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Thread: thank you in advance for any help and advice

  1. #1

    thank you in advance for any help and advice

    Stats: 43 yr old man, first time user
    6'5" 290 lb probably around 25% to 28% body fat when I started.

    I'm 3 weeks into an oral 60 mg anavar/40 winstrol stack....I am also throwing in 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off clen

    I realize that is the ultimate wussy stack, but please be kind...I'm usually the biggest (although not the strongest!) dude in the room and didn't really want any more mass.

    So far so good, holy shit anavar helped my bench big time already. I feel like it's up 30 lbs in 3 weeks if that's possible. Definitely look better, and body fat % dropping clearly. A little disappointed in the scale, if anything I weigh slightly more at 294 but I guess that's to be expected.

    I had a major case of back "pumps" but taurine solved that nicely...cramping is so severe but better now with even more water than usual and some bananas. No other side effects yet.

    1. Since I'm not running a high dose of win, do you think I can go out a full 8 weeks? I've seen 6 weeks suggested but that's at higher dosages

    2. Hair loss as a side effect? That scares the shit out of me, is there anything preventative that can be done?

    3. Pct- I'm going to wander into that thread but in general am I ok just using clomid or nolvadex or do I need something else? I want to prepare if I have to

    Thank you so much in advance?

  2. #2
    Ill start this off, there are a few issues here you would benefit from correcting. Thank you for your post, I will attempt to get you started in the right direction.

    The first issue here is that your overall weight, and body fat % is very high- in fact much higher than is considered safe for AAS use. There are several physiological reasons for not cycling at higher body fat percentages- primarily that high body fat leads to increased aromatization of steroids into estrogen. Overall a higher body fat when using AAS can and does lead to hormonal imbalances and other issues.

    As far as your specific cycle, what experience do you have with AAS? cycles run in the past, are you on TRT, etc?

    It is also strongly advised that almost all cycles for men, including the cycle you have posted- need to included testosterone. The fact that you have not included testosterone in your cycle indicates that your overall knowledge of AAS, training, nutrition, is most likely not up to a level that most members on here would advise even using AAS at all.

    The bottom line here, Is your nutrition and training on point? Can you post examples of these so that we may advise?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Agree with above. Do you have a liver support? Winstrol is very hard on the liver. You have a few valid points he mentioned you should work on

  4. #4
    Your doing more damage than ever good. Gains won't last and diet isn't In check if your gaining weight. Definite **** yourself without test. No mention of taking care of your liver, she gonna hate you.

  5. #5
    To answer your questions. 60 is weak dose of var imo. I run 100 for 6 weeks. I'm bald so don't know shit about hair. What doses of pct do you plan to take? Both nova and clomid

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    I would never run two orals at the same time. I would never run a cycle without test. I would also get blood work prior to starting a cycle. Have you looked into TRT? If you are a TRT person just start your test and no need for PCT, if not yes Nova and clomid for 4 weeks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

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