs

Deca (200 mg) wk 1-16. Just for joint support.

EQ: (600 mg) wk 1-12. From my research most people see good results at the 12 week point. Donating blood at the start of cycle and every month enough to bypass the RBC issues?

Tren A (350 mg) wk 9-16. Gains tend to start coming harder at the 12th week. Tren gives the strength to get over the hump and make the most of the last half of the cycle.

Anavar (700 mg) wk 4-16. Fat burning properties and hard muscle properties. Injected and not pill form.

Would lipitor cover liver health efficiently or is more needed for this cycle?

Does anyone see any conflicting substances that are bad combos in the thought of should never be used together?


Exremestane would be the AI at 12.5 a day with 25 a day on hand if needed.

Parmi .25 mg EoD 9-16 with more as needed. I think the general thought is Parmi/Caber only needed if you see the issue but doesn't hurt to take.

hCG (500 iu) wk 1-8
hCG (1000 iu) wk 9-16

Any Ancillary input?

Person would be a TrT patient so no PCT.